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Scientists Find Underground Chamber Pumapunku

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posted on Aug, 20 2012 @ 12:51 PM
Really cool stuff! Thanks!

posted on Aug, 20 2012 @ 01:23 PM
As much as these ruins and other like them impress me they are on the other hand simply buildings,plain and simple.

Once you get over the fact they used stones its no big deal really,and if we had a king who said use stone and we listened we are left to wonder exactly how NYC would look today,and lets just say the twin towers would still be standing because no BS story would ever explain the pyramid collapseing in freefall,ha ha ha.

Lets be more honest and realistic,today for example, we have say 6 billion humans all pretty much doing what they want to do in a massive disorganised mess,what could we all do if we were working together on one goal at a time??I mean really how long would it take to build a pyramid if we all worked together?/And as far as the populations then and now also get real,we had a litteral nuclear population explosion over the last few hundred years globally,so we know exactly how fast we can populate this planet given specific conditions dont we???If there were 6 billion people then whats the big deal??

I always wondered where the people went after the global flood,but then I realise they are the oil in my car in all likelyhood..

posted on Aug, 20 2012 @ 08:36 PM
I find Pumapunka very interesting. Finding a hidden chamber would be great. Just a small piece of wood or any organic material that could be carbon dated would give us some clues.
But looking in to the article in the OP things don't add up. I can't find anything on a Dr. Domingo Mendoza. I did find a Dr. R Mendoza but no connection to him and Pumapunku.
I also looked for the statement to local newspapers from Bolivia and I can't find a thing.
This story just sounds too good to be true.

posted on Aug, 21 2012 @ 05:44 AM
reply to post by SLAYER69

Cannot wait to see if they find anything! Love these kinds of things so thank you for sharing

posted on Aug, 21 2012 @ 05:59 AM
Slayer posts a topic based on an article in a website and the article itself is full of references to aliens and all, quite dubious.
Slayer himself had stated also that he couldn't find any other website or link or reference to the the Mendosa guy or the article.
No offense meant to you, Slayer.
But i have to comment on the state of this forum and its users.

This forum's tag line is Deny Ignorance.

When someone states something, the others can either
a. accept it without checking and confirming the validity of the matter being stated.
b. check on the matter being stated, and find out whether its valid or not.
c. check on the mater being stated, finding out that its not valid, but going along as if its valid.

How many posters have actually checked the validity of the post?
How many posters have commented when they found that the subject of the post is dubious?

Many posters read the original post, accepted the matter being stated as valid, without a cross check and starred & flagged the post. ( Nothing against slayer here , but on the posters/users reading the Post. Slayer's post have the highest level of quality, and lots of research goes into his posts)

Now, Starring & Flagging a Post without even knowing that the the subject of the post is indeed dubious is IGNORANCE indeed.

Now, where does & How does DENY IGNORANCE stay valid??
its High time that ATS should review their Tag Line.
edit on 21/8/12 by coredrill because: (no reason given)

edit on 21/8/12 by coredrill because: edited some typos.

posted on Aug, 21 2012 @ 08:27 AM
reply to post by coredrill

Slayer posts a topic based on an article in a website and the article itself is full of references to aliens and all, quite dubious. Slayer himself had stated also that he couldn't find any other website or link or reference to the the Mendosa guy or the article.

SLAYER has 1,00s of posts more stars and flags than you will EVER have and you are who exactly?

An Ats nobody.

posted on Aug, 22 2012 @ 11:19 PM
Hmm, they need to excavate the top soil or filling down to the top of this thing, then excavate all around all the sides so it is exposed and they can understand what the chamber is.

posted on Aug, 23 2012 @ 02:14 AM
reply to post by Brilliance

I am not commenting on Slayer. or his posts. Slayer is indeed one of the most accopmlished researchers i have seen in ATS. I might debate of the "subjects" of his posts.

I dont come on ATS to get S&F - I come to ATS to debate, discuss topics that i have interests on.
Of course i am a ATS Nobody, But a Nobody who knows my subjects.
What was the aim of your post? Ridicule me?
What was the itch on the tip of my nose?? aah it was your ridicule. didnt have any effect at all.

READ what i have written.
I wrote about the people who S&F subjects without not reading or understanding them properly.
In this post, i had pointed out that the
1. scienceray site is the only one having aliens connected to Puma Punku and
2. The Mendosa character could as well as be a fake because no amount of web search will provide any further information
3. Actual papers on Puma Punku which refers to ground penetrating radar studies of the Tiwanaku area doesnt refer this Mendosa anywhere.

