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posted on Apr, 27 2023 @ 04:58 PM
a reply to: Sakiale

But we don’t use manure exclusively…they do all types of animal based fertilization and fallowing land for later…like rendering which is a process that uses heat to convert animal carcasses into safe, pathogen-free feed protein and other valuable end products. They turn carcasses into a useful, humus-like food/compost/fertilizer/home insulation…lol… They even often feed processed dead animals to their stable mates who remain. It is so cheap that even adding this death slurry to feed saves tons of money and doesn’t require so much as for to grow even MORE vegetarian plants like grains, wheats, barley, corn or oats for these farm animals making my point even MORE since I didn’t even mention THOSE fields

posted on Apr, 27 2023 @ 05:05 PM

originally posted by: chris_stibrany
a reply to: tanstaafl

I love ribeyes but when I eat redmeat every day I feel bloated, sleepy and stupid.

That is strictly because of the other things you are eating with them, it certainly isn't just the ribeyes.

posted on Apr, 27 2023 @ 07:58 PM

originally posted by: RickyD
a reply to: nugget1

It won't remove have to distill for that.

I can only go by what I have read since I don't own a water filter-but I do use a distiller. Google says they work....

Reverse osmosis filtration systems are a simple solution for removing fluoride from drinking water.0 They work by using pressure to push water through different membranes and filters to create “pure water”, which also removes other minerals such as iron, calcium, manganese, as well as fluoride molecules.

posted on Apr, 27 2023 @ 08:08 PM

originally posted by: Sakiale
a reply to: AlexandrosTheGreat

im not sure how you equate animal manure fertilizers to 'endless chopped up bodies' but i agree with your first paragraph. that said probably half of my household's fresh produce nowadays is homegrown or from friends' backyards anyway. yes, even here in (suburban) los angeles county.

Bone meal, blood meal, feather meal all used as fertilizer are huge in the agricultural industry though lots of is mined too like phosphorus.

posted on Apr, 27 2023 @ 11:00 PM
Drinking eight glasses of water a day is the stupidest thing I have heard. There is no way that drinking that much can be good for a person if you do it too long, it would wash out all the electrolytes and many necessary nutrients in the body would become deficient. I do not know who started that crazy fad, but like you said has little real and appropriately applied science to back it up.

You get water from lots of things, you do not need that much plain water. When fat breaks down, it forms water and carbon dioxide. If you keep the water level high, the fat won't break down to form water. Without enough electrolytes in the body, cellular metabolic trash cannot be shuffled out into the extracellular fluid then into the bloodstream to be excreted by the kidneys and liver and cell bloating takes place.

Just because lots of people parrot misguided science does not mean it is true. But water is better than drinking soda and juices, but moderation is important. It is not only sodium and chloride that can get low by drinking too much water, magnesium, and potassium levels can go down to low too along with water soluable minerals and vitamins.

posted on Apr, 27 2023 @ 11:26 PM
a reply to: Sakiale

but I don't want the medical industrial complex getting one more single cent from me.

Me too.

What does your exercise regime look like and how strenuous can it be with this lifestyle?

For example, I do 50 pullups twice weekly as a small sample of my routine.

I doubt I would be able to 'pull it off' on a fasting eating plan.

posted on Apr, 28 2023 @ 12:42 AM
a reply to: tanstaafl

And what about Scurvy?

Scurvy is a disease caused by a serious vitamin C deficiency. Not eating enough fruits and vegetables is the main cause of the disease. Left untreated, scurvy can lead to bleeding gums, loosened teeth and bleeding under your skin. Treatment for the condition includes getting plenty of vitamin C in your diet. Dietary supplements are also available.

posted on Apr, 28 2023 @ 01:10 AM
Most of our body contains of water. Even slight dehydration can reduce performance, cause brainfog and even mild dehydration is comparable to being under the influence. Personally, I try to drink water as of as I can and it truly helps.
Recently I saw this good video from Kiana Docherty, which scientifically approaches hydration.

edit on 28-4-2023 by Cabin because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 28 2023 @ 04:12 AM
a reply to: rickymouse
I wonder what the poor humans who came before mass production would drink when their refrigerated supermarket shelves with thousands of different manufactured beverages were non-existent?? Water has been the default beverage since before we were self aware.

