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Recording of CFR discussing how to get people to take the H1N1 vaccine - Artificial Scarcity documen

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posted on Nov, 2 2009 @ 06:46 PM

Originally posted by nepafogo

Has anyone researched on WHY there are shortages?

Just think about it. All you need to come up with a decent estimate on how many vaccines to produce is a census report. Yet nobody is asking why we are supposedly already running out. How could they possibly not have foreseen this shortage? Because its simply not true.

I just saw a commercial on tv telling me to get my Redskins tickets NOW because they are running out.

posted on Nov, 2 2009 @ 06:47 PM
It is apparant to me that they want to infect as many people on the planet as can be vaccinated in order to slow kill all those that take the vaccine.

This alone is pure eugenics but there is more.

What concerns me is whether there is a secret but special true vaccine for the elite vs the lethal vaccine dose the rest of the planet must take.

Its one thing to create a flu you spread in order to profit from the vaccine shots being sold to world governments.

Its another to design, manufacturer, distribute and use offical authority to force everyone to take a shot that is intended to kill them while only the elite possess the vaccine that works against the bio-weapons designed vaccine.

We have seen that a different vaccine exists in Europe vs the USA where Germany officials and the military will take a vaccine without mercury and squalene.

So it only begs the question of who decides who lives and who dies?

No matter the answer, we as a nation are in a mess and with no one accountable it is apparant that more drastic measures are necessary to rid ourselves of those that would use a corporate and govermental system to murder millions if not billions of humans to appease some world global agenda.

It is the individuals executing this world agenda that must be held accountable for their crimes against humanity.

posted on Nov, 2 2009 @ 06:56 PM

Originally posted by logican
reply to post by ufoptics

Thanks, could you post the link? I don't think I'm going to be joining the "crazy people" anytime soon but should I see any evidence which points to a conspiracy on the vaccine I may change my mind as any good scientist would. However, I would point out that pharma's making money or being devious isn't really a conspiracy. I'm talking about there being a nefarious reason why the PTB want people to take/not take the vaccine. That, after all seems to be the main thrust of the opposition to a vaccine.

Actually, that's not the main thrust of my opposition to it. My reason is that there has not been enough time to properly test this vaccine. No matter what they might say they know, there is no way that they could know what all side effects this vaccine may have. They certainly didn't do a good job of it in 1976, now did they? That coupled with the fact that I've not really seen this flu to be any more virulent than the regular flu - and I never get that vaccine either.

posted on Nov, 2 2009 @ 07:00 PM
Thanks for the link and looked through it on the vaccinations section. It hasn't changed my mind about anything but as this is a topic about, I believe, a conspiracy to create a pretend shortage then it doesn't add anything obvious to the proposition. But please point me in the direction of the text you believe does.

As for ingredients/quantity I'm not sure that this site is for that purpose. Again though, i'd be glad to hear your views.

This doesn't look like a site for big pharma to me. It looks like a general information site. But again, if you think that something specific points to it please do point it out. Thanks again.

posted on Nov, 2 2009 @ 07:08 PM
I hope every one understand that the current flu vaccine being offered was intented for what they thought would be the type hitting us this fall and winter. Like last winter, they guessed wrong. It is worthless and will not prevent the ordinary flu this season. So make sure you know the distinction when someone wants to jab you.

Personally, I've not made up my mind if I get the chance to take the swine flu shot. The shot that I did get is a booster for pneumonia. Pneumonia can be deadly even by itself, and you will permanently lose lung capacity. I was told 10%. IF the thread on Ukraine swine flu hitting with pneumonia is true and it comes back (you can get it again!) fatalities will be far higher.

Like the doc told the earlier poster. "It's your body (life)." And that should be our right to take it or not. And I have no doubt that if the topic had not become extremely contentious we WOULD have been mandated to take it. Resistance is not always futile. They have gotten the message we are not all sheeple.

[edit on 2-11-2009 by Aliensun]

posted on Nov, 2 2009 @ 07:13 PM

Originally posted by Iamonlyhuman

Originally posted by logican
reply to post by ufoptics

Actually, that's not the main thrust of my opposition to it. My reason is that there has not been enough time to properly test this vaccine. No matter what they might say they know, there is no way that they could know what all side effects this vaccine may have. They certainly didn't do a good job of it in 1976, now did they? That coupled with the fact that I've not really seen this flu to be any more virulent than the regular flu - and I never get that vaccine either.

