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Strange Man From Alternate Reality Arrives In Tokyo

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posted on Apr, 16 2012 @ 03:40 PM

Originally posted by sputniksteve

Originally posted by phantomjack
How about we go with Occam's Razor instead, and consider the fact that the guy suffered from a mental illness...perhaps brought on by PTSD after his country was nearly annihilated by the Atom Bomb several years earlier?


While it makes for interesting conversation, I choose to think that he suffered from delusional mental illness.

The guy was from Europe not Japan. I don't think he would have any PSTD from Japan getting bombed previously.

Sorry, I first read it as if he were from Japan. My bad.

So then, perhaps, he had PTSD from all of the bombing that took place during WWII in Europe?

posted on Apr, 16 2012 @ 03:41 PM
he sounds like a scam artists.... probably would have bamboozled most of you on here thinkin he is from some "parallel universe"

posted on Apr, 16 2012 @ 04:18 PM
This took place at time when the US was both occupying Japan, and continuing its research into hypnosis as a military tool, with the likes of George Estabrooks, who was active during the second world war. The cold war was gearing up, and things were a little odd in terms of what was considered sanctioned activities.I
I suspect this was a psy-op experiment to see what could be achieved by an intelligence operative given certain hypnosis training - just how far can you suspend disbelief in an unsuspecting, but well trained subject. And it worked in that the operative managed to Jedi mind trick the airport authorities into letting him check into a hotel, which he then walked out of, and return to his base.
Note: the last link details a CIA Program that started in 1953 (officially).
Edit: (I originally misread the date from OP as 1950, and had a comment here that it could have been a precursor to mkultra, which started in 53. In rereading OP, I realise the incident fell inside the mkultra timeframe)

As an interesting side note, lee Harvey Oswald spent some time on a military base in japan (us naval base) in 1957, where some conspiracy theorists suggest he was involved in some MK ultra style program, which further suggests that the practice of psychological experiments in offshore bases, Japan specifically.

edit on 16-4-2012 by FlutterByte because: Corrected date information

posted on Apr, 16 2012 @ 04:21 PM
Here's a link to the company call Taured.

posted on Apr, 16 2012 @ 04:24 PM
reply to post by isyeye

"One of the best documented reports of a possible visitant from another world landing in Earth came from the little French town of Alencon, which is situated about thirty miles north of Le Mans. The town is nowadays solely famous because of its fine lace, but over two hundred years ago, Alencon became renowned for something much less mundane that occurred within its vicinity.

At around 5 a.m. on June 12th, 1790, peasants watched in awe as a huge metal sphere descended from the sky, moving with a strange undulating motion. The globe crash-landed onto a hilltop, and the violent impact threw up soil and vegetation which showered the hillside. The hull of the globe was so hot (possibly from a rocket motor or because of the rapid descent through the atmosphere) that it ignited the surrounding dry flora, and a grass fire quickly broke out. The peasants rushed up the hill carrying pails of water, and within a short time, the fires were extinguished.

A large crowd encircled the crashed globe, and some of the more adventurous people present stepped forward to touch the hull of the unearthly craft to discover that it was quite warm. A physician, two mayors from nearby towns and a number of officials turned up to see what had descended from the morning sky, and these important witnesses arrived just in time to see something sensational.

A hatch of some sort slid open in the lower hemisphere of the globe, and a man in an outlandish, tight-fitting costume emerged through the hatchway and surveyed the observers with an apprehensive look. He started mumbling something in a strange language and gestured for the crowd to get away from him and his vehicle. A few people stepped back, and the man ran through the break in the circle of spectators and fled into the local woods. Some of the peasants ran away from the globe, sensing that something dangerous was about to happen. The remainder of the crowd decided to follow suit, and seconds after the last members of the multitude had retreated from the sphere, it exploded with a peculiar muffled sound, creating a miniature mushroom-shaped cloud. The debris from the craft 'sizzled' in the grass, and gradually turned to powder.

