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The End Of Car Ownership

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posted on Oct, 5 2023 @ 06:43 AM
Notice how a lot of these old geezers are trying their damndest to ruin the future lives of the young and unborn?

I say we ruin their lives back, it won’t hurt anyones feelings if their life expectancy decreases either. Good riddance to a few already, can’t happen fast enough for a lot more.

posted on Oct, 5 2023 @ 06:45 AM

originally posted by: IndieA
Who would own the self-driving cars?

enough with the questions! You people just don't know when to shut the hell up do you?

posted on Oct, 5 2023 @ 07:07 AM

originally posted by: Echo007
He's delusional to think that will happen by 2030. US population relies on highway system way too much. If no one o owns a private vehicles, you know how many millions would lose their jobs.

Only thing i can see self driving cars doing by 2030 is delivering goods to peoples homes.

No offence, but he is not delusional.
Many of us are.
He's had this plan for a long time and has positioned himself (and others) in key areas through out the world and governments to accomplish it.
His dream is a "circle economy", with his group at the center.
Normal people have a hard time imagining the lengths these folks will go to, to get what they want.

Here is the key part many miss and can't wrap their heads around:
These folks do not care about you.
They look at you, like you would look at a fly or a roach, you mean about the same to them.
You are just an annoyance to be brushed aside or eliminated.
Look around the USA.
See the division?
See the inflation?
See the businesses going under?
See non-citizens pouring in the country?
Now look at other "Western Countries".
We see the same thing, maybe not to the same degree, but it is happening.

"Build Back Better"....
Was it an accident Schwab was the first to use this phrase, followed by Trudeau and then Biden?
How do you "build back better" without first tearing everything down?
You have to bring 1st world counties to the same level as 3rd world countries.
The great reset is coming and governments around the world are helping.

So no, he is not delusional.
Many of us are.
They are on the fast track to finish what they started.

posted on Oct, 5 2023 @ 07:08 AM
a reply to: Echo007
That's the idea. Those 'useless eaters' will be contained, if they have their way, by methods like drugging and gaming. Yuval Harari speaks about this one.

posted on Oct, 5 2023 @ 07:12 AM
LOL what an idiot.
Has he never met a regular, non rich classic muscle car owner? They can be a rabid bunch.

They will off anyone that tries to take their car.

Usually too much blood, sweat, tears and money have gone into it.

At least the guys I know.

posted on Oct, 5 2023 @ 07:13 AM
a reply to: pianopraze

Seems to me as if Klaus has lost it and needs to be with Jesus......or the other guy. I cant wait until he announces that all those out of work auto car workers will now start building enviro friendly pyramid's.

Many railroads have been turned into bike and hiking paths. Cant see that with highways

The first pyramid will be built for him.

posted on Oct, 5 2023 @ 07:20 AM
More than two years ago already I warned people here... when the ICE was about to be banned/phased out in EU, talk about the same was going on in the US, and manufacturers decided to drop it by a large margin.

Since then prices for used ICE cars (at least here) went up 30-40%. Especially cars from 2000-2018 where you don't have the GPS location service that is mandatory since 2018 via "emergency call function".

Diesel in general. As many can be run with refined frying oil. Diesels are very robust built compared to gasoline ICE and many engines do not need preparation. I do NOT recommend however, to just blindly pour vegetable oil into your diesel car, as always, inform yourself. And it has to be filtered to get all the junk out.

While it may be questionable if you get enough vegetable oil in the future, it is at least more flexible than a gasoline car. Gasoline ICE can not take the oomph from the vegetable oil as it is much more flammable than gasoline. Police cars being diesel and some running on vegetable oil is a big hint.

On the other hand, in a more modern gasoline ICE, you can run ethanol in variable %, as long as the electronics can sense it or the electronics can remap for ethanol. Again, check your manual. It will not have the same performance since the ethanol has less energy density but at list it will get you from A to B.

In the end as long as you can not make any of these in big quantities, all of this is useless. So in the end if they really want to and commerce does not counter because they are forbidden by law, the ##### will get what they want.

posted on Oct, 5 2023 @ 07:28 AM
a reply to: TDDAgain

With consumers caught between the agendas of corrupt government and greedy corporations, I fear you are correct that they will get what they want.

So oder so.


posted on Oct, 5 2023 @ 07:35 AM
I have long thought that what is happning in the UK is in part related to the WEF obsession with stopping people driving.

The way they acheive this in the UK comes in 2 parts-first they make everything driving related hugely expensive with additional costs-like Londons ULEZ zones where you have to pay an extra £15 just to leave your road.

Then across the country here in Wales we all have to drive at 20mph instead of 30mph-this is supposed to create cleaner air-but thats BS because engines are revving higher at lower gears for longer durations..

What its actualy abbout is the government sucking the joy out of the driving experience at every level.
Simple psychology-make something unenjoyable by surveilance and the threat of fines and people will of course stop doing that thing as much.

