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Scientists Claim That Quantum Theory Proves Consciousness Moves To Another Universe At Death

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posted on Jan, 9 2014 @ 02:01 PM

Only if you are good, otherwise you wind up stuck in the ground and sooner or later go into a tree and someone burns you in their fireplace.....Aw heck, why wait so long, just get cremated.

Our consciousness could just get absorbed into the consciousness of the planet. It is all energy.
edit on 9-1-2014 by rickymouse because: (no reason given)

Or we really don't have a "separate thing" called a consciousness at all, and consciousness in humans is just the perceived result of chemicals in the brain.

Perhaps when we die, those chemicals stop doing their thing, and so goes our brain and our perceived consciousness.

edit on 1/9/2014 by Soylent Green Is People because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 9 2014 @ 02:02 PM
reply to post by jrod

Still I do not think we will ever have a scientific way of proving an afterlife.

Yes, there is a scientific way, and it's been in process for over 100 years.

posted on Jan, 9 2014 @ 02:11 PM
reply to post by purplemer


a group of people ( scientists ) who really have no f.. idea what consciousness really is, claim to know how to calculate this.
Why the heck don't they work for the money they get and find first what causes gravity, something we can measure, before they start with consciousness...

hustler !!!

posted on Jan, 9 2014 @ 02:14 PM
I see the spirit as a trans-dimensional or more accurately a trans-scalar bridge between this physical reality and the fundamental structure upon which this physical reality is based.

I don't think it's so much that our spirit takes our consciousness with it when our physical body dies, but rather all the information we gain is instantly transferred through the spirit. The information of our experiences is relayed and converted to that other dimension or scale instantly, rather than being saved up for some point of physical death in the future.

In this way, our consciousness and our experiences are real in the other realm simultaneously with ours.

posted on Jan, 9 2014 @ 02:26 PM
reply to post by purplemer

please explain how any theory can be a proof of anything ??

(post by FinalCountdown removed for a serious terms and conditions violation)

posted on Jan, 9 2014 @ 02:32 PM
reply to post by purplemer

Cool article s/f...

Personally I do not believe that the 'soul' or 'essence' that makes your human vessel 'you' dies at all. Your body may die. But I believe your soul lives on.

I think consciousness is certainly real. I am a conscious being. You are a conscious being. Our planet is a conscious being. But we do not yet understand consciousness. I think its good that there are people out there actually trying figure out what it is. I doubt it is measurable though. I do not think you can measure things like that.. A bit like love. Love is unmeasurable..

Also energy can neither be created or destroyed. Therefore following this basic rule, would this not mean that the 'energy' or whatever it is that makes you, YOU, just takes on a different form when we die......?

And if it cannot be created, would this mean that our 'souls' have always been in existence...?

posted on Jan, 9 2014 @ 02:36 PM

Anyone who has experienced the ingestion of high amounts of Dee Mmm Tee knows that the "real world" exists in our subconsciousness.
The more world experience we obtain, the more prepared we are to navigate the other world when we finally leave our soon to be useless bodies.

I would guess that if you die and are not ready to navigate the other worlds properly, you fall back into a "living" form and try again.
edit on 9-1-2014 by FinalCountdown because: (no reason given)

use google map and you will find the way

posted on Jan, 9 2014 @ 02:39 PM
reply to post by purplemer

I will make a more detailed post later, but I wanted to leave a couple of quotes here as this dovetails in precisely with several things I've recently read.

“For the rest of my life I want to reflect on what light is.” - Albert Einstein in 1916

“I regard consciousness as fundamental. I regard matter as a derivative of consciousness.” — Max Planck

posted on Jan, 9 2014 @ 02:46 PM

Only if you are good, otherwise you wind up stuck in the ground and sooner or later go into a tree and someone burns you in their fireplace.....Aw heck, why wait so long, just get cremated.

Our consciousness could just get absorbed into the consciousness of the planet. It is all energy.
edit on 9-1-2014 by rickymouse because: (no reason given)

And what do you think any of that crapola matters? God is Spirit, and so are we. You can't take this body with ya when ya leave!!!!! It doesnt matter if its cremated, burnt and thrown in the ocean, blown the winds. Nor is there any time and every moment is like a movie or photo's with each scene forever there. So, how do ya loose anything anyway, if ya needed it ya'd take it at any moment once out "of the movie" this universe is!
edit on 9-1-2014 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 9 2014 @ 02:46 PM
reply to post by KrzYma

please explain how any theory can be a proof of anything ??

As in the "Theory Of Evolution" that most hardlined Scientific bound individuals cling to?

Yea... Science is a wonderful tool, isn't it

Please note: I'm not turning this into a debate over the theory of evolution. But dually note that bringing a trite comment into a Science thread that does bring actual Scientific "Theory" into a afterlife is worth leaving comments as such out of the equation.