A police inspector named Liabeuf travelled over a hundred miles from Paris to investigate the crash, and he quizzed many of the witnesses, including the mayors and physician who had been present at the strange spectacle. The inspector organised a thorough search of the woods where the oddly-dressed man had taken refuge, but the hunt resulted in nothing. There stranger seemed to have vanished as mysteriously as he had arrived.

In the report to his superiors, Inspector Liabeuf put forward the suggestion that the man who had landed in the globe could have been 'a being from another world' - but the high-ups in Paris dismissed the intimation as 'a ludicrous idea'."

posted on Apr, 16 2012 @ 04:34 PM
Here's a link about the country The strangest part. They're not blue skin and have antennas coming out of their head. Andorians from Star Trek.

posted on Apr, 16 2012 @ 04:43 PM
If it was a Twilight Zone, the guy would be arguing about coming from a unknown country and eventually be locked up as a crazy person and scheduled for a lobotomy, only to have it revealed in the end that the country he said he was from was something called The United States, and you'd pull back to reveal a Nazi swastika flag or some other obvious thing.

Time/dimension slip stories are fun, though.

posted on Apr, 16 2012 @ 04:56 PM
This story seems to originate from a book by Colin Wilson and John Grant in 1981.

I'm looking for a copy online to source, but I haven't found one yet.

According to The Directory Of Possibilities [edited by Colin Wilson & John Grant, 1981]

And in 1954 a passport check in Japan is alledged to have produced a man with papers issued by the nation of Taured."

The only other thought to explain this story is there was an error on the passport, the man was from Taure, Romania, and he didn't know geography very well.
edit on 16-4-2012 by isyeye because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 16 2012 @ 04:57 PM
Strange alternate reality where everything is similar to our reality except Taured.
Planes, airports, regular passports, French and Japanese are spoken, Japan exists, a hotel that exists in both realities...

posted on Apr, 16 2012 @ 05:07 PM
2 Corinthians 12:2 to 4, Paul talks about a strange experience similiar to this one. Paul was steadfast in witnessing Christ, so he didn't give the experience much ink, but I've always contemplated what he was talking about. I believe the man certainly went to a different world, universe, or dimension - whatever you want to call it.

"I know a man in Christ who fourteen years ago--whether in the body I do not know, or whether out of the body I do not know, God knows--such a one was caught up to the third heaven. And I know such a man--whether in the body or out of the body I do not know, God knows-- how he was caught up into Paradise and heard inexpressible words, which it is not lawful for a man to utter."
edit on 4/16/2012 by milano because: (no reason given)

edit on 4/16/2012 by milano because: added quote...

posted on Apr, 16 2012 @ 05:42 PM
reply to post by psyan

I went to your link because you were quite sarcastic and a little rude ... Jes sayin and.... I did read... Not every word .. But I now know about their population... Their religion... Their currency ... Their un- employment and at the end... I think I want to live there... However... I'm still puzzled @ your rudeness and what the hell were we suppose to read???? I didn't see anything to do w/ current post other then the man saying his country should be where the present country is....

posted on Apr, 16 2012 @ 05:56 PM
Almost sounds like an episode of fringe.

posted on Apr, 16 2012 @ 05:58 PM

Originally posted by psyan

Know your facts before posting anything.

Read the thread and understand it before posting anything.

posted on Apr, 16 2012 @ 05:58 PM
So what happened to the guys dog?

posted on Apr, 16 2012 @ 06:00 PM

Originally posted by Blue Shift
If it was a Twilight Zone, the guy would be arguing about coming from a unknown country and eventually be locked up as a crazy person and scheduled for a lobotomy, only to have it revealed in the end that the country he said he was from was something called The United States, and you'd pull back to reveal a Nazi swastika flag or some other obvious thing.

Time/dimension slip stories are fun, though.

You beat me to it! Love The Twilight Zone! I think I've seen every episode. You nailed it.

posted on Apr, 16 2012 @ 06:04 PM

Originally posted by isyeye
This is an interesting article about a mystery man that appeared at the Tokyo Airport in 1954, with a passport from a country named Taured, and then later mysteriously disappeared from a hotel room.

