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New chemtrail patents list: The programs and research continues...

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posted on Apr, 30 2012 @ 08:24 AM
reply to post by AllSeeingI

He has a ton of great photos and info that supports the Geoengineering theory of the Chemtrail phenomenon.

I take it you didn't really read to much of that thread then did you,because the OP says this about chemtrails and his thread.

First of all this thread is about geoengineering, not chemtrails. Chemtrails is the term those who want to avoid addressing geoengineering use to make people sound crazy.

It seems that the OP of that thread doesn't seem to support the theory of chemtrails and geoengineering, so that thread really doesn't help the chemtrail conspiracy very well now does it.

posted on Apr, 30 2012 @ 08:37 AM
reply to post by tsurfer2000h

No what he is saying, and I agree, is that the term "Chemtrails" is misleading because the "Chemtrails" may actually just be water with dust or other ice attracting particulate to create artificial clouds to Geoengineer.

Regarding your "what I should know" about aviation "being a pilot".

Nothing you told me was unknown to me.

You state that pilots do an aircraft inspection prior to each flight. This is true... however the depth of inspection could easily over look tanks for example if they are on the interior or cargo areas. Do you think Airline captains walk through the cabin prior to take off? No.. the stewardesses do. That is compartmentalization. A pilot does not go and look at the fuel tanks directly. He does a "walk-around" and then everything else is in the cockpit. Are you a pilot? Have you ever done a Walk-around?

Also if all they are doing is Geoengineering with water and particulates (which is my belief) then there would be much less cause for someone to "OUT" the program then if this was a Death gas spraying operation aimed at killing people. WHICH IT IS NOT. That is a red herring that is often used. People think Chemtrails are clouds of death. We dont know what they are. Why keep it secret if it is Geoengineering? My theory is that the situation with our planet is much more perilous than we can imagine and the Govt is trying to avoid mass panic and civil break down.

I say again... Chemtrails are not out to kill you. Lets everyone get past this. Chemtrails are not chemicals for population control. Patents and documents have shown methods for creating Albedo altering artificial clouds using a wide variety of particulates mixed with water at high altitudes.

The study of Chemtrails IS the study of Geoengineering. Chemtrails are a method of Geoengineering.

edit on (4/30/12) by AllSeeingI because: format

posted on Apr, 30 2012 @ 08:41 AM
reply to post by AllSeeingI

You think everyone in the government would flip the instant they discovered the truth ? No they have families, careers, and life to worry about.

Well the magic words

No they have families,

Exactly why when they find out that even their families are being poisoned do you really think any human being it either civilian or military would settle for that happening to their families. And what about the ones in charge do they not breathe the same air as everyone else. I bet they do.

Why is it that we see all this supposed info coming out that they are poisoning the skies and yet not one person will actually stop and think about those in charge of this actually breathes the same air and is essentially poisoning themselves. It really is mind blowing how chemtrail believers seem to overlook that little bit of knowledge.

posted on Apr, 30 2012 @ 08:42 AM

Originally posted by ProudBird
reply to post by Witness2008

Too bad:

Nicely done ....

This is not true.

But, when you are "less lazy"???

I suppose if I were being paid to research and provide information on this subject, I may have already contributed to this thread. Forums are a past time for me, not a job. Besides the same old trolls, repackaged trolls bore me to tears anymore.

AllSeeing put together an informative thread and a civil discussion. I'm not looking to prove something that I already know as fact, I'm here to pay my respects.

posted on Apr, 30 2012 @ 08:47 AM
reply to post by AllSeeingI

No what he is saying, and I agree, is that the term "Chemtrails" is misleading because the "Chemtrails" may actually just be water with dust or other ice attracting particulate to create artificial clouds to Geoengineer.

Actually you are wrong as he has even said in the very next line of that post...

If you google chemtrails you get conspiracy.

If you google geoengineering you get hard science. Let's stick to geoengineering here please.

Sorry he does make it pretty clear as to what he thinks about chemtrails and geoengineering.

posted on Apr, 30 2012 @ 08:52 AM
reply to post by AllSeeingI

No.. the stewardesses do.

And you think a steward/stewardess(being politically correct nowadays
) wouldn't notice that something was not right. They aren't all that stupid as not to notice something not right especially after 9/11. Anything strange would be a cause of alarm would it not.

posted on Apr, 30 2012 @ 08:52 AM
reply to post by tsurfer2000h

Regarding the Chemtrail believers are acting immorally thread:

His insinuation and basis of his thread is ridiculous.

