posted on Nov, 24 2004 @ 12:26 AM
skychief -
thats halarious!
If they are 17 or above I think they deserve some jail time, but certainly not years, if they are above 18 then they should know that a sheet of
glass wont stop a frozen turkey, and I would give them a couple months in jail (2-3). Its not as long as some of you would but Its obvious that they
didn't plan for someone to get hurt, they probably thought that they would run over it but they threw it to late. If they are 17 (maybe 16) i would
get them tried as an adult, if they are younger then that I would not give them any jail time, however I would hope there parents do something about
it, and I would give them a LOT of comunity service hours (hundreds), and have them (or there parents) foot the bill, of ALL the damages and
Its easy to be very strict, but I (if I was the judge) would try and put my self in there shoes, and it becomes obvious they meant no physical
Once I through a juicy tomato off the bridge at an on coming car, it splattered into there window, I kept on driving but I was watching the car and
they hit there brakes afterward, I though (and still do) that it was funny. But there is a huge difference of a juicy tomato compared to a FROZEN
none the less Turkey.