Ok, thats all very well but let's not move away from the video, let's get that out the way first, ok? It was a terribly propogandist piece that someone as eloquent as yourself should have not included in this discussion. As for your main thrust being not enough time to properly test the vaccine then that is really a different topic. There you can use facts and figures, statistics and first hand account without resorting to that awfull video.

Also, since you mention 1976 but not really stating exactly what you mean and H1N1 seemingly not to be any worse than regular flu could you further clarify what your point is?

posted on Nov, 2 2009 @ 07:25 PM
reply to post by logican

Here is the only page I could find on THEIR STUDIES of adverse effects caused by vaccines. They started this back in 1990, now can you tell me why they are still in the COLLECTION PHASE ON ALL STUDIES. I guess 19 years is not long enough for the data collection phase. I guess when they have enough data they will move into the correlation phase, that may take a few decades. Than their will be the, manuscript for this study is currently under development phase, that may take another 50 years. I have had enough of their BS. It is all a lie. By the way here is their ongoing "STUDIES" regarding vaccine safety and adverse effects.

Site page-Vaccine Safety Datalink (VSD) Project Priority Studies

Flu Vaccine and Bell’s Palsy

Bell's palsy is a common neurologic disorder that accounts for up to 75% of all peripheral facial palsies. Although the etiology of Bell's palsy is not clear, one of the theories put forward involves an autoimmune etiology. Following the introduction of newly licensed intranasal influenza vaccine in Switzerland in October 2000, 46 cases of Bell's palsy were noted among people who received the vaccine. The situation warranted a thorough investigation to determine if there is any association between influenza vaccine and Bell's palsy in which VSD researchers are currently conducting a case-control study. As part of the study, researchers will identify people with Bell's palsy who are members of HMOs participating in the VSD project. At each participating site, medical records of persons will Bell's palsy will be reviewed to assess exposure to influenza vaccine, hepatitis B vaccine, Td vaccine, and other vaccines. Final analyses calculating the relative risk of Bell's palsy following vaccination as well as the incidence of Bell's palsy among vaccinated and unvaccinated populations have been conducted.

The manuscript for this study is currently under development.

MMR Vaccine and ITP

Idiopathic thrombocytopenia purpura (ITP) is an acquired disease that is caused by the destruction or impaired production of platelets. In children who are otherwise healthy, the acute onset of thrombocytopenia is commonly characterized as ITP. Over the last several years, there has been growing concern that the live virus MMR vaccination is associated with an increased incidence of ITP. Previous studies have demonstrated a significant risk of ITP following receipt of MMR vaccination, however, they were based on small populations. To better quantify the relationship between MMR vaccination and ITP, VSD researchers are currently investigating the association in a large cohort of children. Researchers will use inpatient, outpatient, and laboratory data to identify children with a diagnosis of ITP during a specific period of time. Medical charts will then be reviewed to verify cases of ITP and collect information on vaccination history. Analyses will be performed to assess the risk of ITP following MMR vaccination.

Final analyses are currently being conducted for this study.

Thimerosal and Autism

In response to public concerns, VSD researchers have begun a case-control study to examine the association between thimerosal and autism rigorously. The study aims to determine whether exposure to thimerosal in infancy or in utero is related to development of autism. The study will also evaluate whether exposure to thimerosal in infancy is related to development of the subclass of autism predominantly associated with regression. As part of the study, researchers will use automated data and registries to identify children with autism (cases) and without autism (controls). In-person examinations, telephone interviews, medical chart reviews, and immunization tracking systems will be used to collect information on vaccine history and other possible covariates. Recommended by the Institute of Medicine, this VSD study will be the first rigorous, epidemiological study conducted on the issue of thimerosal and autism. Data from this VSD study should provide the best available scientific information on whether a causal association between exposure to thimerosal and the development of autism is possible.

This study is in the data collection phase.

Thimerosal and Neurodevelopment

CDC conducted the Infant and Environmental Exposures to Thimerosal and Neuropsychological Outcomes at Ages 7 to 10 Years study to investigate possible associations between prenatal and early childhood exposure to thimerosal-containing vaccines and/or immunoglobulins and deficits in neuropsychological functioning. Thimerosal is a preservative that contains ethyl mercury and is used in some vaccines and immunoglobulins.

This study was not designed to assess possible association between thimerosal and autism.

