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ECON: Just say NO, and the course of history can change: Gerald Celente

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posted on May, 10 2009 @ 06:41 AM
reply to post by Amagnon

I do not agree, violence is not the only way - look at what Martin Luther King Jr. did!

He did it with non-violence -

I do sincerely believe if more people can be woken up with truth - then truth will reign!

Think about this - besides just posting here - what if everyone took the inititive to get out and investigate things, we believe are happening that the PTB are doing.

I do have the belief all of us, each have power - power to stand up and start really working to defeat those who are not actually working in the best interest of everyone as a whole.

posted on May, 10 2009 @ 01:03 PM
Another gloom and doom futurist. No wonder Alex Jonestown and him make such a great pair. Nostrodamus had nothing on this doomsayer. Armageddon is near! God, we have heard this bull**** for centuries. What about all his wrong predictions? Celente is just riding the new wave of prophets. Maybe he should get a T.V. show where he can peddle his fear-mongering. Alex Jones has made a good buck out of scaring everyone out of their wits from Y2K to 911.

[edit on 10-5-2009 by the_eighth_tower]

posted on May, 10 2009 @ 04:34 PM
Nenothtu,You are living under the misguided notion the you have some RIGHT to your own culture.

I now know you are probably American.We all are one big culture on this planet and the idea that we can pick up a rock,stick,or ICBM and decide to FORCE our reality on the majority with violence is what America was based on.Canada to,no offense to my American friends.Well although its not like you dont already know it--but you are wrong--and all your weapons dont make you right ,and coincidently the world has changed so much since your weapons allowed you the power to force your reality on the world that I'm surprised America isnt preaching global disarmament before China or India decide they are tired of watching old westerns.

Now that you are interested and emotional try being honest and you will have to admit that Americas democracy ,ESPECIALLY THE WAY AMERICA INTERPRETS THE WORD ITSELF,IS NO LONGER ABLE TO EXIST WITHOUT BEING GLOBAL,but the problem is that your own government will not try to export your democracy to the rest of the world because then you all will know you have been sold a lemon.Forceing the spread of your ideals through war like in all the little countries that America has the balls to mess with is more an act of cowardice than anything else.Try marching into Bejing or Moscow,and preaching your distorted out of date brand of democracy(one that hides behind the barrel of a gun) to them and see what happens.

America must go global in its support and pursuit of democracy OR THEY WILL SOON BE FOLLOWING INSTEAD OF LEADING.

To go global they have to clean house and tell their own people all the lies they have forced upon them.Then they have to inform their people that they are no more important than any other human on earth,that we are all equal and entitled to an equal share of the earths resources,period.
Like you said it would be dangerous to try to rearrange your furniture.Why dont you ask yourself why you seem to think its YOUR FURNITURE and not OUR FURNITURE?Oh yes ,I forgot,your guns,right!

Back to square one and the most obvious proof that the democracy America is trying to sell to the world is FALSE.You have to use violence to force your ideas on the rest of the planet.I'm not saying others arent guilty as well,DO YOU UNDERSTAND THAT THE WORLD NEEDS AMERICA AND THEIR IDEALS WE JUST DONT NEED YOUR CROOKED POLITICIANS ANYMORE.We need you to have an old fashioned HOUSECLEANING,AND POLITICIANS ARENT ENOUGH MY FRIENDS,ITS A START BUT NOWHERE NEAR ENOUGH.


A WORLD GOVERNMENT IS ONLY DANGEROUS TO AMERICANS WHO WISH TO CONTINUE TO DISHONOR THE DEMOCRACY THEY CLAIM TO SUPPORT.Only a minority of Americans feel that a world government would be a threat,the majority are eager and willing to bring the best they have to the party ,THATS WHAT AMERICA IS,not cowards who hang around at the door until all the tough guys have already walked in and started dancing.

I have the greatest respect for America and the role they have to play in humanities future,MOSTLY BECAUSE I BELIEVE THAT MOST OF THE CHANGES I SUPPORT ARE ALREADY STARTING TO HAPPEN IN AMERICA.

I havent forgotten the last time America had sudden civil changes,it ended up in a war.It seems to be the old American way.

Whatever the case there are a lot of people around the world that want to help America lead the world into the next century.

Class structures are a result of the money based systems we are living with,lose that and you lose the class system,regrettably you also lose THE AMERICAM WAY.

