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Hugo Chavez: The War On Demcracy

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posted on Mar, 6 2013 @ 03:18 AM
Hugo chavez was from the working class. He knew what was fair for the less fortunate. Now only if more Americans could see this instead of being fed and believing garbage news from the MSM.

posted on Mar, 6 2013 @ 04:00 AM
RIP Hugo Chavez

That was a good thing he did implementing health and education services for all. His people elected him and rightly so.

posted on Mar, 6 2013 @ 04:11 AM
One of the very few world leaders who never sold out to corporations, the bankers, and special interests. The world needs more like him, but we're stuck with corrupt, self-serving idiots. A sad loss.

posted on Mar, 6 2013 @ 04:16 AM
The CIA did it.

They tried many times with Castro and failed, they have obviously improved their technique.


+1 more 
posted on Mar, 6 2013 @ 04:34 AM
reply to post by 33055

Maybe if you spoke to the people of the barrios in Venezuela, who got housing, education and healthcare for the first time rather than those who can afford to move to Florida, you may get a different response to Chavez.

posted on Mar, 6 2013 @ 04:57 AM

Originally posted by solizer
Hugo chavez was from the working class. He knew what was fair for the less fortunate. Now only if more Americans could see this instead of being fed and believing garbage news from the MSM.

I never get near msn(not msm), but I am amazed at all of these posts.
Where have you guys been living?
Chavez stole outright billions of dollars of private property, there would be no oil industry without the companies he stole from, then he hijacked the entire country and declared himself "president for life", installing his hand picked sucessor before he died.
Is the fact that he hated the U.S what makes you happy? Why do you look at a typical banana republic thug with rose colored glasses?
Chavez has been seen hanging out with the leaders of Iran, North Korea, you name it.
The world is a much better place now that he is rotting in the center circle of hell.
Party time!

posted on Mar, 6 2013 @ 05:06 AM
I really don't much about the man, apart from he stood up to the hypocrites in the White House.

By the look of anguish on some Venezuelan faces, he must have been beloved. Of course it didn't take long for the MSM to demonize him, calling him a 'dictator' and such. But these comments should be ignored considering their source.

posted on Mar, 6 2013 @ 05:11 AM

I feel so sorry. the whole world lost another great leader. actually I believe they (Zionists, Satanists & etc.) murder him for this (check this out) :

He clearly talking about *12th Imam the MAHDI & Jesus Christ* and praying for their coming.
edit on 3/6/1313 by Matey222 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 6 2013 @ 05:16 AM
reply to post by steven2977

Chavez stole outright billions of dollars of private property, there would be no oil industry without the companies he stole from, then he hijacked the entire country and declared himself "president for life", installing his hand picked sucessor before he died.
He nationalised property and industries that had been stolen by corrupt puppets whose strings where being pulled by the USA. He gave back to his people what should have been theirs in the first place

Is the fact that he hated the U.S what makes you happy? Why do you look at a typical banana republic thug with rose colored glasses?
calling it a 'banana republic' shows the value of a good propaganda machine. He had good reason to hate the USA.

Chavez has been seen hanging out with the leaders of Iran, North Korea, you name it.
Your presidents/leaders have been seen hanging out with and propping up many more corrupt despots than that. It's called politics. Now factor in the CIA and I think I know who should be rotting in hell.

posted on Mar, 6 2013 @ 05:31 AM

Originally posted by steven2977

Chavez stole outright billions of dollars of private property, there would be no oil industry without the companies he stole from, then he hijacked the entire country and declared himself "president for life", installing his hand picked sucessor before he died.

Because you clearly are not educated on this particular subject i suggest you begin reading this wikipedia entry.

Like Hugo Chavez said "The control of natural resources must not be left in hands of multinational corporations, imperialists, capitalists or national bourgeois. Must NOT because those natural resources belong to people"

edit on 6-3-2013 by Exitt because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 6 2013 @ 05:38 AM

Originally posted by 33055
Hi, I felt compelled to register here in order to reply to this very thread.

Would you guys explain to me why Hugo Chavez is a great leader?

I live in Doral,FL. A suburb in Miami-Dade county. Doral is very Venezuelan based. Many of them moved to Doral back in 2003 and since then, the Venezuelans are the majority.

They all left due to Chavez. They all had to leave and transfer their business here. They despise this man. I have talks with them about him Chavez. I even brought up that gas is 6 cents a gallon in Venezuela. They explained to me that even though the gas of gasoline is low, the cost of a comfortable living is high. A Quiksilver shirt sells for 120 dollars in Venezuelan when the worth of the shirt in The States is merely 12 dollars. Needless to say, Doral was packed with happy Venezuelans celebrating his death and wishing Venezuelans a speedy recovery to what Hugo Chavez has done to it.

I'm just curious to know why Hugo Chavez is a great leader because if its because he's against American ideals then that's not really a fair thing to say. He made millions of families migrate out of their own lands. He corrupted elections all the time and even had tanks in case the Venezuelan people would retaliate. I just don't see that as traits of a great leader.
edit on 6-3-2013 by 33055 because: g.e

Most the Venezuelans who left were wealthy, ie the Venezuelans who would "suffer" under the Chavez government.

