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Rap music is an absolute joke

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posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 04:30 PM
Nice one buddy.
Keep the truth alive.

My favourite song is 'obnoxious', but that would make me a hypocrite.

posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 04:40 PM
reply to post by GmoS719

So he's only not racist if he ignores that most rappers are black but posts a white rapper anyway? He never mentioned anything about race, its just that most rappers (successful ones anyway) arn't white, maybe that makes society racist then huh?

posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 04:45 PM
reply to post by sir_slide

I agree with your post but I would like to add something to it. Rap has a very negative feeling to it. It is like music for your ugly vice whatever that vice may be. Not much about the beauty of mans journey but the negative aspects of our journey.

Some music will make your soul sore to great highs, Rap seems heavy, thick and sticky. It takes you to great lows.

posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 04:55 PM
reply to post by SeleneLux

I couldn't think of a more beautiful song.

posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 05:01 PM
reply to post by clintdelicious

well this is my point in my comments, any culture from anywhere in the world could have invented rap, but in my view if we use this hypothesis, then rap would still be what it is today. in every culture there is good and bad, in every race there is good and bad, but why do we become defensive of the worst of our culture we should at least be embarrassed and renounce it as a component of a cultural identity, but this isn't the case here, it is hailed, rejoiced and seen as wisdom instead. this isn't good for any multicultural society from which we draw our influences from in fact your not just insulting yourself but others too and proud of it.

posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 05:11 PM
reply to post by technologicalsingularity

I'm honestly sorry if thats your viewpoint. But hip-hop is to be celebrated, I haven't started the graffiti post yet.
I do love rock, metal, thrash, hardcore, death, grind and technical, as well as blues, jazz, bluegrass, funk, electro, punk, classical and potato core. And every genre is to be celebrated, as it affects us all individually in different ways. I can happily say that hip-hop has heavily influenced my musical progression, and even consciousness. It added meaning. Not to say the others don't, you can really understand the wail when your listening to blues and the hairs on the back of your neck when there storming through 160bpm classical.

To create inspiration is their best attribution by far.

But give me a mach 10 and lil wayne. its inevitable.

posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 05:31 PM
reply to post by MBUK3D

i can understand your point, but this isn't in my opinion a thread about musical taste and who has the best taste in music, no matter how diverse and eclectic you are musically, more about a musical style that is largely insulting to what is in both the US and UK a very very multicultural society, a style of music thats the no.1 mainstream and in it's content ignores nearly all other denominations in society(in almost every aspect of there life), i won't use the "word" but lets just say is very negative and unfriendly towards bringing us together as one and breaking down the walls that separate us, if you ask me, rap's purpose is to cause divide.

posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 05:42 PM
reply to post by technologicalsingularity

I couldn't agree more. I don't believe that that is the intentions of all rap artists, but the I do believe it is the intention of the music industry.

posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 05:48 PM
reply to post by technologicalsingularity

I don't think you listened to a single song I posted.

posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 06:14 PM
reply to post by MBUK3D

i will listen to the songs you posted, but i didn't state at any point (i don't think) that rappers were talentless, but instead demonstrated a talent in a negative, closed minded and UN-ethical manner in which will be short lived in success, whereas instead studying and selecting a career to which they can exhaust their inert talent to it's maximum and provide a long term career, stability and family security. all the basic components of any family that wants to succeed and progress. but the majority of rappers can neither sing nor play an instrument but do have timing, hence why they rap.

an example would be having a plug n play, drop and plot game designing software platform for those wannabe game makers that cant program in C but have great idea's for game design.

or being the spectator at a football match and complaining heavily about the game-play and how the game should have been played and won, yet they are not the million pound a month footballer on the pitch, yet if they are that good at strategy why aren't these people in high paying careers exhausting that very talent in strategy?

people make the wrong choices sometimes in life and rap is a product of that. why are some rock bands still knocking about 30 years later? it's not because rock is still popular, it's because they are musicians and can play an instrument very well and if they want can adapt,progress and evolve musically with the musical trends, some musician have degree's to fall back on or even PHD when it come to brian may of queen, so if rock goes pete tong, he'll fall back on a career in astrophysics, im sorry but i cant see many rappers excelling them selfs in equivalence.

edit on 1-9-2011 by technologicalsingularity because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 09:34 PM

Originally posted by technologicalsingularity
reply to post by MBUK3D

i can understand your point, but this isn't in my opinion a thread about musical taste and who has the best taste in music, no matter how diverse and eclectic you are musically, more about a musical style that is largely insulting to what is in both the US and UK a very very multicultural society, a style of music thats the no.1 mainstream and in it's content ignores nearly all other denominations in society(in almost every aspect of there life), i won't use the "word" but lets just say is very negative and unfriendly towards bringing us together as one and breaking down the walls that separate us, if you ask me, rap's purpose is to cause divide.