It's a rather interesting story that I wanted to share. Considering that it's an older story, many people may know about it, but I thought it was worth sharing. I don't have the time at the moment for further research, but I'll look into it more after work. Maybe some fellow ATS member has some additional information to contribute.


The man who arrived in Japan that day in 1954 was certainly a stranger in a strange land. A Westerner in the land of the East, he towered above most of the Japanese people milling about the Tokyo airport complex. But soon, amazed customs officials found the man was more than just a stranger in their midst. The impossible man was a stranger from a stranger world—a world that existed in another universe entirely!

While the customs officials were confused, the subject of their bewilderment grew increasingly angry. He claimed he was in Japan on business, the third such trip that year. He'd been traveling to Japan for more than five years and his company was a subsidiary of a growing international conglomerate.

While it was true that the man's passport corroborated his story—the document had many previous custom's and visa stamps—no record of his country existed. And when the company he claimed to have pending meetings with was contacted they stated categorically they never heard of him, nor of the company he said he represented

The man spoke several languages including Japanese. He said his native language was French and when shown a map of the world expressed what seemed to be genuine shock that his country wasn't on it.

He told officials that Taured was located where the Principality of Andorra, part of Spain, and part of France was shown on the map. He was adamant that no such country as Andorra existed and his country had existed for almost 1,000 years.

It's the second man that seems to have been from another multiverse. The first was a certain John Titor, a military man. Just google his name.

posted on Apr, 16 2012 @ 06:12 PM

As i stated earlier, it's possible the guy was hypnotized to believe he was from a fictitious country and given fake documents. He was possibly also trained to hypnotize or otherwise persuade his interrogators into moving him to a hotel where he was assisted to escape. This took place at a time when all manner of disturbing military experiments where underway.

Originally posted by FlutterByte
This took place at time when the US was both occupying Japan, and continuing its research into hypnosis as a military tool, with the likes of George Estabrooks, who was active during the second world war. The cold war was gearing up, and things were a little odd in terms of what was considered sanctioned activities.I
I suspect this was a psy-op experiment to see what could be achieved by an intelligence operative given certain hypnosis training - just how far can you suspend disbelief in an unsuspecting, but well trained subject. And it worked in that the operative managed to Jedi mind trick the airport authorities into letting him check into a hotel, which he then walked out of, and return to his base.
Note: the last link details a CIA Program that started in 1953 (officially).
Edit: (I originally misread the date from OP as 1950, and had a comment here that it could have been a precursor to mkultra, which started in 53. In rereading OP, I realise the incident fell inside the mkultra timeframe)

As an interesting side note, lee Harvey Oswald spent some time on a military base in japan (us naval base) in 1957, where some conspiracy theorists suggest he was involved in some MK ultra style program, which further suggests that the practice of psychological experiments in offshore bases, Japan specifically.

edit on 16-4-2012 by FlutterByte because: Corrected date information

posted on Apr, 16 2012 @ 06:27 PM
reply to post by psyan

learn to read the post before posting your facts on anything.....

posted on Apr, 16 2012 @ 06:31 PM
Why doesn't stuff like this happen now? I mean if this were to happen now, video of this man would go viral and actually have evidence. Sounds to me like a fairy tale story to me. FWIW, the Japanese rewrite their own histories the way they please...

posted on Apr, 16 2012 @ 06:39 PM

Originally posted by phantomjack
How about we go with Occam's Razor instead, and consider the fact that the guy suffered from a mental illness...perhaps brought on by PTSD after his country was nearly annihilated by the Atom Bomb several years earlier?


While it makes for interesting conversation, I choose to think that he suffered from delusional mental illness.

better yet, let's just entertain the idea that this guy never existed in the first place and we're reading an urban legend.. much like the mad gasser, or spring heeled jack .. I used to really love these stories as a kid, but there was never more than a story.. nothing else..

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