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"I have gay friends, but..." Umm... No, you don't...

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posted on Dec, 23 2010 @ 11:30 PM
reply to post by neonitus

I think a true friend wouldn't deny their friends the right to share in the only good thing to come out of this whole crummy existence. I consider it the height of irony that two people celebrating the love they have for each other is deemed offensive, especially when the majority of the ills that plague this world come from a lack of love.

And Christian posters, please spare us the "unnatural" excuse. I'm a straight male who will never be able to father a child, so does that make me unnatural? Should I also be denied the same rights as those who are able to produce offspring? You all go on and on about how sick you are of the government interfering with your personal lives, then you turn around and cry to that same government to legislate something that should remain personal. Un-freaken-believable.

posted on Dec, 23 2010 @ 11:30 PM

I have noticed that suddenly people who say it is only a pose have faded away.

So why not be brave and say you were wrong?

posted on Dec, 23 2010 @ 11:47 PM
reply to post by hawkiye

Interesting concept. I do not believe in reincarnation or the New Age movement. I will respect your opinion and I will respectfully disagree. Let me take this opportunity to say that I do not hate gays. I disagree that it is a natural lifestyle.

posted on Dec, 23 2010 @ 11:47 PM
reply to post by phatpackage

Let me be more clear... To the Australian Members who took the term 'Skippy' wrong, I apologize. In the US, it's a name used to convey someone is a dork.

And to you, phatpackage, GET OVER YOURSELF!!! If you skin is that thin, you need to find somewhere other than ATS to spend your time!

posted on Dec, 23 2010 @ 11:48 PM

Originally posted by tribewilder
p.s. are you trying to get these threads in before the new year and your resolution???

Am I that transparent??? LMAO!

posted on Dec, 23 2010 @ 11:54 PM

Originally posted by seeashrink
reply to post by hawkiye

Interesting concept. I do not believe in reincarnation or the New Age movement. I will respect your opinion and I will respectfully disagree. Let me take this opportunity to say that I do not hate gays. I disagree that it is a natural lifestyle.

Thanks for the respectful reply. Take a look at Dr Stevenson's comprehensive work it has nothing to do with the new age movement or belief systems it is just straight scientific research, you might change your mind on reincarnation.

posted on Dec, 24 2010 @ 12:11 AM
reply to post by phatpackage

One can choose not to join the military or to leave it.

One cannot change their sexual orientation or skin color.

There is no comparison.

posted on Dec, 24 2010 @ 12:12 AM
reply to post by JaxonRoberts

And to you, phatpackage, GET OVER YOURSELF!!! If you skin is that thin, you need to find somewhere other than ATS to spend your time!

If I was that thin skinned I would have reported you to the Mods for blatant racism! So nothing to get over & you proven wrong! lol

posted on Dec, 24 2010 @ 12:14 AM
reply to post by The Sword

There absolutely is. It is about how someone is made to feel! Not the fact they can r can't change things!

posted on Dec, 24 2010 @ 12:15 AM
If you took a group of children removed ALL sexual orientation from birth to say age 16

No sexual training or telling the them anything sexual is taboo.
Both sexes raised together no separation of bathrooms,bathing together, both sexes dressed the same, mixed nudity ECT ECT

In the end you would have about the same amount straight as gay but most would be bi sexual.

Sexual orientation is a form of brainwashing its been done for 1000s of years and is based on religion and upbringing.

Remove the religion and upbringing and you would find a complete change in the sexual orientation of most.

Being Gay or Bi is where brain washing did not take.


My guess is all your PROOF will show is that the brainwashing is real.

posted on Dec, 24 2010 @ 12:18 AM
reply to post by JaxonRoberts

I have gay friends but man are they whiny!


posted on Dec, 24 2010 @ 12:21 AM
reply to post by phatpackage

You're going to have to be clear because I interpreted your post as gibberish.

I'm try to point out to you that bashing gays and bashing the military are not the same thing.
edit on 24-12-2010 by The Sword because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 24 2010 @ 12:25 AM
reply to post by ANNED

Remove the religion and upbringing and you would find a complete change in the sexual orientation of most. Being Gay or Bi is where brain washing did not take. NOW SHOW PROOF my THEORY is WRONG. My guess is all your PROOF will show is that the brainwashing is real.

Here you go:

The Boy Raised as a Girl

In the 1990s, evidence accumulated that sex-stereotyped behavior might not be entirely shaped from the outside. One influential case involved a boy who was raised as a girl. It all started when doctors at Johns Hopkins Hospital accidentally damaged an infant boy's penis with a heat cauterization tool during a circumcision operation. The penis was badly burned and damaged beyond repair, so they simply removed it and told the parents to raise the child as a girl. The child took female hormone treatments to encourage normal female development. (In retrospect, all of this seems ridiculous to many psychologists, because it implies that a penis and hormones are all that distinguish a male from a female.) A well-known authority on sexual behavior, John Money of Johns Hopkins Medical Center, interviewed the child annually and wrote journal articles about the anonymous subject of this operation, reporting his "normal" development as a girl.

In reality, the boy raised as a girl had many difficulties. In 1997 he went public with his story. It turned out he had always felt like a boy on the inside. He wanted male toys and wanted to dress like a boy. He even felt it was natural to urinate standing up. By the age of 16 he had learned the truth about his situation and reverted to being a male. After years of difficulty adjusting to his situation, he tried to adjust to life as an adult male. He married to a woman whose children he adopted. However, he was bitter about the experiment conducted on him without his consent, as a child, and he frequently made public statements to the effect that his life was ruined. In the end, he committed suicide. His testimony shows that environmental influences are not the whole story. Part of sex role identity comes from the inside. For lots of details on the case, see .

