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Online Seed Ordering

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posted on Sep, 30 2022 @ 03:00 PM
Hello ATS!

I have been hearing, reading and seeing all kinds of things related to the NWO making us eat bugs and whatnot with agenda 2030 boiling down the pipe! I for one will not be doing that and nor will my family. I started gardening in the backyard in 19' when Rona was released and have expanded over the past couple years to a small raised vegetable garden.

I am preparing to make a large raised bed this coming year and I am curious to where I should purchase my seeds? I live in a the second largest city in Oklahoma. I could ask local farmers but they are disappearing faster than I can find them.

Does anyone on the site reading this post know of any good places online to purchase veggie seeds? Ones that are not too tainted by our governmet.

edit on 9/30/2022 by semperfortis because: Corrected all caps

posted on Sep, 30 2022 @ 03:07 PM
a reply to: HUBE007

13 Places to Buy Heirloom and Organic Seeds

The 10 Best Seed Companies for Heirloom and Non-GMO Seeds

posted on Sep, 30 2022 @ 03:08 PM
Gardens and self sufficiency will be seen as the acts of a terrorist.

posted on Sep, 30 2022 @ 03:23 PM

posted on Sep, 30 2022 @ 03:34 PM
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

I've said it in the past.
You will have to have a license to have a garden.

In japan it is like that already but not for homeowners.

coming your way americans

posted on Sep, 30 2022 @ 03:35 PM
OMG youre not serious

Give me your address ill order you some?

Like you can get them literally everywhere and anyway? Amazon... Garden Centers, online stores, everywhere

You're not in the stone-age yet Hubei007
edit on 30-9-2022 by TritonTaranis because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 14 2022 @ 12:25 PM
a reply to: HUBE007 My pick for a reputable seed company is Ferry-Morse. Their products are reasonably priced, have good germination rates, and store well. They also have a good selection of heirloom seeds to choose from.

edit on 14-10-2022 by LLoyd45 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 14 2022 @ 04:37 PM
a reply to: HUBE007

Johnny seeds
Eden brothers
Seed Savers

All organic non gmo, my husband is into those seeds.

posted on Oct, 14 2022 @ 06:39 PM
a reply to: HUBE007

as infolurker suggested, you should be looking for open-pollinated or heirloom seeds; hybrid seeds that you might find commonly will product good plants, but often the seeds of those plants will not produce true. Thus, you want open-pollinated or heirloom seeds.

There are several places around the world that sell such seeds.

My mother once worked an acre and a half for the benefit of her family. I rototilled the area at the start of the season, and irrigated the rows. She weeded and harvested and canned and put away in a fruit cellar and froze some of the produce. Her works carried us through harsh winters and beyond. So, she knows what it takes to carry a family. She is 88 and still grows vegetables in various containers for her family.

We are just entering into vertical gardening via 10" PVC. It works great for cukes. We are also growing Water Spinach, which is very nutritious, but takes a lot of it to make a meal. Fortunately, it grows quickly. We're growing Mung Beans. Mungo grows rapidly and is a great protein.

posted on Dec, 28 2022 @ 04:38 PM
I use Bakers Heirloom seeds and seed savers exchange for most of my seeds

posted on Dec, 28 2022 @ 06:28 PM
I've been ordering heirloom seeds here and there the last few weeks for a new variety of items to grow. Now is the time to buy. Last spring you could hardly get the items you want. I have a feeling it will only get worse. A tip to the wise, grow a few sacrificial plants to gather your own seeds from and dry and label them properly so you won't need to purchase them in the future. This is the way to be truly self sufficient in your garden.

I've narrowed my gardening down to about 15 items or so. I want it to be sustainable, grow foods I eat often and grow foods I can easily process in one way or another for the coming year. I also want to grow the most nutritious and proficient items that aren't more work than it costs to buy. I've given up on 'oh that looks fun/interesting/cute'. I'm seriously going on the straight and narrow. Also, no grains, soup beans, corn. They are still cheap and easy to buy in bulk. I also live in a farming community and get many things when they sell at the farmers market like onions, corn and such. Also, there are things I like to eat but rarely such as Peas and Okra so I won't waste time and space growing those either but will instead purchase them when I want to eat them.

Here is what I'm growing this year. I'm trying to focus on things that don't have to be frozen because my freezers are full and I like to save them for meat. All my seeds are heirloom.

Carrots -- canned, fresh, frozen, dehydrated
Cucumber - fresh off the vine all summer
Green beans - heirloom bush - fresh, canned or frozen
Kale - can be dehydrated, Kale chips, added to soups and sauces, canned, frozen
Sorrel Large Leaf - same as kale
Mammoth Grey striped sunflower seeds - dried
Zucchini Black Beauty - frozen, fresh - lasts like a winter squash when allowed to grow large and stored properly, can be peeled and cubed if large and older and fried like potatoes.
Butternut squash - you get the most meat for the effort with these and store all winter. Can be used as pumpkins and other squash in prep and flavor.
Variety of tomatoes - canned, frozen, fresh, dehydrated - many are perennial
Fingerling potatoes - fresh, lasts in storage if properly done
Radish - fresh all summer and fall
Green peppers - fresh and dehydrated
Cauliflower - dehydrated, frozen, pickled
Lettuce - a couple of leaf varieties
Green onions - volunteers, come up every year - perennial
Asparagus - plant once and eat for years - perennial
Easy to grow herbs.

I currently regularly grow sprouts of Alfalfa, Radish, Broccoli. These are nice to have especially through the winter and in these expensive times. Lettuce here is 6$ a head and they are SMALL. Sprouts can be used on sandwiches, in stir fry, omelets etc. I purchase chickpeas in a 25# sack and use for soups, salads and humus, roasted for snacks. Pinto and Northern beans, split peas, lentils, oats, flour, rice, salt I also purchase in bulk. My meat is canned, dehydrated and frozen.

I can survive a long time with these items with good nutrition and variety. I have my own chickens and geese. Rabbits and deer are prolific around here. I take advantage of indigenous plants such as stinging nettles, catnip, and have a huge grape arbor and apple trees.

If you plan well, you don't need to spend a fortune all at once. Buy a few hens and a rooster. RIR is my preferred variety. Brown eggs, proficient layers and can be used as meat birds. They are friendly and healthy.

Invest in heirloom seeds and keep them organized and catalogued. Only grow what you will eat. Find neighbors that garden and see about trading items at harvest.

I still buy things from the grocery store that I happen to like because of taste or ease of use and will continue to do so until I can't.

edit on 4431202200000031bWed, 28 Dec 2022 19:00:44 -06002022000000x by StoutBroux because: (no reason given)

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