America is bi-polar right now but they wont be for long,they will soon take the lead like they are supposed to.

posted on May, 10 2009 @ 05:05 PM
You ought to clean house,but in preparation for taking the lead in a global democracy,dont you see that is what America has been GROOMED TO DO.

America as it is wishes we all would buy into that we'll protect our right and you protect yours bullcrap.This is how you twist the basic idea of democracy,it isnt possible to have a democracy if you allow your influence to extend beyond your borders,so unless you lock yourselves in your idea of democracy is absolutely impossible ,and eventually the world will view this as I do,as an overt act of agression.If this ever becomes a global attitude it will be the end of America as we know it ,AND THE LOSS OF THE ONLY CHANCE HUMANITY HAS TO CORRECT OUR PATH GLOBALLY BEFORE WE DESTROY OURSELVES.

ISNT IT IRONIC THAT WE THE WORLD SO NEED AMERICA,but not for their bloody weapons and violent attitude(america had a tough dysfunctional childhood and is right now counselling itself,we forgive them).

We need the best America has to offer,we all have to offer our best now,lets not forget who the captain of the team is just because the going has gotten tough,there isnt a C on our captains jersey its a U an S and an A,dont you Americans forget this fact either,you dont get to give the letter back after you earn it and you have earned it ,so unless you are to old and tired to play the game and unless its really time for you to turn in your cleats and clean out your locker,GET THE HELL UP AND STRAIGHTEN OUT YOUR PLAYERS,SOME NEED TO BE MOVED ON AND SOME NEED TO BE ADDED ,WE ARE ASKING THE CAPTAIN TO STEP UP OR STEP BACK.


Guess what ,ya'll think you can be captain because it is taught to you as children,heres some news for you from someone who was captain of every team they were ever on except the very first one as a child, THERE CAN ONLY BE ONE.

So whoever you are American captain,tell em to put down their guns and you step up or step back.

posted on May, 10 2009 @ 09:41 PM
reply to post by one4all

Wow, just... wow. Talk about emotional! That was quite a rant. It truly is a shame that you couldn't throw a bit of logic in there to support your premise, instead of relying on raw emotion.

Begging the moderator's indulgence, I will attempt to respond to some of the more salient points of you rant, and then hopefully we can get back to the thread topic. Should you desire further discourse on the matter, you are welcome to start a thread on THIS subject, U2U a link to me where I can find it, and I'll be more than happy to finish dukeing it out with you there. I won't respond any further to your rants in this thread.

Yes, I am an American. From your rant I can see that you are not. Otherwise you would be aware of the responses to your notions. If it makes you feel any better, the ones you think of as "Americans" DID try to erase my culture, even to the point of disallowing the elders to teach the young ones our native tongue. It failed miserably, and the culture still survives, but at last count there were only 287 of us left who could speak it.

Originally posted by one4all
We all are one big culture on this planet and the idea that we can pick up a rock,stick,or ICBM and decide to FORCE our reality on the majority with violence is what America was based on.

No, we are not. If you prefer to think so, then of course you are entitled to that fantasy, but really, you should get out more, and look at the real world around you. Furthermore, America was based on disallowing anyone else to force THEIR reality on us. That original value is what I advocate a return to. America did not become a "superpower" until after World War II.

Originally posted by one4all
Now that you are interested and emotional try being honest and you will have to admit that Americas democracy ,ESPECIALLY THE WAY AMERICA INTERPRETS THE WORD ITSELF,IS NO LONGER ABLE TO EXIST WITHOUT BEING GLOBAL

I have not been emotional since well before my father died ten years ago. That's probably the reason I can't hang on to a wife. You are mistaken in your assumption that America is a Democracy, but I can forgive that, as it's a common misconception. America is a Federal Republic. I can only think of one thing that I want from anywhere else on the globe, and I assure you, we would not cease to exist for lack of it.

Originally posted by one4all
America must go global in its support and pursuit of democracy OR THEY WILL SOON BE FOLLOWING INSTEAD OF LEADING.

I can see no reason why America should either lead OR follow. Why do you need a leader? are your own not capable? See above for my thoughts on what a farce Democracy is. In the words of Thomas Jefferson, Democracy is two wolves and one sheep voting on what's for supper.

Originally posted by one4all
To go global they have to clean house and tell their own people all the lies they have forced upon them.Then they have to inform their people that they are no more important than any other human on earth,that we are all equal and entitled to an equal share of the earths resources,period.
Like you said it would be dangerous to try to rearrange your furniture.Why dont you ask yourself why you seem to think its YOUR FURNITURE and not OUR FURNITURE?Oh yes ,I forgot,your guns,right!

