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Project Stargate

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posted on Apr, 12 2010 @ 10:45 AM

- Project Stargate -

The star gate project is the codename for a US military run project set over 23 years between 1972-1995 in aim of creating trainable, repeatable, operational and accurate methods of gathering massive amounts of intelligence and of course psychic spying (mainly on its enemies) or any other method that they see fit to carry out.
Until it was then shut down in 1995 (and after $20 million of US Government funding.)

The project consisted of massive amounts of remote viewing experiments and also different programs under different codenames such as Gondola Wish, Grill Flame, Center Lane, Dragoon Absorb, Sun Streak, Star Gate to achieve their aims and harness any and all psychic ability that they possibly could.

Gondola Wish – ARMY INSCOM - 1977-79

Grill Flame – ARMY INSCOM & AMSAA - 1979-1983

Center Lane – ARMY INSCOM - 1983-85

Dragoon Absorb – ARMY INSCOM & DIA - 1985-86

Sun Streak – DIA - 1986-1990

Star Gate – DIA - 1990-95

*DIA - Defense Intelligence Agency*

*INSCOM - United States Army Intelligence and Security Command*

*AMSAA - Army Material Systems Analysis Activity*

All these projects as well as the American Governments interest in psychic ability as whole but especially in remote viewing seems to stem right back to around the 1930's or should I say that's where modern experiments into this phenomenon stared to occur.

Beginning with experiments in clairvoyance under conscientious scientists like J.B. Rhine.

And also experiments and research into telepathy and "thought transference" by notable people in this field such as Upton Sinclair (described in his book Mental Radio) and Rene Warcollier (Mind to Mind), together they both are huge contributors in the development of modern day remote viewing as we all know it.

Then In the late 1960s and early 1970s, out-of-body experiments were then conducted in New York City by researchers at the American Society for Psychical Research.
One of the subjects of these experiments was Ingo Swann who was himself a student of the paranormal.
Swann quickly tired of the (at the time) modern research protocols that were being followed which led Swann Swann to suggest a wide number of changes and improvements to the experiments, which among other things led to a successful series of attempts to mentally describe the current weather in various cities around the US.

After the descriptions were made by Swann the weather conditions in these cities were then verified by a phone call to a weather station or other reliable authority to prove that he was indeedn correct.

In 1972 Dr. Hal Puthoff, a physicist at SRI-International, a California-based research institute that had been spun off from Stanford University, who expressed a high amount of interest in RV contacted a New York researched who was an acquaintance of Swann.

This seemingly distant link between the 2 eventually led to a series of experiments that ultimately attracted attention and funding from the Central Intelligence Agency.

Research physicist Russell Targ soon joined Swann and Puthoff at SRI, forming the core of a team that researched and refined understanding of what had now commonly become known as "remote viewing."

For a while afterwards most remote viewing research was funded by the government and performed in secret. But a few less-secretive sources also provided support, and a limited amount of non-classified information about RV was published.

But in the Mid 1970s the governments interest in RV seems to have peaked as well as their support for it which led to the program moving from the CIA to the Defence Intelligence Agency (DIA), as well as certain other military organizations.
Further experiments and research created specifically for exploring the boundaries of what was possible and to improve the quality and consistency of the results.

And in 1978 the US Army created a unit to use RV operationally in collecting intelligence against foreign adversaries, the program continued under Army sponsorship until 1986, when the operational and research arms of the government remote viewing program were combined under the leadership of DIA.

In 1991 the DIA renamed this program to "Star Gate" but by this time the research part of the program had itself been transferred from SRI to Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC), and was directed by Dr. Edwin May, who had replaced Hal Puthoff in 1985 when Puthoff moved to assume directorship of the Institute of Advanced Studies in Austin, TX.

In 1995, an act of Congress transferred responsibility for the Star Gate program from DIA back to CIA. That fall, the CIA declassified portions of the program and released a controversial research report purporting to show that remote viewing was not useful as an intelligence collection tool. By the time this document was released, the CIA had already terminated the remote viewing program.

In the years since the 1995 closure of the government program, a number of persons previously associated with it have gone public by publishing books, giving media interviews, and/or offering training commercially in remote viewing methodology.



