reply to post by Rtardx
My friend, there is no one true Religion, all of them are, as another poster said, different paths to the same goal, and the differences mainly exist
simply to cater to particular social and cultural bents of specific groups. For instance, if you want to bring someone to love of music, then for
people like goths, you might use death metal, for hippies the grateful dead etc etc for barbie girls katie perry, but the end goal is the same: love
of music, so the different paths to that goal are only different with respect to what group they are aiming at, and that is why different people have
given slightly altered maps up the mountain to God, because not everyone starts from the same point, with the same view of the mountain and with the
same obstacles to overcome on the way up. Now, saying that, I must point out that all religions are in some way or another, imitations, recreations,
and spiritual children of Advaita Vedanta/Sanatana Dharma (commonly known as hinduism or vaisnavism, although this modern pantheistic worshipping of
carven idols hinduism is NOT NOT NOT what I mean, nor what the original proprietors of this system intended - as is usually the case with religions)
Advaita Vedanta means: Ved - knowledge - Anta - end of - A - not - Dvaita - two. So it means: The end/climax of all knowledge is that there is not
two, but one. And this is the ultimate truth.. now
A previous poster said this:
"Don't go for any pre-packaged belief system. Be original. Do you own thinking. Take in everything you can and make up your own mind. That's what
it means to be Enlightened. It means thinking for yourself and having the courage and integrity to stand by those ideas as well as being accountable
for them."
First of all Enlightenment does not mean this, no. Enlightenment means to be en-lightened, made lighter, to have the weight of the misery of the world
and life lifted from you, and to do this you must realize through personal experience, the truth that there is no seperateness, no division. Now this
realization cannot come from A) Sutamaya Panna (Wisdom from hearing and reading) Neither can it come from B) Cintamaya Pannna (Wisdom from
understanding on an intellectual level) that is why you have sought and sought endlessly and never found, because the lifting of the weight of misery
can only come from the third part of wisdom (or Panna as the Buddha called it) C) Bhavanamaya Panna (Wisdom from personal experience) And so for the
moment it doesnt matter what the ultimate truth is, because you are not in a position to directly experience it, and so it is not the truth for you.
The path of Bhavanamaya Panna must go from moment to moment as the immediate truth as experienced by the psychosomatic phenomena you call 'me' and
that truth may even be something so simple as 'I'm cold right now' but the more you do two things the more you come closer to experiencing that
unity of experience called Advaita Vedanta, and those two things are 1 Be aware, now you cannot force awareness you cannot create imaginary awareness
out of the mind, just simply be aware as often as you can of all that you experience as the direct truth relating to you in each given moment, and the
first is meaningless without the second: 2 Remain in equanimity with all that you experience, neither liking this nor disliking that, knowing that
nothing but That Advaita Vedanta is truly eternal, and therefore to react with pleasure or dislike to any impermanent phenomena is simply foolish
because it will dissipate just as surely as it arises, day night day night hot cold hot cold. Simply observe, simply observe and dont react with
either like or dislike, Aware. Equanimous. This is the path to en-lighten-ment.
Now, Sanatana Dharma is slightly different, Dharma means Law, Truth, Nature and sometimes Religion, and Sanatana means Eternal, so Sanatana Dharma is
The Eternal Law or The Eternal Nature, and as opposed to being one organized religion, it encompasses all religious teachings that can be seen to be
eternal laws, and this includes science as well. I will use the example of karma. Karma is often understood as, do good things and good things happen
and vice versa, while this is true, its not exactly what karma is, karma is simply the law that each action has a resultant effect which equals the
first action in propensity or momentum or strength. This has been explained by the Buddha, By the ancient indian traditions and also by Jesus 'Do
unto others as you would have them do unto yourself' It was also noticed by Isaac Newton as the third law of motion, each action has an equal (in
nature) and opposite (in momentum) reaction. Now obviously its not possible that the Buddha, Jesus, The ancient Brahmins and Isaac Newton had contact
with each other to discuss this point, so we must infer that through personal experience (Bhavanamaya Panna) each of these men, from vastly different
cultural and religious backgrounds, noticed this to be an eternal law of the universe, and therefore it qualifies as Sanatana Dharma.
There is not one true religion, but all religions are the children of ancient Hinduism (Branching into Sikhism Jainism and Buddhism and the million
and one modern denominations of Hinduism) There is one ultimate truth: that there is only ONE, there is no seperateness or division between entities,
that ONE is the substance and essence of consciousness, fully aware and is awareness itself and remains wholly in equanimity to the universe, neither
favouring this nor hating that, therefore by practicing the twin principles of Awareness and Equanimity one may gradually approach Godhead and the
more you progress along that path of personal experiences the more those experiences lift the misery of ignorance from you and you become lighter and
lighter until you are en-lighten-ed and full of joy. There is no hatred by that Ultimate Consciousness of those who sin or those who do not follow the
path. It is simply that by acting in accordance with the fact that there is no seperateness (and therefore knowing that what you do for another you do
for yourself) will bring us to happiness, and acting against that law will bring us misery, this is why all the religions say do not kill do not steal
etc, there is no punishment in eternal hell by some judgemental God. You get the punishment the second you go against unity, because when you kill,
you kill yourself, when you steal, you steal from yourself etc.
Do not despair at your conditions my friend, for that is not a state of equanimity. By despairing that you cant find ultimate truth you are actually
forfeiting ultimate truth. Remain in a state of equanimous joy, a joy regardless of all changing corporeal phenomena. And remain aware of these
phenomena as long as they last, for how else can you keep yourself in check that you are remaining equanimous.
I urge you to read the Bhagavad Gita, The Srimad Bhagavatam, The Yoga Sutras (Satchidananda edition) And Meher Baba's Discourses. But again, reading
these books will only come under the first two sections of Wisdom/Panna (pronounced panya) Sutamaya and Cintamaya. While these two are valuable in
their own right, they can become a hindrance and must be backed up with personal experience of the truths pertaining to you at each given moment,
again, that truth may even be 'right now i am reading about truths which i do not yet have the capacity to experience' but that is the truth of THAT
moment for YOU. I would say that if you are ready to become a bum and go wandering looking for the ultimate truth, then you would be perfectly
prepared to give up 10 days of your life for some Bhavanamaya Panna? If so then I really would recommend you take a 10 day Vipassana Meditation course
with S.N Goenka. The retreats are at locations all over the globe, completely free, it is a non-profit organization, entirely non-sectarian simply
dedicated to teaching you the method of Vipassana Meditation (The Buddha's technique, and I will say, while I am technically Hindu, I do think that
this is the only real and genuine form of meditation, or at least the most potent) The courses are hard work, but no more hard work than becoming a
travelling hobo. Here's a link to the international site:
Oh and before you start thinking I'm in some way related to these courses and trying to push it on people, thats not true, I'm just a 19 year old
guy from scotland who found himself in a very similar position to you, and in a a very similar fashion to this, someone let me know about these
courses, and being interested in meditation i thought 'Hey, why not' Having completed a course I feel like i have found the missing piece of the
puzzle that i have been searching for for so many years. And this is a perfect way to get some direct experience of true spirituality.
Much love my friend and I sincerely hope you find your way
Hari Krishna!