Yellow Fever Vaccine

In June 2001, seven cases of yellow fever vaccine-associated viscerotropic disease (previously called multiple organ system failure) in recipients of 17D-derived yellow fever vaccine were reported. The ACIP reviewed these cases, recommended enhanced surveillance for adverse events, and updated the ACIP statement on yellow fever vaccine. An additional report in MMWR provided two new suspected cases of yellow fever-associated viscerotropic disease and four suspected cases of yellow fever-associated neurotropic disease (previously called past-vaccinal encephalitis). Although yellow fever vaccine remains essential for travelers to yellow fever endemic areas, these findings underscore the need for enhanced surveillance and timely clinical assessment of yellow fever vaccine-associated disease. In collaboration with the Department of Defense, VSD investigators are conducting epidemiologic studies involving the databases and records systems of the VSD, the Air Force and the Navy to study hospitalized viscerotropic and neurotropic events associated with yellow fever vaccine.

Data collection is currently underway for this study.

Diphtheria-Containing Vaccines

Three vaccines currently recommended for adolescents (Tdap, Td, and Menactra meningococcal conjugate vaccine) contain diphtheria toxoid and result in a diphtheria antibody response. While the safety of individual diphtheria-containing vaccines has been evaluated, less is known regarding the safety of administration of two or more of these vaccines, either simultaneously or sequentially. Local injection site reactions are the primary adverse event of concern with administration of multiple diphtheria toxoid-containing vaccines. The primary aim of this VSD study is to assess the occurrence of relatively severe local reactions, defined as medically-attended reactions, in adolescents and young adults with varying patterns of receipt of diphtheria toxoid-containing vaccines. In addition, the occurrence of illnesses possibly indicative of a hypersensitivity response to vaccination will be identified. The study will involve collection of information from administrative data, with chart review confirmation of presumptive cases.

Data collection is currently underway for this study.

As for info on them keeping a shortage going, what do you want, someone coming out and saying they are doing it on purpose? I thought that is what the OP gave us.

posted on Nov, 2 2009 @ 07:28 PM
It started creeping me out as soon as they mentioned the Swine Flu illness. My first thought was who came up with the name Swine? Second thought was that it was not that big of deal at all and its NOT as widespread as people may believe. If it were as widespread you'd see people walking around with cloths covering their face or small masks around their mouth... but for the most part everyone is walking around fine.

I'll admit that 126 deaths of the young generation is a terrible feat for a flu. But how many people died due to the normal flu before there was a vaccine for it? Alot - more than 130 children I can assure you that.

Yeah it's gov't controlled, maybe even gov't created. From pigs? A flu? Honey please.

posted on Nov, 2 2009 @ 07:44 PM
reply to post by endisnighe

Hold on, you said it was the only page you could find...and that concludes the matter does it? So the best results for the facts rely on you doing a google and giving this. Come on.

posted on Nov, 2 2009 @ 07:51 PM
Better to be thought crazy by officials who don't matter, than to be dead for trusting in them. Wanna know what crazy really is? That very discussion they were having coupled with the maniacal laugh at the end of that scamps proposed lie to the public.

posted on Nov, 2 2009 @ 07:53 PM

Originally posted by ConMi27
It started creeping me out as soon as they mentioned the Swine Flu illness. My first thought was who came up with the name Swine? Second thought was that it was not that big of deal at all and its NOT as widespread as people may believe. If it were as widespread you'd see people walking around with cloths covering their face or small masks around their mouth... but for the most part everyone is walking around fine.

I'll admit that 126 deaths of the young generation is a terrible feat for a flu. But how many people died due to the normal flu before there was a vaccine for it? Alot - more than 130 children I can assure you that.

Yeah it's gov't controlled, maybe even gov't created. From pigs? A flu? Honey please.

Yeah, they call it the "Human Swine" flu...............almost as if they are referring to us secretly as , well,..Human Swine!

posted on Nov, 2 2009 @ 07:57 PM
reply to post by logican

Only page I could find on the CDC site. You are deflecting.
I was only saying in my first post that I like to go to the sites from the "Experts" and see what I can find.

