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How to get out of debt - funny

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posted on Feb, 18 2010 @ 12:13 AM
This thread reminds me of the guy who offered a ounce gold coin if the could guess the current market value.

From my chair the op described a circle of debt. The way the debt was cleared was by an outside "investor" who's money was used with out his knowledge. As long as the money gets back in the cookie jar before mama checks, all is good. Unfortunately, in one real life example of what happens when one gets caught with a hand in the jar is the Mr Madoff with the money. Last year the Tourist was us lil folk making stimulus and buying into car companies. Problem is they wont get that $100 bucks back.

Something else I address in thread. Take the OP and lets say the tourist found out his money was used and demanded interest. The hotel owner would then be in debt to the tourist for the amount of interest. Similar to what is posted. The Hotel owner then passes this on the next person in an attempt to recover. The practice moves down the line until it gets to the prostitute. Her debtor refuses to pay interest. She demands payment but eventually gets screwed.

posted on Feb, 18 2010 @ 02:30 AM
haha you gotta be kidding me,
you just made my year. I've visited this site for over a year now, not really posting much, I am more interested in the information but... and this is the first time I'm truly shocked. Not by the story no, but because of the fact I not only live in Marshall, but I also attend college at SMSU. Bravo to you sir, haha I mean how in the heck did you come up with Marshall? I mean the place doesn't have a single sign saying you are getting close to it, until you are like 20 miles out of town. But knowing Marshall..the tourist probably got pulled over before leaving town, and had to pay a ticket, so the money went full circle, god forbid you have anything but a Minnesota license plate in this town.

[edit on 18-2-2010 by nickendres]

posted on Feb, 18 2010 @ 05:08 AM
reply to post by Cabaret Voltaire

Wait a minute. You fooled me, Qwiksilva!

posted on Feb, 18 2010 @ 05:12 AM
reply to post by Cabaret Voltaire

This has got my brain twisted.

The thing that is screwy here is that we are assuming none of the townsfolk had any money to start with.
From that point of view I guess it is a total wash. The visiting ''banker'' greased the wheels and put everybody into motion, and then left town with the money.
Why was everybody telling each other they would pay $100 if nobody had any money?
Ha ha ha. Good story anyway.

posted on Feb, 18 2010 @ 07:51 AM

Originally posted by leo123

Originally posted by Rigel Kent
No one produced anything. No one earned anything... However, the whole town is now out of debt and now looks to the future with a lot more optimism.

Nope - the hotel owner is out $100.00.

No he isnt , he is actually EVEN, reason why is cause he owed the butcher $100 and he paid that off , so technically the debt he owed and the debt he was owed by the hooker cancelled themselves out, so he isnt Up or DOWN, get it? hehe

posted on Feb, 18 2010 @ 08:51 AM

Originally posted by qwiksilva
Well the hotel owner is $100 dollars short now.

He would be $100 dollars richer if he did not use the $100 dollars paid to him by the hooker to replace the $100 dollars he stole to pay off the butcher. So everyone comes out fine except the hotel owner.

EDIT - sorry I am from SA, hence why I type $100 dollars (dollar sign and dollar word) even though only 1 is needed. Either the sign or the word

[edit on 17-2-2010 by qwiksilva]

if you absolutely must apologize, do it for being wrong
lol im only kidding.

the hundred dollars paid to him by the hooker IS the hundred dollars he used to pay the butcher. even the hotel owner comes out fine in the end you see, because he has paid off his debt to the butcher with money that wasnt truly the hotel owners to give in the first place.

posted on Feb, 18 2010 @ 08:52 AM

Originally posted by Paradox.
reply to post by CaptChaos

No I don't. The 100$ was worth 200$ that the prostitute gave to the motel owner. 100$ Was needed to pay off her debt to the motel owner, and another 100$ Was the banker's loan which came back around the circle. In theory the only individual that did not "lose" any money was the motel owner.

No, you are totally wrong. I'm not surprised that NO ONE HERE understands how this works. This IS how our money system works. Ford was quoted as saying :

It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.
Henry Ford

If the people were to ever find out what we have done, we would be chased down the streets and lynched. George H. W. Bush told a White House reporter.

