posted on Dec, 29 2014 @ 04:08 AM
Morning all. Yes it is. Morning I mean. Whether it is a good one or not remains to be seen.
I managed to get some sleep eventually at around 7 am this morning.
It is Monday and I got a parcel delivery of my own Christmas present to me.
I am lovely and warm and making a huge impact on my school marking workload. The books are rapidly moving from the 'still to do' pile to the
'done' pile.
I don't have cloths tied to my knees (see "bad" below)
The BAD:
I have caught a nasty cold and am feeling feak and weeble. I can sympathise with Mrs C, Cody, but at least I don't have floor cloths tied to my
knees. Hang on, that should go under good. ETA see "good" above.
The ugly:
Eurch! I didn't know one person could produce so much snot.
Red nose to rival Rudolph and Santa is not even interested. He said to wait another 359 days before contacting him again.