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The city without pity - Illuminati

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posted on Nov, 12 2007 @ 07:22 PM
Ok. I come from Nanaimo, BC. It's located on Vancouver Island (supposedly has the highest rate per capita of cult mambers). Nanaimo has also been dubbed "The City without Pity".
A long time ago, a group that called themselves "free thinkers" came to Nanaimo. Another group, "Brother Twelve" also, from Nanaimo. There are two Masonic Lodges there.
The people of that town (and it is difficult to tell who is who, AT FIRST) call the Illuminati "goat guzzlers". This is in reference to sacrificial rites, involving the drinking of goats blood.
Now, my journey (the bad part anyhow) lasted almost five years there. (I resided there for about 15 years) I left there a year and a half ago... still not a night goes by that I don't think about the inherent evil in that town.
I'll add to this post bit, by bit. It's too much to write in one sitting. Too many details...I'll try to keep it short (and sweet)
Now, at first I had hear drumors about a young girl gone missing..her name Lisa Marie. Here is a link to the family's website:

Rumor has it that she was taken to ________'s house. Everyone know's WHO. I'm sure there is also proof. But, authorities there are also "brothers".
Supposedly, taken there and given the date rape drug. The boyz were just gonna have a little fun with her; shoot a porno. She was given too much of the drug, and died.
This is speculative, as a body was never located. But the citizens of Nanaimo talk as if they KNOW...Also, crystal meth use is of an epidemic proportion there. And when these guys have been up for a few days, they talk about all kinds of things. Even though they are scared... it's like drinking too much. Everybody is your best friend; chat about all kinds of things.
Anyhow, Lisa Marie's dissapearance is only an introduction.
People's heads have been found seperated from their bodies. ( I believe that part of the MASON's oath is that if they disobey the "brotherhood" , may they be beheaded and their bodies by slit vertically.)
This is how the president of the Hell's Angels (Zeek) was found...
Also, I haven't even got into my personal experience... just trying to lay some background.
Now, for whatever reason, a certain member of the HAMC seemed to think that my husband had something to do with a harley going missing. A harley he had sold to someone else; but, nonetheless took interest in his case.
I won't go into all the details...
But, over the course of the next few years, I had heard what some were saying...that my husband was a Harley theif. Not true, but beside the point. So this particular HAMC member, instead of calling him (my husband) on it, black-balled us.
I know this to be true. I had one personal girl friend, who was very close to the HA club members. She is a good lady.
Anyhow, my husband was sent to jail, by way of a raid on our house with a completely fabricated search warrant. (Another long story as to why we didn't fight it...)
While he was in jail, he had a motorcycle stolen from him. I was jailed for a night (I hadn't even been arrested before). Twice someone had broken the water pump in the pumphouse that supplied water to my house. Threatening notes left on my gate.
I also shot someone. Had to. There were people in the treed area surrounding the area. Undoubtedly, some were cops. But, not all. I have more evidence (and more stories for that story)
Me and my family were poisoned (including our little girl, about a year and a half old) and our dog died. Our dog, half wolf, hated one fellow in particular. This fellow who was kicked out of the CLUB, but if you are a mason, you are still a bro.
The dog barked and went crazy any time he was around. (Good reason to get rid of him)
This fellow also was a self acclaimed cult leader in Nanaimo. He had a large following of people. Soldiers. Not too bright. Willing to do what he wants. My space is running out,... but I will try to come back and post some more.