Indigo Swann
Hal Puthoff
Russell Targ
Edwin May
Pat Price

Military Viewers/Participants

Joseph McMoneagle
Paul Smith
Lyn Buchanan
David Morehouse
Ed Dames

Modern viewers/proponents

Dr Courtney Brown
Glenn Wheaton
Dick Allgire
Angela Thompson Smith
Prudence Calabrese
PJ (Palyne Gaenir)
Joni Dourif


In total it is reported that a total of 22 remote viewers and 14 research labs were used and worked on this project at it's peak, The FBI, CIA, and various government, military agencies and departments were also involved in the project. In 1995, after the Stargate Project had been disclosed to the public, Time magazine stated that three psychics were still employed with the project out of Fort Meade, Maryland.

It's also claimed that even though the CIA after taking over in 1995 and then closing down the project after themselves claiming that the 20 million US dollers were practically wasted because the project proved nothing.......


The Stargate Program's Results The analysis conducted by Professor Jessica Utts revealed that even though many of the reports filed by the Stargate Project clairvoyants contained much useless and irrelevant information, the more gifted participants in the program were predicting correctly at a 5% to 15% rate above chance. This meant that the Stargate Project was, in fact, producing concrete useable intelligence information. Like any intelligence gathering operation, it was just a matter of knowing how to interpret and use the information.

......that there have indeed been stories from the people involve who all claim to have experienced real remote viewing.

Such as...

Joseph McMoneagle for example.........

From the Inside Flap of "The Stargate Chronicles: Memoirs

of a Psychic Spy", by Joseph McMoneagle:

Joseph McMoneagle is now known as the best Operational Remote Viewer in the history of the U.S. Army's Special Project—Stargate. He was the only Remote Viewer who worked one-on-one with the out-of-body pioneer Robert Monroe, and who has achieved intelligence collection results that have never been surpassed and rarely equalled. Among his achievements:

He described the interior of a top secret Soviet manufacturing plant and accurately predicted a new class of ship under construction—the previously unknown Typhoon Class submarine.

He sketched the location and described the thoughts and reactions of an American kidnap victim held by the Red Brigade in Northern Italy—U.S. Army General Dozier.

He accurately predicted when Skylab would leave orbit and where it would impact on the Earth's surface—eleven months prior to the actual event.

And more from him here

Continued in the next post...

[edit on 12-4-2010 by Rising Against]

posted on Apr, 12 2010 @ 10:45 AM
…..Ingo Swann:

They point to the time when one member, Ingo Swann, went remote viewing around Jupiter in 1973. Under strict experimental conditions (organized by scientists Targ and Puthoff), Swann described the physical features of Jupiter, like the surface, atmosphere and weather.

He also claimed it had crystal bands of planetary rings, like Saturn but not as far out. This observation was very controversial at the time. Six years later, in 1979, the Voyager probe got closer to Jupiter than ever before, and confirmed it had rings of charged dust particles, just like Swann described.

Here are some interesting videos I found from the stargate project…..

- Interview with Hal Puthoff

- Remote Viewing Program - Ingo Swann

CIA Star Gate Files.....

Date: 1973
Owner: Rand Corporation
Author: P.T. Van Dyke & M.L Juncosa

1973 Rand - Paranormal Phenomena - Net assessment Study

"The purpose of the 33 page document was to determine whether paranormal phenomena existed, how the Russians were investigating it and how this tallied with American efforts".

Area1 - Remote Viewing example Remote viewing sessions from the Stargate Archives.

Multiple viewers/sessions 14 remote viewing sessions
Crashed helicopter - Peru 1981