I am not all knowing(though sometimes I like to think so)
but the very fact that research on vaccine problems just do not seem to get anywhere. Why is it they have no research on the 76 vaccine debacle. That is all I am trying to say.

edit to fix smiley

[edit on 11/2/2009 by endisnighe]

posted on Nov, 2 2009 @ 08:04 PM
Thank you for bringing the video to my attention. Uhm OK, it`s official. . . I`m crazy.
I think I`ve been hit in the head too many times because I am fuzzy about the whole seasonal flu thing. Am I gettin this right, there`s not really a shortage of live vaccine virus for a swine triple flu strain that could be a tuberculosis-spanish mutant in a super charged ajunctant used to exterminate humans as if they were roaches that have teeny frightened brains. And I`m the crazy one? Wow.

[edit on 2-11-2009 by Antoniastar]

posted on Nov, 2 2009 @ 08:05 PM
I personally find it interesting that just when H1N1 is in the decline (according to several reports I have read) mass quantities of the vaccine will be ready for the public. Afterwards, the CDC will report how they 'saved' the public from higher infection rates. If by chance the virus gains strength over the winter, they would probably report a mutation has occurred.

posted on Nov, 2 2009 @ 08:09 PM

Originally posted by endisnighe
reply to post by logican

Only page I could find on the CDC site. You are deflecting.
I was only saying in my first post that I like to go to the sites from the "Experts" and see what I can find.

I am not all knowing(though sometimes I like to think so)
but the very fact that research on vaccine problems just do not seem to get anywhere. Why is it they have no research on the 76 vaccine debacle. That is all I am trying to say.

edit to fix smiley

[edit on 11/2/2009 by endisnighe]

Only page on one site? Sorry, I thought you had researched it on the web. Then you say you like to go to the sites by the "experts". That's still only one site.

Well, indeed if that is all you searched you very well may not get a answer to the 1976 query you posed.

posted on Nov, 2 2009 @ 08:10 PM
You can't really debate these people in the way that scientists are used to but you have to develop different countermethods...
We have to make better use of soundbites...

Translated: it's time to step up the psychological warfare. We seem to be losing the debate based on facts and science alone.

Let's create a panic instead. Let's suggest repeatedly that being anti-vaccine contributes to the death of innocents. Let's compare this unholy alliance to Stalin and Hitler, since that worked so well to skew reality in other instances.

posted on Nov, 2 2009 @ 08:10 PM
I found this video extremely aggravating. And I gotta say, I'm glad I said no to the vaccine. We really need to start whipping out handcuffs. A hoax of this caliber has to be dealt with.

[edit on 2-11-2009 by projectvxn]

posted on Nov, 2 2009 @ 08:24 PM
I would like to draw everyone's attention to this US Gov publication:

Bacterial Pneumonia Caused Most Deaths in 1918 Influenza Pandemic

So it appears that the flu wasn't the killer but the followon bacterial infection.

Look at Donkey_Dean's figures from the CDC. Now consider that those persons
admitted into hosptal care are more likely to contract pneumonia than those not
admitted. In other words, when you look at how 1918 flu sufferers were treated,
ie, most were put into hosptal wards, then the spread of a bacteria was much
more likely.

Hence, the huge number of deaths.

The 1918 influenza wasn't the primary cause of the deaths of millions; it was
the congregation in wards that spread bacterial pneumonia.

The bought-and-paid-for MSM and "researchers" proclaimed that the 1918
flu was "deadly." And we see the same thing occuring today.

posted on Nov, 2 2009 @ 08:26 PM
I would like to draw everyone's attention to this US Gov publication:

Bacterial Pneumonia Caused Most Deaths in 1918 Influenza Pandemic

So it appears that the flu wasn't the killer but the followon bacterial infection.

Look at Donkey_Dean's figures from the CDC. Now consider that those persons
admitted into hosptal care are more likely to contract pneumonia than those not
admitted. In other words, when you look at how 1918 flu sufferers were treated,
ie, most were put into hosptal wards, then the spread of a bacteria was much
more likely.

Hence, the huge number of deaths.

The 1918 influenza wasn't the primary cause of the deaths of millions; it was
the congregation in wards that spread bacterial pneumonia.

The bought-and-paid-for MSM and "researchers" proclaimed that the 1918
flu was "deadly." And we see the same thing occuring today.

[edit on 2/11/09 by fever]

posted on Nov, 2 2009 @ 08:31 PM
Are we talking about the dangers of the flu or what the thread is actually referring to and that is the deception that they are practicing in telling us the vaccine "is out of stock" just so we want it more.

This is terrible stuff and although it was obvious to me from the start that they would have plenty of poison for us, now we have proof that the technique of artificial scarcity is very much on their mind.

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