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COREXIT - Shocking Human POISON levels in LATEST gulf tests.

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posted on Jan, 14 2011 @ 05:32 PM
reply to post by curious7
I do try.

I see the Lady Congresswoman is of the "Jewish" faith?
Why am I again, not surprised.

posted on Jan, 14 2011 @ 06:21 PM

Originally posted by aoi3610
reply to post by PhantomLimb
This is only an issue if you doubt the results.

Which is exactly what a court would do. They would DOUBT the results. Jesus Christ! You can't test 5 people and expect the general public to believe it or a Federal Court for that matter!! There are over 45 million people that live in all the Gulf States combined and it's expected population by 2025 is over 60 million. This means that those five people account for less than one percent of the population there. That's an extremely small number. They would have to test thousands of people and get the same results to have it hold up in court.

By the way, you need to practice on your reading comprehension because I clearly stated that this was a good start for them.
edit on 1/14/2011 by PhantomLimb because: (no reason given)

edit on 1/14/2011 by PhantomLimb because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 14 2011 @ 06:45 PM
I am not a CHEMIST, a bit of study but nothing special, however I have an intuitive way of looking at things.

I used Wikipedia to work up the following.

I look at the makeup of Corexit, specifically the 9527 variety, this is what I see.

2-Butoxyethanol - (Ethylene Glycol) Organic Solvent, (Anti-Freeze) - Toxic.
Propylene Glycol - Oil based Solvent, mixes with water at any ratio
Organic Sulfonate - Suplhur Based Organic Acid

OK, if you've read my thread you'll understand my thinking, "what would I have done if I were TPTB".

They have an Amino Acid, Sulphur Based, I look at Taurine, It's in Bile, in you, it's capable of eating oil.

They mix the "Oil" in the water from the spill with the propylene Glycol, they attract each other, the Ethylene Glycol is the catalyst for the sulfonate to convert the BP oil, into MORE Ethylene Glycol.

A substance, quite possibly alive, that converts OIL into ANTI-FREEZE.

I notice much the same list of "ingredients" in the 9500 variety.

How many gallons of OIL got into the OCEAN???

I am going to see what the test is for Ethylene Glycol in water.

ANTI-FREEZE is Poisonous. Doh
Fatal at 1.4-1.6ml/kg

Death can occur with only 30ml in an Adult? WOW


Intoxication, Nausia, Vomitting

leading to

Tachycardia & Hypertension
Organ Failure

Just a thought?

posted on Jan, 14 2011 @ 06:49 PM
reply to post by PhantomLimb
Calm Down. I mean no disrespect, but you do not understand I think.

Please have a look at who controls YOUR country. (i'm assuming you are an American Citizen here)

YOU are NEVER going to see this in COURT in time.


Whilst you are waiting for the Court, millions of people are going to be getting ILL, then worse.

It IS already happening.

posted on Jan, 14 2011 @ 07:11 PM

Originally posted by aoi3610
How many gallons of OIL got into the OCEAN???

According to the Associated Press - between 94 and 184 million gallons. Also, in late November over 4000 square miles were re-closed to shrimping because fisherman were finding tar balls in their nets.

posted on Jan, 14 2011 @ 07:21 PM
reply to post by StlSteve



100 times the Corexit.

I wonder what ratio it makes Ethylene Glycol at.!

Hope it's not 100 to 1!!

Were F****D.

posted on Jan, 14 2011 @ 07:30 PM
I question why do we not hear from the families of the sick? Surely some on ATS must have an affected friend or family member that is sick due to the Corexit? Are they telling them its not BP or Corexit related illness? Where are the residents of the gulf, are they keeping them so busy trying to hang on (depopulation) that they can't reply? Any ideas?

posted on Jan, 14 2011 @ 07:37 PM

Originally posted by crazydaisy
I question why do we not hear from the families of the sick? Surely some on ATS must have an affected friend or family member that is sick due to the Corexit? Are they telling them its not BP or Corexit related illness? Where are the residents of the gulf, are they keeping them so busy trying to hang on (depopulation) that they can't reply? Any ideas?
that question has always been in my mind also,.
I do not doubt the severity of the chemicals they have used,.
however, I do wonder,.. where are all the sick?
Like I said earlier, this will have to get way outta hand to get any more attention.

posted on Jan, 14 2011 @ 07:44 PM
The News stories are there, you just have to look.

No one is LOOKING or NO ONE wants too.