posted on Nov, 12 2007 @ 07:45 PM
OK. I'm back.
Now. when that first harley we had got stolen, it took a year to find it. And we did find it.
But, there was a girl at my house. She told me some stuff... I thought she was a NUT. So, my husband and I were always very busy whenever she came to call. Not too many people in town had anything good to say about her.
Here is what she told me that I thought sounded so nuts...
She said that "YES" everyone IS out to GET you and your husband. But, not to worry, that they were not organized enough to "get together". THAT would be really scary.
We lived down the road from a lake called WITCHCRAFT lake. And, there were rumors that we lived on what used to be Indian burial ground.
The girl also told me about the people of Nanaimo dancing around naked under the moonlight (no wonder I thought she was nuts) In retrospect, I think she may have been speaking figuratively.
She also told me who she thought our harley. It took almost one year. But she was exactly correct. We found it on the guys property. That guy denies taking it. (of course) But, I do not think he acted alone. When I think back, I KNOW it was a collaborative effort.
The girl also told me that no matter what, my husband and I should always appear as a united front. No matter if we were angry with each other.
She also said that where we were (in that house) was the safest place to be. In retrospect, I suspect it was because we had a complete view of the town below, which would also mean that if you had a really good telescope ANYONE would have a good view of us. (witnesses I guess, to anything terrible)
Now, I told you earlier about the cult leader. He in fact, SEEMED very nice. VERY well mannered. And I not being one to believe everything I hear, thought he seemed all right. And being victims of gossip ourselves, did not put much weight in the stories I had heard.
One day, I had to gone to visit a long time friend of this man's. And, in a haphazard way I asked her... "I heard _____ had his own cult" She just looked at me. I was uncomfortable. So, I added, "Well, one man's cult is another man's religion"
She said, "let me put it to you this way... HE is like the pied piper of Hamlin"
WTF was that supposed to mean? I quickly changed the subject. Then left.
Now, this guy comes to my house, when my husband is not around. I do not fear him personally. He is much to smart to just come over and do anything stupid. And he knows I am armed (everyone in town knows: shooting someone gives you a reputation, you know) and not afraid to shoot. Also, whenever he came around I always made sure that I called some one and said. "oh, yeah. Come on over... Just me and ______ sitting here"
Anyhow, he comes over and asks to borrow a large air compressor from the garage. My husband, in denial at the time,l really likes _____.
I told him, "sure! Go ahead anything you want _____ "
Within three weeks we had a FULL BLOWN rat problem in a house that was less than five years old. The rats though, were only in the furnace heating ducts. And could be gotten to from the garage.... (Pied Piper? Maybe)
LOTS More later...

posted on Nov, 12 2007 @ 08:23 PM
reply to post by devilhisself

People's heads have been found seperated from their bodies. ( I believe that part of the MASON's oath is that if they disobey the "brotherhood" ,

Why do you believe this? Thats a pretty significant piece of information to know.

may they be beheaded and their bodies by slit vertically.)

This doesn't make any sense to me.. whats do you mean by 'vertically'.. how can you cut off somone's head without slitting their necks horizontally? please clarify.

This is how the president of the Hell's Angels (Zeek) was found...

So are you saying The hells Angels are part of the illuminati? How do you know he/they just didn't piss them off by say.. raping and filming and killing one of their daughters? [even though you admit that thats story is only a rumour you heared].
So.. who did you shoot? Why exactly?
What were you, your family and you half wolf dog poisoned with? You have made alot of accusations yet no evidence to back them up.
The pide piper and rats? motor cycle gangs? secret societies and ritual killings.. goatblood drinking? Your house is buried on an indian burial ground next to 'witchcraft lake'? highest population of cult members in that town? Should stephen king start worrying about copyright?

just a tad skeptical..

