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Ben Breedlove Passed Away Christmas Day, But Not Before Sharing His NDE With The World

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+79 more 
posted on Dec, 29 2011 @ 12:18 PM
This young man, had a serious heart condition all his life, though was somewhat afraid of death. At 4 he had an experience, during a medical emergency, where only he could see the huge Light over head, his mother did not, and it touched him deeply. On Dec 6, just prior to school holidays, he had a critical episode and died after passing out in school. He did come to during their attempts to revive him, and passed out again, experienced an NDE . He was in something he called the White Room, and when looking in a mirror at his life review that showed he'd passed, he had done nothing wrong in his life. When he was sent home from school after being resurrected, he was unable to speak.

Just prior to his death on Christmas he managed to make videos to share this.

This is my story (Part 1)

This is my story (Part 2)

This is a very sad occasion, and my deepest sympathies go to his family, as a mother of 5 boys. My 20 year old also has had many tests done to determine why he spent so much time sick, missing half the year or more in school. I finally yanked him in grade 11, after he shared his nde with me. Since schools are what make the whole family sick so much. Just the thought that I could have lost him that day heart breaking.

This is a very touching story, and a very beautiful young man who was prepared ahead of time for passing into real life, where dreams do come true.
edit on 29-12-2011 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 29 2011 @ 12:32 PM
'___' hallucinations provoked by physical distress. Next...

+66 more 
posted on Dec, 29 2011 @ 12:37 PM
reply to post by JanJamboree

'___' trips are nothing like NDE's, the level of consciousness in an NDE is non distorted, as in my sons, he had superconsciousness. Night became daytime, and he could see and hear for miles, he could hear a pin drop miles away.

People who went through their lab tests reported the distortions and knew this wasnt real. NDE's are very real experiences, they're not drug induced.

When those born blind can see, its a miracle.

Also, just what do you think those brain chemicals are there for, its a part of your pineal, the very seat of your soul and the true way to free your mind from the programs here is to form the rainbow bridge, right and left hemisphere through meditation, and access your third eye.

It also takes the right frequency of Love. TPTB have been doing this all along, but as the infinite realms are a frequency match, they've been meeting with much bigger predators than themselves and taking bad orders for years.
The Journey Over The Rainbow, Draw Forth Your Light

Thank you for sharing your opinion, but only scientists wearing blinders share that, for you have to ignore reams of evidence and exclude alot to maintain that one. Something that isn't scientific, exclusion of evidence.

So you're fully entitled to your belief system, but its not mine.
edit on 29-12-2011 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 29 2011 @ 12:43 PM
This young man grew up fast.
Since he was old enough to know the physical problems he had, he faced death every second of every day, never knowing if he would live to see the end of the day.

He was introduced to what he would experience in dying three times.

He managed it well, and I believe was ready for it when it came.

He showed the world his strength and his readiness and acceptance for death through his videos, and left his parents with a memento of a proud to have son.

posted on Dec, 29 2011 @ 12:44 PM

Originally posted by JanJamboree
'___' hallucinations provoked by physical distress. Next...

Yes, but what is that experience? Where does consciousness exist? Is life purely chemical or is it spiritual in nature? These are the questions that have yet to be answered.

+13 more 
posted on Dec, 29 2011 @ 12:47 PM

Originally posted by BIGPoJo

Originally posted by JanJamboree
'___' hallucinations provoked by physical distress. Next...

Yes, but what is that experience? Where does consciousness exist? Is life purely chemical or is it spiritual in nature? These are the questions that have yet to be answered.

This person copy and pasted this same sentence on the other thread about this, saying what you think is one thing, putting the word next in the sentence shows a mental defect with the inability to show compassion
this person is a mean human being, JamJamboree, is there anything in you that cares?, Im sorry for you and pity you.
edit on 29-12-2011 by hapablab because: because I called Janjamboree some bad names, edited because Im better then that.

+1 more 
posted on Dec, 29 2011 @ 12:49 PM

Originally posted by JanJamboree
'___' hallucinations provoked by physical distress. Next...

I would've agreed had it not happened to me after my heart had stopped beating.
I became a ghost in a freezing black void, floated into the ceiling and back into my body in another hospital.

still dmt for you?

