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To the crazed Progressives destroying our Country.

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posted on Apr, 6 2011 @ 05:20 PM
The truth. Overpaid people are protesting for more pay on the backs of people in the private sector who make far less than they do.

The Progressives are dividers and destroyers that want to tear the country apart. Thank God you are such a tiny minority and even the Left is sick of you now. Keep it up

What part of there is no more money don't you understand? Your just like the drunks on the street corners begging for quarters. You want it all and don't want to do anything for it. You want others to do all the work and then just give you everything. You're not fooling anyone not in on it with you.

Even worse you do whatever your told like you can't even think for yourselves.

How you going to fix the world by tearing it apart? You won't and you know it. What you want is complete control of everyone else and to force your ideas on them.

Now your in league with the Islamic Extremists and so naive you don't even realize they will turn on you the moment they are done with you. Are you all really that dumb?

Your leaders don't care about you. All they care about is using you. I've not seen the term Sheeple in a while, but if such an animal exists, it's the Progressive Radicals.

There is no more candy and the jar is empty. Riot, protest and divide all you want, there will still be no more handouts. Your turning even the people on the Left against you now. People have had about enough of this adolescent crap from childish minds, throwing childish temper tantrums. We all know those protesting are in fact overpaid and not underpaid. That lie is not working anymore.

Keep gathering in little groups and pat yourselves on the back while making everyone turn on you and your antics. It's great to see you do it in the open instead of behind our backs. You and yours bought the White House and your so full of yourselves you don't even realize what your doing anymore. Your ranks are full of criminals and violent people and you don't care.

Most of you don't even know what you want, nor can you have a literate conversation about issues. You just want more and more handouts stolen from those of us who do all the real work. You think it's a joke being paid way to much to do almost nothing other than screw up our schools and fail to do your jobs in government. Your a bunch of confidence persons and your willing to destroy the whole country to get your candy.

Enjoy the President you bought while you can. Wait until you see the cost of food and fuel the next two years. It's almost over and then where will you get your candy? Steal it? Might as well, it would be the same thing.

Yes the Corporations have corrupt leaders, just like the one from G.E. who is Obama's right hand on economic affairs. The fact your own leaders turned on you has not sunk in yet has it? You are being used like puppets and you seem to like it. Destroying your own country will benefit you how? When the money runs out, you won't be getting those handouts for meaningless cushy jobs and I don't think you know how to survive. The people you are using won't be willing to help you. Your screwed and you did it to yourselves.

Keep watching those prices on necessities for survival go up and be aware, you and yours are among those who caused it. Don't whine when that over-sized paycheck you get will no longer support you. You're doing it to yourselves.
edit on 4/6/2011 by Blaine91555 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 6 2011 @ 05:41 PM
Now now Glenn. Just because your TV show is tanking, doesn't mean you can come here to rant. Around here we at least try for some form of form of intelligently considered opinion.

posted on Apr, 6 2011 @ 05:43 PM
Well said my friend. S&F for you. Progressives are dangerous to our country, even to the world. You think that they don't know. There I disagree. Take some of the posters on this site. (I won't name names, lest I get slapped down for the mods.) I believe that they know the damage they are doing and they just don't give a damn. As long as they get "theirs" off the backs of others. They refuse to contribute to their own causes, they just want the producers of the world to do everything for them. They believe that we should work ourselves to death so that they can do little or nothing. John Gault lives.

posted on Apr, 6 2011 @ 05:44 PM

Originally posted by TerryMcGuire
Now now Glenn. Just because your TV show is tanking, doesn't mean you can come here to rant. Around here we at least try for some form of form of intelligently considered opinion.

What are you talking about?????????

posted on Apr, 6 2011 @ 05:46 PM
Rather people are progessive or whatever label we have I think it is good people are gettiing mad and getting involved. I would rather have that then the people who I see in my streets and cities who act like nothing is going on and the world is full of sunshine and lollipops.

posted on Apr, 6 2011 @ 05:52 PM
reply to post by sonofliberty1776

You know, my Father helped found two Unions and I'm not anti-Union at all. He died in 71. Literally worked himself to death for the Unions. Fought in Utah's version of the Coal Wars and lost friends in it. The only time I saw him frightened is when he came home after a Strike Breaker killed his best friend by running him over with a truck.