Angela D
CRV training - Pyramid

Angela D
CRV training - Viking Lander

David Morehouse
CRV training - St louis arch

David Morehouse
CRV training session - Bunker Hill

David Morehouse
CRV training session - shuttle launch

David Morehouse
CRV training session - Skylab

David Morehouse
CRV training session - Lighthouse

David Morehouse
CRV training session - Vet memorial

David Morehouse
CRV training session - Library of Congress

David Morehouse
SOLO method- first attempt

David Morehouse
CRV training session

David Morehouse CRV stage1 paper

David Morehouse CRV stage2 paper

David Morehouse CRV stage3 paper

David Morehouse CRV Theory & dynamics paper

Gabrielle Pettingell
CRV training - President Perez

Gabrielle Pettingell
CRV training - Cash Landrum UFO incident

Gabrielle Pettingell
CRV training - Pyramid

Gabrielle Pettingell
CRV training - Stonehenge

Gabrielle Pettingell
CRV training - Titan

Gabrielle Pettingell
CRV training - Tower of Pisa

Gabrielle Pettingell
CRV training - Tunguska explosion

Gabrielle Pettingell -
CRV - Cattle mutilation session

Greg S
CRV training - ornate structure

Linda A
CRV training - Nerve gas

Linda A
CRV training session - USSR shuttle launch

Linda A
CRV training session - Titans moon

Linda A
CRV training session - MIR

Linda A
CRV training session - SRI parabolic mirror

Linda A
CRV training session - Satellite

Linda A
CRV training session - Navajo bracelet

Linda A
CRV training session - Hindenberg explosion

Linda A
CRV training session - Lockerbie

Linda A
CRV training session - SS butcher/person

Linda A
CRV training session - Sunken submarine

Linda A
CRV training session - Whale rescue

Linda A
CRV training session - Tunguska

Linda A
CRV training session - Chesapeak Tunnels

Linda A
CRV training session - Uri Geller

Lyn Buchanan
CRV training - Bam, Iran

Lyn Buchanan
CRV training - Bam, Cleopatra Needles

Lyn Buchanan
CRV training - Bam, Coliseum

Lyn Buchanan
CRV training - Devils Tower

Lyn Buchanan
CRV training - Golden gate bridge

Lyn Buchanan
CRV training - Towers, Iran

Lyn Buchanan
CRV training - Lake Titicaca

Lyn Buchanan
CRV training - Possible UFO encounter

Lyn Buchanan
CRV training - Pyramid

Continued in the next post...

[edit on 12-4-2010 by Rising Against]

posted on Apr, 12 2010 @ 10:46 AM
Lyn Buchanan
CRV training -Rendlesham UFO incident (1980)

Lyn Buchanan
CRV training - Titan

Lyn Buchanan
CRV training - Volcanic explosion

Lyn Buchanan
CRV training session - Kennedy center

Lyn Buchanan
CRV training session - Museum of Geology

Robin D
CRV training - Sub session

Robin D
CRV training - Titan

Robin D
CRV training - Saddam Hussein

Robin D
CRV training - Vet memorial

Robin D
CRV training - Winston Churchill

Robin D
end of stage6 training - critique

Robin D
CRV training - Linear accelerator

Robin D
CRV training - St louis Arch

Joe McMoneagle
ERV Mars Exploration May2 (9 pages)

Joe McMoneagle Oklahoma bomb Remote viewing session

- secondary supporting document

Tom McNear
Eight CRV sessions in one document file (64 pages)

Tom McNear
CRV training - Pikes Peak

Tom McNear
CRV training -Iran (structures)

Tom McNear
CRV -William Buckley

Mel Riley
CRV training session - Westminster Abbey

Mel Riley
CRV training session - Stonehenge

Mel Riley (weird alien session tasked by Ed Dames)
- 1987 CRV training

Mel Riley
SOLO Training session

Mel Riley
Beacon target

Paul H Smith
CRV training session - Coney Island

Paul H Smith
CRV training session - Khyber Pass

Paul H Smith
CRV training session - Nazca lines

Paul Smith
CRV training session - Einstein

Paul Smith
CRV training session - Gun Museum

Paul Smith
CRV training session - Bridge

Paul Smith
CRV training session - Church

Paul Smith
CRV training session - Mt Rushmore

Paul Smith
CRV training session - Radio telescope

Paul Smith
CRV training session - Kennedy Centre

Rob Cowart
CRV training session - Canada - Nahhani Park

Rob Cowart
CRV training session - Sydney Harbour

Rob Cowart
CRV training session - Twin Towers (not 911)


Area2 - interesting documents from the CIA released Stargate archives detailing many things like experiments and the science behind Remote Viewing.

Any thoughts on this subject?

posted on Apr, 12 2010 @ 11:09 AM
wow, thats alot of info to process through...will take a couple days of free time to crawl through this thread...

obviously a slow build thread, but very well put together...will subscribe to it and start muddling through.

