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Saw A Triangle UFO Last Night

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posted on Jun, 16 2013 @ 06:00 AM

I just want to share my experiance that I had last night, basically I had a few beers and decided to go outside and look at the stars roughly about 2:00AM. Nice night with no wind and very little clouds that sat high and scattered so I had a decent view of the night sky.

Anyway after about 25 minutes of sitting their and having a smoke and a beer I noticed what I thought was a satellite moving from east to west, my back garden pretty much faces east so I didn't see it until it was almost above my house I'd say about 80- 85 degrees off the eastern horizon so pretty much above me but to the north a bit ( on a path the sun would take in winter up here in the north of England).

So after watching this for about 3 minutes I noticed this "satellite" slowed down and seemed to be blending into a few stars and I thought a few things then like "that's a queer satellite if it can suddenly decide to stop" so I decided to keep an eye on this trippy little light in the sky.

I must have watched it for about five to ten minutes without moving and all the time I was saying in my head go on and make a move... I dare you. Then when some low lying fast moving clouds came to block my view the ball of light began to move very slowly, like a spider does when it is trying to move in open light and not be seen to be moving. It was moving two steps forward and one step right it seemed, so in other words westward and slightly northward, this light was edging itself right above me. My neck was killing now from looking pretty much vertically so to get a better view I decided to lie down on the floor so I can keep my eye on it in comfort.

It's then that I realised that this ball of light had 2 other very dim ones sitting behind it making a huge but definate triangle, their was nothing I could see that filled the blank spaces between these lights so I am assuming they were all part of the same thing since they were moving in unison. Size wise this thing was about an inch and a half long on each side... I don't have a clue how high this thing was so I'm assuming again that it was rather low otherwise it would truely be huge.

I watched this thing for atleast 35 minutes until a huge block of clouds (rain clouds) covered pretty much all of the night sky and it started to move towards them with relative speed. Knowing I will not see much more I decided to retire and bugger off inside, I also saw 2 other "orbs" while veiwing this one moving north to south then another moving the opposite way.

I don't know what I saw and to be honest I couldn't care if people don't believe me, I just really wanted to share my experiance with you boys and girls here at ATS. I have never really bought into the idea of aliens controlling UFO's or black project UFO's such as the "TR-3b" but now I just don't know.

I'll answer any questions or queries anyone might have to the best of my ability.


posted on Jun, 16 2013 @ 06:10 AM
Thanks for sharing your UFO experience, nicely written and easy to understand....

Many of us on here on ATS have had very similar UFO experiences and in some ways they are very personal experiences, obviously because there was nobody else there to share it with you....

But I have also had similar sightings to what you had, so I fully understand where you are coming from...

Have another look tonight, you never know that may be their flight path home on a regular basis....

posted on Jun, 16 2013 @ 06:28 AM
reply to post by davethebear

You know what I have seen "orbs" a lot over time some might have been chinese lanterns and some were most likely satellites but this was something different.

Without a doubt if the sky is clear tonight I will go out and do a bit star gazing
, I should really invest in a decent camera too that can take quality pictures of a night sky. Camera phones do have quality imaging these days but when it comes to pictures of a night sky they just don't perform well unfortunately.

posted on Jun, 16 2013 @ 08:37 AM
I'd also like to add that my wee little patterdale terrier (Reggie) acted a little out of character about twenty five minutes into this ordeal.

He started chasing his tail, I know it's normal for dogs
but he hasn't done that for years and only used to do it when people told him to. Like saying "Reggie where's ya tail" it was kind of funny really because he was just lying by my side and decided to hop up and try and catch his tail for no reason.Usually you had to wind him up to get into such silly states.

A good night of entertainment to say the least

posted on Jun, 16 2013 @ 11:32 AM
reply to post by RAY1990

What colour was the light? And was it a solid light, or somewhat transparent?

posted on Jun, 16 2013 @ 12:16 PM
reply to post by Specimen

White pretty much with a slight tinge of orange, it blended perfectly with the stars and the lights were solid. When I first saw it moving ( I never noticed the other lights at first) it glinted once or twice, this is why I thought it was a satellite at first.

Also the front light that was leading was brighter than the other two. It would have easily fooled people to believe that they were just stars.

posted on Jun, 16 2013 @ 01:52 PM
reply to post by RAY1990

There's a few of us in the UK seeing lights and we all have different stories, my sightings were last year, I'm in the North East. I wish we could find out what or who they are but there's not much chance of that happening. I just wanted to let you know you're not alone, it helped me to feel less alone seeing other members posting about lights.

posted on Jun, 17 2013 @ 10:47 AM
reply to post by RAY1990

Three lights, while the one on the front is the brightest? I'm going to have to remember that. Thx.

posted on Jun, 17 2013 @ 10:54 AM
Sounds to me like a bunch of over zealous night para jumpers doing a practice run for a local family weekend show coming up at the 4th of July. Case closed.

posted on Jun, 17 2013 @ 12:39 PM
reply to post by ATSZOMBIE

Really?, 4th July not normally celebrated in the north east of England; i'd leave that case open a little longer.

