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What is wrong with Google?

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posted on Jan, 13 2014 @ 05:19 PM
I have been experiencing many problems with Google in the past couple of years with no signs of improvement. (actually seems to be getting worse for Google) It seems like most search results end up being spam results unless you are very specific and allot of mobile Google search apps have problems and a lack of useful settings. My friend just bought a 4th gen laptop from best buy and after using Google chrome (trying to instal Microsoft security essentials) got cluttered with popup adds, the untrustworthy looking ones. Looks like Google is forcing almost all mobile devices to use Google as the primary search engine (bad move BWT) like Samsung tablets and smartphones. like when i tried to use Google search on a Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 it crashed after every attempt. They seem to only care about money and creating hyped up products that nobody would want to use.

posted on Jan, 13 2014 @ 05:24 PM
reply to post by paranormal78

What you're referring to is search engine optimization and while I agree that when looking up various things annoying sites pop up, Google has one of the better search engines in this regard.

I also agree that it's annoying how they are forcing themselves on many phones and tablets. Much how Windows is trying to monopolize content with the introduction of Windows 8.

My advice to tackle that is just install Linux. It's not hard.

One thing you do have to remember with searching on search engines is that there is something like 650 million websites or something like that. That's a LOT of websites for search engines to sift through.

I think google does an okay job and I can usually find what I need.

posted on Jan, 13 2014 @ 05:44 PM
reply to post by paranormal78

If you buy an Android operating system (Samsung you mentioned) of course you're getting Google as the search engine - that's just good business whether you like it or not. As for pop-ups and spam in your search results, there are blockers you can add to your browser though Chrome does a fairly good job on its own blocking pop ups. As for spam in search results, Google Penguin has done a great job cleaning that up and discovering useful content related to natural search query terms.

Do you have an example of 'spam' in your search results?

posted on Jan, 13 2014 @ 05:54 PM
Sounds to me that your looking up porn lolz

posted on Jan, 13 2014 @ 07:07 PM
reply to post by OrphanApology

Bah! "search engine optimization" is not that at all, but a clever way to stick paid advertisers in ahead of what the search request specifically asked for. That seems to have started within the last several months.

These days you have to carefully read the URL that is the small print under what SEEMS to be what you were asking for but it frequently will be another business. If you ask for Adobe Flash 11, you won't get the Adobe site as your first choice as in former days, you get sites that host that free download but they try to palm off on you two, three or four little programs that they are pushing, free of course, but do you want or need them and what do they really do?

posted on Jan, 13 2014 @ 07:24 PM
It is possible, that A surrogate Google, aka NSA is now king. It's far too nosy, I used chrome for a while, and it Highlighted so much of the text in blue/aka a link, I can assume it was keywording, for no particular reason except information feedback. That would happen even when making a post here at ATS. Reading posts was the same, they had blue highlights as if they were imbedded links from the poster, and there was no rationale for them to be there, and nothing to do with spelling, or commercial.
Best search engine I have used in the past is IX-quick, though I doubt that it will stay that way for too long. IMO the NSA is using online posters, through Google and the like to scrub material from popular search engines, and elsewhere. Just as was done to WIKI in a more hands on fashion.

posted on Jan, 13 2014 @ 08:49 PM
reply to post by paranormal78

No idea what you are talking about. Google gives me exactly what I want very high on the list except for extremely obscure searches. Even then it tends to work well. I took the Bing it on challenge multiple times, and even with Bing skewing results in their favor (turning off some of the smart search features Google has) I preffered Google on average 80% of the time.

posted on Jan, 13 2014 @ 10:23 PM
I would put this under "User error"
I dont think its google fault. I have no problem at all using them.

It seems your device has been compromised by toolbars and who knows what bloatware.
Tried Firefox ? Chrome is from google, so its tailored to serve them.

For mobile devices, nothing much can be said, they release android and it come with it, just like MS release windows and internet explorer come with it.

I can give you the recipe for a cool pc system, but I dont think you want to try linux.

edit on 13-1-2014 by NullVoid because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 13 2014 @ 11:51 PM
reply to post by paranormal78

Google bought Motorola, and manufactured the Google Chrome USB, the Moto G and Moto X. They are very good phones for the MSRP, and affordable for almost anyone, and can be used on StraightTalk and other cheap services. The catch is, can't remove the battery. Sounds like they are making gadgets for the NSA as Apple has been.

posted on Jan, 17 2014 @ 12:15 AM
reply to post by paranormal78

I have been using Google search for years with no problem, and I use it all the time. For the last couple of days, I type in a search query and *nothing* happens. No results, no error message, nothing. It just sits there and says "Done" in the lower left corner (Mozilla Firefox browser). All my other internet business works just fine - email, accessing URLs I have bookmarked, etc.
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