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Alister Crowley and Jack Parsons opened a portal to extraterrestrial intelligence (Greys)

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posted on May, 9 2014 @ 10:17 PM
,a reply to: SLAYER69

I did make a thread on the assumption that Arnold's discs were reverse engineered Hortens.

I'd link, but I'm onmy phone

posted on May, 9 2014 @ 11:14 PM

originally posted by: OneManArmy
a reply to: TrueMessiah

I think this is a load of crap. Foo fighters were around long before 1947. Not to mention the artwork throughout history depicting flying saucers and "aliens", and the myths of creatures of the night. Im not doubting they summoned and channeled demons, but as for opening a portal that cannot be closed..... No, IMO.

What is it you call crap? You believe they could summon demons so why wouldn't a portal to ETs be conceivable? The Cult Of Lam is dedicated to establishing contact with the entity so it's highly likely the portal mechanics have been mastered by now.

posted on May, 10 2014 @ 05:02 AM
a reply to: SLAYER69

well if we're going to be a stickler for details you might as we give the little detail about the speed that they were going..........

posted on May, 10 2014 @ 06:25 AM
a reply to: TrueMessiah

Very interesting OP.

Could there also be a connection to the Nazi Black Sun order? Their rituals are said to have included sex magik to communicate with the 'Old Ones' (Atlanteans, if i recall).

This all came from the Thoth Society who believed Tibetans to be direct ancestors of the old ones. Funnily enough, of course, their spiritual leaders are 'Lamas - could that correlate to 'Lam?

ETA: i came to the party late, just seen Lamas have been discussed on page 2

edit on 10-5-2014 by McGinty because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 11 2014 @ 04:24 PM

originally posted by: Spinx

originally posted by: ultimafule
... I think he was trying to say that sex magick is a big key to dealing with these beings. They do seem pretty preoccupied with sexual fluids and organs. And I don't buy the genetic breeding program bit for a second. Abducting millions of people over decades in order to get genetic material? They can warp drive and phase through solid walls, but they can't get a DNA sample out of your trash without you knowing? You'd think that they could just teleport a garbage dump to the mother ship and clone endless humans from the genetic material available and then go back home without anyone ever noticing. Not unlike Grant's gematria, it don't add up.

I've often wondered about the 'genetic breeding program' stuff. Whether or not that's the purpose, sexual fluids and organs are a huge deal to these critters. But I think they are unable to get stuff out of the trash, so to speak.

Belief and permission seem to play a huge part with things outside of our perceived physical spectrum. Consider the myths of vampires, they must have permission to enter ones house. Same with a lot of accounts regarding the 'Men in Black'. It may be that the miracles Jesus performed were limited in this way also:
"And He could do no miracle there except that He laid His hands on a few sick people and healed them. And He wondered at their unbelief." - Mark 6:5-6

Surely you jest, sir! They can float people through walls but they can't float a snotty tissue out of the garbage bins?

Belief and permission do play parts in such matters, yet there are many, many reports of abductees who never believed in UFOs and wish they never had the experience. In many cases, the experience can be so devastating that the victims end up going insane.

I don't think these critters need permission from us to do what they are doing, but if you rid the mind of fear and focus your thoughts like a laser beam, they can be dealt with.

posted on May, 16 2014 @ 11:54 AM

originally posted by: Gryphon66
I'm not confused, but I'd be glad to hear your opinion, if it extends beyond being tersely enigmatic ...

Parsons was enough of a fool to get involved with the parasitic Bohemian Hollywood crowd to indulge his hedonistic desires. That ended up including Crowley and Hubbard, the latter of whom absconded with all his money and his girl friend. A fool.

Less tersely enigmatic enough for you?

posted on May, 16 2014 @ 05:32 PM
If any mods see this, is it still possible for this thread to be moved to the secret society forum? I think the exploits of Jack Parsons and Aleister Crowley fit that mold being that they were prime members of the O.T.O. Not trying to come off as a bug a boo but I sent a pm out requesting this but it went unanswered.

I found something interesting. In the late 1980s', UFO researcher Valdamar Valerian, author of the Matrix book series alluded to "sex magicks" from Crowley playing a role in establishing contact with a particular Grey alien species from a solar system that revolves around the double bluish star Rigel on the left foot of Orion which is 800 light years from Earth. These are presumed to be the ones responsible for mutilations who are in cahoots with the secret shadowy gov.

The Rigellans are almost entirely devoid of emotions, but can obtain a second-hand 'high’ by telepathically tuning in to different kinds of intense human evolution, such as ecstasy or agony. This is not done for the purpose of sadistic gratification, as most of them are oblivious to the difference between positive and negative mental states.