A second case, similar to the "boy raised as a girl," had a similar outcome. The genetically male patient, being raised as a female, was a "tomboy" interested in male toys as a child. However, this patient accepted the female sex assignment after finding out about it during adolescence and completing reconstructive surgery, eventually marrying a man. The marriage did not work out, and the patient's second marriage was to a female, in a lesbian relationship. See . An extensive bibliography of related literature is at . The conclusion of experts in trans-gendering is that a person's inner feelings must be taken into account, and these feelings have little to do with external factors like clothing and parental influences.

edit on 24-12-2010 by hawkiye because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 24 2010 @ 12:26 AM

Originally posted by JaxonRoberts

Until this moment, I had no idea that Skippy was an Aussie thang...

I know JR and when I typed that bit my toungue was pressed firmly into my cheek.Actually I like the nickname Skippy and don`t have a problem with it what so ever and if anything would be more upset if anyone else was claiming it!

And I still say that you cannot be someones REAL friend and hate what they are at the core... It's not possible...

Well here`s where we differ,gay or not I dont care,but I`ve had friends where I`ve had to have words with such as alcohol/drug abuse etc thats was affecting their lives and others through those abuses,to not be accepting of their life style as you suggest would be a bad or non existant friend and only be an aquaintance I strongly though respectfully disagree.

posted on Dec, 24 2010 @ 12:28 AM

Originally posted by Gseven
I don't have to like or agree with homosexuality in order to find commonality and a reason to love them beyond what they choose to do with their bodies.

As long as you stick with "choose" - - you are no friend.

You are in full denial.

posted on Dec, 24 2010 @ 12:29 AM
How dare you throw around the word skippy like you own the joint sir jaxon.

.... my uncle was killed by a jar of Skippy peanut butter.

... that word is derogatory ?? dang, i want to live in that world.

Phatpackage you can't really hate on someone for using it when the meaning of it is confined to one continent alone.

posted on Dec, 24 2010 @ 12:32 AM
reply to post by phatpackage

You're kidding right? It's obvious that the OP wasn't using the term "skippy" in a derogatory fashion. We American's use the phrase "Damn skippy!" all the time as a means of showing our enthusiasm. Trust me, If American's did know the stigma Australian's placed on the word, the uber-libs would have deemed it hate speech long ago.

posted on Dec, 24 2010 @ 12:32 AM
So now skippy is the new "N" word evidently?

That one flew right by me as well.

No wonder that kid from Family Ties was so confused.

posted on Dec, 24 2010 @ 12:35 AM

Originally posted by seeashrink
reply to post by JaxonRoberts

Well, what the hell, I'll entertain your rant.
I have had a gay friend or two (not now), but I do have some gay aquaintences.
You didn't ask my opinion, but by the nature of ATS, I'll give it anyway. Now, first let me say I have some knowledge of which I speak. I was sexually abused as a child and therefore had some confusion on my sexuallity while growing up.
I believe that is not natural, but a chosen life style for whatever reason. Men were designed and equipped to be with women and women so designed to be with men. There is nothing about you or me that is designed to be with our same sex.

I'm going to stop right there and let ya know that your remarks indicate ignorance and foolishness. How are you to know what is and is not natural? I got news for you, buddy, homosexuality happens naturally all throughout our history and across cultures, hell even way across the bounds of our species. Obviously, it has purpose. To think otherwise shows a marked lack of insight into nature.

It seems quite obvious to me that some men were specifically designed to be with women, and others with their fellow men. It seems equally obvious that some females were designed to be with men, and others with women. Don't you see how if some women go with women, and some men with men.... there's still a balance in place?! hmmmm.......

Originally posted by seeashrink
As you are tired of people responding to threads regarding gays as they do, I'm tired of people pussyfooting around about the issue and pretending that gays are as natural as the sun rising in the morning. It's not, it's unnatural and it is an individual choice each one makes. Period.
Now I'm going to put on my flame retardent suit over my body armour and wait for replies.

WTH are you to defy and deny nature? Is this not what is, and has always been?

Listen, I'll give you one thing. I believe the prevalence of homosexuality is higher in recent times then in some periods of the past. There are studies which show that an environmentally toxic environment increases the rate of homosexuality in the given area of gunk. This in no way means that homosexuals are unnatural, rather that perhaps there is an alternative function to our species. Perhaps either when times are especially stressful for our species and/or when an individuals genetics gets damaged beyond the point of being fit enough to reproduce, an auxiliary function is enabled in those who carry the necessary genetics which once activated produce the homosexual being. I believe that homosexuality serves a vital purpose for the progression of our species. They have historically contributed their genius to great works of art and invention which have certainly progressed our species. Not only this, they enable the community to take a load off...such as instances when the hetero men must bundle together for whatever extreme cause... the homos can stay with the females and children for extended periods of time to support.

This is all extremely obvious to me at this point. If you choose to continue to deny nature, and reality....fine, you go right ahead buddy, but your ignorance is slipping.

edit on 24-12-2010 by unityemissions because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 24 2010 @ 12:39 AM

Originally posted by IntastellaBurst

.... my uncle was killed by a jar of Skippy peanut butter.

Wow! just had to look that

What part of the kangaroo is in that? I`m treading lightly here just in case your uncle had an serious allergy to peanuts or the jar was thrown at him.

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