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Saw A Triangle UFO Last Night

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posted on Jul, 7 2013 @ 03:34 AM
Well several long pieces of tough string or twine, laced from one lantern to the other, say 10-15 feet long, in a triangle formation between 3 lanterns. Have 3 friends light them and hold them up and release them simultaneously.

Off they float...though they may move close but they will only move apart as far as the twine.

If the twine is too "Loose", maybe a fine light dowel could be used or balsa wood instead?

As you said, you have no idea how far away it was, may have only been 100 feet in the air, but appeared 1000 feet with night perception etc.

Not trying to discredit your sighting....But you will Definitely know when you see one of the Real black triangles.

By all reports and various postings on ATS...they are ours (as in Human)....But top secret.

posted on Jul, 7 2013 @ 08:53 AM
reply to post by RAY1990

I'm not sure if it was high enough in the sky to be seen from Sunderland, I'm between Durham and Newcastle. It was still there while you were out in the garden, if you could see it, it would have looked like stars but not. Could you see a dark cloud ? That might have blocked your view. It was there for about an hour, when I looked again at 2:45 All I could see was a dark cloud.

I often see planes coming in to land and they're always low in the sky, this was about twice as high up (that's a guess) I should have known it wasn't a plane because it had two or three flashing white lights not a flashing red light. I did see some small lights appear and disappear around it but I thought they might just be stars even though I couldn't see any clouds at that time.

I need help to rule out helicopter, can a helicopter sit in one spot for an hour and would it have two or three flashing white lights but no red light ? The other one that I thought was a helicopter did have a flashing red light. Would they have a helicopter sitting there over Newcastle waiting for trouble at kicking out time for night clubs ? Did I just debunk my sighting with that last question ?

posted on Jul, 8 2013 @ 08:32 AM
reply to post by LEL01

Where my house sits I'd have to have went out for a walk to see in that direction well because my house is restricted on it's view due to hills and houses etc. I didn't see any clouds it was a clear night except for a haze developing across the sky from what I remember.

I should have went out for a walk because I do have a hill near my house where I get a very good view of the surrounding area except to the south. It is possible it was a helicopter and the red light was on the opposite side of the craft though I'm not exactly sure on the arrangement of lights on a helicopter. I have heard and seen the local police helicopter a lot in recent weeks, the weather sends the hooligans loopy and they love to go out stealing cars and stuff so it is a possibility. Though I can imagine you would have heard it.

Here is a link to the local air police service, they apparently report every call out they have:
NPAS - Newcastle

Nothing their that fits the time that I can see though.

It is possible it was watching for trouble outside of pubs/clubs but only if something like a stabbing had happened otherwise I could just see it as being a noise nuisance more than anything else - that is just my opinion though and again nothing is on the twitter feed matching the time or date.

Unfortunately that is as far as I can help at the minute, I can't find any UFO reports for the area and if your sighting hung around for so long I cannot imagine it being an ambulance/emergency helicopter. The only helicopters I can imagine hovering like that for so long is Sea rescue/Police service and the last I have known sea rescue choppers are not used on rivers and we certainly have no mountains or places you can get lost around here.

Strange isn't it?
From my experience sightings like this come in waves in this area every 2-3 years, 2008 and 2010 were good years for sightings in our area. I suppose you could contact local emergency services and Newcastle airport to see if anything on the reports matches up with your sighting.

Thanks for posting your sighting

Seems to be a good year for "star gazing".

posted on Jul, 8 2013 @ 09:00 AM

Originally posted by gort51
Well several long pieces of tough string or twine, laced from one lantern to the other, say 10-15 feet long, in a triangle formation between 3 lanterns. Have 3 friends light them and hold them up and release them simultaneously.

Off they float...though they may move close but they will only move apart as far as the twine.

If the twine is too "Loose", maybe a fine light dowel could be used or balsa wood instead?

As you said, you have no idea how far away it was, may have only been 100 feet in the air, but appeared 1000 feet with night perception etc.