I been drinking tap water my whole life. There are days and days in a row where the only beverage I consume is water before the occasional Pepsi or beer works it's way in. Kids go through the iced teas and juices so fast I pretty much never get any when I finally have a craving for a flavored beverage.

The very thought of going 24 hours without water, let alone three days is like saying "I'm going to go commit suicide now, cya!"
Obviously it is survivable, but I will pass. I'm in relatively good shape weight and cardio wise for 37 and maintain a well balanced nutritious diet so my only possible reason for fasting would be spiritual. I am at a point where I feel it may be something to try. I mean everyone here testifies like it is s being reborn.
I'm not giving up my water though, put that # out of your mind.

posted on Apr, 28 2023 @ 08:32 AM

originally posted by: Antisocialist
a reply to: tanstaafl

And what about Scurvy?

Scurvy is a disease caused by a serious vitamin C deficiency. Not eating enough fruits and vegetables is the main cause of the disease. Left untreated, scurvy can lead to bleeding gums, loosened teeth and bleeding under your skin. Treatment for the condition includes getting plenty of vitamin C in your diet. Dietary supplements are also available.

What about scurvy?

First off, the requirement for vitamin C drops to being measured in micrograms vs milligrams when you are eating the carnivore diet - so, you need a whole lot less, and you can get plenty from fatty red meat.

Second, contrary to popular myth, there is more than enough vitamin C in meat to maintain vital health when you are not eating a lot of carbs and other crap.


edit on 28-4-2023 by tanstaafl because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 28 2023 @ 08:55 AM

originally posted by: Sakiale
a reply to: nugget1

as for the carnivore guy, i was born and raised vegetarian and my parents and i are vegan 99% of the time now. i have questioned whether my adhd and autism have anything to do with this,

There is a ton of evidence that the carnivore diet is tremendously helpful with any and all mental illnesses, including autism, adhd, schizophrenia, gender dysphoria, etc etc...

but now i think they have more to do with the processed foods, frozen snacks and fast foods, that we ate when i was young,

Those are never good for anyone, so very likely contributed. There is also evidence that vegetarian/vegan parents are far more likely to produce offspirng with these kinds of conditions.

and of course genetics.

Genetics plays far less of a role than the 'scientists' pushing that theory woudl have you believe. Genetics is more just a set of 'predispositions than anything else. Learn about epigenetics to understand the how and why of this truth. Epigenetics is how different factors, especially including the food you eat, affects your genetic expression, which is simply different genes being turned off and on. So, even if you have some gene that predisposes you to thus-n-such, if you eat healthy, that gene will never get activated/turned on/expressed.

as for physical health, on the other hand, all three of us are in better health than the average american,

Actually - and no offense intended, but - that isn't saying very much, seeing as the average american is extraordinarily sick.

so i know for a fact that a nutritious vegan diet will not leave you with stunted growth or nutrient deficiencies.

I'll not say it is impossible, but it in fact is extremely difficult, and a hell of a lot of work, to even approach getting enough proper nutrition from a purely vegetarian, and especially a vegan, diet - especially without sunpplements.

that being said, i don't really try to convince anyone to stop eating meat,

Then I'm sure we'd get along just fine in real life, it's only the radical militant vegans that I have a problem with,so...

there's no way in hell id ever touch any factory farmed animals. never mind nutritional value and weird industrial chemicals,

There are far, far less dangerous (to your health) naturally occurring chemicals and crap in plants - even in purely organically farmed - than there is in factory farmed meat:

but energetically, living in that type of environment all their lives and being pumped full of hormones, just can't be good...

