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Has anyone tried the RESPeRATE for high blood pressure ?

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posted on Feb, 14 2023 @ 10:38 AM

originally posted by: ltrz2025
a reply to: tanstaafl

Well, I don't agree based on my experience.

Yes, I'm very familiar with n=1 anecdotes.

I feel better by adding honey, lactose and chocolate.

Of course... sugar is a drug with extremely similar actions in the body as coc aine and heroin.

Just because something makes you 'feel better' in the short run doesn't mean it is good for you in the long run.

My body weight is the same,

BNody weight is not the end all/be all... body composition is much more telling, but still not all that meaningful overall.

my blood sugar is the same,

Blood sugar is a good qay to measure many things, but if you are simply taking readings here and there, it isn't that meaningful.

Are you wearing a CGM, and checking things on an ongoing basis?

but I sleep and enjoy the day a lot more than without the good carbs.

Again, that is a very subjective way to look at thihngs - and again, there is no such thing as a good carb/sugar.

Our body uses glucose and we have insulin for a reason,

Our bodies also use ketones for a reason, and even fatty red meat will spike your blood sugar/insulin a bit, and yes, a properly functioning glucose/insulin mechanism is very important to long term health.

so this theory that we should eat zero carbs is more a belief than an actual fact.

No, it actually isn't, but many people who are looking to feed their carb/sugar addictions believe that.

I think you are being a little to close minded and extremist,

I know, many people do, they like and don't wanna give up their addicitons. I know. I'm extremely addicted to carbs/sugar.

but that's ok, your body your choice. People tend to get super emotional when discussing food, for some reason. Do what makes you happy, I'll do my thing.

Oh, I'm very passionate about this subject, but not 'emotional' in the sense you seem to be implying.

I just will go out of my way to expose fraudulent views when I encounter them.

You are, as you said, and I wholeheartedly agree with - totally free to do you, and power to you.

Regarding Berry, he is (or was) Keto, that means that he ate a quite a lot of veggies and keto-friendly carbs. Maybe he changed that recently, but he wasn't carnivore.

He switched to basically full carnivore in 2020, so years ago, and recently issued a massive apology to all of his followers for recommending veggies - that said, like most carnivores, he is very 'live and let live' when it comes to telling people what they should or shouldn't eat, he simply tells them what is optimal, provides the real, actual research to back up the claims, then tells people to do what works for them...

posted on Feb, 14 2023 @ 10:56 AM
a reply to: tanstaafl

- "Science" is based on statistics. We are all different. Our gut biome is different from people to people, region to region, etc.

- One spoon of honey with my lunch, one square of chocolate after dinner. Never had cravings for them, or become addictive at all, I really eat them because I feel the difference.

- Body weight tells you if you are inflaming. Inflammation is a sign that you have eaten something that's not good. I eat honey, chocolate and lactose as carbs. Never inflamate. I eat just a piece of processed carbs, I inflamate. Clear as daylight. So, based on my body, some carbs are good, some are bad.

- To measure blood sugar, I've used the lancet with the pricking the finger thing for almost a year. Not going to turn into Robocop, lol. But I can tell how my blood sugar acts on my by simply analyzing my behavior at this point.

- Of course I'm using subjectivity, because at the end of the day is how you feel. I feel good this way. If I do what you say, I feel bad. What's the point of doing something that makes me feel bad?....

- If we use glucose and insulin, it's because our bodies are designed to consume/treat carbs. That's why the case for GOOD and NATURAL carbs. Honey in particular is an ANIMAL MADE food, not plant based. But again, if we humans were not designed to eat even 1 carb, we wouldn't have all these body functions. Makes no sense from an evolutionary point of view. Plus, insulin has a lot of good effects on the body (beside what we commonly known about it), it's needed.

- I don't think it is possible to have a 100% confirmation of what diet is the optimal or not. Again, science in these aspects are hard to do, because you would need to jail thousands of people for decades in order to correctly measure the impact of foods in human bodies. And then, you also have the fact that every body is different and people react differently to every food. SO... when you are calling other views on this FRAUDULENT, you are being close minded and claiming that you know it all, when there is no such thing, since science does not allow it in this case. I understand that you found a theory you like and are passionate about it, but you are still far from proving it's true. In fact, I read some of your assumptions and see the logic failing in there.

But well, still, you are on the right track.

edit on 14-2-2023 by ltrz2025 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 14 2023 @ 11:18 AM

originally posted by: ltrz2025
a reply to: tanstaafl

- "Science" is based on statistics.

Ummm... no, not really. Statistics is a 'science' in and of itself, and while can be used to evaluate science based studies, statistics are also easily and quite often manipulated based on a pre-desired outcome.

We are all different.

As I said, yes, to a certain extent - but no more.

We are all homo sapiens, just like all canines are canines and all felines are felines.

And like every other species on the planet, homo sapiens have a proper diet we have, as a species, evolved to thrive one.

Yes, we CAN eat some plants/carbs and not dies, and this is a real advantage we have. But, just because we can eat a few plants without dying immediately (a great many will kill us quickly, and many many more will make us very sick), doesn't mean we should.

Our gut biome is different from people to people, region to region, etc.

The gut biome changes based on what the person is eating. The gut biome of a vegetarian is very different from that of a carnivore.

