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My Covid Experience

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posted on Dec, 18 2021 @ 05:55 PM
First off, I am not vaccinated. Let me also follow that up with I am not an "ant-vaxxer"; I have all of my shots, my kids have all of theirs. I simply do not trust anything that I have to be bribed to take and have crammed down my throat daily on msm. Also, my father-in-law had a massive stroke two days after his Moderna shot, a friend now has Bells Palsey, and another has an inflamed heart. None had pre-existing conditions, but you don't dare say anything because "...iT's JuSt A cOiNcIdEnCe NoT tHe VaX..."

Secondly, I am 45 years old and have a few "underlying health issues" but am otherwise pretty healthy.

But I digress.

Day 1 (Nov. 19, 2021)
Test Positive for Covid
 Massive headache
Fever (101)
Chills/ aches
Couldn't stay awake 

Day 2
Overall run down and fatigued
Fever at highest 103
No other symptoms really 

Day 3
Fever broke (never returned)

Days 4 & 5
Felt a little bit better, no other symptoms besides fatigue 

Day 6
Stuffy nose and chest congestion start
Smell and taste senses disappear 
No fever 
Fatigue improves 
Dreams start getting very weird during sleep.

Day 7
Chest congestion worsens
Lost my appetite 
I go to the ER as a precaution.
Chest X-ray reveals start of pneumonia.
No doctors or nurses in hazmat suits, no face shields...nothing extravagant... just a paper mask. Mind you this is at one of the busiest hospitals in North Eastern US (Mass General- Boston, MA).
I was too far along for antibody treatment, but my oxygen was "ok" at around 95-96%.
I was given an albuterol inhaler, told to drink fluids and to obviously return if things got worse. 
The doctor told me that days 5-7 can be the worst for symptoms and that most people (like me) can start to feel better around day 4 or 5, then they overdo it, and can get hit really hard. 
At this point, I had to ask the doc why things weren't what they seemed?. Why no suits, where are the overwhelming amount of patients, the packed covid wards, etc. 
His response to me was..."have you ever had the flu?...based on what I've seen its basically like the flu". 
Not going to lie...I was pretty stunned. 

Days 8-12
Basically all the same symptoms Coughing (a lot), tired, no appetite. Lost about 25 lbs. 

Day 13
Both lost senses return

Day 14
Cough begins to improve Have a 2nd Chest X Ray - given the all clear "normal lungs" 

Days 15 & 16 
appetite starts to return 

Day 17
Return to work without any restrictions 

Fast forward a bit - Day 28 - lingering dry cough and slight shortness of breath after exertion. Otherwise - like I never had it. 


First off - this is my and only my story - I'm sure some people have it a lot easier or a lot worse. 

Second - while it absolutely  SUCKED, it wasnt as bad as I feared - and from the doctors/ nurses reactions, is not as bad as the msm is making it out to be 

Lastly - whether or not you believe in this, believe the severity, are pro-vax, anti-vax, or unsure-vax------TAKE CARE OF YOURSELVES AND EACH OTHER.

Be well my ATS friends
edit on 18-12-2021 by LrBc1275 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 18 2021 @ 06:05 PM
a reply to: LrBc1275

I appreciate you sharing your story with us. I won't be getting the experimental shot either. I don't trust the Government and I don't like the way it is pushed on the population and any opposition is censored. It is very suspicious.

posted on Dec, 18 2021 @ 06:15 PM
Great breakdown.
Just like every other "covid is real guys!" New account.

Just so you know, the PCR test shows positive for

...Wait for it

....Wait for it

-the flu

My covid experience was visiting the hospital for nearly 2 years.
While in said EMPTY hospital, I was watching the news tell me it was "ground zero and overrun!"

edit on 12 by Mandroid7 because: Added2

edit on 12 by Mandroid7 because: Format

edit on 12 by Mandroid7 because: So

posted on Dec, 18 2021 @ 10:57 PM
Sounds like you had a case much worse than my wife had. At first it seemed about the same for the first four days but she lost her smell and taste on day two of symptoms. She seemed to be in training to become a cat, sleeping sixteen to eighteen hours a day like the cats do. By day five all she had left was tiredness and an occasional cough, but it took almost fourteen days for that to leave.

