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Silent Weapons

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posted on May, 15 2024 @ 10:09 PM

originally posted by: Flyingclaydisk
a reply to: DronesandUFOs

Well, doom porn aside, the good news is...these types of weapons are easy to detect, identify and locate.

If, in the future, these types of weapons become more common, then the equipment to regularly scan for such things will just be a natural evolution in gathering places. What has made them stealthy in the past was just the fact no one was looking for them, not that they were truly 'stealthy'. Going forward, the only thing which might keep the one-off weapon hidden will be by changing which are of the spectrum it operates in, but this too is easily defeated.

So, not a lot to worry about here from my perspective.

However, as a couple of other posters have pointed out, strong EMF on the other hand, may be something to be more concerned about as long term studies about extended exposure have not really been conducted in detail.

problem is if they are detected and you are not inside in a heavy duty grounded Faraday cage its already too late.

The word around the cooler is that this weapon is space based.

In cuba they added EM shielding inside the walls and windows

posted on May, 15 2024 @ 10:46 PM
a reply to: DronesandUFOs

Well, not exactly. Many of the most harmful DEW's take a while (i.e. days, weeks, and months) to do permanent or long term damage. They need to be able to operate in small bursts over long intervals of time so people can't really realize they are there.

The other thing about directed energy weapons is, they have to be used against the same group of people over long periods of time. Again, for these weapons to create any lasting damage. This is known in the industry as victims with long "dwell" times at the same location.

Conversely, if higher energy / shorter duration weapons are used, they leave easily understandable signatures behind after their use as evidence. This is never done. Specifically, I am referring to telltale signatures like burns, mechanical damage and/or surface anomalies which are left behind.

Additionally, the use of weapons such as thermal, spectral, or ultra/sub-sonic weapons is not a long distance endeavor, and in order for people to react, or succumb, to weapons like this the signal strength must be strong which translates into short distance. Yes, some of these can be used over longer distances, but the power requirements to generate these signals becomes exponentially greater to the point were the logistics of employing something like these becomes impractical.

Plus, as noted earlier by myself, these weapons are fairly easy to detect with basic detection equipment which is readily available. What has allowed these things to remain hidden in the past is simply the fact that no one was actively looking for one. There are both large area and wearable 'dosimeter' type monitoring devices (similar to those worn in nuclear work) which are easily able to detect unhealthy levels of any of these technologies, and these devices are not new. These devices remove the person from the affected area preventing long-term exposure; then it is just a simple matter to find the source, and this is also easily done.

Bottom line, these types of weapons have been around in various forms of development since the turn of the 20th century well over 100 years ago. And, as also noted previously, their 'stealth' is really only a function of the fact that they are rarely widely used and therefore people are not looking for them.

As to your assertion about Faraday cages and grounding, etc.; technologies such as these may protect from selected electromagnetic type devices, but it does nothing to defend against sonic and/or spectral type devices as these are in an area of the spectrum unaffected by something like a Faraday cage. However, there are much easier and less involved ways to detect and remove personnel from affected areas before any longer term damage is done.

edit on 5/15/2024 by Flyingclaydisk because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 17 2024 @ 04:34 PM
a reply to: Flyingclaydisk

a neutral partial beam, microwaves or infrasound even a pico second pulsed laser will mess you up big time and than you have to hope the burocracy gets the testing and shielding up intime before damage is done and clearly that is not the case as there are 100's of effected government workers

the staff in Cuba complained of hearing odd beeps and alarm clock noises coming for the middle of the air

depending on the system you can activate the audio centers of the human brain and make you hear things

there is and Air Forse(US) called vision for 2020

here is a link that is super intrestinmg from the AF them selfs

here is one called

An Air Force Strategic Vision for 2020-2030

we live in a new battle field where the shots are silent and still science fiction to most people

posted on May, 17 2024 @ 10:30 PM
I can only share a personal anecdote here about my twenty five year experience of dealing with the full spectrum assault of experiencing clinically diagnosed Schizophrenia in the American Landscape as well as having met several other individuals in passing with similar stories of electonic harassment.

The majority were all low income, drug or alcohol addicts, and many of them were homeless veterans. People no one would believe because of all the associated elements of their lifestyles and addiction issues, or mental health status.

For the record, I'm drug and alcohol free and my symptoms have subsided drastically since I relocated in the middle of nowhere with barely any cell service.

I had one experience where I was hit by something that originated from three identical white nondescript vehicles with black tinted windows parked in the lot outside my kitchen window one night and it felt like all the electrical impulses in my brain were disrupted by an unseen source, and it left me stunned, panicked and confused for an estimated fifteen minutes before it suddenly and abruptly ceased.

My computer was affected as well, and it took a bit of effort to get my credentials and operations back online.

I still don't know how or why they targeted me for such a thing, nor how they were able to so preciesley isolate my position in the room and effect only me and my laptop, completely bypassing my husband and his computer not seven feet away from my station.

If it hadn't had affected my computer, I would have simply written it off as my brain simply misfiring again, like a form of mental epilepsy.

edit on 5/17/24 by GENERAL EYES because: (no reason given)

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