He went to his grave thinking his family was taken care of. We got a Coffee can full of one dollar bills and nothing else. They pocketed his retirement and used technicalities to make sure they kept it. He founded that damn Union after WW2. For that and 25 years in that Union, while suffering from Black Lung from working for the first Union he helped found for years in the Coal Mines, we got less than a $100 total and sorry, he did not work long enough to explain why they did not pay out his Death Benefits.

I don't know what this is now, but these people are something else entirely. I expect to be showered now with lies and slander.

posted on Apr, 6 2011 @ 05:56 PM

Originally posted by American-philosopher
Rather people are progessive or whatever label we have I think it is good people are gettiing mad and getting involved. I would rather have that then the people who I see in my streets and cities who act like nothing is going on and the world is full of sunshine and lollipops.

These people are demanding more money even though they are already overpaid. That's what this is about. They are not protesting peacefully for a better America. They are protesting for more candy and under the orders of the Party that own them.

I'm neither a D or and R and consider people who are too lazy to think for themselves. The Unions are being used as part of the Obama campaign and the corrupt leaders are being showered with favors and gifts.

posted on Apr, 6 2011 @ 06:07 PM
reply to post by Blaine91555

No doubt the Union influence on these people are strong and mybe not the best influence. But these people are active and I think being active is the frist step. But if these people can be broken of that influence they can play a part into stopping the real controllers.

I mean I was at a tea party thing I didn;t go there because I am in love with the tea party I went so I could break there current mind set and get them thinking outside their limits.

posted on Apr, 6 2011 @ 06:40 PM
Yall seem to forget that when you took over in 2000 we left you with a surplus. Then you decided to start the holy wars and instead of actually paying for it you kicked the can down the road and gave all your rich buddies tax breaks.

Even with all these problems we have been able to start building the jobs that you sent over seas and the stock market is coming back up after falling for 10 years.

So now you have the Teabaggers (I will stop with Tea Baggers when you stop with obamacare) Since they have taken office all you are concerned with are pursuing far right wing social programs.

posted on Apr, 6 2011 @ 06:57 PM
reply to post by American-philosopher

I see a huge difference between rioting for more candy and protesting for a better government. These people are not out to make a difference. They are out for whatever they can get for themselves and to hell with everyone else. Sorry, but that is how I see it.a

If they were out peacefully protesting for something real and important, I'd be 100% for them. This stuff of late is a giant ruse propagated by the Progressives at the top. They are clearly being used.

You really think those children running around damaging peoples property who have nothing to do with this are protesting for anything worthwhile? I saw this play out before and I've been a protestor myself during the Vietnam War. I know the difference. This is the new version of the Weather Underground and that group of liars and fakes. It's no accident Obama started his career in Ayer's living-room. No accident at all.

posted on Apr, 6 2011 @ 07:43 PM
reply to post by spyder550

reply to post by spyder550

Who is you? Bush was just as bad. People just don't get it. Which Party does not matter. The Parties are just tools to control you. You don't control them, they control you. I prefer to think for myself. Took me until into my 30's to wake up, but for the last 25 years or so I've taken the blinders off. Obama / Bush = Same Animal

Look at the argument your making here which is not even on topic. Your parroting what your told to say. Under Obama the National Debt went up more than under all other Presidents combined. Why do you still back him? You like being made a fool? You think he cares about you beyond tricking you to vote for him? Think again.

Do yourself a favor and check out the numbers. Also remember Obama had complete control for two years and all he did was shower his cronies with billions of dollars stolen from the taxpayers and could not even pass a Budget. Did you know there was NO Budget passed for last year and the one now was due before the last elections?

While your out saying yeah but look what Bush did, your whole future is being flushed down the toilet to insure Obama's future as a fabulously wealthy man who could care less about you and yours. He gave an entire Automobile company to the same Union that bankrupted it! Does that not set off any alarm bells?

You have a problem with the Tea Party and your opposed to Free Speech, go talk to them. I'm sick of DNC Talking Points from people who can't think for themselves and are willing to lie and spin for people who would not give you the time of day.

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