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Top Secret weapons from Long term Government projects. Where are they now?

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posted on May, 16 2022 @ 09:34 AM
a reply to: mysterioustranger

Not a weapon as such, but some sort of tech none the less.

From another thread a yer ago:

originally posted by: NobodySpecial268
a reply to: karl 12

On the subject of holograms, I've had two oddities along that line show up at home.

The first was about January this year. Woke up about two in the morning with (manageable) bodily terror and a pain focused in the chest like needles. Looked towards the window and there was a "gremlin" plastered splayed on the glass. It was maybe two or three feet tall.

I just watched it for a while and then it did something odd as it disappeared. It pixelated.

About the seventeenth of February this:

Standing at my kitchen bench, looking down at my cell phone as it lay upon the bench, the 3D bust of a "grey" appeared about six inches from my face. Very fine detail right down to the minute creases in the skin. Oddly enough the detail was better than my eye-glasses have ever achieved. The round eyes were closed and each was about three inches across. The forehead was lower than a human's and the face was slightly reminiscent of a chimpanzee.

I watched it for a while. Then it disappeared and reappeared in exactly the same position and began revolving clockwise on the horizontal, perhaps a 120 degree arc. It repeated this perhaps six times and disappeared.

Some impressive technology out there. The question for me is who's technology.

Edit to add: Since the bust appeared I got a look through 3D gamer's headgear. The same slightly over emphasized 3D feel.

Source: me, here: abovetopsecret . . .

posted on May, 16 2022 @ 09:38 AM

originally posted by: NobodySpecial268
a reply to: mysterioustranger

Not a weapon as such, but some sort of tech none the less.

From another thread a yer ago:

originally posted by: NobodySpecial268
a reply to: karl 12

On the subject of holograms, I've had two oddities along that line show up at home.

The first was about January this year. Woke up about two in the morning with (manageable) bodily terror and a pain focused in the chest like needles. Looked towards the window and there was a "gremlin" plastered splayed on the glass. It was maybe two or three feet tall.

I just watched it for a while and then it did something odd as it disappeared. It pixelated.

About the seventeenth of February this:

Standing at my kitchen bench, looking down at my cell phone as it lay upon the bench, the 3D bust of a "grey" appeared about six inches from my face. Very fine detail right down to the minute creases in the skin. Oddly enough the detail was better than my eye-glasses have ever achieved. The round eyes were closed and each was about three inches across. The forehead was lower than a human's and the face was slightly reminiscent of a chimpanzee.

I watched it for a while. Then it disappeared and reappeared in exactly the same position and began revolving clockwise on the horizontal, perhaps a 120 degree arc. It repeated this perhaps six times and disappeared.

Some impressive technology out there. The question for me is who's technology.

Edit to add: Since the bust appeared I got a look through 3D gamer's headgear. The same slightly over emphasized 3D feel.

Source: me, here: abovetopsecret . . .

On the subject of holograms....there is a recent video of the Pope, turning around in the Papal Blessing window. As he turns, he lowers his hands and pixelates...disappears in a flash...

posted on May, 16 2022 @ 09:42 AM
a reply to: mysterioustranger

Not chem, bio, nuclear....we got those.

Who's we, and DO you/they?

Nukes were NEVER used in a war since they were allegedly used in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. They didn't use them in the very politically important Vietnam war. Why? No, seriously, why?

You can't reconcile two statements; 1) Nukes can't be used safely without rendering the area unlivable for 10 000 years. 2) The reason why this didn't happen in Japan, was that.. err.. because.. they exploded above the ground, yes, that's it!

What? If that's ALL it takes to make nukes safe for war usage, then surely they could've easily used them in ANY and all wars since! Just make sure they explode in the air, and the ground won't be contaminatd. Because, you know, gravity doesn't pull things towards the ground or anything.

This alleged nuclear explosion stuff happened so long ago, that camera or sound equipment weren't really very good. Any footage I ever saw of 'actual nuclear explosions' is so shoddy and badly shot, so full of weird anomalies (like the smoke streams and clouds not caring to move at all when a nuke is exploding in the middle of them) that it AT LEAST makes me question.. what if nukes don't exist..?

In any case, 'nukes' are a GREAT weapon politically speaking, because it's this mysterious MASSIVE MURDER WEAPON, the most SCARY THING EVER, that is the most SUPER of all superweapons, so you better do as we say!

If they exist, it can't be proven - who's going to launch a nuke and be like 'oh yeah, look at that blast' while their body disintegrates in a second? On the OTHER hand, if they don't exist, that can't be and also doesn't need to be proven, either, for the same reason.

