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Georgia man sentenced to 1,000 years for child porn - out after only 7.

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posted on Jul, 1 2020 @ 05:01 PM
So this is happening....

A Georgia man was sentenced to 1000 years of prison time but was let out after only serving 7 years. What was he charged with?
- 60 Counts of Sexual Exploitation of Children
- 3 Counts of Invasion of Privacy
- 1 Count of Tampering with Evidence.

He shouldn't have gotten parole. Personally, he should have gotten 'bullseyed'.

People.... THIS is where what we're coming to.

Child Porn:

He was charged as a result of a LaGrange Police Department investigation initiated in February 2011. According to prosecutors, police were alerted to more than 600 suspected child porn files linked to a computer in LaGrange, which led them to the television station Mallory operated. More than 26,000 files of child pornography were seized. “The evidence demonstrated that Mallory knowingly and intentionally sought out, gathered, downloaded and saved these images and videos of children being raped, tortured and sexually exploited,” Cranford said in a prior news release.

26000 files of children being raped and used for sick sexual desires! No telling how many were infants. No telling how many of those children were murdered in the process or mentally damaged for the rest of their lives! How many will go on to commit suicide!

Invasion of Privacy:

The invasion of privacy counts stemmed from a hidden camera Mallory installed in his office that he used to secretly record young women, Cranford said.

So this sicko went as far as filming young women in his office to get his rocks off. Wonder if he smelled their hair too? Never-mind... too sick to think about.

Apparently Georgia laws are kind of screwed up no matter how long you're sentenced to prison.

Cranford advocated against Mallory’s release in a December letter to the parole board. Mallory was first eligible for parole in December 2019, seven years after his conviction. According to a parole board spokesman, Mallory’s eligibility was determined by Georgia’s sentencing laws for consecutive sentences, despite the length of his sentence.

Didn't matter what the people thought. It didn't matter what his victims thought. Oh yeah... There were actual victims involved. 2 in this case.

“The evidence shows that Mallory is sexually deviant and commits these crimes by compulsion as much as by choice,” he said in the letter. “In the current digital age, no amount of supervision can stop a compulsive sexual deviant like Mallory from seeking out the most heinous images and videos of small children being sexually abused.”Two victims involved in the case also opposed parole, Cranford said. At a minimum, they asked that Mallory be banned from Troup County and from contacting them if he was released.

Ok so maybe this is all one big mixup. Maybe it was all due to the whole Covid thing and early rea.... I'll stop right there. That's a big NOPE. Their laws are really that screwed up!

“Mallory’s crimes did not allow for the state to seek or the trial court to impose a sentence without parole eligibility, and parole is a power exercised exclusively by the State Board of Pardons and Paroles,” Cranford said Tuesday in the statement.In an April response to Cranford, the parole board said earlier release was possible due to “performance incentive credits.” Board spokesman Steve Hayes said Mallory actually served five months in prison beyond the date he was eligible for release by law and the board followed its guidelines system to determine his parole.“The clemency recommendation was for a parole release at eligibility,” Hayes said in an email to “Mallory was released five months later. His parole release is not COVID-19 related.”

So if I was to say... Karma needs to come back on this guy and gets him right between the legs... Would that be a horrible thing to say? Would it also be a horrible thing to say that this guy should get taken out by some unknown vigilante that is never found...?

Sometimes you expect the dumbest things to come up and even then, sometimes it's still too much to not be surprised. Just when you thought.... Yep. It just keeps getting better.

posted on Jul, 1 2020 @ 05:11 PM
a reply to: StallionDuck

Oh no where to begin.

First why do we have outrageous sentencing declarations 1000 years, Is there some life extension technology out there? why not just say life in prison?

and 1,000 is not anywhere close to seven years thats not even a one fourth. what?!