The motel owner did not "make" 200 dollars. He owed 100 to the butcher, the hooker owed him 100, it cancels out. In the real world, the tourist was the "banker". He printed up a 100 dollar bill, then "loaned" it to the hotel owner. Like I said before, the things not included here are interest (usury) taxes, and inflation. Forget the taxes and inflation for now, the "banker" would have wanted 100 plus INTEREST. In the whole town, there IS no more money. Therefore, he takes a part ownership in the hotel as "payment" for the "debt".

All the idiots in Marshall (the world) will keep on playing this game, giving up a small portion to the "banker" every time. OBVIOUSLY, eventually the banker ends up "owning" the butcher, the baker, the hooker, the hotel, EVERYTHING.

Every step of the way, everyone loses a little bit to taxes, thereby "owing" MORE each time. The "more" money is simply created by the banker. Each transaction ratchets the cuffs a little tighter. When people complain, the "banker" simply prints more "money", which to the rubes seems to solve the problem but simply ratchets the cuffs a little tighter.

posted on Feb, 18 2010 @ 08:56 AM

Originally posted by Dark Ghost
Very interesting scenario.

At least the other people were fooled into a false sense of security that their debts had been settled. Wait a moment...

[edit on 17/2/2010 by Dark Ghost]

'debts', aside from keeping a mental count, are the opposing force to currency.

it isnt a false sense of security, its just a single representation of physical consequences for the illusion of wealth.

or something. lol

posted on Feb, 18 2010 @ 09:01 AM

Originally posted by ViperFoxBat
Investment bankers have been taking debt and using it as real currency. If you had a 30 year mortgage that was worth $350,000 the investment bankers would use that $350,000 today as real money to invest. They were gambling with future earnings. Who pays that 30 year mortgage once it goes into default and no one can pay? Remember the money has already been gambled off by investment bankers like Goldman Sachs and others. The tax payer has to pay that bill now because we have to take Goldman Sachs's losses when they went to the crap table. The government is going along with this idea. Does anyone see a problem with the public picking up the gambling debt of these investment bankers? Those in congress saw nothing wrong with that so they gave them a 750 billion dollar bail out. Does anyone see a problem here?

Why is our government in bed with investment bankers?

The other EVIL that no one seems to understand, is that we are under "fractional reserve lending". In other words, when you take out a 350,000 mortgage, (a debt) the bank puts it to their "asset" side of the ledger. Then, under LAW, they are allowed to lend out over THREE MILLION DOLLARS against that "asset" , AND can RESELL your mortgage to someone else, making money that way too. So by you agreeing to owe 350,000 to the bank, they now apparently HAVE 350,000 dollars that DID NOT EXIST A MINUTE AGO. Then, to amplify the swindle, they only need ten percent assets for the amount they "lend" in other words NINETY PERCENT OF THEIR LOAN MONEY DOES NOT EXIST, yet everyone somehow "owes" it to them. Since the money doesn't exist, you can't pay it to them, and they take a piece of ownership of you and yours to make up for it.

I can tell that not one single person here gets this. That's why this completely criminal theft system keeps running. They keep everyone dumbed down and distracted so as not to pay attention to what is really going on.

There is a reason why USURY was stated in the Bible, the Koran, and EVERY OTHER RELIGION as a major sin. It is simply stealing. Strangely enough, there is only one "religion" that says usury is ok. Even that devil religion states it is ok to charge interest to those of other "religions" but not to their own members of the "chosen people". Guess which religion that is?

ALL the conspiracies talked about on here by everyone are caused by this ONE SCAM. It leads to every single other swindling conspiracy we talk about here. As long as this scam is not ended, we will never get out of this mess we are in.

posted on Feb, 18 2010 @ 09:07 AM

Originally posted by leo123

Originally posted by Rigel Kent
No one produced anything. No one earned anything... However, the whole town is now out of debt and now looks to the future with a lot more optimism.

