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People Don't Be Fooled, When You Get The Vaccination You Will Get The Chip. If You Refuse The Vacci

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posted on Apr, 30 2009 @ 07:16 PM
If You Refuse The Vaccination You'll Be Sent To The FEMA Camps.

This is how you will get the chip implanted in you when you go to get the vacination, how else do you think they'd get Christians to get the chip?

Also FOX News is already talking about jail time for people who escape quarantines or refuse mandatory vaccinations aswell as Martial Law. -

Also Obama and ACORN are Marking EVERY Front Door in America with GPS co-ordinates and the workers doing it don't even know the reason they're doing it. -

[edit on 30-4-2009 by Phazon]

[edit on 30-4-2009 by Phazon]

posted on Apr, 30 2009 @ 07:37 PM
Why wouldnt they just use the post office personnel. They go to everyones house 6 days a week.

posted on Apr, 30 2009 @ 07:41 PM
Yeah , sorry man but even tho i dont agree with what is going on, it seems to me youre really reaching here. None of this seems plausible .......

3 words, get some sleep..........

posted on Apr, 30 2009 @ 07:54 PM
Here's the deal...

If you have children in school and or daycare, they will not be allowed if you refuse the vaccines in the fall, actually, more like within the next 3 months...

If you are in University and refuse you will not be admitted.

If you work, you will not be allowed if you refuse.

If you refuse, you will be quarantined.

If you refuse you are a public menace.

If or when we go to level 6 perhaps even as soon as 48-72 hours from now, it will give each state the right to enforce mandatory vaccinations.

posted on Apr, 30 2009 @ 07:55 PM
Well, as long as I get three hot meals a day and a top bunk in the FEMA camp, I'll be good to go.

posted on Apr, 30 2009 @ 08:08 PM

Originally posted by Phazon
This is how you will get the chip implanted in you when you go to get the vacination, how else do you think they'd get Christians to get the chip?

I think you over rate most Christians. I could get most of them to get a chip if I did any of the following:
1. Told them Joel Osteen said they should
2. Trade the men unlimited porn for the chip and women unlimited shopping for the chip
3. Find some verse in the Bilble I could twist to say that is WJWD.
4. Tell them all the other Christians were doing it.

posted on Apr, 30 2009 @ 08:10 PM
reply to post by justsomeboreddude

"They" probably will, as most are set up with anthrax emergency kits allready. As will any "public servant"(Gov't servant) be required to do the same.

I want to know when "they" will start burning the all the books? like in
"Fahrenheit 451"

Back to OP
Very real possiblity. But "they" can count me out !

If I chose to chance my life to a virus or any other disease that may end my life "Ain't nobody's bussiness but my own"

I will not be forced to take any of "their" Dope !!

posted on Apr, 30 2009 @ 08:11 PM
We were supposed to be imminently sent to FEMA camps over a good decade ago...what makes this scenario different to any other of the thousands where it was about to occur?

posted on Apr, 30 2009 @ 08:12 PM

Originally posted by ManBehindTheMask
Yeah , sorry man but even tho i dont agree with what is going on, it seems to me youre really reaching here. None of this seems plausible .......

Apparently it is not only plausible but it's happening now. The census worker came to our house yesterday. I wasn't there, but my wife, who has a good sixth sense about things, was very perturbed by their presence and she hadn't even heard this story. He was carrying the hand held gps unit as discussed.

I fear the worst. They will search their database and verify if you've got your vaccines, verify that you've voted D, are gun free etc. etc. Otherwise a quick visit from the thugs will follow.

posted on Apr, 30 2009 @ 08:13 PM
reply to post by Phazon

Very interesting. I had census employee already come to my house with that little GPS computer. He wanted to know what my street number is, even though it is plainly posted on my mailbox(which is over 100 foot away from my house). I told him to leave cause I wasn't answering any of his questions and his reply was that they would just keep sending people out to aggravate. I asked around my neighbors and none of them were visited by him. An interesting side note to this is the fact that everyone else around me voted for Obama.(I know cause of the vote for Obama signs in their yards.)

posted on Apr, 30 2009 @ 08:14 PM
I'm going to say this is really reaching on this one. The flu vaccine comes in a vile like you see in the movies and at the doctors office when they stick the needle in the jar looking thing and fill up a needle.