To make it clear; they CAN'T be proven to exist or not exist, so it's a perfect official story from the people that have lied about every official story before and since! You MUST fear us because we have this thing that can't be proven to exist or not exist, so you better obey us, look at this footage where I pointed the camera at a sunset, see? It's all real! (whistle)

There could be some -other- reason why ONLY CONVENTIONAL WEAPONS have been used in every darn war since way before the Vietnam conflict. They don't want to use such weapons to PROTECT people, 'their own people' or 'We, The People' - they want to use it only to protect themselves, the handful of megalomaniac oligarchs, the cabal of 'elevated elite true leaders', the shadow government, whatever you want to call it.

They will ONLY use 'secret superweapons' to gain more power and control and to protect themselves FROM the masses, or to DESTROY THE MASSES - but never to just 'protect our people'.

In any case, there are worse weapons than the alleged nukes would be, and Nikola Tesla was probably right when he said he could split the planet very easily and quickly. The thing is, destruction of such large scale is just going to force them to start all over, and that's no fun.

They're not after destruction, they're after power and control, because that's the game they are playing. Whether they have secret superweapons (like nukes) or not, is irrelevant; they're never going to use them 'the right way' anyway, if they exist, they have it, and they are going to use it, it's going to be for their own benefit only - they would never use it in a planned skirmish that's more profitable to be fought using conventional weapons while they watch it all unfold, eating gold-gilded popcorn in their castles and ivory towers while getting bl0wjobs from.. well, you get the idea.

posted on May, 16 2022 @ 09:50 AM
a reply to: mysterioustranger

On the subject of holograms....there is a recent video of the Pope, turning around in the Papal Blessing window. As he turns, he lowers his hands and pixelates...disappears in a flash...

The tech is out there . . .

Someone somewhere else was able to look through the eyes of that bust on my kitchen bench and it had a perfect view. That it had it's eyes closed and repeated the movements suggests just a calibration. Spy gear none the less.

posted on May, 16 2022 @ 10:59 AM
a reply to: mysterioustranger

What I think is most possible is that there was one breakthrough in understanding in physics. Like understanding magnetism and gravity completely.

And since then, because of the breakthrough, most secret projects could base on that superior knowledge. And all other public projects are either scrubbed or controlled in publication to slow down the release of critical information via the common scientific channels. All other, private once can't defend anyways and it's declared a matter of national interest / security.

A teacher already told us about meta materials twenty years ago, the invisible / light bending cube. And then I also forgot about it until like two or three years ago I read about this "new" thing. Hm...

I think that because of the underlying science understanding used for advanced secret projects, it would have to be treated different and kept secret as long as possible by all means. Really the last-last-last line of defense or evil... depends.

posted on May, 16 2022 @ 01:02 PM
a reply to: Shoujikina

These worse weapons...are of what I'm speaking.

posted on May, 16 2022 @ 01:06 PM
a reply to: TDDAgain

One of the worse I've heard is a mass casualty/destruction event where an invading enemy has a weapon to destroy all life where it stands.

Then they come in, drag out our dead bodies, pets, animals...and keep all our stuff. Intact .

posted on May, 16 2022 @ 07:06 PM
a reply to: crayzeed

So like in the 60's-70's...we knew and got the govs to admit to "black holes" in Defense spending. Nam days. After.

Black quiet while w spend billions....ok.

All these years...all that unaccountable $$$ to military spending....and? Where's the stuff then????

posted on May, 16 2022 @ 07:32 PM
remember 'Rods from God'?
maybe all those secret Shuttle missions were setting them up.
officially they never existed.

'Brilliant Buzzard', supposedly a space jet, based on the B-70 Valkyrie ('Super Valkyrie'). officially it never existed.

particle beams? pulse weapons?
officially, no.
edit on 01032020 by ElGoobero because: clarify

posted on May, 17 2022 @ 07:46 AM

originally posted by: mysterioustranger
a reply to: crayzeed

So like in the 60's-70's...we knew and got the govs to admit to "black holes" in Defense spending. Nam days. After.

Black quiet while w spend billions....ok.

All these years...all that unaccountable $$$ to military spending....and? Where's the stuff then????

Who has actually proved that the $$$$$ was spent on ANY military project. Given to the military yes, but then who's bank accounts has it gone in.

posted on May, 17 2022 @ 01:36 PM
a reply to: crayzeed

Absolutely. No clue who n where went what.

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