Not saying no one celebrates it, it's just not that big a deal oop north

posted on Jun, 17 2013 @ 03:36 PM

Originally posted by ATSZOMBIE
Sounds to me like a bunch of over zealous night para jumpers doing a practice run for a local family weekend show coming up at the 4th of July. Case closed.

Yeah that makes a lot of sense thanks for solving the case

Though I must say, how would a bunch of para jumpers be able to stay in perfect unison and maintain what seemed to be a stable hovering position for easily longer than 30 minutes?

Also what did they use for the lights?

Unless they had some kind of engine strapped to their back and lightbulbs strapped to their arse I just cannot see this as being plausable.

Also this was NE England, I can't say I have ever seen anybody celebrate 4th of July... ever

posted on Jun, 19 2013 @ 12:54 PM
Last night I saw a UFO, too. But in my dream.

posted on Jun, 19 2013 @ 03:09 PM

Originally posted by casablanca887
Last night I saw a UFO, too. But in my dream.

I bet that was an experience

Did you get probed? was it just a wet dream?

One liners that bring absolutely nothing to a thread are generally frowned upon here at ATS, just thought I'd let you know.

I personally wouldn't mind if what you said was even remotely funny... certainly wasn't worthy of 3 lols was it?

posted on Jun, 21 2013 @ 01:50 AM
Why are UFOs - Orbs Of Light in Triangle Formation repeatedly appearing over cities the world over? What is the purpose?
All of these sightings are from the last 5 years.

Why are orbs of light in triangle formation repeatedly
appearing over cities the world over? What is the purpose?

For these are not chance "sightings", they are intentional appearances. They want us to see them.


Why not just come down and talk to us directly?

First contact is a very shocking thing. Perhaps they know it isn't best to force it upon us all at once. How would we react to ships unexpectedly descending upon the planet? How would the media react? How would the military react?

Pretty orbs of light in the sky are non-threatening. And it is not immediately obvious what they are. Yet they give us all the information we need to conclude that they are in fact extra-terrestrial in origin. But it is up to us to figure it out for ourselves.

And in the process of figuring it out, we have time to absorb the reality of it, to get over the shock and disbelief. Time to realize that these beings are nothing to fear.

Perhaps when enough of us come to realize this, and we welcome them in peace, then they will formally introduce themselves.

These visitors, our galactic neighbors, understand human psychology very well. They know what they are doing. We are not the first planet they have visited.

This is real. This is not a joke. Research the history of UFO sightings for yourselves. You will see that these orbs have been appearing for a long time. But never like this, with such frequency, clarity, and purpose. Something amazing is happening. We are being prepared for first contact.
Don't freak out. These are wise, benevolent beings. And it probably isn't just one race from one planet. It is most likely an alliance of civilizations cooperating to help our planet progress.

Meeting our galactic neighbors will be extremely good for us. It will expand our minds greatly and do so much to help us progress into a peaceful, environmentally sustainable society.

Let us welcome them with love and gratitude!

There is GOOD out there!

posted on Jun, 21 2013 @ 10:50 AM
reply to post by Alien2013

Why are UFOs - Orbs Of Light in Triangle Formation repeatedly appearing over cities the world over? What is the purpose?
All of these sightings are from the last 5 years.

Why are orbs of light in triangle formation repeatedly
appearing over cities the world over? What is the purpose?

For these are not chance "sightings", they are intentional appearances. They want us to see them.

I must admit it sure felt like it wanted me to see it, though I'm not inclined to think that way. If this thing or possibly things I saw wanted someone to notice it/them then they have picked a good person to notice them but not a good person to go around spreading the word so to speak.

First contact is a very shocking thing. Perhaps they know it isn't best to force it upon us all at once. How would we react to ships unexpectedly descending upon the planet? How would the media react? How would the military react?

I can answer that. Panic, total utter panic and possibly war.

Pretty orbs of light in the sky are non-threatening. And it is not immediately obvious what they are. Yet they give us all the information we need to conclude that they are in fact extra-terrestrial in origin. But it is up to us to figure it out for ourselves.

I wish they would give me some more information

This sighting is the first I have had where mathematics was involved so to speak, the triangle was a perfect (to me) equilateral triangle but I could not see anything else but the three orbs.

I'm still on the fence of what these things are (orb phenomena) but this sighting really did leave me with a sense of intelligent design. I mean if these things are natural then how did they maintain the shape, size and position without some form of intelligence?

This is real. This is not a joke. Research the history of UFO sightings for yourselves. You will see that these orbs have been appearing for a long time. But never like this, with such frequency, clarity, and purpose. Something amazing is happening. We are being prepared for first contact.
Don't freak out. These are wise, benevolent beings. And it probably isn't just one race from one planet. It is most likely an alliance of civilizations cooperating to help our planet progress.

