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FBI Arrests 3 White Supremacists Ahead Of Pro-Gun Rally who made machine gun

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posted on Jan, 16 2020 @ 03:40 PM
It’s not usually, just that easy, to build a machine gun. At least some machining of metal would be required as well as the additional parts have to come from somewhere. I didn’t see what kind of machine gun it was, some of the older models may be a little easier.
I’m sure a dedicated person with internet access can figure it out.

posted on Jan, 16 2020 @ 03:43 PM
a reply to: TritonTaranis Base not Based

The Base is an accelerationist, neo-Nazi white separatist paramilitary hate group, formed in 2018 and active in at least the United States, Canada, Australia and South Africa, that advocates the formation of white ethnostates, a goal to be achieved through terrorism and the violent overthrow of existing governments. It organizes what have been called "race war preppers" and organizers of "hate camps".[1][2][3][4] The group was created in June 2018 by the pseudonym Norman Spear who also goes by Roman Wolf and claims to have military experience.[5] The Base translated to Arabic is "al-Qaida".[5] The Base has recruited using iFunny, a Russian meme website.[6][7] A gif from a training camp near Spokane, Washington was posted in August 2019 and dated 18 August 2019.[8][9]
so mostly European/south African/Australian primarily neo nazis who's name is basically al-qaida? methinks these guys are not too bright and seem to want to kick off a good old fashioned race war , i wonder if that NZ live stream shooter guy was one of them?

posted on Jan, 16 2020 @ 03:52 PM
link ah apparently they had no actual plans to commit violence least in this case

While the complaint does not specifically allege the two had plans to carry out an attack at a pro-gun rights protest planned next week in Richmond, a law enforcement official confirmed to ABC News that the FBI arrested the three under suspicion they might travel to the rally "in anticipation of a possible race war," as first reported by The New York Times. As documented in the criminal complaint, as recently as Jan. 11, the three were known to be in possession of at least one assault rifle, plate carriers to support body armor and at least 1,500 rounds of ammunition.
so one assault rifle probably an ar-15 that was allegedly converted to full auto would be the illegal thing they got them on as i am unsure if body armor is illegal where they live and 1500 rounds while a large amount is not criminal

ah yeah Body armor is legal in Delaware just has enhancements if you wear it during commission of a crime and they have no AWB in Delaware

posted on Jan, 16 2020 @ 04:16 PM

originally posted by: dashen
a reply to: dfnj2015

If you're not free to make your own machine gun and hallucinogens in this country are you really free at all?

No you're not.

The govt never passed an amendment to the Constitution allowing the authority over what you put in your body (like was required with Prohibition) and they never amended the 2nd properly to grant them authority to restrict firearms.

So both counts are illegal trespass on the part of the Govt. They violated rights that we the people reserve without proper representation, authorization, or any Constitutional convention of any form.

The govt is in violation here for tyranny.

posted on Jan, 16 2020 @ 04:20 PM

originally posted by: RalagaNarHallas
a reply to: TritonTaranis Base not Based

The Base is an accelerationist, neo-Nazi white separatist paramilitary hate group, formed in 2018 and active in at least the United States, Canada, Australia and South Africa, that advocates the formation of white ethnostates, a goal to be achieved through terrorism and the violent overthrow of existing governments. It organizes what have been called "race war preppers" and organizers of "hate camps".[1][2][3][4] The group was created in June 2018 by the pseudonym Norman Spear who also goes by Roman Wolf and claims to have military experience.[5] The Base translated to Arabic is "al-Qaida".[5] The Base has recruited using iFunny, a Russian meme website.[6][7] A gif from a training camp near Spokane, Washington was posted in August 2019 and dated 18 August 2019.[8][9]
so mostly European/south African/Australian primarily neo nazis who's name is basically al-qaida? methinks these guys are not too bright and seem to want to kick off a good old fashioned race war , i wonder if that NZ live stream shooter guy was one of them?