Did you listen to any of the songs I posted on the last page?

The problem I have is that Rap and rap artists are all being lumped together and classified into a stereotype that is not really true or fair in my opinion. There is definitely quite a few that fit that stereotype but I wouldn't say that's the majority.

Not everybody is a fan of Picasso's artwork but I doubt you'd go to a museum and start ranting about how it looks like # would you?

posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 09:55 PM
reply to post by modusoperandi

I will have to disagree with you there, hip hop music is incredibly easy to make,I used to make it believe it or not, its really simple. Lay down some drums, add the percussive hooks, maybe some horn stabs, add fat bass line that repeats itself, add a couple of keyboard hooks and its almost done, then write some unimaginative rhymes and its finished. Seriously man, i'ts incredibly easy to make hip hop if you're an actual musician.

reply to post by CBSEInfinte

I'm bored of typing this now so I'm gonna go f**k my b*tch to some California Love and sip henny while a toke a Goddy so...P.S Tupac didn't rape anyone look at the facts and if Rap is a joke all other genres are down right hysterical especially rock.

Just the kinda stuff I am talking about, that sounds horrible. Really vulgar dude.

reply to post by Taupin Desciple

So glad you bought Keith up, just finished his book. You make some great points here, thats one of the reasons I cherish Kieth so much, they even payed for Muddy's pink flamingo house. Cheers for the response, I'm actually a bit of a music historian and my area of expertise is actually the stones.

Originally posted by Venomilk

Originally posted by Dr Cosma
What a waste of server space.
Get a life.

and by life you meana big a$$ chain?
or a bentley?
or a bunch of crack to peddle to people with a life?

how about some self respect, or humility. not worshipping someone who uses an autotuner to sound "good" while he brags about how he can fk your woman because she only wants money, and he has it

Sheer brilliance here, you my friend are the man! Too true, too painfully true, I bet that covers about 40 per cent of hip hops actual content.
edit on 1-9-2011 by sir_slide because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 10:13 PM
reply to post by sir_slide

Did you watch the jon lajoie songs I put in? I believe he does all his own stuff - on his home pc computer, so to speak. He is now famous after making his own "rap" videos - please watch if you haven't. The first one is classic.


posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 10:14 PM
reply to post by technologicalsingularity

I think it only would have developed as it has in America, its the american dream gone mad, its about greed and power and its very ugly, its the american dream gone mad.

reply to post by ColoradoJens

I was about to comment on those, so glad you put those up, I actually have his album, hilarious. Does show you how easy hip hop is to do authentically, I love the everyday normal guy video "everytime I see titanic a F****** tear comes to my eye, why the F*** did leonardo de caprio have to die"!....Pure genius, some friends of mine saw him live this year. Keep up the great work CJ, much appreciated. Get my u2u?

reply to post by MBUK3D

You obviously didnt read my reply to you, please go back and have a read, I am incredibly schooled in this area, and used to be very involved in one of those elements you mention. I think the 4 elements are kind of a crock, I used to be very involved also, one of the elements is like the leper of the elements.
edit on 1-9-2011 by sir_slide because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 10:32 PM
reply to post by sir_slide

I did get it thanks. I think this is a healthy discussion because in one sense, both sides are right in the general frame of the dialog. There IS a lot of great stuff out there, as you have continuously acknowledged, but the tone has changed so dramatically it is really sad. I think the "absolute" in your title is what is kicking up the dust so to speak, as again, you would acknowledge...

Also, as a musician and a fan, you can understand the lenghts one must go to to make an album - a good album - not just walking in and slinging lines and is arduous, if indeed you are an artist, to make good listenable music in any genre - it is just easier to make certain electronic tracks. Or just reuse other tracks, as has been pointed out.

I know I can make a track as you described in above posts and I can record my funny voice rappin my white bread (moniker - Roman Meal) raps...but no way in hell could I play guitar and compose songs like Trey Anastasio or Neil Young...they MAKE the music. It is ALL theirs from inception of an idea to the last note. To me that means something.

