posted on Nov, 23 2004 @ 07:42 PM
I know that most forums dislike a new member creating a new thread on their first post, but I feel compelled to know. I live in a town called
Lancater, California. In this town there is a street which is called 30th street west. It acts a sort of backroads equivalent to freeway. I live
off of 30th street and my school looks out on to it. Normally it is quite calm and peaceful with most of the traffic being SUVs and compacts. Not
today. Today there was an extensive, and I mean extensive number of dirt carrying trucks(you know, the semis with a large V shaped dirt holders.
Two of them. They can have a tarp placed over the dirt/rock holders.) Anyways, today I must have seen at least 12 trucks traveling south in a 15
minute period while I was heading North on 30th. And then going south(I had forgotten a book at home and had to go get it) I saw another 8 trucks.
Between classes another 12 trucks were observed heading in both directions. After school ended, 6 more. This seems to be very abnormal even if the
street is unpopular for trucks. In the morning, the trucks heading south had tarps covering their payload. the next two times though, some trucks
had tarps and some didn't. The trucks heading North sounded heavier though. I am merely wonderiong if anyone has heard anything about this, or if
there are any theories on what they could be here for. I thank everyone in advance for their help.