Lol only edited an hour ago

Stinks 😷

posted on Jan, 16 2020 @ 04:42 PM
a reply to: TritonTaranis

ha hadn't seen that i dont usualy keep track of edits but there do seem to be some people that jump on stuff as soon as it happens , like that iranian generals page was updated right after the drone strike on him so some people really seem to enjoy updating the wiki pretty quickly these days

posted on Jan, 16 2020 @ 05:10 PM
The FBI pulled this stunt in the Oaklahom bombing false flag to blame militias...they probably premented the arrest to do the same in Virginia.
aa reply to: dfnj2015

posted on Jan, 16 2020 @ 05:45 PM
a reply to: dfnj2015


3d printer should terrify you.

posted on Jan, 16 2020 @ 06:50 PM
The virginia governor has declared a state of emergency starting tomorrow because of this gun rally. They say the chatter on the internet is alarming. At least Richmond is further away than Charlottesville is from me.

posted on Jan, 16 2020 @ 06:51 PM
a reply to: Lysergic

Anyone printing a machine gun probably should be a tad bit terrified to use it?

posted on Jan, 16 2020 @ 06:54 PM
What a nice little hit piece designed to link Second Amendment supporters to racists and terrorists.

FBI arrests 3 alleged members of white-supremacist group ‘the Base’ ahead of Virginia gun rally

Constitution haters and freedom deniers (love them buzzwords) like using the term "common sense" to try to convince people to give up their rights. Let's see if we can apply a little common sense to this article.

The FBI has arrested three alleged members of a white-supremacist group on federal gun and alien-harboring charges, amid growing concerns about safety surrounding planned gun rights protests in Virginia’s capital next week.

Where would modern journalism be without the word "alleged?" I suppose we should just assume these people are white supremacists because it has been alleged. I suppose we should also assume that these guys planned to attend the gun rights protests because it's mentioned in the same sentence, although nothing else in the article indicates this.

The charges announced Thursday grew from an investigation of a collection of online extremists who refer to themselves as “the Base,” which is the English translation of al-Qaeda. According to experts who track hate groups, its members promote racist views and seek to unite different hate groups in preparation for a race war.

Right. Because nothing says "We're White Supremacists!" like naming your group after a Middle-Eastern Islamic terrorist group. Especially if you're ex-military. Maybe they picked the name hoping to get CIA funding? In any case, it was nice of The Base to provide the FBI with its membership list so the FBI would know that these three guys were part of The Base.

Officials said Brian Mark Lemley Jr., 33, and William Bilbrough IV, 19, both of Maryland, were charged with transporting an alien and conspiring to harbor an alien. Lemley is also charged with transporting a machine gun.

It must have killed WaPo's soul to use the term "alien", even without using the word "illegal." Normally, they would have said "giving sanctuary to an undocumented immigrant."

On Jan. 2, an FBI agent watched as Lemley took the weapon to a gun range in Maryland “and heard what appeared to be more than one bullet being fired at a time.”

Mr. FBI Agent, if someone has a gun with one barrel that fires more than one bullet at a time, arrest them for violating the laws of physics. But if you're going to hear more than one bullet being fired at a time, I guess that would be at a gun range.

In advance of Monday’s gun rights protests in Richmond, Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam (D) has declared a state of emergency, temporarily banning weapons from the state Capitol grounds, citing “threats of armed confrontation and assault on our Capitol.” The governor’s declaration means that from Friday evening until Tuesday night, firearms, sticks, bats, chains and other weapons will be prohibited on Capitol Square and throughout the Capitol complex.

Aside from Ralph Northam, who exactly who has threatened armed confrontation and assaults at the Capitol? I want names.

And who the hell walks around with bats and chains? I think somebody watched The Warriors too many times.

Also, aren't the police going to be at a disadvantage without their guns, tasers, clubs, and other weapons? I don't think agent provocateurs should have to hope to find weapons laying around. They will definitely need to bring their own bricks and Molotov cocktails.

The rally has drawn interest from militias and extremist groups across the country, raising security concerns in Richmond.

Exactly how do you justify this statement? Did they go around to various militias and extremist groups across the country and take polls? How did non-white extremist groups across the country feel about the rally? Did the Salvation Army weigh in with an opinion on the rally?

The author of the article was just making up crap, there.

