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Britain media black out on NHS - armed guards

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posted on Mar, 19 2012 @ 08:09 AM
Mods: I hope it is in the right place, feel free to move. Thanks.


This shocked me big time this morning. Not because of what it entailed but because I had to hear it from my husband because there is no official media coverage of it. Only independent news are reporting. I am against the NHS reform [UK's health service] and so are many doctors and nurses and a hell of a lot of people. I didn't even know that there was a protest

This is social engineering and propaganda showing their ugly head without shame. What bothered me most is that a) more people could have turned up had it been reported
b) they saw it fit to have machine guns [using the excuse that they were in Whitehall - similar to the area around the White house in the USA] - what did they expect doctors or worried people to do exactly?
c) the blatant cheek of deliberately keeping it from the public

I hope they shot themselves in the foot [pun intended] with this one. I for one will spread this to everyone who is normally not interested. My husband who is the opposite of tinfoil and takes everything with a pinch of salt got angry about this this morning. That alone shows me that they have gone one step too far.
Deliberate media black out = sinister.

Here is the link to one indy report [there are very few out there and if you google it you didn't get any main newspapers to report on it.


Just tried the link and it doesn't seem to work?
Another try:
edit on 19-3-2012 by Hecate666 because: (no reason given)

edit on 19-3-2012 by Hecate666 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 19 2012 @ 08:48 AM
I did say that this site could stick it (don't like the way it is run or the 'rules') but I had to comment on this. Can I ask you a few questions...

1) Do you think it is acceptable to steal off someone to buy someone else a product/service?
2) Do you think it is acceptable to steal money off of future generations?
3) Do you think that if people receive stolen money to provide a service that the said service will be as good as it can be?

The fact is the N.H.S is a shambles that is funded for by theft! You can not escape this fact! If you think theft is acceptable would you like to post your home address? I'll be right round!

Please do not take this as me attacking you, I am not. I just want you to realize what the N.H.S is.

posted on Mar, 19 2012 @ 08:49 AM
Whether anyone likes the changes or not, something needs to be done with the NHS. So far they've almost killed my wife and my brother in law. Too quick to read things off a check sheet and not diagnose. I wouldn't read too much into doctors not being behind the changes, they weren't behind the idea of the NHS in the first place and fought tooth and nail against its original inception. The photo in the link doesn't add much weight to the argument either, there are always lots of police in that area and yes all armed, you can thank the last crap administration for addding all that security, including the hideous barriers outside Parliament

posted on Mar, 19 2012 @ 08:55 AM

Originally posted by FFS4000
Whether anyone likes the changes or not, something needs to be done with the NHS. So far they've almost killed my wife and my brother in law. Too quick to read things off a check sheet and not diagnose. I wouldn't read too much into doctors not being behind the changes, they weren't behind the idea of the NHS in the first place and fought tooth and nail against its original inception. The photo in the link doesn't add much weight to the argument either, there are always lots of police in that area and yes all armed, you can thank the last crap administration for addding all that security, including the hideous barriers outside Parliament

So I guess you'd rather prefer a US style health care system, where only the rich or those that pay through the nose for insurance can afford even a stay in hospital, a system where many citizens go broke over paying their medical bills.

posted on Mar, 19 2012 @ 08:55 AM
reply to post by mee30

Post deleted,as it was off topic and I do not want to detract from op
edit on 19-3-2012 by ukWolf because: As Above

posted on Mar, 19 2012 @ 08:56 AM
reply to post by mee30

I know you are not attacking me because I honestly don't know what you are on about. Are you asking me on my opinion about the NHS reform? Then we have to start another thread I'm afraid. I won't be discussing this here now.
This thread is about how the government is handling a perfectly legitimate protest. Meaning that people should have the right in a democracy to object to something the government is deciding. We should also be told about important protests, because we might just want to join.

The questions that I will ask you [and which will be in line with the thread]:
a) Do you think the government is right to keep important news from the people?
b) Do you think armed police are necessary during a democratic protest [not riot, protest!]
c) Do you think it is OK to order newspapers and TV to do as they say? Last time I looked, reporters and journalists were people that often UNCOVERED unfairness. So how did the government manage to keep them quiet? Wouldn't you like to know?

posted on Mar, 19 2012 @ 08:58 AM
Just to make absolutely clear:

This is not a thread about "do you agree or disagree with the NHS reform". Anyone discussing it is hijacking this thread. This is not what I am telling you. This thread is about how the government is handling a completely legal protest. So please people keep on topic. Thanks

posted on Mar, 19 2012 @ 09:06 AM
reply to post by Hecate666

Great find OP and just what I think this site is all about. I can't imagine this story going away now people are going to want to know the truth, just how far did the government go to hide this story. They can D notice the lame stream press but will be impossible to do online.

Be nice to see the thread with pic's and vid from the march. If there out there they will be found no doubt.

Apologies for the earlier post, I almost took the bait.


edit on 19-3-2012 by ukWolf because: As Above

edit on 19-3-2012 by ukWolf because: delete edit - off topic

posted on Mar, 19 2012 @ 09:12 AM
So was a schedule D notice issued by the government ? Why did the local NHS trusts not make a big deal out of this march / protest, they couldn't have been issued with schedule D notices and even if they were surely they could have ignored them.

As to poster above that asked if i wanted a US style of system, if we hadn't paid to go private and get a second opinion, neither my wife or brother in law would be here now, should have also added they killed my nan with MRSA, so 'free' doesn't always work. I'm not saying that is what i want, but currently its not fit for purpose too many box tickers

posted on Mar, 19 2012 @ 09:29 AM
The NHS is a goldmine and those private business's are rubbing their hands at getting a peace of it. I don't blame the curent government alone. This all began under New Labour, the Torries will just help it along to it's logical conclusion.