Now...all the wonderful people who oohed and aahed at the topic even after Slayer himself had informed that he himself indeed was dubious about the scienceray article, where are you guys from???

posted on Aug, 29 2012 @ 11:57 PM
The more we dig,
the more we found,
the more question arise

posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 03:17 AM
I love pumapunku, was really excited to hear about a secret chamber, I figured with sites like these there will always be somthing we always over looked. Like finding moses dvd collection.....

posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 07:00 AM

posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 08:56 PM
I love this thread but expect nothing more to be released regarding this. Expect a huge coverup with the findings.

posted on Sep, 6 2012 @ 06:18 PM
Really neat find here. Really excited about finding out what this is. But I've never really been aware of any major unearthings like this in my lifetime. Does anybody have a clue how long this might take to completely dig up and find what's in the chamber? Are we talking like a few months or up to a year, or even more? Obviously, if it is a sarcophagus, and we find a body in there, it will take a bit longer even to discover who it was & their significance.

posted on Sep, 13 2012 @ 07:38 PM
reply to post by Dawnbreaker


If we presume a dirt and ruble filled masonry structure of that size with full time staff to do the dig, 9 months. BUT it would slow down significantly if it had anything interesting in it. If they uncovered skeletons, pottery or other cultural material that would take more time too. I suspect the winter is brutal there so if the digging season is limited, as I suspect it would be, they could work in summer only.

With a professional robust dedicated team with carte blanche for money you could do it in 6 weeks - as long as you didn't find anything interesting......

If it is a college or university run dig, ie only in the summer, ie two-three seasons with time for the publication, maybe 18-24 months

Water level, I don't know what this is, if any part of it is beneath that and you need pumps so double the time.

posted on Oct, 28 2012 @ 05:44 PM
So anything new on this, or did it turn out to be some hoax? Have always found Tiahuanaco to be fantastically fascinating, even though it is one site that has given me a steady cyclic "roller coaster ride" over the years (ancient, not so ancient, what we see now is actually sloppy government "restoration" that looks nothing like the original site, original site pics and drawings found and looks even MORE intriguing, etc).

Someone mentioned winter there is probably brutal - no doubt but remember our winter is their summer, so perhaps now is perfect time for a dig?

One thing that I would keep in mind IF its a tomb or man made at all, one theory I find particularly intriguing is that Lake Titicaca may have actually reached where Tiahuanaco is now located and that Puma Punku could have been some sort of dock or wharf. If so, then presumably any tomb or underground dig toward the lake direction would have been underwater and thus would be well after the hey dey (or at least the lake front hey dey as a site that old probay had many hey deys). Or perhaps its 60 feet in the opposite direction? :-)

Of course there are lots of people who argue both ancient and recent dates for the site, Posansky of course arguing for astroalignments for 15,000-17,000 years old, but one study I read about claimed they dug under a wall structure and carbon dated the remains of a fire which dated at only 3000BC, and most main stream dates for the construction is usually quite recent, well within the past 2000 years if that. Of course another article pointed out that on the usually dry altitplano that the site that in some places requires excavation of 6 feet of dirt is remarkable as there shouldn't be enough rainfall or source of flooding from a lake 12 miles away to bury/cover the structures that deep in only a thousand to 500 years. And then there's the Italian dive team that reported finding artificial rock structures under Lake Titicaca! So either the Lake is way younger than mainstream estimates, or something interesting happened. Given the lake life forms (like sea horses) and the 12,000+ ft altitude, the link to the ocean is - I use the word often for Tiahuanaco - intriguing. :-)

If anyone has heard anything new, please post as I can't find anything. And actually any sites or studies on Tiahuanaco would be much appreciated too if anyone has anything they want to share, as I said I love this site!

posted on Oct, 28 2012 @ 11:57 PM
reply to post by NewtonDKC

Seems it's still a hoax accidentally perpetuated by SLAYER69 and myself.

I normally check sources and the one time I didn't (I mean, it was just a claim of a chamber underneath Puma Punku so nothing too sensational) I immediately thought of SLAYER69.

Unfortunately I've seen several articles now from that mitchey179 (or whatever his tag is). All hoaxes.

I'm disappointed in myself. I've provided questionable material to a respected member of ATS who I gather took my word (and reputation of doing at least SOME digging) for it and posted a thread on it.

Again, SLAYER69, my apologies.
edit on 28-10-2012 by LightAssassin because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 30 2012 @ 01:08 PM

edit on 30-12-2012 by FormerSkeptic because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 30 2012 @ 01:54 PM

The people on that show lie and misrepresent information to fit their theories.

posted on Dec, 30 2012 @ 10:25 PM

Originally posted by dorkfish87

The people on that show lie and misrepresent information to fit their theories.

Debunking the so-called debunkers — notice the sources they cite are so stupid. So as viewer you have to decide for yourself or just follow stupid.

So which is stupider, the TV show or the debunkers? What can you do?

posted on Dec, 31 2012 @ 01:05 AM

Originally posted by FormerSkeptic

Originally posted by dorkfish87

The people on that show lie and misrepresent information to fit their theories.

Debunking the so-called debunkers — notice the sources they cite are so stupid. So as viewer you have to decide for yourself or just follow stupid.

So which is stupider, the TV show or the debunkers? What can you do?

If you're going to call Protzen a "stupid source," then I'd like to read any peer-reviewed publications you have published on the Inca.

Protzen is a recognized expert on Incan Architectural methods.

Oh, and by the way, where are the references listed for the show "Ancient Aliens?"


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