Please point out to me where I said I am 'more important' than anyone else. I seem to have missed that. Of course we are 'all entitled to our share of resources', perhaps not equally, but those which we are able to work out of our own places. When someone else decides to take my share of resources, then yes, we have a problem. I don't want your resources. Please, keep them with my compliments, and wrest them from the earth on your own.

Of course my furniture is MY furniture, and not YOURS. Not because of anyone's guns, but because I built it myself, with my own two hands, out of my own resources, all American hardwoods. Pray tell what part of that equation gives you any proper claim to it at all? On the subject of guns, which your rant continually refers to, where did I mention anything about guns in the post you referenced? Again, I missed it. It's preposterous to think I would shoot someone over furniture. I would, however, assist them in locating the front door, no firearms required. It's possible that if they resisted the eviction, damage could result. Not my problem, it's my house.

Originally posted by one4all

If the world needs America, they should behave like it. Otherwise, I'm all for leaving them alone, to stand under their own power or not, as they are capable. To be honest, WE don't need our crooked politicians either, but I've already said that. Also, to be honest, I see nothing of America's ideals in your post, so I'm having trouble believing that part. I suspect your 'old fashioned housecleaning' would include the liquidation of Americans such as myself. You DO appear to have a problem with independent folk. As I said above, America itself has tried to liquidate 'my kind', unsuccessfully. If you believe anyone else would have a better chance, we ain't hard to find.

Originally posted by one4all

Who exactly are you to dictate what rights I have? How is it you have a right to dictate to me, but I have no right to defend myself? Of course I have a right to my own culture. Both of them, in fact. Please show me the error of my thought process, logically, rather than emotionally. I have never killed anyone to extend either of my cultures. I HAVE, however killed to preserve them. Not my right to be 'special', my right to determine my own destiny, and culture for that matter. I suspect I will die of old age before anyone is able to 'teach me' whatever lesson you are attempting to impart. How would they 'teach me that' anyway? by killing me? That makes me less than human, now doesn't it?

Originally posted by one4all
A WORLD GOVERNMENT IS ONLY DANGEROUS TO AMERICANS WHO WISH TO CONTINUE TO DISHONOR THE DEMOCRACY THEY CLAIM TO SUPPORT.Only a minority of Americans feel that a world government would be a threat,the majority are eager and willing to bring the best they have to the party

Again, America is NOT a democracy. Never was, although the misguided have attempted to make it so. I stand by what I said about a World Government, as you've provided no evidence otherwise. Actually, you have given us a glimpse of what is in store for free people under your concept of World Government. as far as the proportion of Americans who view world government as a threat, you haven't been to America or talked to her people lately, have you? It shows.

I am unwilling to further derail this thread with any more discourse on this off-topic subject. Should you desire further conversation in this area, please feel free to start a thread on this topic. The topic HERE is the Celente interview, and this discourse has taken up entirely too much space on one miniscule segment of it.

nenothtu out

[edit on 2009/5/10 by nenothtu]

posted on May, 12 2009 @ 07:56 AM
It seems to me that he does not see the larger picture of who or what is orchestrating this mess. There is someone at the top, depicted by the eye
in the capstone of the pyramid. He is not human.
This information is still very useful, and the real answers are spiritual, which I don't expect everyone to understand.
The Masonic Illuminati along with the Vatican are sorcerers. They know what they are doing, and whom they serve.

posted on May, 13 2009 @ 12:29 PM

Originally posted by hollyavila
It seems to me that he does not see the larger picture of who or what is orchestrating this mess.

You orchestrate your experience. Those and that which you love into fruition helps make things more fun.

There is someone at the top, depicted by the eye
in the capstone of the pyramid. He is not human.

As within a brain there is no top. Only a network of nodes, some leaving, some staying. Many desires cohering together.

Some believe that they are in control, and they are, and so are we all.
Those that believe others are in power, give their power away with that belief.

This information is still very useful, and the real answers are spiritual, which I don't expect everyone to understand.

Ra has stated that it is not of the third density to understand.
Though it is of third density to make a choice.

The Masonic Illuminati along with the Vatican are sorcerers.
They know what they are doing, and whom they serve.