Not trying to discredit your sighting....But you will Definitely know when you see one of the Real black triangles.

By all reports and various postings on ATS...they are ours (as in Human)....But top secret.

I suppose it's a possibility.

True, I do not know what height this was to be sure but once I noticed the other 2 lights I did notice they were moving in a controlled manner. If they were lanterns wouldn't they just blow about? Not move about in a manner where they move themselves in a constant stable speed for a few seconds then suddenly stop?

Also for the sake of it lets say these were "engines" the size and scale of this sighting would have me presume that these are tiny engines on a craft very low or they are large engines high up on a very big craft.
I only mention this because my experience of seeing chinese lanterns is that they are reasonably big with the glow they give off, bigger than stars at least even over a large distance.

If you could cut the sky into 4 equal squares this thing would have been sighted on the inner corner of the south east square. That would be nearly above me and I could use the corner of my house as a reference point to how much this moved as it was in view with the sighting the whole time.

This far up north the sky is black to the south and quite bright to the north this time of the year for obvious reasons, if this thing was on the opposite side of the sky (in the north) I would presume I would have seen a silhouette... when this thing moved over star constellations the stars disappeared behind it, so I'm inclined to think what I saw was most likely solid.

Personally I don't know what I saw, I'm inclined to think if it was a craft it was from Earth. At the moment I cannot see how it was lanterns unless it had a black canvass tied into the inside of the ropes connecting them and I can imagine it would be too heavy then to gain any lift.

Thanks for your input
Maybe I did see a one of those secret craft, it did fill me with wonder and was very very strange. I'm just trying to keep an open mind... hopefully not too open my brain falls out

posted on Jul, 8 2013 @ 09:07 AM
Very nice and thank you. I would have left out the "having a few beers and smoking part", just sayin, ya know? Anyways what were you smoking?

posted on Jul, 8 2013 @ 09:23 AM
reply to post by ZONTAR

haha just being honest.

I was smoking cigarettes, I have begun smoking outside because of a pregnant family member. Also the few beers I had were over a long night with lots of food to soak into, I was tipsy once or twice during the night but nowhere near the point of seeing double

posted on Jul, 8 2013 @ 06:22 PM
reply to post by RAY1990

Thanks for the link, I'll be using that every time I hear a helicopter now. I see and hear the police helicopter a lot as well, there's no shortage of hooligans.

I don't know what I saw but I can check to see if it's there this weekend if the sky is clear again. I was sure the second thing I saw must have been a helicopter but I didn't get a good look at that, my view was blocked by the houses above me, I live on a hill. If there was no helicopter out then that explains why I couldn't hear it.

I never saw anything before last year apart from shooting stars and meteors. Last year I saw a huge light right in front of me, so I looked for that on your link but there was nothing at all for that day. It's very strange that nobody else saw that one. Thanks for your help trying to figure it out.

posted on Jul, 13 2013 @ 01:47 PM
reply to post by RAY1990

I had a look last night around 1:45am, the sky wasn't clear like last week. I could see something in the same part of the sky but it was so faint I wouldn't have noticed it if I wasn't looking for it. What I saw last week was much brighter, I thought whatever it is, it must be connected to kicking out time.

Today I looked at the link you posted and saw the helicopter was out searching for a missing person but this thing I'm seeing was just sitting there. They said they were searching for 35 minutes but people complaining about the noise said it went on for an hour and a half.
It's very strange.

posted on Jul, 16 2013 @ 08:32 AM
reply to post by LEL01

Thanks for the report

I was trying to enjoy the night sky that night too, I saw what I believe was 2 satellites coming from the north east.
I could only see them from the horizon, as soon as the were high in the sky they disappeared. That could have been due to the clouds or the fact that they were at a point where the sun could no longer reach them.

Eyes to the skies mate, someday you'll see something and I'll be able to confirm what you saw. Hopefully I'll have some binoculars and a decent camera also. Again thanks for letting me know and I'm glad that link has provided some use.

posted on Jul, 19 2013 @ 03:37 AM


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