It is a biochemical as well as a psychological process, used as a mood-elevator.

Certain types of unusual sexual practices attract these entities like flies. It was Aleister Crowley’s sexual pursuits rather than anything else which attracted these entitles to him to absorb the energies released.

Crowley was more effective as a medium than as a magician. Some of his diatribes about trampling the weak were due to telepathic linkage with entities who were obtaining a vicarious 'high’ from the intense emotion involved in such diatribes.
The Greys Rigel and Procyon

For anyone interested in Val's credentials:
About Valdamar Valerian

Very intriguing information to say the least.
edit on CDTFri, 16 May 2014 17:41:34 -0500uAmerica/ChicagoMayAmerica/Chicago343441pm by TrueMessiah because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 19 2014 @ 12:49 PM

originally posted by: TrueMessiah

originally posted by: OneManArmy
a reply to: TrueMessiah

I think this is a load of crap. Foo fighters were around long before 1947. Not to mention the artwork throughout history depicting flying saucers and "aliens", and the myths of creatures of the night. Im not doubting they summoned and channeled demons, but as for opening a portal that cannot be closed..... No, IMO.

What is it you call crap?

Im calling crap on the "ET's" only appearing after 1947, Im calling crap on a portal that was opened and cannot be closed.

There are ancient cave drawings and carvings of classic "greys" from long before 1947.
In the past we used different names for them, names like .... Demons.

I dont doubt the existence of ET's, and neither do I doubt the existence of "extra dimensional beings" ie ghosts, demons, spirits, "entities" from other dimensions.
Where Im undecided, is whether they all amount to the same thing.

posted on May, 20 2014 @ 06:40 PM

originally posted by: OneManArmy

Im calling crap on the "ET's" only appearing after 1947, Im calling crap on a portal that was opened and cannot be closed.

There are ancient cave drawings and carvings of classic "greys" from long before 1947.
In the past we used different names for them, names like .... Demons.

I dont doubt the existence of ET's, and neither do I doubt the existence of "extra dimensional beings" ie ghosts, demons, spirits, "entities" from other dimensions.
Where Im undecided, is whether they all amount to the same thing.

Wait a minute....who said anything about ETs only appearing after 1947? Dont get so hung up on the functioning of the portal. Parsons was in Arizona actively working the rituals right before the saucer flap took place. Whether or not he had precise control of the portals is not the issue. The gateway is now opened on a regular basis and contact is pursued voluntarily.

As for the paranormal entities, I don't think they are the same as the extraterrestrials but rather exist on another plane of reality which may bleed over into ours at times.

posted on May, 21 2014 @ 12:18 PM
a reply to: TrueMessiah

Sorry I misunderstood your OP, I misread it as suggesting that the working by Parsons and Hubbard was the cause of the Greys coming to Earth.
I think personally it was the energy emitted by the nuclear tests that caused the "flap".

Im also leaning very strongly towards our leaders being very much controlled and manipulated by extra dimensional intelligences. Intelligences that dont have our best interests at heart.

posted on May, 22 2014 @ 04:14 PM
I really wonder why I'm having trouble getting this thread moved. I'm sure a mod has seen my request by now. If it's been denied for some reason unbeknownst to me then I'm up for an explanation. Being ignored and left in the dark isn't a good feeling. Oh well.

originally posted by: OneManArmy

Sorry I misunderstood your OP, I misread it as suggesting that the working by Parsons and Hubbard was the cause of the Greys coming to Earth.
I think personally it was the energy emitted by the nuclear tests that caused the "flap".

Im also leaning very strongly towards our leaders being very much controlled and manipulated by extra dimensional intelligences. Intelligences that dont have our best interests at heart.

No problem. You would be right about the nuclear testing though. That also played a part. I've read about that testing sending out a signal of sorts throughout the galaxy that there is a civilization out there playing with forces that could be detrimental to themselves as well as the rest of our intergalactic neighbors.

Your second paragraph I totally agree with.

posted on May, 22 2014 @ 04:27 PM
a reply to: TheToastmanCometh

i was going to mention that, its very similar to the ho 229 and its variants

posted on Oct, 22 2014 @ 08:35 PM
The more I read into it, there seems to be some kind of intricate link between the occult, secret societies, and extraterrestrial phenomena. Here's a quote from Kenneth Grant that's taken from his book Aleister Crowley and the Hidden God.