Not that the UK is the most difficult place to drive(yet).
That would go to somewhere like Singapore-

Drivers in Singapore now need to pay £88,000 for permission to own a car (vehicle not included)

Those kinds of prohibitive costs will ensure that only the Elite will be able to have the priveledge to drive their own vehicles.
Thats what they want in the UK IMO.

posted on Oct, 5 2023 @ 07:54 AM
a reply to: Silcone Synapse

I agree with everything you wrote except this:

Then across the country here in Wales we all have to drive at 20mph instead of 30mph-this is supposed to create cleaner air-but thats BS because engines are revving higher at lower gears for longer durations..


Most common engines and transmission bundles will rev lower than 2000 rpm in 2nd gear doing 20mph. It's your own fault if you do not find the next gear. Yes the gear ratios might not be optimized for such speed in the average car, yet you're really over blowing this issue. Can't take you serious on that one? Also no one say you have to drive 20mph, if it fit's yout better drive 15mph. This is your responsibility as a driver, no one makes you drive 20mph.

Use some common sense please.

What car do you drive? I will tell you exactly how "high" your RPMS will be, doing 20mph for each gear if you tell me the model and your tire circumference...
edit on 5.10.2023 by TDDAgain because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 5 2023 @ 07:55 AM
How can ya'll not see it?

Look around.

These people do not care what you think.
They do not care what you feel.
They do not care if you stop breathing.

You are nothing to them, but a hindrance.

The only thing they want from you is to stop multiplying, and they are helping with this as well.

Just look around.

posted on Oct, 5 2023 @ 08:13 AM
a reply to: pianopraze

" You will own nothing, and be happy about it"!

posted on Oct, 5 2023 @ 08:26 AM
"highways become parks"

Trucks move roughly 72.6% of the nation's freight by weight.


These are US statistics but they prove the point that this plan has more holes in it then swiss cheese.

posted on Oct, 5 2023 @ 08:33 AM

originally posted by: nugget1
a reply to: pianopraze

Owning a car in 2030 will be the least of our worries if things don't turn around, and soon.

You don't need a car if you're dead, and Deagle says that chances are you will probably be dead.

posted on Oct, 5 2023 @ 09:09 AM
Schwab will be dead soon. Fat pigs don't live very long. ULEZ needs to be sabotaged somehow and so does the 20MPH speed limit. The English people are doing some good work cutting down surveillance cameras. More of this sort of thing.

posted on Oct, 5 2023 @ 09:12 AM
a reply to: incoserv

posted on Oct, 5 2023 @ 09:22 AM

originally posted by: network dude

originally posted by: IndieA
Who would own the self-driving cars?

enough with the questions! You people just don't know when to shut the hell up do you?

You people? You people?

Who are you referring to, pattern recognitionists?

posted on Oct, 5 2023 @ 09:27 AM

originally posted by: nickyw

originally posted by: nugget1
a reply to: pianopraze

Owning a car in 2030 will be the least of our worries if things don't turn around, and soon.

its the least of the elites worries as they'll be the ones everyone will hold accountable for causing the coming crises..

What will we be able to do, with no weapons?

posted on Oct, 5 2023 @ 09:50 AM

originally posted by: Echo007
He's delusional to think that will happen by 2030. US population relies on highway system way too much. If no one o owns a private vehicles, you know how many millions would lose their jobs.

Only thing i can see self driving cars doing by 2030 is delivering goods to peoples homes.

Well; he's hoping we're in 15 minute cities by then; in which case, most people won't even be using an app, they'll be riding a pedal bike and requesting permission to visit the neighborhood adjacent.

Uhm; NO.

A.) You couldn't build 15 minute cities that worked and were complete by 2030; it's already 2024. A single prefab building takes almost a year to put up; and he's talking city flow infrastructure. They can't even widen a lane on the interstate in a decade.

B.) Who's going to put up with that? Not you. Not me. Not the next generation; you'd have to condition people for generations to accept that kind of living. The next generation will just start being born [or not, because of the depop agenda] by 2030.

You know what it is; these "elite" are so used to just being able to have whatever they want that they just think they can have this, but no. This is a drastic miscalculation by Klaus and Co.

The only way this happens is *IF* the "Elite" win the third world war. The consequences of which will not be realized until after 2030, so; it just can't happen by 2030.

The S is going to get really bad as it hits the F as they try to push this forward, so everybody should be preparing for this.

We've got some tough times coming.

posted on Oct, 5 2023 @ 10:12 AM
Conspiracy time!

After all, conspiracy site and all that..... Hear me out.

They want to ban private vehicle ownership, but what about all of the privately owned vehicles that are still being sold?

Could this all be part of the reason they signed law mandating electronic killswitches in all new vehicles? Kill private vehicles and kill the majority of private car ownership by default.

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