If this is a High level military and or government and or corporate operation that is being kept secret for some reason, we have no more ability to disclose with evidence than if, as a civilian with no security clearance, infiltrate the FBI or CIA and steal some Top Secret files.

The aircraft would be launched from military bases (cannot penetrate legally).

The clouds are injected into high altitudes 30-50 thousand feet ... and remain at altitude.

Sure, let me just run down to the airport borrow an aircraft capable of those altitudes and fly up and follow one of these flights.
Oh yeah... by the way dont forget that all airspace is controlled above 18000 and you must fly EXACTLY where they tell you to fly or you will be breaking regulations of the FAA and criminal codes.

So you see its not that simple...

Please discuss any and all Chemtrail points. I have answers for any attempt at a final debunking. I have yet to see any proof that refutes the possibility of such a Chemtrail program or research.

posted on Apr, 30 2012 @ 08:56 AM
ATS NEWS and Johnny Anonymous did me the honor of featuring my Chemtrail info on ATS NEWS vol 4.

ATS News 04: US Defense Contractor Owns Chemtrail Patent!

Here it is:

(click to open player in new window)

posted on Apr, 30 2012 @ 08:57 AM
reply to post by AllSeeingI

I have and will always agree with this statement

I say again... Chemtrails are not out to kill you. Lets everyone get past this. Chemtrails are not chemicals for population control. Patents and documents have shown methods for creating Albedo altering artificial clouds using a wide variety of particulates mixed with water at high altitudes.

After I had read Edward Tellers 1997 Study and proposal, I was pretty much convinced that plowing our skies was mostly geo-engineering. In 2003 when I first started looking into what those big X's could be, I was reading some pretty horrific stuff. It never made sense to me the whole depopulation thing. I could never bring myself to think that there could be such sinister forces at work and so many folks willing to go along.

posted on Apr, 30 2012 @ 09:16 AM
Geoenginneering and Chemtrails... the activities and words.. arguing about the word to call this conspiracy / cover-up is just going to wast our time . Its semantics.

So if you want me to say it is a Geoengineering cover-up conspiracy rather than Chemtrail?

Because what ever word we use. For some reason the flights are going unrecorded, and there has been a tight lid on the purpose of these flights.

Let me again say... as I have said in many other thread but not sure if I have said yet in this thread is that most aircraft trails you see are common airliners flying scheduled routes. These aircraft have nothing to do with the Conspiracy.

The sort of activity you will notice are "mowing the lawn" type patterns which grow and expand in ever greater size going down the line. Such as I saw one day years ago... A single heavy aircraft KC-135 or similar aircraft silhouette was laying tracks. 12 of them. The 1st became the largest first as it expanded. What was a full blue summer sky turned to haze a few hours later thanks to this one aircraft laying these lines. It followed a logical pattern for filling the sky. Much like one would to mow the lawn and cover every inch.

posted on Apr, 30 2012 @ 09:48 AM
Excellent information!!!! I caught MAJOR spraying in my area and made a video....I got like 3 flags and a lot of....

"Chemtrails aren't real...ComeOnGirl!!"

You put the evidence right in their lap and they still say.." YouCrazzzZzzzY"

I have provided such compelling proof...for instance, A Weatherman that was in the Military infactically stating that they were spraying because it mess's w/ his Radar....

By his definition they were putting aluminum particles in the clouds....

I think it might have something to do w/ HARRP to...not sure yet. I can't connect those dots yet. I have seen them HARRP'ing my area though. I think it was April 2010-2011. I could not find Weather conditions for my area after I found the rings.... I'm not saying "they" took all archived weather out for that day.... I just never dug deep enough.

Anyways...the people that so vhementally denied my video and Chemtrailing how will they twist, decieve, thier way out of this compelling evidence? Should be a good watch. S&F
edit on 30-4-2012 by tracehd1 because: Add/change

posted on Apr, 30 2012 @ 10:11 AM

Originally posted by bacci0909

Originally posted by ProudBird

Just think logically!!!!
edit on Sun 29 April 2012 by ProudBird because: (no reason given)

You just said a mouthful.

Logical thinking would also entail looking up at the sky and remembering that our skies have not always looked like this

I totally agree with this, In the past growing up as a only child, I found watching the airplains leaving the small trails to be amusing on a nice summers day. They dissapered quickly and it was a "rareity" to see one. NOW we have the horrible criss cross patterns, the change in longivity of the trails, and the way that the trails become long sweeping clouds blocking the sun!