You really can't take their opinion as representative of normal Venezuelans. The Venezuelans in the states are by in large at odds and completely out of touch with the average Venezuelan.

posted on Mar, 6 2013 @ 06:11 AM

Originally posted by thoiter
One of the very few world leaders who never sold out to corporations, the bankers, and special interests. The world needs more like him, but we're stuck with corrupt, self-serving idiots. A sad loss.

That's right he didn't sell out...He just stole everything the owners of those corporations had ever worked for.
He wasn't a nationalist, he was just a full fledged communist dictator who changed the laws to ensure that he kept the power right to his death. He nationailzed the power, oil and banking industries because there lies the means to control an entire country. Control these and noone dare oppose you lest they be left with nothing. No one dared cross him, otherwise the bought and paid for police he controlled would take care of the problem. That's why people left Venezuela.

Not a great man at all.

posted on Mar, 6 2013 @ 06:20 AM

Originally posted by RizeorDie
what a great man, I am not sad that he died for he died a FREE MAN.

He made the Venezuelan people proud and independent once again.

He gave the country and the people what belongs to them.

He stood strong against the imperialists and zionists trying to choke this planets people to submission.

He did a splendid job on his behalf and I will remember him for that!

I thought about the same thing when I heard about his death.

Then I shift attention to Saudi king as he is no a free man neither ....

Then I remembered this sentence from last hours of Imam Hussein (PBUH) who said

Be free even if you do not have any religion

May god forgive me and forgive his sins.

posted on Mar, 6 2013 @ 06:30 AM
I am very pleasantly surprised by both the existence of this thread, and most of the posts therein.

The world just became a darker, more sinister place without one of the most colorful, outspoken and forceful critics of the west and its murderous predation over the rest of the globe.

Who will take his place on the world stage? Probably no one.

I hope the new leader in Venezuela is strong, because they'll be coming after him unceasingly. Look for new and more brutal efforts to destabilize the country from within and without.

posted on Mar, 6 2013 @ 07:13 AM
Sometimes people in the United States who are friends of Cuban exiles and Venezuelan exiles cannot understand why anyone would think that Fidel Castro or Hugo Chavez was a hero. Many of those exiles are exiles because they were members of classes and social groups who exploited and oppressed the ordinary people of their home countries.

Castro and Chavez overturned these people's applecarts and sent them packing.

Anyone who has had contact with Cuban exiles in Florida should know this. They rabidly hate Castro. Well, they are lucky to be in the United States, because in Cuba they would be rabidly pushing up daisies.

Before Castro, Cuba was the whorehouse and playground of the wealthy and the mobsters of the US, and also the object of exploitation by large American corporations that did little to improve things there for the average person.

Cubans got fed up with it and cleaned house.

Chavez, a kinder, gentler, non-communist Castro type, was doing the same thing in Venezuela. That's why he is considered a hero.

posted on Mar, 6 2013 @ 07:13 AM
reply to post by shepseskaf

I am not a bit surprised by either the thread or it's content.

Chavez is dead and I mourn his passing.

This board is populated by people who denounce western culture, yet live under the rights and protections that culture provides. How many of you here, those that praise Chavez, moved to his country and enjoyed his attempted utopia?


Why not?

posted on Mar, 6 2013 @ 07:18 AM
reply to post by shepseskaf

The very moment that Hugo Chavez contracted terminal cancer.

posted on Mar, 6 2013 @ 07:19 AM
R.I.P Hugo Chavez!

Very saddened by this news. Was really hoping for him to pull through. A political leader who had his heart in the right place, a rarity in today's world.

posted on Mar, 6 2013 @ 07:25 AM

Originally posted by kcabmi
Notice the date he dies March 03 (March numerical) + 06 (Day) = 9....... 2013 (year) = 6............9+6=15 ...1+5 = 6.
We have 9 ...a Freemason number, and 6, an evil number representing the Beast.

Hugo with all of our current enemies that we are wantng to attack

Numbers are not evil. And Numerology can be subjected to all kinds of interpretations. Try not to take it all too seriously.

posted on Mar, 6 2013 @ 07:27 AM

Originally posted by 200Plus

This board is populated by people who denounce western culture, yet live under the rights and protections that culture provides.

George Bush and the other oligarchs plus the transnational corporations and the financial services deregulators and the big bank money launderers servicing the international drug cartels and the investment fraudsters and all of their selfish culture destroying schemes and scams do not constitute Western Culture.

There are very few posters in these threads who criticize Western Culture in any way that is not constructive.

How many of you here, those that praise Chavez, moved to his country and enjoyed his attempted utopia?


Why not?

Are you a spokesperson for the moving industry? Wouldn't it be better for everyone, except the moving industry, if we all just stayed in place and discussed issues here on ATS, which is, after all a discussion forum?

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