+6 more 
posted on Jan, 9 2014 @ 03:10 PM
Not long now...

Science will take man back to the spiritual. I don't necessarily mean in terms of a specific God/creator, but the fact that we have 'souls'. At least, I am fairly convinced that we do.

The way I see it is;

There has to be separation between the 'thing' doing the perceiving and the perceived thing for true consciousness to be experienced. I know I'm truly conscious because I am not just a survival machine running on code and simply the product of that code's history. I am the controller of that body, and hence I exist separate to the body; its that simple.

You are your thoughts. If you feel like you 'listen' to your thoughts, but you aren't necessarily the source - you are letting your ego/subconscious play a bigger part in your life than it should. Of course, all thoughts have signals within the brain that accompany it when you focus on an mental image and such, and the brain can manifest suggestions or dialogue - but the voice that IS YOU and comments throughout your day is NOT the brain randomly creating dialogue of its own accord and then playing it back to itself causing some sort of illusion of consciousness.

Your brain is nothing but a bunch of generally homogenous organic matter containing an extremely advanced electrical circuit. Nothing else lol. Well, it has nodes where it stores pathway information and memory and such and such; but its effectively just a computer.

Our current paradigm is that we are nothing but a supercomputer. Of course, it happens to be that nature has specced us up to ridiculous level via the GENIUS that is the system of DNA/genetics/LIFE. Eventually, when this computer gets so 'powerful' you have consciousness arising, apparently.

It's almost absurd sometimes, but at other times it seemed logical. It is not until I truly understood how we 'interact' with the universe that it became clearer. If that logic is true then that is to say if you were to make a Sims game where the processing power of the AI was so high it would suddenly become 'aware'. Nonsense. Anyone who knows anything about coding knows that AI can only ever mimic consciousness, because when you realise how you would 'code' a human, you also realise that it has absolutely nothing to do with creating 'consciousness'.

A weak AI is just as aware as a super intelligent AI, because there is no degree of separation between the AI and its reality. It is JUST a machine running processes. Regardless of how fast or how varied an amount of processes it can pull off per second. Likewise with robots.

Through the virtue of how ANY robot is designed to operate with its environment, it cannot be conscious. At no point is there an 'observer' of what a robot experiences, regardless how advanced its learning algorithms and such are. That is because the very fundamental of a robot experiencing a 'sense' requires the the act of sensing to be intrinsically linked to the 'thing' processing that sense, and is completely governed by the processor.

At no point can an 'observer' of the sense occur, because a 2-way system does not turn into a 3-way system by increasing the factors of the 2-way system. This is rational. The other option is that the 2-way system causes consciousness hence your phone, computer, Xbox, TV etc are all conscious entities in their own respective regards.

The Xbox is actually a good analogy. It is basically a compressed universe-body simulator. Your actual Xbox does the exact role of your brain, and decodes the source into something meaningful. Or like using your computer to get onto the wireless Internet. Then through the use of a monitor/speakers/pad or whatever, you provide yourself senses and a method of control. This is exactly what is going on with ours, and every other conscious things body.

The difference between you and a non-conscious being is that you have the monitor lol. You are watching the and experiencing the meaningful product of what the brain is decoding, where as the non-conscious entity IS the brain. It is a simple concept at heart (think matrix) but the implications change everything.

Of course, the human-consciousness is almost perfectly (intended for our more 'natural' states I assume) 'designed' by 'nature' or 'God' or by accident or whatever you use to attempt to comprehend the miracle at your hands. We go through specific periods/changes of growth and perspective through our natural cycle which is meant to result in a well-balanced and in control adult human.

But, you were aware today as you were in day 1 - you did not 'learn' awareness - you simply perceived the world through a limited machine which has changed several times throughout your life. If you slightly smash your computer screen while playing a game, you can still control your character and perceive through limited senses. Likewise, if you damage your processor (brain) your perception and ability of control/process will be compromised, but you will still be the 'same' awareness operating through it. I could talk about dreams here but that's a whole different matter.

Of course, when the 'game' is as immersive/absorbing/persistent as our universe, along with the amnesia of our previous forms, these subtle changes in our computer affect our perception and ability massively. But as long as there is consciousness, there is some element of control.

The universe as we know it and perceive it in this beautiful form ceases to exist without conscious life. It ONLY exists in this form in our 'heads'. Only because we actually observe the meaningful code that is translated from the source via the body. Without any life (conscious or not), the universe is simply mathematical probabilities. Light fails to exist without an observer of light, and matter is nothing but practically empty space. It is all meaningless without any decoding or an observer. Life and the universe go hand in hand, they require each other to exist for it to be as what we know it. It's not independent in that form.

