yes NOW we do know for
Constantine as a phonician chose the cross
he was a phonecian he would have known what it was
i illustrated that the tool in mithras hands is the instrument a RULER, and the root word of his name is the same root word as the word miter and as
in the popes is pretty obvious and all the mumbo jumbo versions of the story do not add up in the real world...aliens...gods...
all there is is a boogeyman story to keep the sheeps in be fleeced
the story of how he chose that symbol appears to be a deliberate attempt to bury the real history of the cross
and to give a divine right to rule
i have shown this divine right is a fraud...
because the symbolism still exists for exampla as old glory, which was derived from Gen'l PGT Beauregards catholic masonic knights templar personal
Beauregard was an engineer. not a religious figure,further indicating the true use of the cross
there won't be any catholic documents that undermine the vatican bank
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you see my cross in the sky there in my av
lol...when i think of all the dead indigenous peoples around the world who lost thier cross symbols anf their gold and thier lives
where did that gold go...yeah
i wonder why not too many people use charlie mansons documents to reference in a debate?
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