Nope - the hotel owner is out $100.00.

no he isnt. he would be out 100 dollars if the hooker was also a heroin addict and got 100$ worth of H instead of giving the hotel owner the money, because then the tourist woulda come back and bitchslapped him for stealing his money.

posted on Feb, 18 2010 @ 09:23 AM
Loved your conundrum!!!
Not to derail or take away your thunder, but I have a much better example of how the current system works - it's like this:

3 business men are travelling together and decide to stop for the night at a hotel. Being on a tight budget, the 3 decide to share a single hotel room. The 3 men approach the clerk and book a room for the night. "That'll be $30", states the clerk. Each of the 3 men reach into their wallets and pull out a $10 bill and hand it to the clerk. They then retire to their room for the night.

A short while later the clerk realizes that he has over-charged the men as the room rate was actually only $25 for the night. Feeling guilty, the clerk pulls 5 $1 bills out of the register and hands them to the bell-hop instructing him to go refund the money to the 3 business men.

On his way up to their room, the bell-hop struggles with how to divide the $5 up 3 ways. So he decides to refund just $1 to each of the men and pocket the other $2 dollars himself. Problem solved!

Well, not quite... After refunding $1 to each of the men, that means that each paid $9 for the room. $9 times 3 equals $27 plus the $2 dollars that the bell-hop pocketed equals a total of $29... So, what happened to the last $1!?!?

Think about that for a few minutes... what DID happen to that last dollar???

Now THAT is how the federal government and the federal reserve works!!!

posted on Feb, 18 2010 @ 10:24 AM

Originally posted by Moonsouljah
Why Marshall, Minnesota?

Sorry Moonsouljah, It was just an e-mail that a friend sent to me and I thought it was so funny but true, I simply had to share it with you guys. With all the recent gloom, its good to smile... breaks the tension dont you think?

Why Marshall?

I really dont know.


posted on Feb, 18 2010 @ 11:19 AM
The hotel owner is not out $100. The bill was a deposit that he borrowed, legitimately. The hooker paid him ligitimately and he repaid the customer legitimately.

I know this was intended to be humorous, but this is exactly how debt works. Perhaps the reality of debt is humorous.

Economists talk a lot about the "velocity" of them money supply. Simply creating money does not have any widespread effect on the economy. It does not cause inflation. It's only when the money is in circulation and changing hands frequently (which is called "velocity") that it effects inflation and potentially stimulates the economy. All the people involved in this story paid off their debts and got their money back, and presumably it made them feel "wealthier". That's the power of velocity. Of course, it also causes inflation, which of course has longer-term negative consequences..

posted on Feb, 18 2010 @ 12:22 PM

Originally posted by kozmo
Loved your conundrum!!!
Not to derail or take away your thunder, but I have a much better example of how the current system works - it's like this:

3 business men are travelling together and decide to stop for the night at a hotel. Being on a tight budget, the 3 decide to share a single hotel room. The 3 men approach the clerk and book a room for the night. "That'll be $30", states the clerk. Each of the 3 men reach into their wallets and pull out a $10 bill and hand it to the clerk. They then retire to their room for the night.

A short while later the clerk realizes that he has over-charged the men as the room rate was actually only $25 for the night. Feeling guilty, the clerk pulls 5 $1 bills out of the register and hands them to the bell-hop instructing him to go refund the money to the 3 business men.

On his way up to their room, the bell-hop struggles with how to divide the $5 up 3 ways. So he decides to refund just $1 to each of the men and pocket the other $2 dollars himself. Problem solved!

Well, not quite... After refunding $1 to each of the men, that means that each paid $9 for the room. $9 times 3 equals $27 plus the $2 dollars that the bell-hop pocketed equals a total of $29... So, what happened to the last $1!?!?

Think about that for a few minutes... what DID happen to that last dollar???

Now THAT is how the federal government and the federal reserve works!!!

ive slept and smoked on it, and....

this is what i have. you see, they didnt actually pay 9 dollars each for the room, they each paid 8.33333333333, with someone taking a minuscule hit. the transaction occurred in such a manner that restitution needed to be implemented, but has caused this outcome.

basically, the resolution of this predicament requires one of the guys to say 'nah man, i dont care about those pennies'

posted on Feb, 18 2010 @ 12:45 PM
reply to post by 814ck0u7

Sort of, not really... Let's say I'm one of the businessmen. I pulled a $10 out and paid. An hour later the bell-hop hands me a dollar back, making my investment in the room $9. End of story.