“We have seen some connection between U.S.-based neo-Nazis and overseas analogues,” Wray said. “Probably a more prevalent phenomenon that we see right now is racially motivated violent extremists who are inspired by what they see overseas.”

Yeah. Whenever US based neo-Nazis need inspiration, they look overseas towards like-minded groups like al-Qaeda.


In summary, we should give up our Constitutional rights because two guys and an illegal immigrant who are white supremacists trying to be Islamic terrorists built a gun that could defy the laws of physics and they might have gone to a rally to shoot people who were protesting the loss of our Constitutional rights.

See? It's just common sense.

posted on Jan, 16 2020 @ 07:10 PM
a reply to: Lysergic

You have a PM.

posted on Jan, 16 2020 @ 07:13 PM
a reply to: dfnj2015

Nice to know the fbi is watching this stuff.

posted on Jan, 16 2020 @ 07:16 PM
a reply to: RalagaNarHallas

Interesting, The Base is what Al-Qaeda translates to.

Must just be a coincident...

posted on Jan, 16 2020 @ 07:26 PM
oh and just for informational purposes some sks's can slam fire and or with out modification some times go into burst fire mode or rarer still fully automatic but that has more to do with their firing pins then most modifications(some trigger jobs do this to them as well) other forum so cant quote but they seemed to imply its mostly when dust/gunkCosmoline gets up in the firing pin area which i guess is free floating and protrudes?( got an sks when my uncle passed but never fired it so i have no idea) but im def going to get it inspected before firing it on my private range just so i dont have this issue ,ive never even loaded it as the words "accidentally automatic or burst" scare the bejesus out of me

i have a shot gun that is designed to be slam fired unlike most modern shotguns (1957 ithaca wingmaster) so basically you can hold the trigger and keep pumping and it will fire but its not something ive done as again not something i wanna do with a 30 inch shotgun lol

so oddly enough "accidentally full auto" may work or at least help mitigate their defense assuming it wasn't a mod which i think is actually what they did so NM ,i think i remember an old info wars article where this happened to a veteran and the atf threw the book at him tough but never looked into it
video of it but its kind of hard to see unless you know exactly what your looking for but its the main reason i haven't fired the sks i got yet. but his is an old Russian one not one of the Chinese sks that were apparently known for it. id ask if he had an sks but from other links it seems it was an ar-15 as they built it vs bought and modified and more background on them from a journalist that infiltrated them and seems to think the guy who got arrested was one of the ones he met ,its a LONG article but op may be interested in it and actual justice department memo from Maryland on it i think that confirms it was an ar-15 least based on caliber (5.56 and 6.5mm)

In January 2020, according to the affidavit, that Lemley and Mathews purchased approximately 1,650 rounds of 5.56mm and 6.5mm ammunition; traveled from Delaware to a gun range in Maryland, where they shot the assault rifle; and retrieved plate carriers (to support body armor) and at least some of the purchased ammunition from Lemley’s prior residence in Maryland.
so im gonna assume the 6.5 mm ammo was for an ar-10 and not a Swiss bolt action rifle

posted on Jan, 16 2020 @ 08:20 PM
Diversion diversion

Bernie Bernie

Quick do something

How about these guys

posted on Jan, 16 2020 @ 09:03 PM
Took a "glorified headline" , didn't read the article , and just ran with it yet again, didn't you ?

posted on Jan, 16 2020 @ 10:16 PM

originally posted by: dawnstar
a reply to: Lysergic

Anyone printing a machine gun probably should be a tad bit terrified to use it?

You know nothing about which you are speaking.

posted on Jan, 17 2020 @ 02:34 PM
One shot.
One kill.
Machine guns are for the coming war of Man against machines.

edit on 17-1-2020 by Homefree because: (no reason given)

edit on 17-1-2020 by Homefree because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 17 2020 @ 02:37 PM
Looks like 3 more YeeHahdis from the Base were arrested for conspiracy to commit murder.
Sounds like they (police) don't know whether or not these guys were planning to attend the same rally in Virginia.
The FBI was involved with this one too (undercover operation).
Interesting read.


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