I agree, which is why I'm very glad there is a very strong and ever growing movement back towards regenerative farming practices, and a very good selection of animal products from such farms, both locally (depending on where you are and online (for those who don't have any local options).

posted on Apr, 28 2023 @ 09:09 AM

originally posted by: RickyD
a reply to: nugget1

It won't remove have to distill for that.

Actually, some RO systems apparently do effectively remove all fluoride, but others are less effective, which I guess is why a quick google says they remove 80-95%.

But yeah, distillation removes all of it too - if have a decent one, because there are crappy distillers out there too.

Quality always matters.

posted on Apr, 28 2023 @ 09:17 AM

originally posted by: Sakiale
a reply to: AlexandrosTheGreat

im not sure how you equate animal manure fertilizers to 'endless chopped up bodies'

I believe that was a reference to the fact that the process of large scale of mono-crop farming that produces all of the vegetarian/vegan plant based 'foods' are absolutely and unequivocally responsible for the slaughter of far more animals - as measured in individual animal lives - like snakes, rats, mice, gophers, etc etc ad nauseum - and these animal carcasses are ground up and introduced into the soil of the land where the crops are planted by simple virtue of preparing the land for planting.
edit on 28-4-2023 by tanstaafl because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 28 2023 @ 09:51 AM
a reply to: worldstarcountry

@rickymouse - yes, i only even found out about the metabolic water when i started looking into dry fasting, i really thought id be close to death after 3 days of no water before learning all about it.

@cabin - i believe you, but i also think that 'slight dehydration' is much farther than most people think, especially for overweight people like me who have a lot of fat to break down into water.

@19bones79 - ive never been a heavy exerciser, im actually exercising more than ever on my fasts just because of a surplus of physical energy, something something adrenaline level raised cause my body thinks i need to hunt or whatever. as for my personal routine its just one 20-minute youtube dumbbell exercise every day (10lb weights, or actually maybe its 2x 10lbs + the weight of the bar? idk but not that heavy although i wanna get up to the 15lb weights eventually), and lately ive been going for long walks / hikes every single day, as well as wim hof breathing exercises and push ups. but i do still slack a lot. that being said unless you have a crazy intensive exercise routine, i dont think fasting will necessarily interfere with it - ive seen a lot of lifters even report better pumps when they break their fast, probably related to the spike in testosterone. if you do give it a try just listen to your body and dont overexert yourself.

@worldstarcountry - i thought exactly like you about 3 weeks ago, the waterfasting reddit is adamantly against dry fasting and its dangers, which im not gonna pretend dont exist. but theyre greatly exaggerated. i would bet that every single person on the planet could dry fast for 24 hours with no danger and less discomfort than they think, and that most people could easily do 3 days, probably 7 days if they have the willpower. and not only not die, but come out healthier for it.

posted on Apr, 28 2023 @ 12:03 PM

originally posted by: worldstarcountry
a reply to: rickymouse
I wonder what the poor humans who came before mass production would drink when their refrigerated supermarket shelves with thousands of different manufactured beverages were non-existent?? Water has been the default beverage since before we were self aware.

I been drinking tap water my whole life. There are days and days in a row where the only beverage I consume is water before the occasional Pepsi or beer works it's way in. Kids go through the iced teas and juices so fast I pretty much never get any when I finally have a craving for a flavored beverage.

The very thought of going 24 hours without water, let alone three days is like saying "I'm going to go commit suicide now, cya!"
Obviously it is survivable, but I will pass. I'm in relatively good shape weight and cardio wise for 37 and maintain a well balanced nutritious diet so my only possible reason for fasting would be spiritual. I am at a point where I feel it may be something to try. I mean everyone here testifies like it is s being reborn.
I'm not giving up my water though, put that # out of your mind.

I live in Upper Michigan, and the tap water in Negaunee and Ishpeming tastes worse than drinking the water out of Lake Superior a mile from the discharge from the sewer plant. We live in the country and have a well and our water tastes like nothing, which means it is great tasting water. The Chlorine and flouride compounds in those nearby towns I mentioned seem to accentuate the manganese taste in the water which is just below the legal amount allowed in city water.