I'm an agnostic, I don't know what the answer is to our source and what the 'purpose' is - if there is one, but I know that we exist in some form outside what we perceive as our body. That means practically anything is possible beyond the veil.

The funny thing is, if you don't believe in the soul you must hence progress with the logic that consciousness is programmable. That is because you believe consciousness can be completely mapped and created by electrical signals moving between nodes (or 0s and 1s effectively). That means that we can, and probably will, code conscious virtual life within a virtual environment.

That means virtual human consciousness is possible and therefore the number of virtual people and accompanying virtual universes will eventually outnumber the 'real' people by an EXTREME amount. Knowing this is possible then means the chances of us being virtually created consciousnesses by the original 'real' humans or sentient life is more likely than us being the 'originals'.

Who really knows what happens when we die. The universe as we know it already is very multidimensional and provides access to some very interesting consciousness-altering methods.

However - Isn't it just beautiful that the universe happens to spawn a form of life that can experience and learn at the same time like we do, while also able to understand the universe and use it to our advantage consciously. Whatever you believe about life that simple fact should never lose power.
edit on 9-1-2014 by DazDaKing because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 9 2014 @ 04:01 PM
reply to post by purplemer

I think this thread is worthy of several different highly intelligent responses.
Which of course should follow in sequence from most important.

1. Nah nah na nah nah I told you so

2. See dis is what I was been say'in you'se guys was gonna have to find out someday.
I just didn't really think I would live that long.

3. Now what the hell am I going to do around here?

( randyvs is caught sweeping thread under the rug. Caught broom in hand,
is later charged as the clean up man, in one of the largest home grown
conspiracies and ensuing cover ups in the history of ATS. Other members
await indictments that are sure to come. You know who you are!)

I never said those responses would come from me.

edit on 9-1-2014 by randyvs because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 9 2014 @ 04:04 PM

reply to post by purplemer

I think this thread is worthy of several different highly intelligent responses.
Which of course should follow in sequence from most important.

1. Nah nah na nah nah I told you so

2. See dis is what I was been say'in you'se guys was gonna have to find out someday.
I just didn't really think I would live that long.

3. Now what the hell am I going to do around here?

( randyvs is caught sweeping thread under the rug. Caught broom in hand,
is later charged as the clean up man, in one of the largest home grown
conspiracies and ensuing cover ups in the history of ATS. Other members
await indictments that are sure to come. You know who you are!

I never those responses would come from me.

"I told you so" Um...what exactly is it you told us?
edit on 9-1-2014 by AfterInfinity because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 9 2014 @ 04:07 PM
reply to post by DazDaKing

I see it different.

what is consciousness ? that you are aware of something ? that you recognise yourself in the mirror ?
that you "know" "you are" ??

I can easily build an electric circuit with a light source that gives a light.
than I can build in another electric circuit that detects that light and do something to the system.
so if light is on it switches it off, and if its off, it switches it on.
At this moment I talk about consciousness...


posted on Jan, 9 2014 @ 04:13 PM
reply to post by AfterInfinity

"I told you so" Um...what exactly is it you told us?

You know AI, if you missed it. It'd do no good to tell you again.

edit on 9-1-2014 by randyvs because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 9 2014 @ 04:14 PM
reply to post by purplemer

biocentrism a derivation of scientology
no one will ever know what death is like until experienced.

posted on Jan, 9 2014 @ 04:15 PM
reply to post by KrzYma

what is consciousness ? that you are aware of something ? that you recognise yourself in the mirror ?
that you "know" "you are" ??

I can easily build an electric circuit with a light source that gives a light.
than I can build in another electric circuit that detects that light and do something to the system.
so if light is on it switches it off, and if its off, it switches it on.
At this moment I talk about consciousness...

Not exactly, what you just explained is basic electrical principle and theory, where a power source is connected to switches and relays that operate "Opened/Closed" once a switch is flipped.

Are you comparing man made inadament objects that utilize the flow of electricity to human conciousness? If so your not talking about consciousness, w/o the flow of controlled electricity and a man made relay the above would not be possible, nor is it concious.

Are you postulating that "electricity"? is concious?

posted on Jan, 9 2014 @ 04:19 PM
"Are you postulating that "electricity"? is concious? "

NO, not at all !

what is consciousness other than acting/reacting/knowing?

what is your point of view?
edit on 9-1-2014 by KrzYma because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 9 2014 @ 04:24 PM

...Are you postulating that "electricity"? is concious?

A greater question would be does consciousness really exist (and I mean consciousness as a separate defined "thing")?

It is possible that consciousness is not an actual thing, and is really just the byproduct of the chemical activity in our brains causing brain functions.

Using that definition, consciousness is not really its own "thing", and when our brain chemistry stops at death, the phenomenon in our brains that we refer to as "consciousness" simply ends.

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