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Secret New Documents Reveal Shocking Truth About Vaccine Cover UP.

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posted on Jan, 8 2013 @ 04:08 PM
You sound like me I too went through all the grammer school shots and cubes I suppose we are lucky to of not gotten any of the polio shots that were contaminated with cancer.

Originally posted by Aleister
I haven't had a vaccine since I was in grammar school, when they marched us into the gym and either stuck us with something or gave us a sugar cube. Thanks for the great find, and I expect people here to be picking the document apart and coming up with new angles on it for quite awhile. Where's the news media when you need them?

posted on Jan, 8 2013 @ 04:40 PM

Originally posted by guitarplayer
You sound like me I too went through all the grammer school shots and cubes I suppose we are lucky to of not gotten any of the polio shots that were contaminated with cancer.

Originally posted by Aleister
I haven't had a vaccine since I was in grammar school, when they marched us into the gym and either stuck us with something or gave us a sugar cube. Thanks for the great find, and I expect people here to be picking the document apart and coming up with new angles on it for quite awhile. Where's the news media when you need them?

Which one left a scar?

posted on Jan, 8 2013 @ 04:45 PM
Thanks for sharing this information i will spread the word but i would like one question answered since i didnt saw anyone commenting on it.Is this on global scale or just in the United States?

posted on Jan, 8 2013 @ 04:48 PM
reply to post by beckybecky

Thanks for that, safely secure on my puter

edit on 8-1-2013 by DarknStormy because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 8 2013 @ 04:58 PM
reply to post by Dutcheagle

Deliberately concealing information from the parents for the sole purpose of getting them to comply with an “official” vaccination schedule could thus be considered as a form of ethical violation or misconduct. Official documents obtained from the UK Department of Health (DH) and the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) reveal that the British health authorities have been engaging in such practice for the last 30 years, apparently for the sole purpose of protecting the national vaccination program.

From the document...

But this is a worldwide issue or do they tell you that vaccines can be dangerous in your country? Do they show you ALL the evidence for and against? Are they open and honest about the ingredients? Are they forthcoming with the info so that you can make an informed decision?

posted on Jan, 8 2013 @ 05:00 PM

Originally posted by beckybecky

Here is the actual report.It should be taken to a lawyer and case filed against all those corrupt officials involved by those who have suffered and as a threat to public safety by these same officials acting for corporate interests and personal profit.

But there isn't is there. Given all the recent exposure of fraudulent bankers, corrupt cops, phone tapping journalists, tax evading multinationals etc etc the public would be very accepting of exposure of yet more corruption. Any such investigation/court case would make the lawyers (and/or firm) quite rich !!!

So you have to ask yourself why not. The answer is devastatingly simple. DUH!

posted on Jan, 8 2013 @ 05:05 PM
Small poxs I beleive had my scar on my left upper arm. not to bad of a scar seen some that looked really bad.

Originally posted by abeverage

Originally posted by guitarplayer
You sound like me I too went through all the grammer school shots and cubes I suppose we are lucky to of not gotten any of the polio shots that were contaminated with cancer.

Originally posted by Aleister
I haven't had a vaccine since I was in grammar school, when they marched us into the gym and either stuck us with something or gave us a sugar cube. Thanks for the great find, and I expect people here to be picking the document apart and coming up with new angles on it for quite awhile. Where's the news media when you need them?

Which one left a scar?

edit on 8-1-2013 by guitarplayer because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 8 2013 @ 05:11 PM
reply to post by beckybecky

Great info... I can't wait to take this to my kids doctor... she always tries to convince me to give my kids vaccines and I refuse.

posted on Jan, 8 2013 @ 06:04 PM
You can't really put to much in the blame game on the GP's, they administer on government guidelines. You can put the emphasis on to the heavy lobbying by pharmaceutical companies, and frankly some of them are 'the pits' the big 'B' based in north America is one, and they operate in the gray/grey area. IMHO, this report by Tomljenovic is but the tip of the iceberg, or perhaps a little bit more even, and there is a welter of info on ATS if you delve back into the archives, on the shenanigans of these outfits, a lot of it pretty well informed, and who knows what inspired Tomljenovic's investigation? .

posted on Jan, 8 2013 @ 06:10 PM

Originally posted by TheDoctor46
The big question is (unless ive missed something) is why are they giving them? Whats there agenda?

It's all a part of Agenda 21....depopulation. They need to thin us out in order to control us.

DEPOPULATION is the plan

posted on Jan, 8 2013 @ 06:11 PM
reply to post by beckybecky

I am glad that since I was a young kid I didn't get any immunizations since then. I had no problems and no colds were harsh to declare a state of emergency for me going to the hospital.

Read the article. Very good read and I recommend everyone do the same. Bayer companies and the like can stick their vaccines where the sun don't shine!

Great find. S&F. I hope everyone spreads the word.

posted on Jan, 8 2013 @ 06:22 PM
reply to post by beckybecky

I had a adverse reaction to the small pox vaccine over 40 years ago,no wonder there is so much incidence of cancer now!

posted on Jan, 8 2013 @ 06:53 PM
reply to post by beckybecky

Funny you should post this thread today. I just got back from my yearly physical and the first thing my doctor asks me when he walks into the room is, "did you get the flu shot yet?" I said no, and than he started to give me a sales talk about why I should consider getting it.

