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9/11: The Feds did it.

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posted on Apr, 29 2004 @ 08:09 AM
Arab Terrorists or the Feds, these are the only 2 choices for 911?

What about China, this sounds like something out of The Art of War.

What about Russia, you know our arch enemy for 50 years and now our best buddies?

Hell what about Israel and all of the "Art Students" along with Fox news classified news series.

What about the America/Russian/world Mafia, apparently a lot of cases were thrown own due to the loss of the regional offices of the FBI and Justice Fept along with a lot of evidence destroyed.

Or some amalgamation of different "intelligence" agencies or rogue agents there of?

Or how about those who are really running things anyway, maybe they saw that is was a good time to more directly hold the reigns.

The fact is now one �KNOWS� what happened. And by picking your poison (your pet theory) and sticking with it, hell or high water, then are you are working against the truth, how ever bizarre and unsettling it may be.

Maybe that's why all of these theories all have some sort of holes in them because the truth has been well hidden and misdirection and propaganda have been put in its place.

Remember that the truth is stranger than fiction. There is more here than meets the eye and it will not be reported on the 11 O�clock news.

[Edited on 29-4-2004 by Thanatos]

[Edited on 29-4-2004 by Thanatos]

posted on Apr, 29 2004 @ 08:32 AM

Originally posted by Shoktek
I am quite certain that they let it happen. There is no way an attack so sophisticated, so complex and well planned could go underneath our radar...

Your own words show why this is a false statement. The attack was so well planned and executed, and our HUMINT forces were so depleted from years of neglect and budget cuts that it DID slip right under the radar. Couple that with the fact that nobody but a madman, i.e., Islamic whackos who think they will be inundated with virgins in heaven if they murder thousands of "infidels", would ever think of using airliners full of innocents to murder thousands of other innocents in non-military targets, and a porous immigration system, and it is very easy to see why this was such a successful, albeit horrific attack.

posted on Apr, 29 2004 @ 10:04 AM

Originally posted by Muaddib
If you have any "proof to the contrary" "on the topic of the reason why the WTC fell", then prove it. Otherwise is just "wild speculation with not one shred of evidence."

[Edited on 28-4-2004 by Muaddib]

My whole point, is not really in the specifics of it. I said I don't think the planes did it on their own. Some do.

The point is, is that I don't know, and neither do you. We won't know for sure for a long time.

Evidence is a tricky thing, much like statistics. They can be used in many fashions. This is why I don't care to put up evidence.

posted on Apr, 29 2004 @ 07:07 PM

Originally posted by Krazy Jethro
Evidence is a tricky thing, much like statistics. They can be used in many fashions. This is why I don't care to put up evidence.

I see, just screw the evidence and lets jump straight to the wild allegations and accept them as truth.

[Edited on 29-4-2004 by Muaddib]

posted on Apr, 30 2004 @ 10:24 AM

Originally posted by Muaddib

Originally posted by Krazy Jethro
Evidence is a tricky thing, much like statistics. They can be used in many fashions. This is why I don't care to put up evidence.

I see, just screw the evidence and lets jump straight to the wild allegations and accept them as truth.

[Edited on 29-4-2004 by Muaddib]

No, not wild allegations. You have accepted what you have found to be truth, yet you do not know everything. Does that make you as reckless as you see me? No, it's forming an opinion based on information.

I have a limited amount of time in which to research (as I work a lot and have two kids) so I would rather concentrate on other things.

Simple as that.

posted on May, 1 2004 @ 01:35 AM
I never said i know everything, but the facts are there as to what happened, there is no hidden story or agenda as to how the towers fell, is just another "conspiracy" to try to bash the current administration and bring blame on something they didn't have much control of.

posted on May, 1 2004 @ 07:21 AM

Originally posted by Muaddib
I never said i know everything, but the facts are there as to what happened, there is no hidden story or agenda as to how the towers fell, is just another "conspiracy" to try to bash the current administration and bring blame on something they didn't have much control of.

And you know this how?

Historically, it is not hard to think that they could have been involved.

We are not, and never have been, the moral nation we pretend to be. I still am reserving opinion on the "conspiracy" angle because it is still too fresh.

Why are you so loyal to the Bush administration?

posted on May, 1 2004 @ 04:22 PM

Originally posted by krazy jethro
And you know this how?

You are really krazy you know that, first you argued that the towers couldn't have swayed enough to have fallen the way they did, I showed you the facts on how and why they did fall. Then you say, after i presented to you the facts, that the way the towers fell was not what you were arguing about, and now you ask again why am I so sure i know the way the towers fell and that there was no government conspiracy involved.....?

Am I missing something here?

About why am i defending the current administration....

There is a very high percentage of certainty that there will always be some issues that I will disagree with whatever president is in office, and i never expect to agree with every issue a president stands for or the way they solve all issues. I don't think any president will ever do everything every citizen of the United States wants or stands for, that's impossible.