Meeting our galactic neighbors will be extremely good for us. It will expand our minds greatly and do so much to help us progress into a peaceful, environmentally sustainable society.

Let us welcome them with love and gratitude!

There is GOOD out there!

Trust me what I saw was real, I also know a lot of other people have seen geniune strange aerial phenomena in my area of the country also. I have done bits and bobs of research into UFO's in the past, it is a big subject with lots of sightings through the ages... Alexander the great,Columbus even modern era leaders too.

I don't deny something has been happening but I'm still on the fence wih all this... what I saw could have been some kind of experiment with three satellites in formation or high altitude weather balloons
I just don't know.

I prefer to think that these things have come from Earth, biological, spiritual or natural I couldn't say. They could even possibly be reactions of electrons or something in the atmosphere but that does not explain away three orbs in unison does it

Fascinating stuff

Thanks for your input

Oh and welcome to ATS

posted on Jul, 6 2013 @ 08:00 PM
reply to post by RAY1990

If you're about now and anywhere near Newcastle, look out to South of the airport. I was watching what I thought was a plane on the normal flight path when it just stopped. It's been sitting there for half an hour and it's still there now 2am. I hope you see this so I'm not the only one this time.

I looked out at 2:15 and it was still there, just sitting in the sky but there was another one flying to the West lower down and South of the first one. I'm sure the second one must have been a helicopter although I didn't hear it, I should have heard it, that one didn't stop and it's gone now.

edit on 6-7-2013 by LEL01 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 6 2013 @ 09:19 PM

Originally posted by LEL01
reply to post by RAY1990

If you're about now and anywhere near Newcastle, look out to South of the airport. I was watching what I thought was a plane on the normal flight path when it just stopped. It's been sitting there for half an hour and it's still there now 2am. I hope you see this so I'm not the only one this time.

I looked out at 2:15 and it was still there, just sitting in the sky but there was another one flying to the West lower down and South of the first one. I'm sure the second one must have been a helicopter although I didn't hear it, I should have heard it, that one didn't stop and it's gone now.

edit on 6-7-2013 by LEL01 because: (no reason given)

Unfortunately I'm in Sunderland and I was out in the garden about 1 hour ago but I didn't see anything, it's an awesome feeling when you see something you're mind cannot quite comprehend isn't it?

The last week (mainly last Sunday) a few people I know did see a lot of orbs on the horizon, they sounded a lot like they were chinese lanterns. Just thought I should mention a few people have had "sightings" in the area recently.

Man I've been off ATS a week or so, kind of wish I logged in 1 hour ago then took the dog for a walk. I still cannot see anything and I'm looking... Would have loved to confirm you're sighting from another angle.

posted on Jul, 6 2013 @ 09:49 PM
reply to post by Alien2013

Why are UFOs - Orbs Of Light in Triangle Formation repeatedly appearing over cities the world over? What is the purpose? All of these sightings are from the last 5 years.

The triangle UFO has been widely reported since the 60s, not just over "the last 5 years."

One of the most widely reported waves in history is 30 years old at this point and has over 13,000 reports of a triangular craft.

Heck, my first UFO sighting was a black triangle back in '96.

Great story, OP.

I would echo the idea of keeping an eye on the skies. You may very well see it again.

posted on Jul, 6 2013 @ 10:24 PM
Well making a triangle shape out of chinese lanterns has been done before...yes orange orb ones.

If you can see stars "Within" the triangle....then you are NOT looking at a flying black triangle....they are Solid craft.

Even the authorities in the UK are concerned with these orbs (Chinese Lanterns) and the damage they one recently set fire to a hay bales on a farm.

posted on Jul, 6 2013 @ 10:54 PM

Originally posted by gort51
Well making a triangle shape out of chinese lanterns has been done before...yes orange orb ones.

If you can see stars "Within" the triangle....then you are NOT looking at a flying black triangle....they are Solid craft.

Even the authorities in the UK are concerned with these orbs (Chinese Lanterns) and the damage they one recently set fire to a hay bales on a farm.

I have not really followed that line of research because I found it irrelevant, this was actually solid as in I could not see anything behind it. The fact that it hovered and moved in unison in a period of 30+ minutes in a very small area of the sky kind of throws the idea it was a set of chinese lanterns or satellites out of the window.

I'm aware of the damage and stupidity that can be associated with chinese lanterns, in fact if the lantern itself is well designed no problems will likely occur but unfortunately mass production has not addressed this need.

I'm going to look up how you can link up multiple lanterns to create formations in the sky though because I think that is pretty cool and could create one hell of a sight. I don't believe what I saw was lanterns though, although I saw nothing definitive I cannot see how something can stay still for so long and then decide to move when clouds come in an intelligently controlled matter. It blows my tiny little mind the more I consider what I saw to be honest.

BTW I never saw anything solid but rather a lack of things that should have been behind it as it moved.

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