How do people not realize how different the sky looks some days when they are spraying the hell out of the sky above us??!

posted on Apr, 30 2012 @ 10:51 AM
reply to post by AllSeeingI

Nice find ASI!

I am also of the mind that the term "Chemtrails" was introduced with the sole intent
of distraction from the real information that was available over a decade ago,
under the term "Geoengineering".

posted on Apr, 30 2012 @ 03:03 PM

Originally posted by DakotaCensus
Is there anything implicating Lockheed Martin in any of these Chemtrail suspicions? They share some board members with DuPont, who have a long history of shady dealings.

Who knows about them but I do know that Evergreen is as shady as they come.

But also look at this link, which shows some irregularities in the photo.


edit on 30-4-2012 by Juggernog because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 30 2012 @ 04:20 PM

Originally posted by tsurfer2000h
reply to post by AllSeeingI

Well if you enjoyed that thread then you must read this one...

or maybe even this one...

You have no idea what you are talking about. I am a pilot.

Antioxidants to prevent gumming, usually based on alkylated phenols, e.g., AO-30, AO-31, or AO-37;

Antistatic agents, to dissipate static electricity and prevent sparking; Stadis 450, with dinonylnaphthylsulfonic acid (DINNSA) as the active ingredient, is an example

Corrosion inhibitors, e.g., DCI-4A used for civilian and military fuels, and DCI-6A used for military fuels;

Fuel system icing inhibitor (FSII) agents, e.g., Di-EGME; FSII is often mixed at the point-of-sale so that users with heated fuel lines do not have to pay the extra expense.

Biocides are to remediate microbial (i.e., bacterial and fungal) growth present in aircraft fuel systems. Currently, two biocides are approved for use by most aircraft and turbine engine original equipment manufacturers (OEMs); Kathon FP1.5 Microbiocide and Biobor JF.[10]

Metal deactivator can be added to remediate the deleterious effects of trace metals on the thermal stability of the fuel. The one allowable additive is N,N’-disalicylidene 1,2-propanediamine.

So just adding something to the jet fuel isn't as easy as you may think and as a pilot I would have thought you would know this.

Well, I'm glad to see you are using the bit of info on additives to fuel I imparted to you in reply to your incredulity that these things would be secret. A couple of days ago you didn't believe it, or even bother to reply back to me when I said that these additives are used and that they are proprietary, (secret) Anyway, just the fact that these additives are used, are secret formula, and are subject to (also unknown) chemical changes in their use, both inside the engine and outside the exhaust, makes the jet engine problematic in its own right, never mind these guys who are coming up with albedo improvement ideas, and who don't have a clue as to what's already being sprayed out of a jet's arse. And they want to add to it?? crazy!

posted on Apr, 30 2012 @ 04:49 PM
reply to post by Drew99GT

And logical thinking would have a logical person conclude the reason for that might possibly be.................increased air traffic? Or do deny the existence of contrails?

And logical thinking tells me the reason why you post in every chemtrail thread is cos you're a shill.

posted on Apr, 30 2012 @ 08:37 PM

Originally posted by Witness2008
reply to post by AllSeeingI

I have and will always agree with this statement

I say again... Chemtrails are not out to kill you. Lets everyone get past this. Chemtrails are not chemicals for population control. Patents and documents have shown methods for creating Albedo altering artificial clouds using a wide variety of particulates mixed with water at high altitudes.

After I had read Edward Tellers 1997 Study and proposal, I was pretty much convinced that plowing our skies was mostly geo-engineering. In 2003 when I first started looking into what those big X's could be, I was reading some pretty horrific stuff. It never made sense to me the whole depopulation thing. I could never bring myself to think that there could be such sinister forces at work and so many folks willing to go along.

Depopulation in geoegineering is neither here or there. Be advised, chemtrailing will be done if deemed necessary, what do you think all these 'proposed' methods are about, they are not a joke, it is deadly serious. The vast majority of those scientists and their proposals all point to geoengineering as the simplest, and easiest way to combat global warming. More than that, once it is started, (in a serious manner) when is it going to stop?