HOw do these people get away with things like this??

posted on Jul, 1 2020 @ 05:20 PM
A 1000 year sentence is just stupid, why not just call it life. this kind of human garbage needs to be executed! same kind of court system will give someone 30 years without parole for a small amount of cannibis, unbelievable, vigilanti justice is wrong but i believe that an anonymous bullet to the head is justified in this case. my god those poor children
edit on 03 08 2017 by TimHeller because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 1 2020 @ 05:22 PM
a reply to: StallionDuck

The parole officers that make the decision for him to be released probably did under compassionate grounds, they are probably kiddie fondlers too and felt sorry for him, birds of a feather.

posted on Jul, 1 2020 @ 05:34 PM

originally posted by: hopenotfeariswhatweneed
a reply to: StallionDuck

The parole officers that make the decision for him to be released probably did under compassionate grounds, they are probably kiddie fondlers too and felt sorry for him, birds of a feather.

Any good investigative journalist would be looking into that parole officer and their motives. But, unfortunately, that particular species is extinct these days.

posted on Jul, 1 2020 @ 05:49 PM
All great points!

I agree.. This would lead me to suspect preferred treatment, meaning it's possible that those allowing the parole so soon could have been in on it. I would be very suspicious.

Imagine the people who were victims... what do they feel about justice now. Probably not much. They're going to feel overlooked and forgotten.

I really just don't understand this obvious erosion of our justice system. It's right there in your face. That's one hell of a mockery to law biding citizens. Sadly... Governors and Presidents aren't held responsible for stuff like this, much less judges and parole boards.

Someone needs to step up and start cleaning house in this country - I mean really get in there with a toothbrush and clear those cracks.... Lay traps and poison the rest and lite them all up...
edit on 1-7-2020 by StallionDuck because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 1 2020 @ 05:56 PM

originally posted by: StallionDuck
All great points!

I agree.. This would lead me to suspect preferred treatment, meaning it's possible that those allowing the parole so soon could have been in on it. I would be very suspicious.

Imagine the people who were victims... what do they feel about justice now. Probably not much. They're going to feel overlooked and forgotten.

I really just don't understand this obvious erosion of our justice system. It's right there in your face. That's one hell of a mockery to law biding citizens. Sadly... Governors and Presidents aren't held responsible for stuff like this, much less judges and parole boards.

Someone needs to step up and start cleaning house in this country - I mean really get in there with a toothbrush and clear those cracks.... Lay traps and poison the rest and lite them all up...

This is the result when you allow the politicians to control/own the media.

posted on Jul, 1 2020 @ 06:08 PM
a reply to: StallionDuck

Wrong. Just wrong.

Reading the meet the board section of the parole board, we have this by the Chairman.

Passionate and persuasive, Rep. Barnard shepherded every bill introduced in the Georgia Legislature that had any impact on the Department of Corrections during his years in office. In 1995-1996, Mr. Barnard guided through the Georgia House, the frame work for the State Sex Offenders Registry and Sexual Predators Review Board. As a result interested parties may learn if a convicted sex offender is living in a neighborhood of interest.

This of, course, does not excuse him for the disgusting nature of this decision. If anything, it adds suspicion to the nature of the decision. I suspect there is more to this story.

On the other hand, one thing I have been noticing more and more recently is the nature of decisions being implemented by business and government. They all seem to be going along the lines of;

Loser A - "Hey, I've just had a good idea"

Loser B - "Great, how does it work in reality, you know, in the real world?"

Loser A - "Pffft, what?"

posted on Jul, 1 2020 @ 07:04 PM
a reply to: StallionDuck

Don’t be surprised

Epstein ‘ minions are still running around free. Maxine is partying it up, yup, Epstein’ s madam who recruited you know who you know where.

posted on Jul, 1 2020 @ 07:34 PM
a reply to: American-philosopher

Oh no where to begin.

First why do we have outrageous sentencing declarations 1000 years, Is there some life extension technology out there? why not just say life in prison?

and 1,000 is not anywhere close to seven years thats not even a one fourth. what?!

HOw do these people get away with things like this??

you beat me to it.