Finally, Jon Lajoie - awesome you know this guy - from EveryDay Normal Guy..."And I'm not very good with the women"...he is spot on - I think what hits home is that Rap has so many "tough" guys that are sooooo gangsta', in the end it was maybe the easiest thing to capitalize on...too funny - was his live stuff a comedy set or him singing? I'll have to keep my eye out for him coming to CO. Good thread

edit on 1-9-2011 by ColoradoJens because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 11:14 PM
reply to post by ColoradoJens

I did ponder on what to use for the title, then decided it was a rant, so I am allowed my in your face title. I really like what you say about Neil Young MAKING the music from the first note until the end of the song, you see for me that is true musical expression, it's like sonically layering a dream of yours into a cohesive piece of music, it's absolutely amazing and it's what drives me forward in life. It's all about dreams and inspiration. This is what rap doesn't have, they're too tough to admit to having dreams. That's also what I love about Jon Lajoie, he is so refreshing and funny, if only more people in 'the game' didnt take themselves so seriously. It was him singing yeah, he did a full on gig and everyone was singing along to the choruses and everything, totally rocked it, he's pretty popular in Melbourne.

posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 11:40 PM

Originally posted by DZAG Wright
It isn't for everyone and I like it that way. Rap/hip hop began descending when the artists began making music trying to capture as many people as possible. In other words they SOLD out.

If rap music is a joke...then every other genre is a joke also. The entire music industry is a joke because that's exactly what it industry. Corporate America saw the earning potential of rap and they basically ####ed it up. What you are hearing is what the media and the big money is wanting you to hear, can't blame that on artists who actually care about the art form. Their voices are being drowned out by the paid-for clones.

I can see from your posts that you know at least something about hip hop, it's the reason I don't understand why YOU can't understand what has happened. Or perhaps you do, and is just going through a phase.

Yes hip hop samples, it's what the genre is built upon. It's not stealing...actually, most of the artists being sampled now (who have stopped being bitter) are happy their music is being sampled enabling them to be exposed to a younger and wider audience. There are many older artists I would have never checked for if a producer hadn't sampled something of theres. Take Ron Isley...hip hop basically gave him a second career through sampling his music. The same can be said for a multitude of others ie., Anita Baker. Nelly sampling her song enables her to once again do shows and have young people in the audience.

Many people hate hip hop and rap because it's not FOR them. I actually preferred when it was a cliche music form.

Good post, it is true that I also discovered music through hip hop sampling, ennio morrocone being one I found much earlier than I would have thanks to EPMD. Although I must say that I only listen to ennio now, no EPMD, only ennio, so maybe that proves your point. I guess that can be a good thing, it's just that when it gets to a point where you have Jim Morrison 'featuring' on a snoop dogg track (riders on the storm) it starts to piss me off, stay the hell away from the doors! The thing also is that many people will give credit to snoop for that song, when all hes done is pay out Ray Manzerek and mumble his terrible rap flow over the top of an absolutely classic song, the last one Jim recorded with the Doors, its offensive. So while it can have its benefits, some people take it way too far and it becomes intolerable in my opinion, where do we draw the line?????

For the record here is some stuff I like a lot, good quality hip hop.

Peep the steez....
edit on 1-9-2011 by sir_slide because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 01:36 AM
Your preaching truth right here. I'm with you I cant stand rap eaither.

posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 06:34 AM
reply to post by sir_slide

AHA. That is not how hip hop is made.
If that's your hip hop, thats fine, but it contains no essence of hip-hop.

I regularly sit in on recording sessions.

And take you pick on which person there, as they are all supremely skilful.

Some of them dig through 1000 1940's records to find a 5 second quote, beat or melody.

So when you say, a bit of keyboard, so fat bass etc, that is your run of the mill, wannabe hip hop producer, someone who sits behind a computer with a midi keyboard.

Real hip hop is performed with mics and decks.

posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 06:38 AM
reply to post by sir_slide

P.S. the videos you posted are of the more main stream hip-hop, but how the hell can you enjoy that stuff and still say it takes no talent.

Also I am a little close minded, because I don't class lil wayne, lil john, wacka flocka etc as hip hop.

So when I say hip-hop I am never referring to these mainstream, corporate sucka's.

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