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Nuclear Accident at Plant in Mississippi USA gets Totally Ignored!!! Why?

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posted on May, 7 2011 @ 08:51 PM
before it was removed, here is the RSOE report

posted on May, 7 2011 @ 08:53 PM
Something weird at a nuke plant in Georgia on April 25.

posted on May, 7 2011 @ 08:54 PM

Originally posted by megabogie
before it was removed, here is the RSOE report

Thanks, interesting they put it at 1 bar on a 5 bar scale for damage.

This has got to be at least 2 bars worth, I mean we just had a release of tritium into the biggest river in North America. Millions of people live along that river...

This will have lasting effects outside of the nuclear facility itself, and these effects can potentially spread for hundreds of miles especially since we put it in a river that is in constant motion spreading it all over...

That's why my personal minimum rating for this on the international disaster scale is currently a level 3 disaster. That is my own personal assessment with the information I have at this moment.

posted on May, 7 2011 @ 08:58 PM

Nuclear Accident at Plant in Mississippi USA gets Totally Ignored!!! Why?,

Where is the accident,
This was not a accident is why its not listed as one.
This was a intentional release.(hazardous waste dumping)

If this is classed as a nuclear plant accident then you must class any accident where cobalt-60 from old X-ray machines find its way into the scrap steel stream as a nuclear plant accident.

posted on May, 7 2011 @ 08:58 PM

Originally posted by ~Lucidity
Something weird at a nuke plant in Georgia on April 25.

Wow I didn't even know about the incident in Georgia either. I guess I have been missing out on everything the last week or two, insane.

People go check out that thread Lucidity linked, there are some great comments in there. I'll keep reading the rest of it. I am gonna flag that one too.

This is crazy.

I would ask "when will it end?" but that would be naive of me.
Anyone with a brain can tell it ain't gonna end this century. It's only gonna get worse.

posted on May, 7 2011 @ 09:04 PM

Originally posted by ANNED

Nuclear Accident at Plant in Mississippi USA gets Totally Ignored!!! Why?,

Where is the accident,
This was not a accident is why its not listed as one.
This was a intentional release.(hazardous waste dumping)

If this is classed as a nuclear plant accident then you must class any accident where cobalt-60 from old X-ray machines find its way into the scrap steel stream as a nuclear plant accident.

Breach of containment in old X-ray machines is considered a nuclear accident.
NOT a nuclear power plant accident, because there is no power plant involved in them.
But there is still nuclear material involved which is extremely serious and dangerous. Therefore it IS a nuclear accident.

Here is a wonderful example for you to show you why it's considered a dangerous nuclear accident if a X-ray machine's containment vessel is breached.

The Goiânia accident was a radioactive contamination accident that occurred on September 13, 1987, at Goiânia, in the Brazilian State of Goiás. Considered one of the worst nuclear disasters in history,[1] it took place after an old radiotherapy source was stolen from an abandoned hospital site in the city. It was subsequently handled by many people, resulting in four deaths and radioactive contamination of 245 other people, 20 of who showed signs of radiation sickness and required treatment

Goiania Accident Wiki

People died. These materials are extremely dangerous.
Any breach of containment IS by definition a nuclear disaster.

posted on May, 7 2011 @ 10:17 PM

I thought I would just add this so you could see it ....

I live in Tennessee .. When we had the huge Storms with all the Tornado's ( on April 27th 2011 ... )

We had Nuclear Plant problems also ... All around us ... I will just mention the problems I know about and the links to a article for each problem...

Headline ... Storms knock out TVA nuclear units, power lines ... ( Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant is built similar to the Fukushima ...)

When Browns Ferry lost power, it also lost cooling circulation pumps.

Browns Ferry’s diesel back-up generators did not fail though ...

Scroll down to where it says ... The double hit for that part ...

Just another Article ...

Here is where we had Trouble at ... Sequoyah Nuclear Plant ...

Loss of Electricity caused 35 of the Warning Sirens to be disabled ... That means No Warning could have been sent out to the public in the event of trouble ...

Scroll down to where it Says Event Text The 3rd one ... It says ... Loss Of Emergency Sirens Due To Loss Of Electric Power ...

Just wanted to share this in case people did not hear of these Problems ... We were dodging Tornado's and all the Nuclear Plants around us were having problems also ...

edit on 7-5-2011 by sapphirearaidia because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 7 2011 @ 11:39 PM
reply to post by sapphirearaidia

Wow thanks for informing me about what was going on in Tenn. I didn't realize our power plants were this susceptible to typical extreme weather conditions.

The loss of power to a BWR is extremely dangerous, as Fukushima proved so disastrously.

Thankfully the backup generators worked, but what if they fail next time? This is why the whole issue is sealed in stone for me. I would like the technology dismantled and for a huge public debate to erupt over coming up with ideas on how to dispose of all of our nuclear waste in safe manners that will last thousands of years into the future.

If we seriously have nuclear accidents all over the place like this, than it's high time we get our act together and grow a brain and save ourselves from this horrific future that is developing around us.

posted on May, 7 2011 @ 11:50 PM
They're all false flags, BP, Fukushima, the plant on the Great Lakes that didn't disclose its release of nuclear, and now the Mississippi!

Is anyone not getting this yet?

They're poisoning and irradiating all of North America, and even Europe. Spain or Europe had an incident as well as Fukushima reaching there.

They are determined to depopulate north america and cause unending pain and suffering and poison everything, because they're creating a NWO with only few slaves, hand picked.

I just had an argument with my father today, he doesnt get it. What a difference if people would get it. Everyone line up at the Representatives offices with Bullhorns and we don't leave until they do, till the bankers and royalty do, until everything is disclosed and we have a cleaned up, healed, and equal free world, even if they kill us. We don't strike but assertively yell in the bullhorns. The life and future of every child is at stake its TIME TO ACT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11

edit on 7-5-2011 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 7 2011 @ 11:52 PM
This is looking like a seriously grim trend.

