posted on Nov, 19 2014 @ 03:25 AM
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Totally agree! although not sure about Rock music hahah, yeah it should be pretty sweet over Christmas too it will make prepping the loads of food I
have too do on Christmas day way easier too! so that timing worked pretty well !
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That's cool you got too move to different countries!!! We always stuck around the same kind of area's all the time which was good but a lot of the
time it still meant a school change.
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Hahahaha chickencicles! That is totally insane! wow! it must be absolutely freezing there! literally!!! Must be so cool getting fresh eggs all the
time too, I hate how much we have too pay for eggs! I only buy free range with independent free range certification, because a lot can say free range
and that just means they are all crammed in too sheds not cages its amazing the lies these companies get away with but only like $2 more and I can get
ones I know are legit. Soo anyways that's my rant out the way for the day haha!
Wow that's a lot of moving, I haven't actually sat and counted how many times I had moved in primary school, would be almost up around your number
though! its nice you had a sister though so if you started a new school was she there too? the hardest thing for me was making friends, it still is a
hard thing for me lol, im pretty shy, but would have been cool too have your sister too hang around on the first day etc.