I have been contacted since I started this thread by 1 family.

posted on Jan, 14 2011 @ 09:13 PM

Originally posted by aoi3610
reply to post by PhantomLimb
Calm Down. I mean no disrespect, but you do not understand I think.

Please have a look at who controls YOUR country. (i'm assuming you are an American Citizen here)

YOU are NEVER going to see this in COURT in time.


Whilst you are waiting for the Court, millions of people are going to be getting ILL, then worse.

It IS already happening.

Honestly, even if it did reach a court there is nothing that can be done about the Corexit in the water. Once it's there it's there.

posted on Jan, 14 2011 @ 09:21 PM
reply to post by PhantomLimb
I agree 100%.

The Court is a waste of time.

Not only from the point of Justice. Because it will NEVER come.


Also from the point of Corexit because it's already in the water.

The Court can do NOTHING, either way.

I wonder what you were hoping to happen?
The Government to fix it?

The Government built the;

FUSION Centers

and the


and has already purchased the

GRAVE liners.

posted on Jan, 14 2011 @ 09:30 PM

Originally posted by SonOfTheLawOfOne
I hope all of the members who claimed Corexit would not have an effect show up with their arguments well prepared for this one....

I recall being told by the media and skeptics shortly after the spill that Corexit was no more toxic than dish soap.

What bunch of tar-balls.

posted on Jan, 14 2011 @ 09:40 PM
This is the thing- the conundrum.
It's already done.

And the few thousand people who really, truly understand the monstrosity of
this awful truth....

Well, what can they do?

There is nothing that can be done, is there?
It is an exercise in frustration.

And there is no way that anyone will ever be held accountable in this
greedy, money driven world. There really is not a damn thing or any agency
that will ever stand up and hold anyone accountable.

It's like the movie "W" when the "Bush" character asks the "Cheney" character
what th exit strategy is for eventually leaving the Persian Gulf....

... and the "Cheney" character says coldly, "There is none."

The people who are behind the machine do not eat the fish.
They do not drink the water.
They do not rub elbows with the "great unwashed".

Hence, they couldn't care less....

Really, is there anything plausible to actually do?

edit on 14-1-2011 by thegoodearth because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 14 2011 @ 09:53 PM

Originally posted by muggl3z

Originally posted by SonOfTheLawOfOne
I hope all of the members who claimed Corexit would not have an effect show up with their arguments well prepared for this one....

I recall being told by the media and skeptics shortly after the spill that Corexit was no more toxic than dish soap.

What bunch of tar-balls.

Yeah, something so safe that all of Europe banned it because it was so poisonous.

posted on Jan, 14 2011 @ 10:19 PM
This is how I see it played out.

I went back say a couple of hundred years on each, bar lloyds, still working on it.

BP, A company with no Jewish Connection I can find purchases "Rights" from the US, achoo, Government.

They "Lease" a Rig from Transocean, A company with a Jewish background, it is Insured by Lloyds of London for $400 Million, can't see the "Jewish" background with Lloyds.
The Sub Contract the Work to another Company with Jewish Roots, Halliburton.

The Work completed by Haliburton Failed, the Rig owned by Transocean sank. Lloyds paid $400m

BP Self Insure.

BP Use, under contract Haliburton to organise the cleanup, who involve NALCO Holdings, another company with Jewish roots to supply the Corexit, that then gets pumped & sprayed into the sea.

Halliburton make Millions?
Tranocean break even?
Nalco Holdings make Millions?

BP Lose Billions?
Lloyds Lose $400m?

See a pattern emerging?

Or have I missed something.
(There is potential for Hyundai to be involved)
They Built the rig. S.Korea.

Not sure. No DEFINATE link

edit on 14-1-2011 by aoi3610 because: Addendum.

posted on Jan, 14 2011 @ 10:35 PM
reply to post by aoi3610

Oh I agree that we are screwed with this.
Also halliburton is behind the Fracking industry, Marcellus Shale and the mysterious fracking
fluid which has been exempted by the EPA from the Clean Air and Water Act by the "Halliburton Loophole",
introduced and approved while former CEO Dick Cheney was VP in 2005.

Which basically means that the components of the fracking fluid, which is forced into the
ground via a process that is done by mini earthquake, are not required to be disclosed.

