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MSNBC - Banksters & Government Exposed FINALLY by Mainstream News!

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posted on Mar, 20 2011 @ 04:30 AM
reply to post by Newbomb Turk

This program is for the aliterate masses, and others who buy into an age old industrial conspiracy made popular by ostensible information stemming from paranoid conspiracists . The bankers have been dead for years, and this exposition is centuries late. There is no universal syndicate of bankers running the world, that happened during the times of George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, and John Kennedy. These days, this central power no longer exists in the form of a banker, but has transformed itself, just as the hermetical law said it would.

posted on Mar, 20 2011 @ 05:35 AM
reply to post by Majeure

Nice first post, Mr. Majeure.

BTW, is that Force Majeure -- what the U.S. Treasury is planning to declare on it's debt?

posted on Mar, 20 2011 @ 11:22 AM
I agree

posted on Mar, 20 2011 @ 01:06 PM
reply to post by GoldenFleece

Apophenia perhaps? Majeure means "Force", mostly from a metaphysical, or non human origin. Now, Force Majeure means "superior force", it can be used in many means and is not strictly relegated to its legal meaning.

posted on Mar, 20 2011 @ 01:28 PM
Here's what I don't get...why are we looking for someone to blame when it's clear it was everyone's fault? This reminds me of platos cave, you've got the ignorant masses(the slaves chained up watching shadows on the wall and living their life ignorantly) and then you've got the guys who oversea the fire casting the shadows on the wall for the slaves. If you don't unchain any of the slaves, they will always talk about the shadows as if they are real. Maybe every so often one will seek the truth, to which he will be unchained and shown the fire that cast the shadows by those in power, but the slaves will still talk about the shadows as if they are real. Even if someone told the slaves the truth they wouldn't believe it, they're far too interested in the shadows on the wall. It's only by addressing all the slaves at once and telling them the shadows are fabricated and this is how, that they will actually listen. We are looking to blame someone but there's no one to blame really, those in power need to be removed from power and replaced by the new generation which has an actual good heart. Point here is that the slaves of society(the ones who do not seek the truth and are happy being ignorant) they have to be feed stories like this to season them for what's to come which is complete and total reform. These are the same people who will go out, riot, break #, etc. they need to make sure "these people" feel comfortable while the people who have actual power are able to take control, expose the truth, and in turn bring change into the nation. Again, if stuff like this wasn't introduced slowly for the general public to catch on there would be a lot of the chaos in the streets. It's all a part of a plan for the common good, there is no evil idea behind it. I'm not sure if you guys have seen the episode of south park with the conspiracy theories, but basically it can be summed up to the conspiracy was real, but what was truly real was how it was being viewed in the real world and that terrorists did it. So even though 9/11 was orchestrated by the US to invent the idea of terrorists it's all for a plan that we yield positive results for everyone. Or, we're all going to be enslaved or something like that without knowing, but I'm telling you's just not possible with the internet, and all the communications we have now-a-days.
edit on 20-3-2011 by 0ptw0 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 20 2011 @ 02:32 PM
I agree with everything being said here and that's been done for many years.

What we need to do is get out in the community and talk with fellow citizens, send emails with the videos in this thread explaining what has been done right under our noses.

Also a side note, I remember hearing somewhere just not exactly sure if it was a prediction made, but it was said that when the last of the generation is gone is when it will all come to a head. Well the last WWI veteran has just died and it is also when this is all supposed to have started.

Makes you think a little more.

posted on Mar, 20 2011 @ 03:00 PM

Originally posted by ThirdEyeofHorus
Yahhhh didnt the banksters already get their financial reform passed?

It wasn't thiers because if they would've been successful then the bill wouldn't've passed period and we would've probally had a non existant stock market by now, martial law in America so the people won that one.

posted on Mar, 20 2011 @ 04:44 PM

Originally posted by Majeure
reply to post by Newbomb Turk

This program is for the aliterate masses, and others who buy into an age old industrial conspiracy made popular by ostensible information stemming from paranoid conspiracists . The bankers have been dead for years, and this exposition is centuries late. There is no universal syndicate of bankers running the world, that happened during the times of George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, and John Kennedy. These days, this central power no longer exists in the form of a banker, but has transformed itself, just as the hermetical law said it would.

First of all, it's ILLITERATE! If you're going to attack people for not being able to read, write and spell... make sure you get it right -- or YOU just sound ignorant.

Last time I checked, bankers were not dead but getting pretty hefty bonuses.

posted on Mar, 20 2011 @ 06:54 PM
money is the root of all evil. I wonder how these bastards can live with themselves. They don't care that so many people suffer as a result of what they have done. It's a big game to them. They are the winners and we are the losers. The winners get all the wealth and unlimited free time for having a big family and living a full rich life and the losers get to die. Die in wars. Die from the toxic polluted environment. Die from plagues. Die from starvation. Someday maybe by 2050 they will have the technology to become quasi-immortal and the world cannot support 6 billion immortals so they want to exterminate the common man from the earth except for the 500 million that they have genetically altered to be less intelligent more subservient as a servant class or a laborer class. I guess it all comes full circle if you believe the Zacharia Sitchin crowd who say that aliens made humans as an inferior slave race for themselves, now the globalist elite hope to become the gods over regular men. It's the ultimate expression of ego.