Privatise the Police, the NHS, the roads, the trains, the energy companies, the rail network, water and anything else that can be flogged off. Give the contracts to the Tesco's or Virgin or ATOS of Securicor. Still have to pay tax though.

posted on Mar, 19 2012 @ 09:35 AM
reply to post by FFS4000

I don't know much about how to go about organising a protest, so I can't answer your first question. I personally only heard about it this morning. And I am someone not only interested in NHS reform debates [usually, not on this thread
] but I also read three different news sites every day, more than once. However this was nowhere discussed. I don't know about you but I wouldn't go and check the NHS site every day on an offchance that there may be a protest somewhere [and believe me the official NHS site would not mention this either]. I rely on the news.
What worries me most is that all news agencies seemed to have been affected, from the leftist Guardian, to the so called neutral [leftist] BBC right to the conservative Daily Mail. Not a word. Because the government didn't want this to be news.

That is the only point here, how have they got the right now to keep information back by actually telling the papers not to report anything?
This is what happened in Germany during WW2 and in East Germany and Russia and is still happening in North Korea.
All governments that I wouldn't wish to live under. Yet here we are. They are doing it. How did they do it?

posted on Mar, 19 2012 @ 09:43 AM
I managed to find this link below with video clips;

Save our NHS demonstration London 17 March 2012

Some videos from today’s protest in central London. Bit rough, but mainly uploaded to give you an idea of the police presence, which was pretty excessive and over the top at points. Definitely got the feeling that they were going for a show of strength in the leadup to the Olympics.

More clips at link and on YT

posted on Mar, 19 2012 @ 09:49 AM
reply to post by Hecate666

What part did you not quite understand? Please specify and I will clarify for you.

My points were on topic because if you're going to complain about the "media black out" we should explore what exactly is being blacked out, no? These people are demanding that more money be stolen off people! I'm sorry but that is not a legitimate protest, as you call it! Or is it ok to protest for the return of looting? Would it be right for the media to report on that protest too?

Now look I'm anti government and anti corrupt media! But on this single issue they are dead right! But of course you will not want to discuss WHY they are protesting, because you will have to admit that it is not legitimate.

posted on Mar, 19 2012 @ 09:50 AM

Not a word. Because the government didn't want this to be news.

I don't understand why the shock/horror.

Of course the government doesn't want this to be news, the government wants us to accept the new NHS, and, sadly, a majority of people will.

The changes have been discussed widely on TV and the internet. The truth is, people just don't care. The government doesn't have to hide anything from us, it's in plain sight, for all to see, they are about to sell us out their corporate friends, and most people, despite knowing this, will do nothing.

Your bread and butter middle class protesters, the voters, learned their lesson in 2003 ( Iraq War protest) . Protest doesn't work.

There is no conspiracy to hide the protests from you, the truth is, most people don't' want to know.

posted on Mar, 19 2012 @ 09:52 AM
reply to post by mee30

You don't live in the UK do you....?


I give my money freely, so my neighbour can have the basic human right of health care.

posted on Mar, 19 2012 @ 09:54 AM

Originally posted by Hecate666
Just to make absolutely clear:

This is not a thread about "do you agree or disagree with the NHS reform". Anyone discussing it is hijacking this thread. This is not what I am telling you. This thread is about how the government is handling a completely legal protest. So please people keep on topic. Thanks

What a straw man! Let me translate "anyone wanting to actually examine WHY these people are protesting, and thus questioning the legitimacy of the protest is not helping to prove MY point! So I'll accuse you of 'highjacking'!"

That about right?

posted on Mar, 19 2012 @ 09:56 AM

Originally posted by Merigold
reply to post by mee30

You don't live in the UK do you....?


I give my money freely, so my neighbour can have the basic human right of health care.

Yes I live in the U.K, you can give money "freely" to whomever you like. I would stand up for your right to do that! I would fight for you so you can do that! Will you fight for me so that I can choose who I give my money too?

Edit: Sorry I should of added that no-one has the "right" to healthcare. People have a right to make choices! For example, I smoke, this is my choice! Should you have to pay for my bad decision? NO! People are responsible for their own actions.
edit on 19-3-2012 by mee30 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 19 2012 @ 09:58 AM
reply to post by mee30

People have been paying for the NHS through a high taxation system in the UK. People have been paying for these services for decades. Now we are about to give those services to private companies, who's only incentive is profit.

Now I understand where you are coming from with your Randian philosophy when it comes to health care, but remember Ayn Rand herself had to rely on government funded health care and social security. Health care should be seen as a right, not as a commodity to be sold off to the highest bidder.
edit on 19-3-2012 by woodwardjnr because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 19 2012 @ 10:01 AM
Q. Does the UK government have the right to supress media coverage of a lawful legitimate protest ?
Maybe they did or maybe they didn't do it on this occaision but do they have the right to supress it ?

Talk of NHS reforms, pro or con, are for another thread IMO

posted on Mar, 19 2012 @ 10:04 AM
reply to post by woodwardjnr

They haven't been "paying" for anything! The money is stolen, if you do not think it is stolen, stop spaying and find out that in fact it is! I do listen to the pauls logic and I find it to be sound. I also listen to stefan molyneux and he too is sound.

Look our whole so called society is messed up! We have to get back to fundamentals of what is right and what is wrong! Theft is wrong! Simple as that, you can not deny it! Try as you might.

Right, time for a CIGGY, be back in a bit.

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