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An Epic Disaster

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+20 more 
posted on Feb, 15 2023 @ 02:12 PM
This is not about spy balloons, UFOs, Idaho murders, or school shootings, in case anyone wants to bail. (what dominates the headlines of the major news stations I checked out, as well as this latest press conference from the WH, which gives a brief footnote to the horror at the end:
This is about a little-discussed topic which will affect the US on a catastrophic scale.
About a toxic chemical spill and the decision to burn it, about the toxic cloud of acid, about the dead fish and sick pets, about the EPA’s advice to drink the water and breathe the air.
The climate cult are silent
The major news floating stories about balloons and UFOs
A reporter arrested in East Palestine
A full week before any news at all of the wreck (this happened Feb 3!!)
While the black toxic cloud spreads to neighboring residences, over farms and gardens, waste flowing through the Ohio river and leaching into well water, poisoning fish and animals on the way, those we’ve relinquished our power to (the government) do nothing, say nothing.
This is an epic disaster. The scope of said disaster remains to be seen, and likely won’t fully manifest for decades to come, but this is … so. bad. Words really fail here, but here are some visuals which might do.

What do you think? Just how bad of an environmental disaster is this?
On the heels of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline terrorist act by our government which will also poison our planet to an immeasurable magnitude, one has to wonder whether these people care about our environment, earth, or her inhabitants at all.
But your personal gas-burning vehicle is the problem. And you need to be taxed to oblivion for it and record your carbon footprint, mkay.? Oh and don't forget your 5th booster dose appointment is coming up!

(I know this topic is being discussed on here, btw--I'm referring to the general public but more specifically our government and news organizations)
edit on 15-2-2023 by zosimov because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 15 2023 @ 02:15 PM
S&F thank you

+1 more 
posted on Feb, 15 2023 @ 02:24 PM
a reply to: zosimov

It is a major issue.

Widespread monitoring of ground and river water needs to be conducted immediately.

+3 more 
posted on Feb, 15 2023 @ 02:29 PM
a reply to: zosimov

What a mess bro, and I don't mean the spill, I mean all of it.

I don't know much about this spill, but it seems that's just the way they want it, so I'll have to read up on it before I can form an opinion on how serious it is.

Feels like something is about to go down, on a scale we haven't witnessed. Maybe that's just me...

posted on Feb, 15 2023 @ 02:35 PM
a reply to: angelchemuel

Thanks for reading. Cheers, though not a cheery topic at all.

posted on Feb, 15 2023 @ 02:36 PM
a reply to: watchitburn

Absolutely agree. I hope the people who are stuck within the hazardous chemical radius are doing what they can to independently verify the EPA's advice.

posted on Feb, 15 2023 @ 02:38 PM

originally posted by: MykeNukem
a reply to: zosimov

Feels like something is about to go down, on a scale we haven't witnessed. Maybe that's just me...

Not just you..

Though I have faith in the power of God and believe in humanity too. Things are getting real.

posted on Feb, 15 2023 @ 02:43 PM
You pack a powerful punch. Still.

posted on Feb, 15 2023 @ 02:46 PM
a reply to: The GUT

Thank you, GUT. That was therapeutic

Glad to see some good friends on here--all the best to all you here on ATS and beyond!!

+3 more 
posted on Feb, 15 2023 @ 02:48 PM
Having in the past been the 1st Lt of an EMS squad attached to a hazmat unit I am blown away (no pun intended) by the lack of diligence and response to the derailment.
There are multiple ponds, small lakes and aquifer escarpments not only in close proximity to but directly in the downwind direction that will without doubt be contaminated.
But since our government chose to ignore or through incompetence missed a 200 foot tall and 120 foot long spy device meandering through our countryside what are the lives and livelihoods of a few red state yokels worth?

posted on Feb, 15 2023 @ 02:53 PM

originally posted by: amicusbrief
Having in the past been the 1st Lt of an EMS squad attached to a hazmat unit I am blown away (no pun intended) by the lack of diligence and response to the derailment.
There are multiple ponds, small lakes and aquifer escarpments not only in close proximity to but directly in the downwind direction that will without doubt be contaminated.
But since our government chose to ignore or through incompetence missed a 200 foot tall and 120 foot long spy device meandering through our countryside what are the lives and livelihoods of a few red state yokels worth?

Great points. Thanks for adding your thoughts, and especially given your experience on the topic. I can only go by a laymen's perspective. This sure doesn't look or sound good, though.