“Crowley was aware of the possibility of opening the spatial gateways and of admitting an extraterrestrial current in the human life-wave... IT IS AN OCCULT TRADITION — and Lovecraft gave it persistent utterance in his writings — that some transfinite and superhuman power is marshaling its forces with intent to invade and take possession of this planet... This is reminiscent of Charles Fort's dark hints about a secret society on earth already in contact with cosmic beings and, perhaps, preparing the way for their advent.

posted on Oct, 22 2014 @ 10:12 PM
Jack Parsons had a great few years there after the Babylon Working (which was done, as I understand it, to call the female energy, the Goddess energy, back into human society), because he met Cameron. Marjorie Cameron, his scarlet woman that he and Hubbard conjured up by doing their ceremonies with intention. The trade off, it seems, was that his wife went with Hubbard, thus leaving room for Cameron to be Parson's woman, best friend, and partner. As I read about them it seems like a very loving relationship.

I've left a message on another thread relating to Hubbard, and I hope that Hubbard apologized for some of what he did to Parsons. If Parsons had lived I would think that he and Hubbard would have made up at some point. They had quite a time though, and some interesting experiences together. But the bottom line of it is that Parsons got to partner up with Cameron for awhile, probably a very lucky man (up until deciding to carry rocket fuel around in coffee cans, yeah, that's what I'd carry my rocket fuel around in...) during the time he spent with her.

posted on Oct, 22 2014 @ 10:21 PM
a reply to: TrueMessiah

I have to say that I undoubtedly believe there is a connection to be made there. As has already been pointed out, it is quite sinister. Ripping space time fabric would mean convergence and confusion, in terms of timelines….and seems to describe quite well what I experience daily. It's actually quite horrible. An analogy is to respond to something posted here, in reply to you, and then edited, so it's no longer a reply to you at all. But your response, as to how it was initially written, remains….

This is really just a small matter of seeming stupid on an internet forum. But if you take that analogy, and apply it to timelines….history you remember one way, or science, and when you go looking for the evidence to back you up, it isn't there or has been changed.

And those are just small things. The analogy tends to apply to bigger "life" issues, as well….
DARPA's now come out in public with their "brain" chip, to monitor everything about you. It's all connected.

I sure don't want to be living in a Lovecraftian reality and hope this isn't where this is heading...
edit on 22-10-2014 by tetra50 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 8 2014 @ 01:24 PM
An interesting tidbit:

Aliester Crowley considered himself the reincarnation of Edward Kelly who was an apprentice of the English scholar John Dee back in the late 1500s'. Kelly and Dee practiced a form of magic called "Enochian magic", said to evoke spirits and other inter-dimensional beings. This Enochian magic is alleged to originate from and pertain to sacred knowledge passed down from the angels of heaven.

The Enochian spirits got their name from the nature of the magical system they described. It was, they claimed, the very magic that the biblical patriarch Enoch had learned from the angels of heaven. The angel Ave told Dee, "Now hath it pleased God to deliver this Doctrine again out of darknesse: and to fulfill his promise with thee, for the books of Enoch."(3) I Compared to it, all other forms of magic were mere playthings.

It's becoming increasingly apparent (at least to me) that there is some type of sinister connection between occult practices and inter-dimensional beings/entities. I firmly believe that the more notable secret societies of today have access to this knowledge and are covertly practicing these methods.

posted on Nov, 10 2014 @ 12:35 PM
He was quite the Hottie.

I would have helped him with that Babylonian Ritual
And I wouldn't have run off with that tosser Hubbard.

For someone who created the first rocket and pretty much started our journey to space, he was kinda dumb in terms of street smarts to let that other fat headed fool get his cash and his girl.

I never knew much about him, saw him mentioned in a documentary so came to ATS top get the real juice on him. Thanks

Anyone recommend any books or film?
I have ordered the biography by George Pendle as a starting point.

posted on Nov, 15 2014 @ 11:27 AM
I Google'd him and decided Alister Crowley himself is part Vulcan. He has Spocks pointy ears.

edit on 15-11-2014 by rickymouse because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 15 2014 @ 12:07 PM
This thread is featuring on ATS Live tonight!

edit on 15-11-2014 by zazzafrazz because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 15 2014 @ 01:27 PM
a reply to: zazzafrazz

ac visited Montauk point and camped there during the summer of 1918 at the age of 33.
12th august 1943, ac, amado and 5 other persons were gathered at an ancient stone monument called men-an-tol near morvah in cornwall, England. an operation was performed and ac was said to have caused a line of rough water between this location and long island, usa.

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