Simple answer is most likely never, given the acknowlegement to AGW, global warming blah blah. More than that, the kyoto agreement for instance, is the fiscal way of doing things in a different, but very expensive, perhaps gentler way, with no guarantees, (there are none anyway) as nobody really know the ultimate outcome will be.

posted on Apr, 30 2012 @ 09:04 PM

Originally posted by AllSeeingI
reply to post by tsurfer2000h

Regarding the Chemtrail believers are acting immorally thread:

His insinuation and basis of his thread is ridiculous.

If this is a High level military and or government and or corporate operation that is being kept secret for some reason, we have no more ability to disclose with evidence than if, as a civilian with no security clearance, infiltrate the FBI or CIA and steal some Top Secret files.

Now who is being ridiculous?

Why not consider that chemtrails are supposedly being sprayed by civilian planes, all over the world, every day, and yet there is not one single piece of verifiable evidence to support their existence. not one credible whistleblower. not one "secret" paper, not one bill of lading, not one unexplained truck filling up an aircraft with an unknown substance, not one fuel sample containing anything untoward, not one ground handler with an MSDS for whatever it is that the "chem" supposedly is.

The aircraft would be launched from military bases (cannot penetrate legally).

chemtrails are regularly and usually identified by people worldwide as coming from civilian aircraft -including in your own OP!!!!!!
Good grief can you not even manage a coherent story??

The clouds are injected into high altitudes 30-50 thousand feet ... and remain at altitude.

So how are they poisoning us at ground level then??

Sure let me just run down to the airport borrow an aircraft capable of those altitudes and fly up and follow one of these flights. Oh yeah... by the way dont forget that all airspace is controlled above 18000 and you must fly EXACTLY where they tell you to fly or you will be breaking regulations of the FAA and criminal codes.

You do not have to fly "where they tell you" - you can file a flight plan for almost any destination you like, and the only directions you will get will be to avoid other traffic.

And sure you're not likely to just pop down to the airport to pick up a plane - but you could run a campaign to garner subscriptions to charter an aircraft capable of sampling air at those altitudes. $50,000 was raised to make "What in the world are they spraying" - why can't a similar amount be raised to perform this most obvious of testing????

BTW not all airspace above 18,000 feet is controlled -

(a) CLASS A AIRSPACE AREA. Generally, that airspace from 18,000 feet MSL up to and including FL 600, including the airspace overlying the waters within 12 nautical miles (NM) of the coast of the 48 contiguous States and Alaska. Unless otherwise authorized, all persons must operate their aircraft under IFR.
- FAA's designation of airspace classes

That's from 18,000 feet to FL600 - which is 60,000 feet. Above 60,000 feet the airspace is not controlled at all.

So you see its not that simple...

This reply of yours has convinced me that I am completely correct - instead of doing the obvious thing and actually organising to do the obvious testing of you suspicions you are only concerned with making excuses why you will not actually test chemtrails.

Please discuss any and all Chemtrail points. I have answers for any attempt at a final debunking. I have yet to see any proof that refutes the possibility of such a Chemtrail program or research.

Yes I have seen this thread - it has been pointed out that your OP is simply false, and since you now know it ti be false continuing to support it is deliberate deceit. And you say this is an answer??

Yep - now you have convinced me - you are a disinfo agent, deliberately spreading false information about chemtrails, and hence immoral.

Thanks for confirming my point!!

posted on May, 1 2012 @ 07:58 AM
reply to post by Aloysius the Gaul

Why not consider that chemtrails are supposedly being sprayed by civilian planes, all over the world, every day, and yet there is not one single piece of verifiable evidence to support their existence. not one credible whistleblower. not one "secret" paper, not one bill of lading, not one unexplained truck filling up an aircraft with an unknown substance, not one fuel sample containing anything untoward, not one ground handler with an MSDS for whatever it is that the "chem" supposedly is.

You just realised, you're nothing but a slave with a bar code.
Why would they tell you anything? What makes you think you're so special?
When something is secret, it's secret.
Just because you can't find some evidence sitting on your ass at home, munching on your toe nails, doesn't mean it's not there.
Just because it's not on ATS, doesn't mean it's not there.
There is life outside ATS.

posted on May, 1 2012 @ 04:12 PM

Originally posted by burntheships
reply to post by AllSeeingI

Nice find ASI!

I am also of the mind that the term "Chemtrails" was introduced with the sole intent
of distraction from the real information that was available over a decade ago,
under the term "Geoengineering".

I agree. Pure discrediting tactic. Would be very interesting to track down who "coined" the phrase.

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