+13 more 
posted on Dec, 29 2011 @ 12:51 PM
reply to post by JanJamboree

Hahahahahaha......... i can tell you live in a conceptual box. The possibilty of God and afterlife threatenthat self created bubble.

Ive done dmt and had nde. Completelydifferent. Dmt was like a dirty confsing high. Nde was like crystal clear truth.

+1 more 
posted on Dec, 29 2011 @ 12:54 PM
reply to post by BIGPoJo

Your an infinite spirit/soul/intelligence. And you're in a school, hard school for most, to show what you're made of. Think of this illusion, for its quite interactive as any who have done searches due to experiencing anything, have discovered, a matrix, a hologram, or even a dream within a dream, and you're here to overcome this near hellzone world of starvation and warfare.

Your body is just a suit, energy from the Universe, which is not real as we see, but energy waves that are imprinted with sound vibration and coding, to form dna suits, made out of stardust.

You spirit is Light that streams in from Beyond this universe.

Anyone who has spent time in lucid dream, or obe's, knows the same already. In fact everyone should be spending time learning, and seeking why they're here, what their purpose for being here is.

Science has already found that the chair you're sitting on is inside you. Your senses, and you have more than 5, pick up the energy signals, your brain, which is akin to a computer, running programs, decodes the signals and erect the image, with spacial, on an area at the back of your brain that could be called a screen.

Not seeking for answers is kind of a waste of being here, and very dangerous considering the nature of our world, IMO.

This young man, lived a good life, his condition actually kept him safer perhaps, than many here.

Like the stars in the sky we all have different levels or grades of spirit/intellect/soul. So we have different arrangements.

We also need to live each day, as if its the one day we have, and try to seek each day, what do with it.

Again we all have free will, your interpretations and what you believe is in your own hands.

For others, who've already been seeking, these experiences are the big nudges they need.

This is a tribute to a wonderful young man, who had done his own seeking, for he held his own experiences close to his heart as a guideline, so he had faith and courage in Goodness and a reason for everything.

posted on Dec, 29 2011 @ 12:59 PM
wow JanJamboree out of curiosity I went thru your posts, this one with the young boy who made the video with the cards and died on Christmas, you put such a mean response, and then there is one where you are asking a nurse for help, you say your sis is a nurse which hopefully shows compassion, Im sure she does because most people who go into jobs like that have a natural compassion for people, what happened with you. why and how could you watch that video of that boy and read what he put down and only respond with NEXT?. seriously, do you believe in God?, If you don't I'm sorry for you and I pray for you, but didn't that video touch any part of you?. your response frightened me. Please find God

posted on Dec, 29 2011 @ 01:01 PM


posted on Dec, 29 2011 @ 01:04 PM
Asking a nurse for help is science. Belief in angels is fantasy. When my health is on the line, I'll go with science. You can try and pray away your thyroid condition, but I'll take hormone supplementation.

And to the person who called me a jerk, why make it personal? I didn't say anything about the character of the young man. I'm sure he was a brave and loving individual.

posted on Dec, 29 2011 @ 01:04 PM

Originally posted by JanJamboree
'___' hallucinations provoked by physical distress. Next...

That's a bold claim. I agree it's probably the subconscious or something brain oriented, but dmt neer.i haven't seen any proof that dmt is released when you die, especially at the amount needed to "push you over"

posted on Dec, 29 2011 @ 01:06 PM

Originally posted by Unity_99
reply to post by BIGPoJo

Your an infinite spirit/soul/intelligence. And you're in a school, hard school for most, to show what you're made of. Think of this illusion, for its quite interactive as any who have done searches due to experiencing anything, have discovered, a matrix, a hologram, or even a dream within a dream, and you're here to overcome this near hellzone world of starvation and warfare.

Your body is just a suit, energy from the Universe, which is not real as we see, but energy waves that are imprinted with sound vibration and coding, to form dna suits, made out of stardust.

You spirit is Light that streams in from Beyond this universe.

Anyone who has spent time in lucid dream, or obe's, knows the same already. In fact everyone should be spending time learning, and seeking why they're here, what their purpose for being here is.