If I was in charge. There would be no money. Usury would be abolished. Technology would be used to the fullest to give everyone free energy, healthy home grown food, clean water. The internet would be used to allow direct democracy where everyone gets to vote. No more politicians. No more representatives. No more lobbyists and bribes and corruption. Evil corporations would be burned to the ground (yeah you Monsanto). local agriculture would thrive and starvation would be a thing of the past. Space exploration and the colonization of the moon and mars would be the highest priority and before long we could reduce overpopulation by exporting a few billion people off world.

posted on Mar, 20 2011 @ 08:19 PM

Originally posted by guyopitz
money is the root of all evil. I wonder how these bastards can live with themselves. They don't care that so many people suffer as a result of what they have done. It's a big game to them. They are the winners and we are the losers. The winners get all the wealth and unlimited free time for having a big family and living a full rich life and the losers get to die. Die in wars. Die from the toxic polluted environment. Die from plagues. Die from starvation. Someday maybe by 2050 they will have the technology to become quasi-immortal and the world cannot support 6 billion immortals so they want to exterminate the common man from the earth except for the 500 million that they have genetically altered to be less intelligent more subservient as a servant class or a laborer class. I guess it all comes full circle if you believe the Zacharia Sitchin crowd who say that aliens made humans as an inferior slave race for themselves, now the globalist elite hope to become the gods over regular men. It's the ultimate expression of ego.

If I was in charge. There would be no money. Usury would be abolished. Technology would be used to the fullest to give everyone free energy, healthy home grown food, clean water. The internet would be used to allow direct democracy where everyone gets to vote. No more politicians. No more representatives. No more lobbyists and bribes and corruption. Evil corporations would be burned to the ground (yeah you Monsanto). local agriculture would thrive and starvation would be a thing of the past. Space exploration and the colonization of the moon and mars would be the highest priority and before long we could reduce overpopulation by exporting a few billion people off world.

Very noble of you, but unfortunately if you live in the U.S. Capitalism is the primary game. Banksters have been doing what they are currently doing years under regulation. Lobbyists & Special Interest committees control all monetary adjectives and interests of the U.S. You just have to be smart about where you place your money.

Vehicles get stolen on Wallstreet!

Stay currency smart people.
edit on 20-3-2011 by maestromason because: correct a point

posted on Mar, 21 2011 @ 02:31 AM

Originally posted by nda11
reply to post by Newbomb Turk

First of all, it's ILLITERATE! If you're going to attack people for not being able to read, write and spell... make sure you get it right -- or YOU just sound ignorant.

Last time I checked, bankers were not dead but getting pretty hefty bonuses.

Aliterate means those who can read but don't, research before you say something like that again. Now, let me reiterate, when I say the bankers are dead, I mean the old power of the bankers is dead. Its 2011, things change and power shifts but people on the lower levels of the stratum can't see that, they only know they live in a plutocracy and they do not have power.

It's not bankers getting big checks anymore, its actually hedge fund managers and private equity traders. Large companies such as General Electric have much more power than any bank, they even perform some of the same functions as banks (for example, distribute debit cards and have a trading floor), even though this goes on secretly. Same goes for Berkshire Hathaway, and other private companies that you cannot name. Marc Rich controls more sizeable assets than any bank. I guess you haven't heard of the many "breaking of banks", that have happened in the last few decades. Banks shake in their pants at the power of some of these shadow market players. I'm not speaking of this as an actual researcher, but also an insider, someone who participates in these complex deals.

The Hunt heir stated in fortune: "We'll never go back to the good old days of the oil industry"

Also, As Eustace Mullins brilliantly stated after quoting the Hunt Heir: "Its not only the good old days of the oil industry, but also the empire building days of the Vanderbilts in railroads, Carnegie in steel, or Baker in finance, which have disappeared. They have been transmuted into new types of financial operations, such as mergers, leveraged buyouts, and other forms of takeovers"

Please go read the book: Vandals' Crown: How Rebel Currency Traders Overthrew the World's Central Banks, also read: Death of the Banker.

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 11:34 PM

Clive Ng (born 1962, Malaysia) is a media sector financier and executive. He has focused primarily on Asian business opportunities and has been instrumental in several joint-venture partnerships between American companies and Asian firms, particularly during the Internet and e-commerce boom of the late 90s and early 2000s. He has also been a founding shareholder in Asian new media firms such as MTV Japan and E*TRADE Asia.[1]

Currently, he is founder and Executive Chairman of China Cablecom Holdings.

CABL.nasdaq is trading under 1.00

LETS get some MONEY back from these Market Makers!

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