posted on Nov, 12 2007 @ 08:43 PM
Yes! I think it would make a WONDERFUL book. But, hey I'm not nearly finished. And why does the truth upset you so much. WHAT a reaction! I'm impressed.
Now. What i'm telling you are things that HAPPENED to me. You can interpret whatever you want.
Now, after that guys harley went missing and my hausband went to jail, a good friend of ours DAN BARRIGAN says to me one night... "be careful. There's somethin' goin'on..." I says "What do you mean?" He says "just be careful... there's somethin' goin'on" He just looked away... we could here someone coming.
Two days later Dan was shot in the back of the head. The shooter, is the son of a MASON. He was released on bail until his court appearance later. Then sentenced to TWO years for MURDER. That IS a fact.
In answer to your question, we were poisoned with a chemical found in the developing of film... the details are unimportant.
Our excrement was WHITE.
Also, I have to add, I'm not telling this story to get into an argumant. I'm telling it because it needs to be told.
It doesn't matter whether or not the hells angels are illuminati. What is important is that the freaks in Nanaimo, BELIEVE it to be true.
They believe. They are scared. They do what they are told.
I lived there. I KNOW. YOU, my non-friend, did not.
And, I am only telling you what some of the rumors are, so as to give you the background to MY story.
Also. Their necks cut-OFF AND their BODIES CUT VERTICALLY, makes perfect sense to me. What part don't you understand?
Did YOU take that OATH?
The girl that was never found was not the daughter of a hells angel. If you look at my first post, there is a link to the girl's familt's website. Look again. And read it. They talked about a jaguar. I'll go into THAT later.
This is only the tip of the iceberg, dude. My biggest fear is that I will be tracked down by some freak by posting this stuff on this website. But, I don't care anymore... I have panic attacks all the time. My mom thinks I have post taumatic stress....
Anyhow, you've gotten me off track. AND pissed-off. The fact is, I've got NOTHING to gain by telling this story, and a lot to lose. So why don't you go badger someone else?
Maybe I will go post somewhere else....

posted on Nov, 12 2007 @ 08:47 PM
I DO have one more thing to say. There are facts over a four year period of time. Action packed, everyday. Too many details for this forum. There are witnesses, proof.. So, what. What do you think can be done about it? Nothing. I'll use this venue to blow off some steam. You can believe or not believe. Of course, I'm sure it is EASIER to believe that I am a nut, just making this S__T up. And, hey! It's probably SAFER for me, if that's what you choose to believe.
So, whatever.
Have the kind of life you all deserve
signing off!

posted on Nov, 12 2007 @ 08:59 PM
Sorry. I just had to add...
i had a second harley stolen from me. Husband was in jail. And because I reported it stolen, I was woken up one night (baby beside me) to having my nose broken with a motorcycle helmet, My hand broken befor I woke up.
No, there is NO benefit to me making this stuff up. My house burned down, too. More details. Do you want proof that my house burned down too?
If you give you proof, I give away my identity. I am not that foolish. For now, I AM just a RAVING LUNATIC!
SAFER that way!
There is so much more to tell, but, I don't feel very welcome here anymore.

posted on Nov, 12 2007 @ 09:04 PM
reply to post by riley

By the way. The story about the girl is NO rumor. If you wanted to let me finish...
The girl really did dissappear.
TWO of the people who were there, brag about. One of them has been dubbed "the clean up girl" for her participation.
She is the one who poisoned us. She pretended her daughter was ill. My oldest daughter, in fact, witnessed her beat the snot out of her until she puked.
Go to the cops? No way, would I put my own daughter through that. Nothing would change anyhow. GUARANTEE it.
Walk a mile in my shoes, buddy. See how YOU like it.

posted on Nov, 12 2007 @ 09:05 PM

Originally posted by devilhisself
Sorry. I just had to add...
i had a second harley stolen from me. Husband was in jail.

Wouldn't that make you "the Devil herself?"

Just wondering.

posted on Nov, 12 2007 @ 09:09 PM
reply to post by Mirthful Me

Well, golly! You are correct. I guess the SECRET is out! So much for protecting my identity...

Here's a little poem I wrote. Since you guys seem to just want to be entertained:

All is fair, in love and war,
But, I'm sooo tired, can't take much more.
Now, some of you have said, I deserved what I got.
Most would say, I most certainly did not!
All I really wanted was the return of my man's hawg,
That guy, who took it; his head is in a fog,
He has come up, with some SORT kind of a notion,
And, I'm just gonna TAKE IT DRY; PASS on the lotion,
What, he says, (and I guess this is his belief),
Is that the Ol' man, and I, is some kind of a thief,
As far from the truth as THAT GUY could possibly be,
It was HIS own pals that stung him,while HE was in PC!
For some reason, it must be easier to believe,
That the Ol' man and I had his things up our sleeve,
Really, though, don't know what I'd do,
With one more RED TOOL BOX, let alone TWO!
The Ol' man, was asked, by THE GUYS friends and family,
HE had been jailed; PLEASE give HIS things sanctuary,
HIS dad, he had given the Ol' man, HIS keys,
To all HE owned; truck, house and gate, you see,
My Ol' man sweated and toiled; a week moving HIS stuff,
Meanwhile, I just gave the Ol' man a whole lot of guff,
My man, he was sure he was doing the right thing,
Even though I just kept calling him a ding-a-ling.
Now, this guy's best friend, a real "thorn-ette" in my side,
Starts showin'up,taking HIS things and then,later lied,
So, when HE was freed; just believed what he was told,
Like a good little sheep, in a good little fold.
He had grabbed up his girl, (her name insignificant)
Came from behind; they thought they were magnificent!
While I was sleeping, my little babe along side,
And wearing her helmet, her face she could hide,
Broke my finger, she did. Quickly! First thing!
HE broke my face, using his helmet, made my nose sing!
All the while, they said, how I was the "fall-down"
I'll keep that in mind,..pretty sure they left town.

posted on Nov, 12 2007 @ 09:11 PM

Originally posted by devilhisself
Yes! I think it would make a WONDERFUL book. But, hey I'm not nearly finished. And why does the truth upset you so much. WHAT a reaction! I'm impressed.

Please understand, this is a pretty wild story/event/retelling. We question what we do not know. Have ya been here before this thread was started? So far, you're pissed off by the first person who asks questions. THAT isn't a good sign. What is your reason for coming here and telling your accounts? Blind acceptance? Sorry, can't help you. We question to learn more. It's what we do.

I'm sure it is EASIER to believe that I am a nut, just making this S__T up.

Do you realize, more hoaxers than not-that get proven to be hoaxers-have said this VERY thing?

I'm not saying you're a hoaxer, or a troll, or anything except you are ignorant to the minds and deductive reasoning we employ at ATS.
Don't try to convince us it's easier to see you as a nut, we KNOW nuts, and what you are telling us is NOT "over the top" in many of our eyes. But we are willing to listen as long as you're truthful and coherant in your posts.
Tell your story. And one at a time. It's kinda hard to follow because you're so exited to tell it, that you seem to jump from incident to incident all "willy-nilly".

Welcome to ATS devilhisself, relax, take a deep breath...and read this:

Index of Important Website Related Threads *Read First*

It'll explain a LOT!

Here to help!

posted on Nov, 12 2007 @ 09:13 PM
Uhh... Are you sure this wasn't out of a movie you saw?
When it comes down to the bottom line, why dont you get the hell out of the area. Forget everything else, protect YOURSELF!

[edit on 12-11-2007 by mousmonke]

posted on Nov, 12 2007 @ 09:15 PM
I am just wondering, though. Am I in the wrong forum? Is this not where I should be posting? I'm so sorry. I thought this was about secret societies and stuff. I haven't even gotten to the good stuff...
What's going on here? I can't believe I got the guts to tell my story, and you have the ballz to actually trivialize these gross atrocities with "doesn't that make you the devil hersself" God damn! I'm surprised and appalled. Why don't one of you guys tell a tragic story, so I can laugh my *snip* ass off!
Sounds pretty juvenile doesn't it.
Like I said,
Have the kind of lives you all deserve.

Mod Edit: Profanity/Circumvention Of Censors – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 12-11-2007 by 12m8keall2c]

posted on Nov, 12 2007 @ 09:19 PM
reply to post by mousmonke

No. No movie. I moved out of the area a year and a half ago.
I'm wondering... if you guys believe in secret societies and evil among them. It's funny you guys are so quick to disbelieve what I'm telling you.
Tell me this. What do I have to gain?
A movie contract? DEAD?
Why would I make this # up?
Think about it.
So you guys are PRO-MASON then?
I AM in the wrong room.

posted on Nov, 12 2007 @ 09:22 PM
reply to post by Cuhail

I cannot stop crying now. Thank-you for the advice. You are right. a LOT ON MY MIND. i'M GOING TO TAKE A BREAK. i'LL STOP BACK TOMORROW.

posted on Nov, 12 2007 @ 09:28 PM

Originally posted by devilhisself
Yes! I think it would make a WONDERFUL book. But, hey I'm not nearly finished. And why does the truth upset you so much. WHAT a reaction! I'm impressed.

