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Top Secret weapons from Long term Government projects. Where are they now?

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posted on May, 15 2022 @ 10:46 PM
Am I the only one wondering?

Ok...we got 'em. They got em. The others want em, the rest are working on em. Always had 'em. Bad guys too. Beams n Frequency Mods and Lasers, Phazers, Pulses new "secret tech'....We know we've had them for decades. And each country pretty much has their own at their levels. What does it take to use them?

Seems taking out a 40 mile column of Russian Tanks would be POOF...gone. Like in Iraq and Kuwaiit...they were shooting up at us....and we werent even there but waaaaaaaaaaaay away. They are fighting planes in Ukraine, and tanks and whatever the hell....Why I ask?....Do we develop these top secret weapons that we never ever seem to use? Why got all kinds of them. And we dont use them.

Other than an Alien Invasion or presence of the Dark Star...what would it take to provide a single response with one of these? Not chem, bio, nuclear....we got those. But, the OTHER stuff? And at what point and when is it decided and by whom, and when.? It would seem to me it would be an easy choice, given the situation there. I mean...Ive been watching since Kennedy days...we got CRAZZZZZZY tech waiting in the wings out there....for what? When?

I think the 'when" coulda been in after day after day after day, death, women, children, grandparents. So what does it take in the world to even think of using these 'unknown weapons" we develop for protection and defense.? If it will end or hasten conflicts- end then...? Im not speaking of the expected mutual exchange of assured destruction....Im speaking of our development of....and not using them.

What in Heaven and Earth....if not this....would be a reason to use any of these so called "top secret weapons"? Whatever they are.....

posted on May, 15 2022 @ 11:02 PM
Maybe we really don't have them, maybe politicians and top people who were overlooking the defense programs were getting bribes with the funds to manufacture them. They probably don't work well, but of course after spending so much money on them they can't say they didn't work so they just keep the failed technology classified as top secret. That will keep people from finding out the money was wasted and shuffled away.

posted on May, 15 2022 @ 11:07 PM
a reply to: mysterioustranger

Do we develop these top secret weapons that we never ever seem to use? Why got all kinds of them. And we dont use them.

Because you never show your hand to your enemies until you absolutely have to, its how we keep places like Russia and China from reverse engineering our equipment until we absolutely positively have to use it in field

I can promise you anything China or Russia has weve already developed past

Russia bragging about their new Nuke and what they could do to England

That nuke would never land and what would happen to Putin in his glass house would make the world shudder

posted on May, 15 2022 @ 11:20 PM
a reply to: mysterioustranger

But do we, though?

As dangerous as it is to under estimate your opponent's capabilities, it is just as dangerous to over-estimate them as well.

Yes, billions, if not trillions have been spent on research with regard to "exotic" weaponry. But, in the end, we have no real proof that any of that research has resulted in the development of actual, usable weapons.

An example, from personal experience:

Back in the early 00's, I was part of a team under a "grey" (as opposed to a "black") project contract to develop a very high altitude surveillance system with very long-term loiter capabilities. After the prototype was assembled and tested, the USAF research department overseeing the project destroyed the prototype and carted off the pieces.

Never heard from them again, even though our team went on to further development of the system under private funding. The military simply wasn't interested any more.

Sometimes the things in the lab are just there to make sure someone else doesn't come up with something you should of thought up first!

posted on May, 15 2022 @ 11:23 PM
a reply to: Mantiss2021

They were interested

They just moved that project out of your hands and into a black project that's exactly how they do things when they're going to take it dark.....the onion effect

At least that's what I've been told by several people I know in that field of experience
edit on 5/15/2022 by ManBehindTheMask because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 16 2022 @ 12:34 AM
I agree with the posters writing not showing your hand until absolutely necessary but also with the potential for corruption (some "secret" capabilities therefore actually not existing.

Another point is misdirection: leaking a supposedly secret technology because it is either impossible to realise or only at prohibitive costs or because there are already well developed counter measures in place - so why not make potential enemies waste resources on it while distracting them from more promising research.

posted on May, 16 2022 @ 03:28 AM

originally posted by: mysterioustranger
Am I the only one wondering?

Ok...we got 'em. They got em. The others want em, the rest are working on em. Always had 'em. Bad guys too. Beams n Frequency Mods and Lasers, Phazers, Pulses new "secret tech'....We know we've had them for decades. And each country pretty much has their own at their levels. What does it take to use them?

Seems taking out a 40 mile column of Russian Tanks would be POOF...gone. Like in Iraq and Kuwait...they were shooting up at us....and we weren't even there but waaaaaaaaaaaay away. They are fighting planes in Ukraine, and tanks and whatever the hell....Why I ask?....Do we develop these top secret weapons that we never ever seem to use? Why got all kinds of them. And we dont use them.

Other than an Alien Invasion or presence of the Dark Star...what would it take to provide a single response with one of these? Not chem, bio, nuclear....we got those. But, the OTHER stuff? And at what point and when is it decided and by whom, and when.? It would seem to me it would be an easy choice, given the situation there. I mean...Ive been watching since Kennedy days...we got CRAZZZZZZY tech waiting in the wings out there....for what? When?

I think the 'when" coulda been in after day after day after day, death, women, children, grandparents. So what does it take in the world to even think of using these 'unknown weapons" we develop for protection and defense.? If it will end or hasten conflicts- end then...? Im not speaking of the expected mutual exchange of assured destruction....Im speaking of our development of....and not using them.