I drink about two cups of water a day, but drink about four or five cups of coffee which is mostly all water. All of the cups are about ten ounces because that is the size of our cups. I rarely drink bottled water, no matter what the brand it seems they all taste like plastic which I can taste well. I experimented with one of the grandkids and the wife one day....we blind tested our water and the bottled water to try to see if there was a plastic taste and if ours tasted about the same as the spring water in the bottles.. All three of us could actually taste the difference between ours and the bottled water and the telltale factor was the plastic taste. We could not even compare the water taste because the plastic taste was there and I have no clue if the water tastes good even if it was fresh from the spring.

I am not much for flavored water or juices. Once in a while I have a glass of orange juice if we have it, but I would much rather eat oranges. I dislike most all the juices other than maybe V-8 vegetable juice ad I can only stomach an occasional little can of that.

posted on Apr, 28 2023 @ 11:39 PM
a reply to: rickymouse

I know exactly what you mean about that plastic taste. I would tell my wife about it sometimes and she would just roll her eyes and say I'm imagining things. Not a fan of overpriced bottled water myself.

posted on Apr, 29 2023 @ 07:12 AM
Lol you think that you could survive on simply breathing “but you aren’t there yet” as if you need some spiritual evolution to be able to sustain your body on breathing alone and not consuming any food or water.

This after explaining you lost weight by fasting, not consuming food. The mind can play the strangest of tricks…

a reply to: Sakiale

posted on Apr, 29 2023 @ 01:24 PM

originally posted by: worldstarcountry
a reply to: rickymouse

I know exactly what you mean about that plastic taste. I would tell my wife about it sometimes and she would just roll her eyes and say I'm imagining things. Not a fan of overpriced bottled water myself.

I actually do not think many people can taste that plastic taste.

I grew up on a farm, and since we sprayed DDT and all sorts of chemicals on the fields, I can smell those chemicals on veggies including glyphosate. Being that I have a genetic intolerance to breaking down organophosphates, I think that is the reason I can smell it. In the genetic snps from all ten people in my family that I ran through the gene app, I am the only one with the two red snps, everyone else has one yellow. And the gene is autosomal recessive so they do not have the risk of getting brain cancer from one yellow snp. My dad died of brain cancer, he was out there spraying DDT and other pesticides and herbicides way more than I was, we wore a handkerchief over our mouths and nose tied around our head when spraying it because it was perfectly safe back in the sixties....I would sit with him on the tractor as he sprayed or stand on the little side board and hold on to the fender of the tractor. The tractor had a rack with two fifty five gallon drums with chemicals mixed with water in them and the field was a fog...but of course those chemicals were perfectly safe according to science.

After he found that DDT was toxic to everyone he quit farming and sold the farm in seventy for cheap because he was led to believe a lie, he wound up with brain cancer in seventy two and died on Christmas day. Maybe that genetic risk is kind of rare, but it directly effected my family. The gene app flagged that risk and upon researching it I found that a lot of farmers had gotten brain cancer right before they banned it. We used up the DDT we had in stock which lasted two years after it was banned for sale. I guess they later banned the use of it after a few years, lots of farmers had lots in stock and the government did not ban it's actual use for a few years after the sale ban. six other replacement organophosphate chemicals that replaced it have also been banned, about once every seven years the approved one got banned and replaced by another that got banned in seven years again. It may be seven or eight replacements now that were banned, I haven't checked on this for about eight or nine years now.

Why I can taste plastic seems weird to me, but for many many years, we have been storing leftovers in mostly glass bowls with rubber lids because I don't care for the smell or taste of plastic...the wife just accepts the taste in bottled water as normal....I would rather just wait till I can get water without plastic in it. There is all copper pipe in our house, I cannot stand the water that comes through plastic pipes even if it is cpvc and considered safe. I also never have or never would install plastic water pipes in anyone's house because I don't like doing anything for others I would never do for myself. I did have expensive plastic water jugs for the guys on the jobs, but every day I changed the water when we were building a house.

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