Earth is magically a very tame society.
Lots of information and confabulation makes magicians lose sight of what even a simple magic spell is.
A magic spell, is simply writing/thinking/spelling out what you desire.

When I was studying on Deinkahar, our mentor taught us to open portals between planets, with the wave of a hand and a tap of the staff -- it was a simple world.
On this planet there are dense complexities involved with the most elementary of concepts.
On this planet there aren't enough people willing to accept/believe simple things for things to be done simply.

Understand, is a word that seems to denote standing under something (an alien ship, or terrestrial authority), perhaps something that is savvy.

Just say NO! and the course of history can change!

Saying no, can perhaps make a minute pause. Of course any action on your behalf changes the course of history.

If you really like No, then please meditate on nothing and you can be one with the prime-creator (nothing, from which all is created).

However creating an option or saying yes to an option you desire, changes the "course of history" (though more the course of your perspective) into the realm of what has been loved and agreed upon.

So cast your magic spell, and see the fruition of the seeds you sow into reality.
Write your spell, while having a vision of where you would like to be.
Let the infinte-creator (everything) bring you to a better than expected destination (make sure to define better).
All universes are, from all perspectives -- yours included.

[edit on 13-5-2009 by lowki]

posted on May, 13 2009 @ 02:34 PM
A nice little perk - I just received a signed book by Gerald Celente: "What Zizi Gave Honeyboy" in the mail. Mr. Celente had mentioned the book in the interview, regarding a Progressive Libertarian.

FYI - The subtitle information on the front cover says:
"It is a true story about Love, Wisdom and the Soul of America".

I will be reading it - it sounds like a really good book. So, for those who are interested, you may want to pick one up.

posted on May, 14 2009 @ 05:34 AM

Originally posted by nenothtu
reply to post by St Udio

I'd have to think that "main street media" is PRECISELY the term to use. That is where the average "man in the street" gets his news from, and why these elites types are finding it so easy to manipulate and maintain control, which I believe concerned a large part of the interview.

"main street" differentiates THAT media from "alternate" news sources.

that was exactly my point... the interviewer used the incorrect term

go 'SPIN' someone elses content

As a side note, "two bits" is 25 cents. The term comes from the habit of dividing Spanish gold coins (specifically the "piece of eight" coin of the pirate mythos) into 8 bits each for smaller purchases during colonial days. Hence "2 bits" was 2/8 of the coin, =1/4, equated nowadays with 1/4 dollar, or 25 cents.

nenothtu out

yeah... out of breath...

I know that a 'bit' is .12.5 cents...
and i used the 2 bit slang in earnest, saying the 40wt bulb is priced around 2 bits ... the .40 cent price is the nominal price of a bulb, generally and .40 cents is around 2 bits (=.50 cents)

So, in your logic... i should have said '2 Bits' minus a 'Tic'...
it was common knowledge that a 'Tic' connotated .08 cents until we went into dollar divisions.

sheeze, spare me the Sophistry

[edit on 14-5-2009 by St Udio]

posted on May, 14 2009 @ 05:52 AM

Originally posted by St Udio
another point that gets me... is the Just Say No jibberish...


the small body of elites that Celente says does not exist....

Paulson, Bernanke, Kashkari.. and the network of corporate top 10% execs. in prominent power centers i.e. GoldmanSachs, JPMorgan, et-al
this cadre, carried out this coup that has essentially taken over the reins of govt.

at best the messages put out are worst, he's a disguised shill for the pupet-masters

here's a Snip from one of my favorite sites.
(Article of 13 May; "Get Rid Of The Fed And Purge The System")

the Fed holds a pivotal role in our financial well-being. They also are to insure the soundness and stability of the banking system. If our banking system breaks down it is the fault of the Fed. When that happens it should not be the province of the Fed to commit trillions of dollars of taxpayer money to bail out its own owners.

You can get an idea of the incestuous nature of the Fed and Wall Street in looking at the select committee that not that long ago picked Timothy Geithner to head the NY Fed.
Hank Greenberg defrocked former Chairman of AIG, who for some reason was never criminally prosecuted in the scandal;
John Whitehead a former Chairman of Goldman Sachs;
Peter Peterson, a former Chairman of Lehman Bros.;
and Walter Shipley, a former Chairman of Chase Manhattan, now with JP Morgan Chase.
We wonder why the media never questions these kinds of connections all of which are tied together by the Council on Foreign Relations.