Before I start digging though, will say a few things with a clearly ignorant standpoint on the subject.

I used to chat with this spiritualist type whom said one of the issues with project stargate is that if the person didn't want to be found..aka, trained themselves to block kinda thing, the success ratio reflected that with poor results...whereas a person whom did want to be found had a high success even though it was a fascinating study, it ultimately couldn't be used because of the ineffectiveness of finding people trying to stay hidden...

Some say that it then was abandoned by accident, then taken back up and went black again..of course, you wouldn't know that...being its all black and whatnot, but, I wonder if they found a way around the blocking issue.

I am fascinated by the studies that remote view the moon with weird results...if indeed remote viewing does pan out...then I think the people viewing the celestial bodies with odd findings may become quite the threadstarter on ATS

posted on Apr, 12 2010 @ 11:11 AM


posted on Apr, 12 2010 @ 11:13 AM


posted on Apr, 12 2010 @ 11:14 AM


posted on Apr, 12 2010 @ 11:16 AM

Impressive work! I'll see if I can get some vacation time and go thru it.

posted on Apr, 12 2010 @ 11:18 AM
reply to post by ReaLM I

Wow errr could you stop spamming my thread please.

It took alot of work and i don't really appreciate it.

posted on Apr, 12 2010 @ 11:21 AM

Originally posted by SaturnFX

I am fascinated by the studies that remote view the moon with weird results...if indeed remote viewing does pan out...then I think the people viewing the celestial bodies with odd findings may become quite the threadstarter on ATS


Since one can remote view the past, perhaps members could view the moon and search for anomalies, then obtain Apollo imagery of that lunar region.

This would be good direct feedback and a great way to hunt strange moonthings - if it worked.

*Also, one need not ever reveal the mechanism they used to locate the strange lunar anomalies. It would be sufficient to say they stumbled across it whilst perusing the archives.

posted on Apr, 12 2010 @ 11:21 AM
reply to post by whaaa

Ok, i MAY have gone slightly over board on the amount of info i gave.

Was tiring but worth it as it's such an interesting topic IMO.

posted on Apr, 12 2010 @ 11:29 AM

Originally posted by Rising Against
reply to post by ReaLM I

Wow errr could you stop spamming my thread please.

It took alot of work and i don't really appreciate it.

On the bright side, it appears he signed up strictly for spamming your post in particular.
not sure what he wrote, as its all off topic message, but surely it must have been important enough to sign up

Pity there isn't a way for the ops to simply remove the post entirely verses keep it there with the off topic message.

posted on Apr, 12 2010 @ 11:30 AM
Well done, as usual. This is an excellent collection of information, thank you.

It seems to me that the apparent end of the US interest in RV as a useful intelligence gathering tool could be interpreted two ways. The CIA basically said, "We've spent a ton of money on this stuff over a very long period of time and we can't make it work so we're giving up." Isn't this what they would say, if they wanted other nations to believe that RV was not of value?

We must remember that the CIA isn't in the business of declassifying documents because those documents might be interesting to the parapsychology community. Everything they release is part of their effort to paint a very specific picture and effect public and international perception of whatever issue they're concerned with. If they released a lot of data saying there is good, well funded, serious science refuting the validity of remote viewing, you have to wonder if they put this stuff out there because it's what they want you to believe.

It seems that if directing our perception of remote viewing was their goal, it has been accomplished to some extent. Now, whenever anyone in a position of power in another country thinks about starting a remote viewing program, someone will say, "The Americans already tried. They spent millions of dollars and decades researching RV at serious scientific institutions. If they didn't find anything of value, there's not really much point in us pursuing the issue further."

Why would the CIA publicize the failure of this massive project? Why even reveal anything about it? It's silly on the surface of it; any mainstream scientist will tell you psi is bunk, so what kept the money and resources flowing for so long? Could it really have taken decades and millions of dollars to prove that magic isn't real? Why didn't they call it quits in the first week, if all of the result were exactly as the skeptics would predict: no better than chance? And perhaps most importantly, why do the accounts of the remote viewers themselves and so many of the scientists involved suggest so strongly that RV actually does work - exactly the opposite of the CIA's official position?