People who have taken their independently collected samples of the fracking fluid that has seeped
into their water (as the crap does not all get recollected- as much as 70% can remain in the ground)
have found a witch's brew of volatile chemicals, carcinogenic agents, and known toxins. Ozone also gets released into the air, as well as tons of VOC's...

So not only is Halliburton ruining the oceans, they are ruining the freshwaters of America with their fracking.

It does, is, and will get worse.

posted on Jan, 14 2011 @ 10:36 PM
So how scary is this (excerpts from article):

Armed services are urged to stock kitchens with Gulf seafood

Published: Tuesday, December 07, 2010, 7:00 AM
Jonathan Tilove

Navy Secretary Ray Mabus , who doubles as President Barack Obama's point man on Gulf Coast oil spill recovery, is pressing America's armed services to consume as much Gulf seafood as possible.

Navy Capt. Beci Brenton said Monday that Mabus has talked with Secretary of Defense Robert Gates and the secretaries of the Air Force and Army, and his staff has talked to the Defense Commissary Agency, which operates a worldwide chain of stores for military personnel, making the point "that we should be buying Gulf Coast seafood."

In a meeting Monday with Ewell Smith, executive director of the Louisiana Seafood Promotion and Marketing Board, Mabus reaffirmed his commitment to using the tools at his disposal to help the Gulf seafood industry recover from the damage the BP oil spill has done in reality and perception. The board is gearing up for a large-scale national marketing campaign, with $30 million in BP money and millions more in federal dollars, to reassure restaurants and markets across the country that Gulf seafood is safe.

"He expressed what we wanted to hear: He is in favor of the federal government buying seafood from the Gulf," said Smith, who said he would like to see Gulf seafood as the choice throughout the public domain, "whether it's the military or prison systems or school systems ."

BP is giving the Louisiana marketing board $30 million to spend over the next three years to promote Gulf seafood , and Smith said a request for proposals from agencies that would craft the marketing campaign will be going out shortly. The Louisiana board also will be getting a share of the $15 million the Commerce Department has given to the Gulf State Marine Fisheries Commission to divide among the Louisiana board and its sister groups in the other Gulf states, including Texas.
Ralph Hode, fisheries disaster recovery coordinator for the commission, said the money will be used for direct marketing, web-based marketing, supporting testing efforts in the states to ensure the quality and safety of the seafood, and helping fishers to have their products certified by the Marine Stewardship Council as coming from a sustainable fishery. That last can be an invaluable marketing tool. Wal-mart, for example, plans to buy all of its wild-caught fresh and frozen fish from MSC-certified fisheries beginning next year.

Let's just poison everyone, including our military, schools, and for heaven's sake make sure Wal-mart only sells poisoned food!!!
edit on 14-1-2011 by be4peace because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 14 2011 @ 10:45 PM
reply to post by be4peace

The military and their dependents are always being used as guinea pigs in
this country. They are just being more "open" this time.

posted on Jan, 14 2011 @ 10:54 PM

Originally posted by Lil Drummerboy

Originally posted by crazydaisy
I question why do we not hear from the families of the sick? Surely some on ATS must have an affected friend or family member that is sick due to the Corexit? Are they telling them its not BP or Corexit related illness? Where are the residents of the gulf, are they keeping them so busy trying to hang on (depopulation) that they can't reply? Any ideas?
that question has always been in my mind also,.
I do not doubt the severity of the chemicals they have used,.
however, I do wonder,.. where are all the sick?
Like I said earlier, this will have to get way outta hand to get any more attention.

The reason for this is actually pretty simple if you really think about it...

Why wouldn't they be talking? All of the sick need medical care, that's why.

The only people offering to pay for the tens, maybe hundreds of thousands of (negotiated) medical costs are the oil companies. They make anyone who is sick sign paperwork that says A) they can't talk and B) by taking the medical care, they can never sue them for additional damages.

They really don't have much of a choice.... who else is going to help them?

Someone, I'm sure, will eventually break the silence, but not until it gets out of hand, which will take a bit longer.

edit on 14-1-2011 by SonOfTheLawOfOne because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 14 2011 @ 11:09 PM
If the waters of the Gulf of Mexico are 100% safe and risk-free from Corexit, then why doesn’t President Obama, each member of Congress, and the BP executives wade around doing backstrokes in the water for a couple of hours before eating freshly caught seafood like they would have us do?

Surely, if they were positive the waters weren’t contaminated they would have no problem doing this so that we would have the confidence to vacation to the Gulf for a quick dip and fresh fish.

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