Then there is the composition of the NY Fed board on which six board members are public representatives. We do not see any common business people on this board. They are all very wealthy New Yorkers, who are all connected to one another. There have been occasionally members of labor and academia, but they can only be considered tokens. It is very definitely an insiders club.

This means the Fed’s real consideration is the maximizing of profits for banking, Wall Street, insurance and real estate.
This goal of almost 100 years has made these individuals and their families’ mega-rich. Competent or incompetent they always win.
They have information and intelligence no one else has and you can be sure their inner circle has the same privileged information.
As usual they are essentially unregulated, which gives the Fed an additional advantage. The lack of banking oversight of recent years has brought our entire financial system into insolvency. We do not know how you could call it anything else when most major banks, brokerage houses, some insurance companies and other lenders are simply broke. The Fed, and particularly the NY Fed, has been complicit in banks and brokerage houses using leverage of more than 50 times assets. In some cases such as JP Morgan Chase the figures are much higher [...]

I 'see', many others 'see'...
but mr Celente - in his own way - is saying we're all Lunatics in thinking there's a conspiracy of elites/ nee Illuminists, which are hoodwinking the masses...see:

thanks, for the few concerned readers & intelligent responders

[edit on 14-5-2009 by St Udio]

posted on May, 14 2009 @ 09:05 PM
reply to post by ATS Press Corps

Black Americans figured this out in the 60's.... When will all the patriotic Whites or the masses in this country figure this fact out?? It's so simple a 1st grader would choose the obvious. The fact is... we are all a bunch of brainwashed pussy's.

posted on May, 14 2009 @ 10:03 PM

Originally posted by St Udio

that was exactly my point... the interviewer used the incorrect term

go 'SPIN' someone elses content

Naah. You don't get to pick a fight, and then try to win it by confusing me. It don't work that way. I think I was pretty clear in that my entire point was that the interviewer used PRECISELY the correct term. Spin that, baby!

Originally posted by St Udio
I know that a 'bit' is .12.5 cents...
and i used the 2 bit slang in earnest, saying the 40wt bulb is priced around 2 bits ... the .40 cent price is the nominal price of a bulb, generally and .40 cents is around 2 bits (=.50 cents)

So, in your logic... i should have said '2 Bits' minus a 'Tic'...
it was common knowledge that a 'Tic' connotated .08 cents until we went into dollar divisions.

sheeze, spare me the Sophistry

[edit on 14-5-2009 by St Udio]

You said '4 bits' was equal to 40 cents. 4 bits is equal to 50 cents. Yeah, I'm nitpicking, but it struck me as odd to pick out that precise an OLD value, and try to equate it with the MODERN value, incorrectly. If you're going for precision, you ought to be precise.

I reckon maybe I'm just not sophisticated all the way up to your level. Bummer.

nenothtu out

[edit on 2009/5/14 by nenothtu]

posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 11:39 PM
Gerald Celente is the man...
I have followed his advce and opinions regarding my personal finance for sometime now and have done really well with holding on to all of my money. Thank you Mr. Celente.

posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 11:43 PM

Originally posted by Rams59lb
Gerald Celente is the man...
I have followed his advce and opinions regarding my personal finance for sometime now and have done really well with holding on to all of my money. Thank you Mr. Celente.

posted on Jul, 4 2009 @ 02:09 PM
It was an interesting and enlightening interview. While it's clear that Celente is intelligent and thoughtful I don't believe he is next to God in his wisdom and foresight.

Why is it so many people on ATS are always talking about taking up arms and using violence to impose their views on the rest of the population? And most who do are absolutely certain that everybody else agrees with them. If there were a violent revolution at this time I am sure that it would disintegrate into a lot of different factions with their different agendas fighting each other.

I take it from some posters that they are dissatisfied with the present administration. I mean, Obama has had a whole SIX MONTHS to change the world into what everybody wants it to be and create heaven on earth. AND HE HASN'T DONE IT. Let's have a revolution!

The real villain in all this is runaway capitalism. Previous administrations have dismantled all the regulations that used to control the excesses of the big businesses and multinational corporations and let them run rampant. Now they are destroying our society, both financially and socially. I do not agree with Ron Paul that laissez faire capitalism will do anything good but instead reinforce the class divisions which have torn our society apart from the beginning. In our world, money is king, and it will take a lot more than an American revolution for us to evolve into a better way of life.

posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 01:01 AM

Originally posted by MajorDisaster
Just a quick question here, and my apologies if this has already been answered.