Of course, this conspiracy theory is subject to the same problem as all conspiracy theories: we have no reason to interpret the information as being indicative of anything more complex than it seems on the surface. If the official reports all say that remote viewing is useless, we are really only justified in taking this evidence to mean what it says it means. That is, until we have good reason to believe that the reports are untrue.

Clearly we can explain the evidence in at least two ways: it's a conspiracy, or it's not. Until will have evidence which refutes one of these explanations, we ought to accept the simpler one: it's not a conspiracy. Although, what we ought to do and what we will do are often different things. I think it's a pretty good conspiracy theory.

posted on Apr, 12 2010 @ 11:31 AM
reply to post by SaturnFX

On the bright side, it appears he signed up strictly for spamming your post in particular. not sure what he wrote, as its all off topic message, but surely it must have been important enough to sign up

He started posting videos of beavis and butt head and various other random stuff.

So I really do doubt that's connected here.......Never know though.

[edit on 12-4-2010 by Rising Against]

posted on Apr, 12 2010 @ 11:32 AM

Originally posted by Exuberant1

Since one can remote view the past, perhaps members could view the moon and search for anomalies, then obtain Apollo imagery of that lunar region.

if RV'ing became an accepted science, and was able to view clearly the past...I imagine alot of things would be up for grabs

the crusification of christ
Moses on the hill
Muhammed's reported miracles
etc etc etc..smash down world religions one by one..or confirm them.

posted on Apr, 12 2010 @ 11:39 AM
reply to post by OnceReturned

Exactly or why didn’t they at least stop after I dunno 5 years at the minimum unless they were getting results which is what I personally believe they achieved.

Alsoas far as I know it’s been reported that they achieved around 15% above chance which is actually quite an outstanding result IMO.

But I really do think you’ve hit the nail on the head when you say……

Now, whenever anyone in a position of power in another country thinks about starting a remote viewing program, someone will say, "The Americans already tried. They spent millions of dollars and decades researching RV at serious scientific institutions. If they didn't find anything of value, there's not really much point in us pursuing the issue further."

That’s a great theory on why this study has got the amount of attention it has got especially when the America government seemingly spend 20 million dollars and found absolutely nothing at all.

And the especially since the CIA swooped in and just shut the whole thing down. (allegedly

posted on Apr, 12 2010 @ 01:16 PM

Pity there isn't a way for the ops to simply remove the post entirely verses keep it there with the off topic message.

I agree and the off topic messges IMO make the thread look really messy but oh well what can you do.

It's better than having what he posted.

posted on Apr, 13 2010 @ 01:57 AM

Originally posted by SaturnFX

if RV'ing became an accepted science, and was able to view clearly the past...I imagine alot of things would be up for grabs

the crusification of christ
Moses on the hill
Muhammed's reported miracles
etc etc etc..smash down world religions one by one..or confirm them.

Sadly we cannot get any direct feedback on those events - no cameras or recording equipment.

It'd be neat though.

posted on Apr, 13 2010 @ 02:27 AM
reply to post by Rising Against

Wow! This is a ton of information! Star + Flag! This will take a while to go through all this.

Is it possible they are still doing this as Black Projects? How interesting.

posted on Apr, 13 2010 @ 02:43 AM
reply to post by Rising Against

Alright man I just got my computer back up and running so I finally was able to get to go through your thread you've been putting all this time into - and it surely shows! Definite S&F+4 for you, very well put together, and I'm happy to see people putting time into their threads, there aren't many people left who care to actually put the effort into making a thread worth reading anymore. So good job

This is all very interesting stuff, and it will take a bit of time for me to sort through it all as well, I'll probably nit pick and find the things that stick out first and go from there, but you definitely put everything together in one place and I really like it, mad kudos to you.

Unfortunately the project I was telling you about that I was working on, got screwed up today because of a very malicious virus attack on my computer due to someone downloading a questionable file... lucky for me I back up my files very, very regularly in multiple places so I still have my original files but it's all de-constructed
I guess I can be optimistic here though and hope that the outcome will be better this time around, guess we'll see.

But more in regards to the thread, I have a question for you. What made you so interested in this subject, did you just happen to get into researching all of this, or does it personally strike your for some reason, if you don't mind me asking?

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