Science has already found that the chair you're sitting on is inside you. Your senses, and you have more than 5, pick up the energy signals, your brain, which is akin to a computer, running programs, decodes the signals and erect the image, with spacial, on an area at the back of your brain that could be called a screen.

Not seeking for answers is kind of a waste of being here, and very dangerous considering the nature of our world, IMO.

This young man, lived a good life, his condition actually kept him safer perhaps, than many here.

Like the stars in the sky we all have different levels or grades of spirit/intellect/soul. So we have different arrangements.

We also need to live each day, as if its the one day we have, and try to seek each day, what do with it.

Again we all have free will, your interpretations and what you believe is in your own hands.

For others, who've already been seeking, these experiences are the big nudges they need.

This is a tribute to a wonderful young man, who had done his own seeking, for he held his own experiences close to his heart as a guideline, so he had faith and courage in Goodness and a reason for everything.

And you know this how?

+8 more 
posted on Dec, 29 2011 @ 01:07 PM
Let me tell you all something, I don't know if I 'died' or had a near death experience, but what he and many others have said is true. I was there in 2003.
There's this place, so bright, so warm, so filled with love, words can't even begin to express or explain it.

I no longer feel sad when one passes away. Not for them anyway. I feel the loss but I know they are in a place that I can't wait to experience again.

So for what it's worth, do not fear death. It's a graduation for sure.

posted on Dec, 29 2011 @ 01:08 PM

Originally posted by JanJamboree
Asking a nurse for help is science. Belief in angels is fantasy. When my health is on the line, I'll go with science. You can try and pray away your thyroid condition, but I'll take hormone supplementation.

And to the person who called me a jerk, why make it personal? I didn't say anything about the character of the young man. I'm sure he was a brave and loving individual.

But we live in a world where a lot of us believe, why be so cold when its unnecessary, I called you a jerk because the word NEXT, that was wrong. If you scroll up I changed it and took it out, because I'm better then that and name calling is childish.

Next time you want to add your opinion on what you think it is, start with, I believe its this, or I think its this, don't put something down as a fact when you or any of us actually know for sure, no one does. I hope you, I, and all who read this never have to find out for a really really long time.

posted on Dec, 29 2011 @ 01:08 PM
reply to post by biggmoneyme

Through alot of experiences and lifelong seeking. This thread is a tribute to Ben however, so I'm not going to share them all here. Just keep seeking. I highly recommend meditation.

I don't recommend bringing up any drug talk however on the thread, its against ATS policies. Thank you in advance.

posted on Dec, 29 2011 @ 01:09 PM
A stated belief in angels is also a bold claim.

+13 more 
posted on Dec, 29 2011 @ 01:10 PM

Originally posted by JanJamboree
Asking a nurse for help is science. Belief in angels is fantasy. When my health is on the line, I'll go with science. You can try and pray away your thyroid condition, but I'll take hormone supplementation.

And to the person who called me a jerk, why make it personal? I didn't say anything about the character of the young man. I'm sure he was a brave and loving individual.

I called you an asshole.

I am not religious, at all. But i know to keep an open minded to subjects i don't now about. You can not explain what this boy seen with the science you think you know, we're forever learning new elements in our surroundings and to post the second post to a very emotion video, of a child who died - who said he seen something, you have never witnessed with a 'solution' you have heard through somebody else, is very, very small minded. You could of elaborated more, but you didnt, you just seemed like an asshole, hence the post

Id like to say too, your probably not an asshole in real life - i just thought it was very, errm Asshole'ish to state such a bold claim on such an emotional video.
edit on 29-12-2011 by n00bUK because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 29 2011 @ 01:10 PM

Originally posted by dominicus
reply to post by JanJamboree

Hahahahahaha......... i can tell you live in a conceptual box. The possibilty of God and afterlife threatenthat self created bubble.

Ive done dmt and had nde. Completelydifferent. Dmt was like a dirty confsing high. Nde was like crystal clear truth.

I've done '___', never had a NDE so i can't make a comparison. But I didn't think of dmt dirty or confusing. It was ego death. I had no language, no identity, and a very vague memory of my life. i felt like i was merging with something that can not really be contextualized.

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