We aren't going to go to a level 6 unless thousands of people are getting infected within hours and it is spreading very rapidly. Besides there isn't enough cops or military personal too put the country under martial law. They can declare it all they want, but as it stand right now, the Obama administration is doing a really good job ticking off the people that would be enforcing it. It would be really easy for LE(law enforcement) to come back and say we only have 3,000 police officers and there are 50,000 thousand people and we can't stop them.

I see all this as more of a test to see what would happen when the threat level is high. For the most part, I really don't see people freaking out or really acting like it bothers them. The fear they were trying to drum up isn't really there.

I stopped watching the news and took a break from ATS for a week or two and when you take a look at what is really happening in your surrounding area the MSM really likes to over exaggerate things. Me, I'm not worried, it's just the flu.

posted on Apr, 30 2009 @ 08:17 PM

Originally posted by ohioriver
reply to post by Phazon

Very interesting. I had census employee already come to my house with that little GPS computer. He wanted to know what my street number is, even though it is plainly posted on my mailbox(which is over 100 foot away from my house). I told him to leave cause I wasn't answering any of his questions and his reply was that they would just keep sending people out to aggravate. I asked around my neighbors and none of them were visited by him. An interesting side note to this is the fact that everyone else around me voted for Obama.(I know cause of the vote for Obama signs in their yards.)

Interesting. We had the same thing here last week.

posted on Apr, 30 2009 @ 08:18 PM
everyone.....he has a point!! why focus on this flu??? the ordinary flu kills over 30,000+ per year. The attention the media is giving this is absurd. There are probably 100,000 cases EVERY DAY of the common cold, but we're not freaking out about it....big brother is watching....and with this plan will be able to see ALL THEY WANT

posted on Apr, 30 2009 @ 08:20 PM
There will not be a chip in the vaccine. The mark of the beast is something that the Antichrist, who is KNOWN to the world at this point, will require everyone to take to prove their loyalty to HIM. It will not be something hidden in a flu vaccine.
Now could they put something else in there? Sure.

posted on Apr, 30 2009 @ 08:22 PM
All I can say is bring them on..............

I can go for some Martial Law right now...out of work so I can enjoy messing with some Brown Shirts, Census Employees, Fema Storm Troopers

posted on Apr, 30 2009 @ 08:23 PM

Originally posted by amatrine
There will not be a chip in the vaccine. The mark of the beast is something that the Antichrist, who is KNOWN to the world at this point, will require everyone to take to prove their loyalty to HIM. It will not be something hidden in a flu vaccine.
Now could they put something else in there? Sure.

Can you please tell me who the AntiChrist is? I have always wanted to know. Is it the pope? barak? matareya? bill gates? bush? cheney?

posted on Apr, 30 2009 @ 08:23 PM

Originally posted by jerico65
Well, as long as I get three hot meals a day and a top bunk in the FEMA camp, I'll be good to go.

Can we possibly have internet access as well? I got a bunch of browser based stuff I could keep myself busy doing forever.

This was the post of the millenium.

posted on Apr, 30 2009 @ 08:25 PM
reply to post by Phazon

The "GPS Tracking Spray" is all that is needed for Big Brother to find you where ever your may be.
"It's all over, but the cry'n"

[edit on 30-4-2009 by azureskys]

posted on Apr, 30 2009 @ 08:27 PM
That idea is really pushing it. If Christians don't take the chip then they will be beheaded in front of people in stadiums to their pleasure, because we Christians were always bothering unbelievers. They will shout with joy. I don't think this is it though. I think it may be an incomplete vaccination that they have no liability over if it harms you. I'm sure others agree as well, but I'm not really following all the topics on it.


Oh and justsomeboreddude it is MAITREYA.

[edit on 30-4-2009 by watchtheashes]

posted on Apr, 30 2009 @ 08:31 PM

Originally posted by amatrine
There will not be a chip in the vaccine. The mark of the beast is something that the Antichrist, who is KNOWN to the world at this point, will require everyone to take to prove their loyalty to HIM. It will not be something hidden in a flu vaccine.
Now could they put something else in there? Sure.

How are you so sure that the "chip" is not "the Mark Of the Beast"
What does the "Mark" look like exactly??

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