What in Heaven and Earth....if not this....would be a reason to use any of these so called "top secret weapons"? Whatever they are.....

posted on May, 16 2022 @ 03:29 AM

originally posted by: ManBehindTheMask
a reply to: Mantiss2021

They were interested

They just moved that project out of your hands and into a black project that's exactly how they do things when they're going to take it dark.....the onion effect

At least that's what I've been told by several people I know in that field of experience

posted on May, 16 2022 @ 04:40 AM
a reply to: mysterioustranger

I think the last time it was done was Nagasaki and Hiroshima.

posted on May, 16 2022 @ 04:52 AM
If anyone have any kind of superweapon, I do not think they will use it unless there is a direct nuclear attack against their whole country.

Perhaps they are already using it.. but it cannot be seen, what if someone have invented a time machine and is able to go back and change the future to their liking, we would never know.

posted on May, 16 2022 @ 06:04 AM
I think it's 99.9% bull excrement, shadow show. If, and I say with a big IF , that if they had any advanced technology they couldn't help themselves, they would have had to use it because to show the world "look what we've got, we are the best in the world".

Seriously look at the technology now. Don't fall for the BS line "we are 40 to 50 years in advance with technology). Start with the "high tech" spy plane, the U2, it was just a normal plane that could fly higher than it's predecessor. But one was still shot down.

Then we have the ultra fast exotic looking "Black Bird". Ah, just a normal plane with lighter materials and bigger engines for the small frame. Then we jump to the B2, really exotic looking but still a normal plane.

Now, Sputnik, spy satellites BS. there are just Sputniks with cameras on. How to deliver them??? same technology as the ancient Chinese rockets. And more NASA BS. We have this, we can do this, blah, blah, blah. The only development (after having billions of dollars) from the Nazi V2 to the Titan (glorified V2) to the space shuttle up to yet 77 years of so called development.

NOW give me again the parrot speak "Ah but it's secret technology, they don't want the rest of the word to know" BS, BS.

Oh, I forgot the top secret direct energy weapons, or as they should be known, supercharged weaponised micro-wave ovens. Yeah, that's really innovative.

posted on May, 16 2022 @ 06:21 AM
a reply to: mysterioustranger

So what does it take in the world to even think of using these 'unknown weapons" we develop for protection and defense.?

You answered your own question within the question itself .
Amazing .

posted on May, 16 2022 @ 07:04 AM
a reply to: mysterioustranger

Well, how about biological warfare? Cheap and nasty.

Other than an Alien Invasion or presence of the Dark Star...what would it take to provide a single response with one of these? Not chem, bio, nuclear....we got those. But, the OTHER stuff? And at what point and when is it decided and by whom, and when.? It would seem to me it would be an easy choice, given the situation there. I mean...Ive been watching since Kennedy days...we got CRAZZZZZZY tech waiting in the wings out there....for what? When?

I am reminded of the H. G. Wells movie War of the Worlds.

What happened in the last ten minutes?

The Martians got sick and died.

What about the sequel?

The sequel may begin with soldiers removing Martian bodies and hosing out the Martian technology. Samples of the germs are taken. Fast forward two years and the counter attack begins. Aerosols rain on Mars for a brief time.

Meanwhile back on earth the clean-up ships are prepared. Two years later the colonists arrive on Mars.

The movie ends with the colony ships taking off from Mars, the corporative conquest of space has begun.

edit on 16-5-2022 by NobodySpecial268 because: typo

posted on May, 16 2022 @ 07:35 AM
a reply to: mysterioustranger

Such weapons if they exist will not be used in the defense of any country other than ours.

Even the howitzers shipped to Ukraine were stripped of the new fire control system.

Trust issues.

They may not trust them to not sell it or copy it. They may not trust them to destroy the systems if they are in danger of being captured.

There are videos of UA forces selling armored vehicles to the Russians filled with javelins during the war on front lines that were just stagnant. The forces were just going through the motions.

There is no way that any type of game changing equipment is going to be put in the hands of UA.

posted on May, 16 2022 @ 08:29 AM
a reply to: Mantiss2021

I'm not at liberty to say...but have some personal knowledge of declassification of Russian nuke codes in the late 80s early 90.

It was a recipricle of us getting some Russia nukes....and they some of prove we were sincere. Project took several years in Tennessee.

posted on May, 16 2022 @ 08:31 AM
a reply to: MindBodySpiritComplex

I agree...but what with all these Ukraine/Russia does it take to use them?

How bad does it have to get?

posted on May, 16 2022 @ 08:33 AM
a reply to: NobodySpecial268

I listed it. I'm trained in biological, nuclear, radiological, name it.

None of the above. The OTHER weapons......

posted on May, 16 2022 @ 08:36 AM
a reply to: NobodySpecial268

1st Men in the moon...HGWells....Moonmen were ant-like....and we took em out....with a germ from one of the Earthlings....who had a cold....and they had no defense.

That was written like 100 years ago....

posted on May, 16 2022 @ 08:39 AM
a reply to: enament


Day 1-BOOM! "What was that flash?!"-Japanese
Day 2-KA BOOM!? "Woah! We surrender!!!"-Japanese.

posted on May, 16 2022 @ 08:44 AM
a reply to: mysterioustranger

The only answer is that conventional weapons & wars are highly profitable industries for the military-industrial complexes of the major Western powers, hence they keep fomenting wars & selling their conventional weapons. The really clever toys are kept in reserve in readiness for the impossible days when another of their highly technologically advanced contemporary Western neighbours/allies try to literally obliterate them. They are for existential self-defence only, because if they were used on conventional wars they would make all conventional weapons immediately reducndant, and people would stop buying into the conventional weapons & warfare racket if the clever toys were put openly on display!

edit on MayMonday2215CDT08America/Chicago-050044 by FlyInTheOintment because: (no reason given)

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