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How artificial intelligence sees the future of the United States after the summit in Sa Francisco

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posted on Nov, 18 2023 @ 04:07 AM
Hello ATS!

Recently, an international summit ended in San Francisco, which became famous for the unprecedented cleansing of the streets from homeless people, the resettlement of them and drug addicts “101 km away,” bringing gloss to the city and other things that in the late USSR were called “showing off.” The whole world watched this with laughter.

And since Artificial Intelligence exists not only in the West, but also in a much more advanced and perfect state in other countries of the world, I would like to present to you, dear ATS members, how, according to its algorithms, AI sees this meeting, in three pictures, in a civilized way world outside the USA. Let me add that this is humor. But, as they say in Russia, “every joke has only a grain of joke, the rest is truth.”

So, smile)))

In Russia, the official media only say that Xi met with Biden, but they are silent about how the Chinese treated American business in San Francisco. And I'll tell you. After the meeting, Xi gathered major entrepreneurs and talked with them for a long time. Elon Musk is in fact already a Chinese agent of influence, with other businessmen following him in droves. The Americans thought that they were the smartest and now they would take over all the fleeing business from the Middle East and Europe, setting up a bunch of conflicts. But in fact, this very business started in China. The influx of foreign capital into the US is less than a trillion last year. These are tears. But China is gobbling it up like a hungry giant. Well, who fooled whom?

It’s just that Americans have never lived in Eurasia and they don’t know that only Chinese are born from the Chinese, even if the mother is American. So let the little Chinese boy live with his American mother for now. At her expense - diapers, primers and all sorts of related accessories, and after a couple of years, the Chinese child (aka American business) will go to live with his dad in Beijing. And mom will remain to guard America, watching as the Mexicans annex the southern states, and African Americans do everything else as compensation. Just don’t touch Alaska, she must return home to Russia.)))

I hope I didn't offend anyone.

Thank you!

Once again, this is a joke.

posted on Nov, 18 2023 @ 06:34 AM
The graphics are really good !

I think many Americans believe under this regime and China's bought and paid for influence we have all been fornicated !

posted on Nov, 18 2023 @ 11:02 PM
a reply to: RussianTroll

"...Mao and Dicky sipping tea. K-i-s-s-e-n-g(er). First comes Love. Then comes Marriage.

Then comes Xi Jinping in baby carriage!.."

posted on Nov, 19 2023 @ 01:23 PM

originally posted by: 727Sky
The graphics are really good !

I think many Americans believe under this regime and China's bought and paid for influence we have all been fornicated !

Graphics are A.I. and crap if you ask me!

posted on Nov, 19 2023 @ 01:25 PM
Just watched The Creator, it mainly centers around the Asian countries and their acceptance to A.I. and a war being fought with the Americans to eradicate it.

Predictive programming?

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