Not upset.. just annoyed that you posted alot of wild accusations and have now expected us to consider them as fact or true based on your say so.. and now you accuse me of being upset because you've posted 'truth'? Did you consider the more logical possibilty that I'm annoyed that you might be just posting gossip? I really respect ATS's goal of denying ignorance.. yet you have provided no proof.

Now. What i'm telling you are things that HAPPENED to me.

Actually most of the things you said you admitted didn't happen to you personally and were just rumour. Is it your asssertion that the hells angels definently kidnapped and murdered that girl?

Now, after that guys harley went missing and my hausband went to jail, a good friend of ours DAN BARRIGAN says to me one night... "be careful. There's somethin' goin'on..." I says "What do you mean?" He says "just be careful... there's somethin' goin'on" He just looked away... we could here someone coming.
Two days later Dan was shot in the back of the head. The shooter, is the son of a MASON.

So have you got any links? News stories? Death notices? Maybe the son had his own personal motive unrelated to the masons.

He was released on bail until his court appearance later. Then sentenced to TWO years for MURDER. That IS a fact.

If it's fact.. well it could also be a gangland killing.

In answer to your question, we were poisoned with a chemical found in the developing of film... the details are unimportant.

Well.. considering that you've accused the illumnati of trying to kill you I think the details are extreamily important.
What. don't you KNOW the name of the poison that nearly killed you?

Our excrement was WHITE.

..and that right there would allow us to research this type of poisoning and figure out if the symptoms are consistent. Honestly.. if you answered this it would lend you alot more credibilty.

Also, I have to add, I'm not telling this story to get into an argumant. I'm telling it because it needs to be told.

Thats fair enough.. I understand that yet much of what you said is still unsubstantiated.

It doesn't matter whether or not the hells angels are illuminati.

Well.. if you are going to publically accuse them of kidnapping, rape, porography and murder.. and then link them to a secret society [in effect accusing them of the same crime] it kind of does.
In Aus the hells angels to alot of charity work and have a good rep. If you are going to destroy it the least you could do is provide evidence.

I lived there. I KNOW. YOU, my non-friend, did not.

Which is exactly why I'm not about to just take your word for it. If I actually lived there I would have first hand experience.. not gossip.

And, I am only telling you what some of the rumors are, so as to give you the background to MY story.

..but you said it was 'truth'.
Telling your story is fine.. but you've called the rumours truth as well which could be considered slander.

Also. Their necks cut-OFF AND their BODIES CUT VERTICALLY, makes perfect sense to me. What part don't you understand? decapitate someone vertically is not possible as it would involve sawing through their skull.. and doing that would not be cutting their head off.. it would be cutting their heads in half.
Thanks for being more specific.

Did YOU take that OATH?

Is that a real question?

The girl that was never found was not the daughter of a hells angel. If you look at my first post, there is a link to the girl's familt's website. Look again. And read it.

I was suggesting that maybe an illuminati's daughter fell victim to the rape/murder scenario.. I wasn't saying it was the same girl. I was offering an alternative motive other than 'betraying his own kind'.

They talked about a jaguar. I'll go into THAT later.
This is only the tip of the iceberg, dude. My biggest fear is that I will be tracked down by some freak by posting this stuff on this website. But, I don't care anymore... I have panic attacks all the time. My mom thinks I have post taumatic stress....

Sounds like perhaps you may has suffered from stress and if this is the case I hope things get better. Does your mum know whats been going on? What does she think of it all? Are you seeking treatment?

