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My scary experiences with 4:44 am

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posted on Jan, 9 2009 @ 11:49 PM
I will be the first to say that this sounds crazy. I am hoping that someone can help me to understand why this is happening to me.
The first time I woke up and looked at the clock at 4:44 am I did not think anything of it. The second time I can't say I did either, but the third and fourth time it happened (always a.m.)I wondered what it meant. It was not long after these episodes that my husbands grandmother passed away. I still didn't link her death to waking at 4:44.
Fast forward a couple of years and it starts happening again...4:44 am...sit straight up in bed and look at the clock. This happens several times and I remember then what had happened and wondered what it meant this time...shortly there after my father-in-law was killed on his job.
I haven't done this in nearly three years, Monday morning it happened...
4:44 am...I knew, but I said no, I am not paying attention to it this time. When I got to work, I told a co-worker about my experience and told her I was worried. A couple of hours later, a call came in to another co-worker and when she got off the phone she ask if any of us knew a certain person, to which I said "yes, she and I used to work together, she is a friend of mine". She then informed me that my friend had just been killed in a car crash!
This is freaking me out. I don't see this time all of the time, in fact there were years between these incidences...Anyone else have this experience?
I really don't want to be alone in this!

posted on Jan, 10 2009 @ 12:45 AM

Originally posted by Greenize
I will be the first to say that this sounds crazy. I am hoping that someone can help me to understand why this is happening to me.
The first time I woke up and looked at the clock at 4:44 am

Not mocking you, but yesterday I hit 4444 on my ATS points. Weird coincidence, huh? As for an answer for you I can only think that your mind is waking you up because that time has significance for you. You ever wake up one minute before your alarm goes off? Same thing. I don't think its anything to worry too much about and it will go away eventually, I would say within a couple of weeks at most. Let us know if anything strange happens. Good luck to you brother.

posted on Jan, 10 2009 @ 12:50 AM
I wonder about that seems I wake up to different times, but they are like 10:10, 11:11 2:02 etc all the time. this happens I would say 75% of the time when I wake up and look at the clock.

posted on Jan, 10 2009 @ 01:04 AM
In numerology 4 represents the number of death. This is your subconscience warning you..

posted on Jan, 10 2009 @ 02:23 AM
hey there
i always see 11 or 11:11 am or pm which is freaky theres heaps of threads on tis sorta stuff though so yeah

posted on Jan, 10 2009 @ 03:10 AM
the exact same thing used to happen to me a few years ago....but it was always at also freaked me out when after about a few months of this happening I woke up and knew what time it was going to be but stayed in bed for about 10 mins...when I looked up it was 3:33...thats when I found ATS.....still dont have any explanation for it but have read other stories here about similar experiences.....since I removed my digital clock I no longer know if I get up at this time..the last time this happened was in August 08 when I was in Scotland staying in a Hotel which had a digital clock...I woke up a 3:33am and just had to smile......

posted on Jan, 10 2009 @ 07:40 AM
here is a link that explains numbers like 444 1111

444 simply means 'no' to a question or idea you are pondering or grappling with. perhaps you are trying to make a decision about something? 444 is the answer.

be aware of the numbers. they are in your environment on license plates and even on the side of tractor trailers. yoou dont need to believe in anything for the numbers to appear. it is synchronicity.

posted on Jan, 10 2009 @ 08:36 AM
My point was really only that when I wake up at this time it has begun to signify, for me anyway, that someone that I know is going to die...I have read some of the other threads and I see 11:11 often, it doesn't seem to mean anything to me, and as I stated before it is always 4:44 am. I don't see the number everywhere or often...

posted on Jan, 10 2009 @ 08:43 AM
Your body runs an internal clock called the circadian rhythm. This clock controls the time your REM periods occur at. If you are waking up at 4:44AM its because you are going into your 5:00AM REM period and something is knocking you out of REM sleep. There are two other times when people go into REM sleep each night, normally they fall around 12:00 and 3:00. You can ask just about any older person if they get up to go the bathroom around 3:00AM every night, and almost everyone will tell you they do. The reason is that as you age you become more prone to Sleep Apnea occurring in REM sleep, which causes you to wake during those times. Sleep Apnea is also the reason why so many people have historically died at those times of night.

posted on Jan, 10 2009 @ 10:25 AM
OK, thats fine but why not at 4:43 or 4:45 or in my case 3:32 or always happens at that precise time....

posted on Jan, 10 2009 @ 10:25 AM
OK, thats fine but why not at 4:43 or 4:45 or in my case 3:32 or always happens at that precise time....

posted on Jan, 10 2009 @ 11:26 AM
Ok I think I can lend a perspective but I'm not sure how into the metaphysical you are.

Myself I used to wake up at 5:17 am, a lot. It doesn't really happen much anymore but I get the occurences of the numbers in different ways.