1000 years??? did the judge think this man was methuselah? what the hell? life without parole, simple, and releasing a man that by his track records suggests he might offend again, once again what the hell? maybe he cooperated and named names, That may or not be the case, but you don't release someone for good behaviour for commiting bad behaviour? ten yard penalty.

Go home Georgia, you're drunk.

posted on Jul, 1 2020 @ 09:04 PM
This guy will be a Democrat superstar...

The Clintons probably have a job waiting for him... it's a no-brainer...

Even better, he can run for governor, lose... and blame voter suppression and discrimination against pedophile-americans...

posted on Jul, 1 2020 @ 09:04 PM

This guy will be a Democrat superstar...

The Clintons probably have a job waiting for him... it's a no-brainer...

Even better, he can run for governor, lose... and blame voter suppression and discrimination against pedophile-americans...

edit on 1-7-2020 by madmac5150 because: It's like this all happened before...

posted on Jul, 1 2020 @ 10:15 PM

originally posted by: madmac5150


This guy will be a Democrat superstar...

The Clintons probably have a job waiting for him... it's a no-brainer...

Even better, he can run for governor, lose... and blame voter suppression and discrimination against pedophile-americans...


Well the sniffing children job was taken a while ago, The Dems seem to be fine with that as it’s their children put under his nose. PLEASE don’t abuse your children Dems.
edit on 1-7-2020 by Robbo2006 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 1 2020 @ 10:17 PM
The sentence did not include "and one day" , meaning parole could be there .
Now , 99 years and one day would mean life without parole . (and would have been my sentence)

posted on Jul, 1 2020 @ 10:39 PM

originally posted by: Robbo2006

originally posted by: madmac5150


This guy will be a Democrat superstar...

The Clintons probably have a job waiting for him... it's a no-brainer...

Even better, he can run for governor, lose... and blame voter suppression and discrimination against pedophile-americans...


Well the sniffing children job was taken a while ago, The Dems seem to be fine with that as it’s their children put under his nose. PLEASE don’t abuse your children Dems.

I was trying a new approach, to the dreaded double post. This reply makes me wonder, about the wisdom of my decision.


posted on Jul, 1 2020 @ 10:56 PM
a reply to: StallionDuck

Because Pedophilia is being normalised. For some strange reason groups like the "Man Boy Love" groups are allowed to exist and up until recently had a social media account and websites people can actually still go and visit to get information and the so called expert opinion that children can consent to a relationship with adult men. I have feared for a long time that it is going to become normalised or treated more as a sexual orientation rather than a sick mental issue.

I'm probably biased as a victim of it growing up and know the damage it does to someone. In the next decade it will be seen as a form of sexual orientation and people will be called "ists" for thinking otherwise. Don't believe me look at all the new stuff that's being suddenly brought up and invented so you can be called an ist or phobe.

posted on Jul, 2 2020 @ 04:09 AM
a reply to: StallionDuck

Did they castrate the pervert before releasing him back into society?

posted on Jul, 2 2020 @ 04:40 AM
a reply to: StallionDuck

This makes me fkn sick to the stomach 🤮

Thanks for the exposure though 👍🏻

posted on Jul, 2 2020 @ 07:07 AM
a reply to: Dwoodward85

Because Pedophilia is being normalised.

Not even 5 years ago, when this exact idea was said on these very same forums, people came out of the woodwork to say that this could never possibly happen and we're crazy for even thinking the possibility that it could happen. I think the post was something to do with males kissing on interstate billboards.

Not so crazy now is it.... It does seem that morals and humanity are being slowly sanded down. Each year something comes up that makes these sick ideals just a little more normal until one day it'll be as though it was always ok.

In Japan, for instance.. You can get around the whole pedo thing legally. A 50 year old can diddle a 13 year old as long as 'both parties are considered in love'.

Wrong on so many levels!

posted on Jul, 2 2020 @ 07:07 AM

originally posted by: PhilbertDezineck
a reply to: StallionDuck

Did they castrate the pervert before releasing him back into society?

Starting right below the chin...?

Unfortunately not.

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