I told him he could talk about me taking the shot until the cows come home because I just didn't trust the shots. I told him I've gone my whole life never needing one and I also honestly couldn't remember the last time I came down with the flu. He looked at me and said, but you're a teacher and you're in an environment with kids who may be carrying the flu virus. I said so, and I don't ever remember taking a day off because I was sick with the flu. He was perplexed to say the least. He than laughs and says, I have to watch who I pick my battles with.

I really think I'm bombarded with germs and viruses everyday. I just think my body naturally creates a resistance to germs and viruses. I'm handling papers from kids who are sneezing, coughing and just coming back from being sick. You would think teachers would be the most susceptible to viruses, but I think if they did some research on it, they would find the majority of teachers don't really get sick that often.

I just find it really odd how they have been pushing flu shots in the past few years.

posted on Jan, 8 2013 @ 08:22 PM

Originally posted by WeRpeons
reply to post by beckybecky

Funny you should post this thread today. I just got back from my yearly physical and the first thing my doctor asks me when he walks into the room is, "did you get the flu shot yet?" I said no, and than he started to give me a sales talk about why I should consider getting it.

I told him he could talk about me taking the shot until the cows come home because I just didn't trust the shots. I told him I've gone my whole life never needing one and I also honestly couldn't remember the last time I came down with the flu. He looked at me and said, but you're a teacher and you're in an environment with kids who may be carrying the flu virus. I said so, and I don't ever remember taking a day off because I was sick with the flu. He was perplexed to say the least. He than laughs and says, I have to watch who I pick my battles with.

I really think I'm bombarded with germs and viruses everyday. I just think my body naturally creates a resistance to germs and viruses. I'm handling papers from kids who are sneezing, coughing and just coming back from being sick. You would think teachers would be the most susceptible to viruses, but I think if they did some research on it, they would find the majority of teachers don't really get sick that often.

I just find it really odd how they have been pushing flu shots in the past few years.

If you ever had influenza you would remember it, there is no getting away from that, I had it around 1958/59 and very young at the time, with a serious loss of blood from nosebleed, and I know the nosebleed was not an after affect, it was all during. So influenza is a real event, and notwithstanding that, you will be very ill.
Gp's will know the case histories, and older people may have built up a resistance to more than one type of 'flu.
You may well have a point in your observations as a teacher, something to pass on, since you mentioned paper.
There's no doubt that the pharmaceuticals hype things up, and may even have gone further, but it is one heck of a trail to sort out, and it could have been going on for a long time in a chicken and egg fashion.

posted on Jan, 8 2013 @ 08:34 PM
Today nothing is sacred so none of this surprises me! The dispensing of medication is just the tip of the iceberg! We also have the manipulation of food and water! Fear is the most prevalent epidemic and is used as a measure to control us! I don't know how vaccines are dangerous or if they are but I believe if they are there will be someone in Government that will be there to cover it up! I believe the most dangerous thing in our world, is the manipulation of the truth through those that are supposed to be representing us! Instead these people represent those that get them elected (Funding) and because of this I believe there is no depth to the level of deception and molevolence that our government will be willing to go to!
Suppression of the truth and Oppression of the masses is here and it's here to stay!

posted on Jan, 8 2013 @ 09:00 PM
This makes me wish i could raid every top secret file contained by the government and spread them to the world, it was a good dream until i woke up...

posted on Jan, 8 2013 @ 09:08 PM

Originally posted by ZetaExplorer15
This makes me wish i could raid every top secret file contained by the government and spread them to the world, it was a good dream until i woke up...
maybe join the wikileaks group..
You might get your wish

posted on Jan, 8 2013 @ 09:48 PM
reply to post by beckybecky

Well you're really going to have to explain the lack of deathly illnesses and the elimination of some of them, that occurred through vaccines.

I agree there's a lot of questions, but reality herself says vaccines work. I think you really shouldn't be trying to disprove something that is proven. Your resources are better spent investigating what is in the vaccine besides the vaccine.
edit on 8-1-2013 by Gorman91 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 8 2013 @ 10:09 PM
Just wanted to add my 3 cents in here... kinda off topic I guess. Im 32 and I know ive had the normal shots when I was a kid. However Ive never gotten a flu shot in my life.... and Im going on my 9th year flu free. *shrugs* then there was the whole H1N1 thing and everyone was lined up for shots.... lol never got that either. I may just have a good immune system tho cause I hardly ever get sick and it makes me laugh a bit when everyone is sick at work and even my own girlfriend is sick and I never get it.
But anyways to the point...... Ill give this PDF a read but I dont think Ill be getting any shots any time soon... oh crap Im due for a booster shot :-/ - - - are those ones important??? LOL

posted on Jan, 8 2013 @ 10:10 PM
Probably explains the 100 + Dead Scientists over the last 20+ years that died of unusual causes.
Microbiologists, Virologists, Epidemiologists etc

Guess you cant say they didnt warn us.
edit on 8-1-2013 by superluminal11 because: (no reason given)

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