Couple that with the original conundrum and you have a very accurate, albeit confusing, picture of how the monetary system works. That last dollar just ceased to exist - not literally - but the Fed and the creditor are collecting on it! Somewhere along the way, someone benfitted from that "lost" dollar.

posted on Feb, 18 2010 @ 12:47 PM
reply to post by kozmo

There's no missing dollar. The hotel has $25, the guests $3, and the bellboy $2. That adds up to $30.

The $25 is money they PAID.
The $2 is money they PAID.
The $3 is money thay have.


So, you're adding $2 of the money they PAID to sum of what they paid ($25 + $2 = $27 (+ $2 = $29)) and getting the wrong answer.

posted on Feb, 18 2010 @ 12:55 PM
Ye Gods! I could only get through one page of comments before freaking the f- out, so I apologize if this has already been done, but:

Person Debt Owes Debt Entitled

Clerk -$100 (to butcher) $100 (from hooker)
Butcher -$100 (to farmer) $100 (from clerk)
Farmer -$100 (to co-op) $100 (from butcher)
Co-op -$100 (to hooker) $100 (from farmer)
Hooker -$100 (to clerk) $100 (from co-op)
Clerk -$100 (to tourist)

Everyone in town's books are balanced (within the confines of the story) which is to say that they're owed is equal to what they owe.

The $100 tourist dollars are introduced, but are not legitimately the clerk's since he has not yet provided a good or service. He receives the hundred dollars twice, but uses it to pay 2 debts as he creates additional debt when he steals/borrows the hundred, so he ends up flush and not short changed at all.

All that said, it is somewhat unfair to say nothing was created and no goods exchanged hands. At some point in the past; lodging, meat, livestock, grain and carnal knowledge were all provided in exchange for the promise of money. The tourist just unwittingly allowed every one to keep their promise.

This is also a fine illustration of how pure communism and pure capitalism are more or less the same thing with the exception that capitalism relies on an artificial means of exchange (money).

posted on Feb, 18 2010 @ 01:50 PM
This is very smart, did you come up with it yourself or just the last bit? At any rate, thanks for sharing, it made me laugh ^.^
Even if this is the way the U.S. Government is operating, is that such a bad thing? no one is in debt and everyone is slightly happier... seems like sort of a relief from monetary stress.

posted on Feb, 18 2010 @ 02:46 PM
reply to post by qwiksilva

No the hotel owner is out nothing because the rich man didn't use his resources. get it? If he did not take the 100 dollars and do what he did, then he would be in debt. Now he has no debt along with the others.

posted on Feb, 18 2010 @ 04:32 PM
Ugh you are all missing it. Let's erase the part where the tourist gives the motel owner a 100 dollar bill. NOW we are at equilibrium. Everyone is at 0.

Now, let's introduce the tourist's 100 Dollars. If everyone is at equilibrium, which means noone owes anyone any real money, then there is no debt.

So, 100 Dollars of extra money is pumped into the system. This 100 Dollars has a theoretical value not a concise value. Remember no one really owed anyone any money because the system was at an equilibrium. So pumping that 100 dollars into the system made each member whom recieved the bill until the instant they passed it on 100 Dollars richer and it essentially payed no debt off. It was just simply, laundered money. That should have picked up an interest rate as it went from place to place which would of been a great example of the Government but it did not include interest, sadly.

The banker made no money. The tourist was the banker. In real life, the tourist would of slapped a fat interest rate on the 100 Dollars so passing through multiple people, they would have gone into debt progressively further as it passed along. Example: 10% interest rate. The banker would of handed 100 dollars to the motel owner which would have to be instantly taxed for 10%. So motel owned would have handed 110 Dollars to butcher, Butcher would of handed 110 + (110x.10%) To the next person. And so on, until through say 5 people the value would be well over 150 Dollars and each person whom held the money would have lost a bit more as the money moved through the group. So, the premise is flawed. This is not how the Government works, there was no interest. There you have it.

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