+6 more 
posted on Feb, 15 2023 @ 02:58 PM
a reply to: zosimov

Nothing in recent memory has made me as upset as this ABSOLUTE failure.
Heads need to roll.

Whoever decided the best way to clean this up was to set it on fire needs to held accountable, along with anyone else who green-lit it.

This has far, far reaching implications that might still be being discovered after everyone on this board is dead and buried.

Think about all the Amish in that area. They're lives might be completely ruined after all of this.
There is a real possibility that one of the US's most fertile farm areas is now destroyed.
Because the railroad company cut staff, shortened car and rail inspections to half the time they used to be, etc. all to save some bucks.
Workers warned this would happen. They tried to strike. Our government forced them to go back to work, because the same hedge funds who own the railroad OWN our politicians.

This needs to be the straw that breaks the camels back when it comes to corporate lobbyists bribing and buying US politicians so they will do their bidding. People's lives are ruined, their pets are dead, and these war mongering, greedy basterds are lighting cigars with 100 dollar bills and blowing the smoke in our faces.

They put profit over safety and will not pay any consequences for the lives they destroyed.
Where the hell are the for profit, or the political climate activists on this one? Nowhere..
Because the people responsible for this also pay their bills.

Get your pitchforks, Ohio.

posted on Feb, 15 2023 @ 03:01 PM
a reply to: o0oTOPCATo0o

Excellent post. Thanks for taking the time to write out a stellar rant-within-a-rant.

posted on Feb, 15 2023 @ 03:10 PM
Sadly, when you have queers running the show, their dicks are still up their asses. That is what the leadership wants to destroy the American Dream of a life of safety which now seems to be a by-gone since 9-11.

posted on Feb, 15 2023 @ 03:27 PM
But, But, the water is safe to drink!!!!!

I was reading about the animal deaths this morning. This has the potential to be a huge, and long lasting disaster, and devastating to so many people.
As one lady in the area said, if it is messing with my eyes and breathing, now, what will it have done to my body a year down the road, or 5 years?

Heads need to roll for this.
The way it has been handled.
edit on 15-2-2023 by chiefsmom because: clarify

posted on Feb, 15 2023 @ 04:01 PM
a reply to: zosimov

This is what I’ve been saying this whole time……..

These “sides” are not REAL the rich/powerful/celebrity ARE ALL THE SAME on the same side are the same people.
They don’t give a crap about the normal peons.

Don’t be fooled. There is no Democrat vs Republicans
No environmentalist, no Vegetarian vs. Carnivore…

Don’t believe a single one of them. It is all lies.

posted on Feb, 15 2023 @ 04:12 PM
a reply to: zosimov

I heard the lawsuits are piling up. I to was wondering why you would have a controlled burn. Was there more there than meets the eye. Oh, and I sure as hell wouldn't drink the water.

posted on Feb, 15 2023 @ 04:16 PM

originally posted by: o0oTOPCATo0o
a reply to: zosimov

Whoever decided the best way to clean this up was to set it on fire needs to held accountable, along with anyone else who green-lit it.

The rail company lobbied for this to get the line open. All Federal agencies are under corporate capture and simply cede to those interests.

Biden is essentially just a puppet, which was probably all part of the plan. The federal agencies are looting the corpse of America. Billions upon billions to Ukraine and forgeign aid that is scraped by politicianal friends, families, and corporate donors.

Climate crisis, pandemic lockdowns, hate speech laws, all are simply tools for sociopath megalomaniacs to usher in global government and they use unrestricted profit to get the corporations all in line.

Between all the various schemes currently deployed it's going to be a tremendously difficult two decades. Our infrastructure has crumbled and we lack the money to repair it, the will to use the money we have, and a system where sufficient skill to repair it is cultivated in the younger generations.

posted on Feb, 15 2023 @ 04:39 PM
It is a major mess and cover up of the toxicity

posted on Feb, 15 2023 @ 05:08 PM

originally posted by: MykeNukem
a reply to: zosimov

What a mess bro, and I don't mean the spill, I mean all of it.

I don't know much about this spill, but it seems that's just the way they want it, so I'll have to read up on it before I can form an opinion on how serious it is.

Feels like something is about to go down, on a scale we haven't witnessed. Maybe that's just me...

That "something" you are referring to, this explosion, the balloons, nordstream, Ukraine in general are all that "something" all bleeding together into a PLAN. That plan is killing as many worthless "eaters" as possible.

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