One spoon of honey with my lunch, one square of chocolate after dinner. Never had cravings for them, or become addictive at all, I really eat them because I feel the difference.

Your 'feeling the difference' is a symptom of the addiction.

It is great that you don't devolve into gorging yourself on them, but be careful... many many people do, and many of those have posted having experienced horrible such reactions based on their decision to try doing what Saladino is doing,

Body weight tells you if you are inflaming. Inflammation is a sign that you have eaten something that's not good. I eat honey, chocolate and lactose as carbs. Never inflamate. I eat just a piece of processed carbs, I inflamate. Clear as daylight. So, based on my body, some carbs are good, some are bad.

Again, this is simply your opinion, one which flies in the face of the science.

The lack of immediate symptoms doesn't mean there is nothing going on inside that won't show up sooner or later.

To measure blood sugar, I've used the lancet with the pricking the finger thing for almost a year. Not going to turn into Robocop, lol. But I can tell how my blood sugar acts on my by simply analyzing my behavior at this point.

Like I said, a single daily snapshot is basically useless.

Of course I'm using subjectivity, because at the end of the day is how you feel. I feel good this way. If I do what you say, I feel bad. What's the point of doing something that makes me feel bad?

Best would be to figure out why eating the proper human diet makes you feel bad.

Again, it is likely electrolyte imbalance that is easily fixed without toxic sugar/carbs.

If we use glucose and insulin, it's because our bodies are designed to consume/treat carbs.

If we use ketones, it is because our bodies are designed to run on ketones, which it cannot do when eating carbs.

That's why the case for GOOD and NATURAL carbs.

Again, no such thing, but you do you.

Honey in particular is an ANIMAL MADE food,

Nope... it is pollen regurgitated by bees (ie bee vomit)... but you do you.

not plant based.

Again... nope, it is pollen. Plant based.

But again, if we humans were not designed to eat even 1 carb, we wouldn't have all these body functions.

Again, just because we evolved the ability to get by on them doesn't mean they are optimal.

Makes no sense from an evolutionary point of view.

Sure it does. It is a survival adaptation.

Plus, insulin has a lot of good effects on the body (beside what we commonly known about it), it's needed.

Agreed, but irrelevant.

I don't think it is possible to have a 100% confirmation of what diet is the optimal or not.

Not from the standpoint of RPCCTs (randomized placebo controlled clinical trials), you're right about that. But thousands, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, and now millions of anecdotes, all showing the same thing, are a pretty decent second best.

And then, you also have the fact that every body is different and people react differently to every food.

Again, true to a very specific/small extent, but not in the way you are suggesting.

SO... when you are calling other views on this FRAUDULENT, you are being close minded and claiming that you know it all,

Nope, I just have researched this o the point that I am very confident I know the answer to this question.

But again... you do you...

I would strongly recommend you keep this conversation in the back of your mind, one day you will start experiencing problems from your choice to add carbs/sugar back in, and when you do, you'll be in a position to resolve your problems quickly.
edit on 14-2-2023 by tanstaafl because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 14 2023 @ 11:33 AM

originally posted by: tanstaafl
Ummm... no, not really. Statistics is a 'science' in and of itself, and while can be used to evaluate science based studies, statistics are also easily and quite often manipulated based on a pre-desired outcome.

Scientific research is based on statistics, because studies are done by counting cases and effects. That's statistics, they are literally in every segment of any research study. It's childish to deny this.

After reading this, I couldn't read more, because it's impossible now to take you seriously. You are going into cognitive dissonance and the best is that we leave the exchange here. One thing is being passionate, another thing is being immature and close minded. You know better than this.

Then, you finish your post saying that you are "very confident" of something, isn't that's an anecdotal reference? when all you did was making a case against anecdotal cases?... You discuss almost like a vegan.

Bye now, I really hope you get better.

edit on 14-2-2023 by ltrz2025 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 14 2023 @ 12:41 PM

originally posted by: ltrz2025
a reply to: tanstaafl
Scientific research is based on statistics, because studies are done by counting cases and effects. That's statistics, they are literally in every segment of any research study. It's childish to deny this.

What is childish is to deny reality.

Again - statistics is a science that is used to evaluate scientific studies... but scientific studies are comprised of very specific protocols and processes that have nothing to do with statistics.

After reading this, I couldn't read more, because it's impossible now to take you seriously.

Your loss...

Of course, I understand the need to find reasons to not ready things that call into question things you are doing that you desperately want to continue doing.

You are going into cognitive dissonance and the best is that we leave the exchange here. One thing is being passionate, another thing is being immature and close minded.

Methinks you should read this... then read it again... and again. You know better than this.

Then, you finish your post saying that you are "very confident" of something, isn't that's an anecdotal reference?

Not at all, because it is based in all of the science that backs everything - and I mean everything - I've said.

Go watch all of the videos by Dr Berry and Dr Chaffee - then go look up and read the research they cite to back everything they are saying up.

Sorry, but that isn't anecdotal evidence. It is called science.

when all you did was making a case against anecdotal cases?

So, you don't understand the difference between scientific studies, the sciences of plant biology, anthorpology and paleo-anthropology?

You discuss almost like a vegan.

No that is a low blow... rotflmao!!!

Bye now, I really hope you get better.
edit on 14-2-2023 by tanstaafl because: (no reason given)

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