I had mild symptoms with mine. I did not lose my sense of smell or taste, it just changed to a strange taste and smell that was yucky. It was hard to spice the food. Body temp went up to around ninety nine for a day or so and right back down to ninety seven again. I did experience a little more tiredness, I had to take an hour nap a few days which I rarely do. I also went to bed a couple of nights before midnight when I was sick, but was up and about between seven to eight in the morning like I usually do. For both of us, I am pretty sure it is our second infection, both of us had a sickness similar in symptoms about eighteen months before, but this was milder. Both times would not be considered covid, we just had a viral infection, the wifes was just different and about as severe as the flu both times, both of our first illnesses made us tired for almost a month...I had never before experienced anything that made me tired for a month before that. but it still was not that bad. Thank goodness we got some immunity from the first time, it protected us for a long time.

We also consumed anti-viral food chemistries that I found in NIH research on the internet that did inhibit viral replication and deactivate the spike protein and it's enzyme both times.

posted on Dec, 19 2021 @ 05:55 AM
a reply to: LrBc1275

I indulged myself with the first variant. In 2020, end of february and beginning of march. Almost exactly the same symptoms like you describe but i had that breathing problem all the time. Couldn´t eat and wanted to sleep almost all the time but woke up every few hours because i couldn´t breath like normally known. All i was able to do was to drink a bit from time to time and, believe it or not, to smoke some weed. To be able to sleep again and not to be bored like hell when awake and trying hard to sleep again.

After around 14 days i suddenly had nough of all that, stood up and started to live my norma life again. First thing i had to do was to leave my house and go to buy food and stuff. In masses. I lost around 10-12kg and i felt like i wanted to eat those 10-12kg at once. But i was exhausted like an old coal miner with a dust lung. That lasted another 14 days till it got better. But to be honest, i didn´t care much about it and did what needed to be done. Including some easy dumbbell and fitness training.

It really was almost the same like a very hard flu (if i remember right, had one last time as a kid, don´t know why) but with that disgusting breathing problem. That was it. Since then i never was again was ill or had a cold or whatever. And i have contact to a lot of people every day. Jabbed and not jabbed ones, healthy and not so healthy ones (it´s winter, runny noses and coughing everywhere), i only wear a mask when i am forced too (supermarkets/discounters) and i didn´t play the guinea pig for Pfizer and Co.

No reason for any fear, panic or to take those jabs. I am recovered from the original strain and feel like i am safe now. And it seems like i am, had contact to a person who was ill with allegedly covid for three days and i met him two days later. He left the quarantine to meet me, we drove around in his car, not caring for anything like wearing stupid dust masks, distancing or whatever BS. Nothing on my side. My double jabbed older neighbor was ill a bit the last week, a bit of a cold or whatever. I hat contact to her almost every day, nothing.

posted on Dec, 19 2021 @ 07:04 AM
a reply to: LrBc1275

Its good that you're well and happy to got shot of this virus, sounds like it can be quite a nasty flu-type virus!

I've not caught any flu-type virus since this pandemic began but I have stayed away from busy areas for much of the last year and half. Though saying that i did visit London 3 times during that period for 3 or 4 weeks at a time and then went back to my hobbit hole. So during these last 2 years, all I've had is a headache which lasted 1 day.

Hopefully, this virus will stay away from me but if I do catch it... hopefully its going to be like the flu I had once before , about 30 or so years ago and wont need the hospital!

I'm also not vaccinated! I will wait till side effects are a lot less... so if that means another couple years, then thats my gamble!

posted on Dec, 19 2021 @ 09:34 AM
I'm glad that you recovered well! And for anyone else here who may not be aware, who took the shot or did not take the shot. If you get covid, you should immediately start a vitamin regimen to give your immune system and your body the fuel it needs to fight off viral infection. Vitamin D, Vitamin C, Zinc, Quercetin and something to help with fever, lots of fluids and lots of rest if you're experiencing symptoms. Melatonin as well (before bed).

If you follow the regimen, The likelihood of the disease advancing and having to go to the hospital is significantly reduced. If you can get IVM or HCQ from your doctor, that will also be of great benefit within the regimen.

Big pharma, media and government are colluding together to generate billions in profit and are predatory in nature. The goal is to keep people out of the hospital, and ignoring early treatments has resulted in an incredible amount of unnecessary death.


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