I'll say that the official report says that I was born at 5:20 am, but I insist 5:17 must be considered the real birth time.

A few years ago I started remembering dreams I had when I was younger. A lot of these dreams I was living out, as it was my first real experience with anything spiritual/metaphysical, and I realised these dreams were visions of the future. I had these dreams when I was about 12, I'm almost 23 now. They have come true with 100% accuracy and I'm still waiting to see how others play out.

But around this realisation a few years ago I started to look deeper into the meaning of things, and here I am 3 years later. I meditate every day and live a monk-like existence.

I forgot to mention I would see 5:17 at moments liked to I guess what you could call destiny. It's kind of like my life's rhythm. Now a-days I welcome the occurrence.

I would ask if you were born at that time but I'm sure its not important.

Its the same thing with the occurrences of 11. Numerology looks like BS at first glance but once you dig into it and start digging into other philisophical stuff, it seems to all come together.

The subconscious has different ways of lettings us know things, getting our attention. It can do this through bodily sensations or visions, words in our mind. People are walking around not knowing what their subconscious is. One has only to read a book about past-life regression therapy or similar deep hypnotic methods, or meditation to see the marvel that it is.

Paying attention to your subconscious seems to come gradual. There are moments where you think you are wrong and just "imagining" things. But where does imagination come from? We get some sort of random image or thought we didn't really make an effort to create and it ends up being something profound like an intuitive message.

In my opinion, it's not the time that matters but the message/intent. The intent here seems to be "Listen up, I am your subconscious and this is an opportunity for growth, pay attention."

I hope that's of some use to you.

posted on Jan, 13 2009 @ 07:03 AM
Im on the same boat as booda, although for me the number appeared elsewhere, only upon waking on 3 consecutive mornings. For me it would always be on my CD player, clocks at home or at school, money left on a gift card, etc. Then some significant things occurred with it, such as my grade 12 GPA of 3.33, a designated locker combination, a designated banking password, things beyond my control. It goes deeper, into my name and birthdate, as I found out while venturing into numerology to try to answer it. I think Ill start my own thread actually, I have a lot more where this came from and some really freaky experiences, and I dont want to bore you here!

posted on Jan, 13 2009 @ 08:12 AM
444 is .666 of 666
4+4+4 = 12 (dozen disciples, 12 months/yr)

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 09:19 AM
I was wondering if before these episodes of waking up started did you have a witch riding your back? The reason I'm asking is because about 3 weeks ago I woke up I text my daughter at 2:30 In the morning. I was so thirsty I got up and went into the kitchen and ran the kitchen faucet the was was disgusting tasting but I drank it and took a glass back to my room. I know that I couldn't fall back asleep. And I all of a sudden I got the worst ringing in my ears and I couldn't move. This went on until about 5 in the morning. Ever since I have been waking up at 4:43 in the morning. This happens at least 2 to 3 times a week.

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 11:27 PM
Thank you all for you responses. I really didn't know if I should say anything about this or not, because I know it sounds crazy. Thanks to each of you for sharing your experiences and knowledge, its much appreciated!

posted on Feb, 13 2009 @ 11:07 AM
Well I woke up this morning for the forth day in a row at 4:44. I too didn't really think anything of it the first 2 days. was a weird coincidence, so today...its a "message". Don't know what yet but if i figure it out, I'll reply back again.

posted on Feb, 17 2009 @ 06:51 AM
I too have experienced that 4:44 phenomenon twice so far. We had 2 deaths in the family back in 2007, but none that I can say this really links to now in 2009. Although, my experiences may be different altogether. I don't think it's just mere coincidence because of other anomalous things that have been happening in my life recently.

posted on Feb, 17 2009 @ 08:05 AM
reply to post by CavemanDD

I'm very impressed caveman. This is something I'm not often. If I knew how to give you applause I would. Haven't been here very long haven't figured it all out yet. I don't know what blue stars mean and and half the time can't get the emotion cons in the right place either.

Your years may be young but your wisdom isn't. This old girl may just learn something from you.

I agree with you on not the time actually meaning anything as in time of peoples deaths. To the op when they see this time it holds meaning placed for just them on this time. Since it seems this time always shows up with the same message I would say that is a personal message to them.

Greenize if you think back to every time this time showed up at some time before that had these people that died been in on your mind? Such as the friend that you use to work with did out of the blue you have some memory of a time spent with her?

If so maybe your signal for death is near is so you can spend time with that person before they leave this plane of existance.

By the way Caveman I understand the birth time thing..10:18 here bc says 10:20.

[edit on 17-2-2009 by napayshni57]

posted on Feb, 17 2009 @ 08:13 AM
10:05, 9:11 (pre- & post- 9/11/01), 5:31
even a broken clock is right at least two times a day...

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