Maybe it's time for you do create a thread with a more generic title outlining all this, muzzleflash! Or get a mod to change this title?

posted on May, 7 2011 @ 11:57 PM
reply to post by muzzleflash

Fukushima, didn't just lose power. The stuxnet virus ensured they had no back up and even Tokyo university studied the HAARP output and determined they pointing it at Fukushima when the quake and tsunami happened. The stuxnet virus is a creation of the CIA and Mossad, and was used in Iran and their centrifuge plant, where they were gaining nuclear technology from. Its designed for Offgrid computers.

Israel did a security upgrade to Fukushima's computers one month before hand.

All of these other disasters are all the same.

posted on May, 8 2011 @ 12:04 AM
reply to post by muzzleflash
Good job getting this to us so quickly earlier today... I made a point to mention this to people throughout the day, and the few that I've spoken to have been really surprised that it has not been on the news. I just don't understand why our media can't multi-task? All I see is Osama this, Osama that, oh and now Osama home videos!

But not much coverage of the Mississippi situations, no mention of the rare earthquakes that have stretched from Arkansas to Baja California, no mention of the apparent growing shortage of pharmaceutical medications that have already led to loss of life, and I could go on but that would be very off topic of me.

Btw Unity_99, any chance you have a link to that Tokyo Univ. conclusion on HAARP? Very interesting.

posted on May, 8 2011 @ 12:22 AM

Originally posted by ~Lucidity
This is looking like a seriously grim trend.

Maybe it's time for you do create a thread with a more generic title outlining all this, muzzleflash! Or get a mod to change this title?

Actually I am considering making a larger focus type thread.

I just stumbled upon a "treasure trove" of like dozens upon dozens of nuclear accidents historically worldwide. I can't even count how many "partial meltdowns" are on this list, including a dozen other ways to say "the fuel rods got damaged bad".

Spain, France, Argentina, the list just goes on and on and on. I would love to do a longer OP and just start listing these incidents and the sources that verify it is fairly legit information (official reports etc).

Here is one example I never knew about but found out about just 15minutes ago.
Lucens Partial Core Meltdown Wiki- Switzerland

Lucens partial core meltdown (Switzerland), 21 January 1969. A test reactor built in an underground cavern suffered a loss-of-coolant accident during a startup, leading to a partial core meltdown and massive radioactive contamination of the cavern, which was then sealed

How do they know it was only partial core meltdown? They sealed the cave! That means we can't go into take a look. Me thinks it was a full meltdown. Who knows what else is going on???

They have been HIDING this stuff in plain sight for decades.

There is so much nuclear pollution all over the place from just dozens and dozens of accidents I cannot fathom how anything is even still alive....but I betcha that like 80-90% of all the recent cancer cases are related to this mass world wide pollution. And the rest of the 10-20% probably comes from other industrial sources like coal, oil, etc.

So this all causes me to wonder....are like 99% of all modern cancer cases a result of industrial pollution? This is freaking ridiculous because it is probably true.....sheesh!!!

posted on May, 8 2011 @ 12:32 AM
Aha my intuition was correct it seems!


"The Core was partially damaged" = It Melted
Wiki- Core Damage Frequency

Some sources on CDF consider core damage and core meltdown to be the same thing, and different methods of measurement are used between industries and nations, so the primary value of the CDF number is in managing the risk of core accidents within a system and not necessarily to provide large-scale statistics.

This is why I follow my intuition so strongly, because it keeps leading me in the right directions consistently.

I was *assuming* that when they say "the core was damaged some" that they mean "we got a meltdown yo". Now I am finding information supporting this assumption so strongly I am feeling vindicated.

If the core was damaged by being dropped or smashed or something, I am sure they would just say it that way "We dropped the core 3 stories and it broke" or something. Instead they use these vague terms we only get half of the story.

There are far more meltdowns than we realized apparently. Dozens upon dozens. And it's all been hidden for decades!
Wiki INES - read through this link a bit

posted on May, 8 2011 @ 12:39 AM
That would be great. And, yep. You're right. No wonder we're all sickening, and eventually we will damage our earth to the point where it is not going to be able to sustain us. A fascinating study would be to do or find a cancer/other disease clusters in certain areas. Good luck getting that kind of data though, eh?
edit on 5/8/2011 by ~Lucidity because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 8 2011 @ 12:48 AM
Quite a few PDF documents related to Tritium and Similar accidents involving this radioactive material

Tritium - Scientific Studies

Tritium - Leaks, Spills, Past Accidents

Interesting how all the incidents of leaking Tritium are only logged for the years 2006-2007?

MUST checkout this Report on Tritium:

IEER Tritium Report

Digging a little more and found a news report about a tritium leak in New Jersey of May 2010 for any interested:

Tritium Leak - May 2010

posted on May, 8 2011 @ 12:54 AM
reply to post by spydrbyte25

Thank you for those links I really appreciate what you are doing.

Now, I am off to read because you dumped a lot on me!

posted on May, 8 2011 @ 01:02 AM
reply to post by muzzleflash

I also heard about it afew days ago and there was a leak in Ohio afew days before that plus another in England.

posted on May, 8 2011 @ 01:51 AM
i wonder what happen when tritium meets corexit

posted on May, 8 2011 @ 02:18 AM
I'll go ahead and add this nuclear event in here from a thread I started (in case you start the collective thread):

There was a nuclear icebreaker near Siberia that needed to be rescued. (I didn't even know there were any till I saw this).

I haven't found any more info on it, and the event icon disappeared off the RSOE site.

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