Anyhow, you've gotten me off track.

Not really. I asked you to clarify some things about your story.. I didn't change the subject.

[edit on 12-11-2007 by riley]

posted on Nov, 12 2007 @ 09:59 PM

Originally posted by devilhisself
reply to post by riley

By the way. The story about the girl is NO rumor. If you wanted to let me finish...
The girl really did dissappear.

I really wish you would keep your story straight.

Originally posted by devilhisself
Now, at first I had hear drumors about a young girl gone missing..her name Lisa Marie. Here is a link to the family's website:

Rumor has it that she was taken to ________'s house. Everyone know's WHO. I'm sure there is also proof. But, authorities there are also "brothers".
Supposedly, taken there and given the date rape drug. The boyz were just gonna have a little fun with her; shoot a porno. She was given too much of the drug, and died.
This is speculative, as a body was never located. But the citizens of Nanaimo talk as if they KNOW...

..I've emphasised where you've already admitted to NOT having first hand knowledge of these events.

Yet now you STILL expect us to believe you despite the fact that you've completly contradicted yourself:

TWO of the people who were there, brag about. One of them has been dubbed "the clean up girl" for her participation.

Thats strange.. you have ONLY mentioned "brothers" and "boyz" up until this point.

She is the one who poisoned us.

With what? Why? If it's pointless going to the cops it would be pointless trying to poison you to shut you up.

She pretended her daughter was ill.

..and what part of the story is this relevent to? What did she pretend her daughter was ill for?

My oldest daughter, in fact, witnessed her beat the snot out of her until she puked.

Beat the snot out of the missing girl? Er.. what on earth was your daughter doing at a rape/murder scene? Or was this incident unrelated? If it is that means the 'clean up' girl thing is just rumour as well.

Go to the cops? No way, would I put my own daughter through that.

Yet you've accused all these people of being part of a vast coverup.. and in the space of a couple of posts you've gone from only knowing of 'rumours' to adamently defending your 'knowledge' by having a daughter who personally witnessed these events.. :shk:

[edit on 12-11-2007 by riley]

posted on Nov, 12 2007 @ 10:16 PM
"I also shot someone. Had to."


so how are you different from "them" when you get right down to it ?

justified violence is a slippery slope

one persons "had to" is another persons murder

posted on Nov, 12 2007 @ 10:19 PM
Oh for goodness sake. riley, can ya ease up a bit? Your being a bit overwhelming for me, much less a brand new member. Don't scare 'em away before they get their story out.
Please read my signiture and relax on her a bit.
YOU were new once too.


posted on Nov, 12 2007 @ 10:23 PM
reply to post by Cuhail

Sorry, Cuhail. I'm voting the "United Front against Hoaxing" ticket along with many of my colleagues and you may just have to run as an independent.

Dear Original Poster:

Please back up your story with something that we don't have to take your word for! Otherwise save us both a load of grief (I won't abuse you but I guarantee other posters will) and post about something you can back up!

posted on Nov, 12 2007 @ 10:45 PM

Originally posted by Cuhail

Oh for goodness sake. riley, can ya ease up a bit? Your being a bit overwhelming for me, much less a brand new member.

In fact I was quite respectful at first and am still trying to be.. I just asked some very logical questiions and, instead of a answering them.. he freaked out crying victim and even asked If I was every involved in a ritual killings and suggested that I [as in any one who questions him/her] are pro-mason and are involved in evil secret societies.

Then he came back claiming to have a daughter who was possibly witnessed to this rape murder [or at least knows something].. yet he still has the audacity to post a link to the victims family website to back up his claims?!! Disgraceful!
Somehow I doubt that he's told the family what he 'knows'.. and if this isn't attention seeking and he is telling the truth thats even worse as that would make him an accomplice as he's already admitted not going to the police to protect his daughter. I'm pretty sure witholding information on such a crime would be illegal.

..and he shot someone. Yes.. I must seem really overwhelming to him.

[edit on 12-11-2007 by riley]

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