But it seems to me this interview would work much better as a podcast. What was the reasoning for posting it in transcript format only and not releasing the audio....?

I've found the podcast version.. or so I think, it is just over 12 minutes so it's rather short. Or at least shorter than I'd hoped.

Hope this is what you wanted. If anybody knows of any juicy free domain files such as she who remembers archive or the like, please u2u me as I'd like to compile a playlist for on the go use!

The Lew Rockwell Show ft Gerald Celente predicting gold at $2000 and Greece-style riots in the US

posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 01:08 AM
reply to post by MajorDisaster

See the post above for what I believe to be at least a very similar podcast to what you are looking'd have to let me know though as I search ATS to see if this podcast was here before posting and finding this thread makes me think posting it would be overkill since it is already here.


posted on Sep, 24 2009 @ 08:40 AM
reply to post by bringthelight

Wow! I will definately be subscribing to him on youtube! Brilliant! Yeah I will stand and if all the people that are chained up to me would just stand up as well we can move so much farther! I like MLK also have a dream...I dream of a world without kings, or presidents. Without moguls, or dictators. A world without money, or greed, or poverty. Where War is forgotten and not a single person goes hungry. A world where you can have anything you need or want all you have to do is just reach out and take it...sound nice? Well its yours all you must do is realize that any human being who possesses more than they could ever use in their own lifetime is an abomination upon this earth, a plague upon their own species, parasites, and cancerous tumors to be removed from the body of humanity. The Rothchilds own 50% of the worlds wealth, thats enough to feed, shelter, and clouthe all humanity. They and everyone like them are a menace, they are the greatest threat to us! The Uberwealthy Elite, not al Qaeda, not the Internet, or Swine Flu, or anything they try to scare you with, they make us fight their wars as they drown out our voices and swipe the food off our plates. They poison us with toxins in our food, in our water, poison our air, they're turning the world and my own country into a veritable cesspool of horror and I won't have it!

I won't come out and say "kill em all" like some people I know but somehing must be done about them and maybe all these worthless politicians too. So I propose that we just send all the jerkoffs away on an extended vacation to Antartica, drop em off there with some snowmobiles some subzero gear and some food then leave them to fend for themselves for awile. As a way of thanks for trying to create hell on Earth. If you are one of the Uberwealthy Elite and you find this idea offensive take comfort in the fact that I'm shooting for the "Red List" and I will probabley be gassed with the rest of all the poor people...I'm still counting on the fact that there are more of us than there are of you I dont care how much security you can hire or how many bullets you give them. We Gonna Put The FEAR of GOD Back In You Rich Man. Go run and hide in your little bunkers, you are just going to lose your minds being couped up with all your pompous friends, after all you really can't play that much "Risk" or "Scrabble" or "Monopoly" before you get a psychotic do you think you will be received? As saviors? C'mon if we turn to canabalism because all you rich people wanted to play WW3 chances are when you do finally emerge bringing back technology and science and what not...we will probabley just eat you.

So they got concentration camps, gas chambers, and foreign troops stationed upon our soil ready to shoot Americans who get unruly once they have been rounded up into camps. Who cares? I don't. They say to me "Freeze! Don't move or you're dead!" to which I shall say with a grin
"I am dead. See me move!" My fellow Americans Know You Are Dead...know that they have already killed you and that your coffin awaits (search Youtube: rex84 coffins) know that since they already killed you they can't kill you again. Now be less like the zombies you were and more like the zombies you could be and Munch Munch Munch..."Eat The

posted on Nov, 17 2010 @ 11:47 PM
Gerald Celente is one of the most informed and accurate sources of social/political/economic information available. I have been following him for 18 months and he is right on when he states that the US will "Know For Sure" whats up by the end of 2010. People are awakening (In more ways than one) to the biggest fraud perpetrated against the US and the world over the last hundred years! We are beholden to those who hold OUR money system hostage and manipulate it to take advantage of the swings in order to gather untold weath for their pet projects, all at our expense.

We are nothing more than an energy source to them. If we simply said NO, went back to printing our OWN free money and tossed out all the corrupt politicians, we could return to the wealth and prosperity that is due each and all of us. They will never let that happen, because they will physically threaten us. They will never kill us all though, because we are their ticket, source of power.

Ignore them, they may kill a few, but wont destroy the herd. They will eventually leave us alone when they know they won't be allowed to use us any more.

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