If this had happened in Clinton's watch, even thou I disagree with the way he handled most of our problems when he was in office, if the towers had fallen at his watch the way they did, I would be saying the same thing...the facts show that the government did not do anything for the towers to fall. There was no demolition crew that helped destroy the towers.

All you have to show is some wild conspiracy that under scrutiny does not stand its ground and can easily be debunked if you are informed.

I don't really care what you think, but when you continue to spread this conspiracy crap (at least this conspiracy that the government was involved in the destruction of the wtc) around as if it was true, then i have to keep presenting the facts and say that this one conspiracy is a bunch of crap and nothing more.

posted on May, 1 2004 @ 09:58 PM

Originally posted by Muaddib

Originally posted by krazy jethro
And you know this how?

You are really krazy you know that, first you argued that the towers couldn't have swayed enough to have fallen the way they did, I showed you the facts on how and why they did fall. Then you say, after i presented to you the facts, that the way the towers fell was not what you were arguing about, and now you ask again why am I so sure i know the way the towers fell and that there was no government conspiracy involved.....?

Am I missing something here?

About why am i defending the current administration....

There is a very high percentage of certainty that there will always be some issues that I will disagree with whatever president is in office, and i never expect to agree with every issue a president stands for or the way they solve all issues. I don't think any president will ever do everything every citizen of the United States wants or stands for, that's impossible.

If this had happened in Clinton's watch, even thou I disagree with the way he handled most of our problems when he was in office, if the towers had fallen at his watch the way they did, I would be saying the same thing...the facts show that the government did not do anything for the towers to fall. There was no demolition crew that helped destroy the towers.

All you have to show is some wild conspiracy that under scrutiny does not stand its ground and can easily be debunked if you are informed.

I don't really care what you think, but when you continue to spread this conspiracy crap (at least this conspiracy that the government was involved in the destruction of the wtc) around as if it was true, then i have to keep presenting the facts and say that this one conspiracy is a bunch of crap and nothing more.

I'll tell you this once more. Just because it is possible, or even likely doesn't make it so.

This is the loop I'm operating under considering there has been very little investigation into the physical evidence.

History is what I am more concerned about than the microscope analysis of why they fell the way they did. Somehow you got the impression that that was my main gig, which it is not.

It's my opinion based on what I saw firsthand, what I know of physics and the structure of the building.

But fine, I'll look into it for you. I don't always have the time to sit and post up all sorts of # for you.

posted on May, 1 2004 @ 10:52 PM
It was Dwight Eisenhower who warned of a run away Pentagon with links to corporate giants. He was right. Since the time of the Persian occupation of Babylon, the world powers have had a covert occult that sits in judgement of a nation. Individuals who stand out with the potential to do the powers harm, are watched like tall poppies.

In secret they sit in judgement on a person and if they will it, that person is eliminated. The same system operates from London today, it controls the world via banking, a system in place after the Rothschild dynasty made it way into world affairs.

At the time of James 1st King of England, who was himself a Freemason, and under the influence of Francis Bacon, who along with 47 Freemason scholars, orchestrated the King James bible 1611. For proof, search the web for Freemason bible.

King James - The Founder of Freemason Lodges
The KJV - A Freemason Bible

The history of King James' role in the formation of Freemasonry is mandatory reading in the Hiram Key book of Masonic scrolls attempting to link Christ with the Pharaohs.

Freemasonry, in its present form, came into being through the Lodge system, established under the auspices of King James VI of Scotland, (later King James I of England), the only son of Roman Catholic Mary Queen of Scots. At the age of 37, two years after becoming a Mason, James became the first Stuart king of England and immediately began to persecute the Puritans, rejecting their petition to reform the Church of England along biblical lines.

James was initiated into Freemasonry, into the Lodge of Scoon and Perth in 1601, at the age of 35. Fifteen years after taking active control of Scotland and five years before becoming English monarch, he ordered that the Masonic structure be given leadership and organisation. He made a senior Mason, named William Schaw, his General Warden of the Craft, and instructed Schaw to revamp the entire structure of Freemasonry into what it became today. Schaw commenced this project on 28th December 1598, on the orders of James.

To this day, the 1611 edition of the King James Bible remains the Freemason Bible and is the edition conventionally used in secret Masonic temple rituals.

The Bank of England is the key as it was founded on principles entirely above free thought and can never be altered, according to its charter.

Mankind is controlled by the media and if we search out who owns what, it is always the same, no media is free from its grasp, so do what it dictates and live.

The terror campaign is yet another war machine control of the mind, do dastardly acats and the sleeping masses will send their children off to war and those lairs have yet again started a money driven war machine and start counting the profits.

In July of 2002, my nephew and I were looking to rent a factory or shop and mass produce Miraclewater, which I had invented when I came down with prostrate cancer in 1996. I had researched all long living people and found that the Hunza of Pakistan lived 140 + lives free of all western illnesses. The secret was in the water rich in colloidal mineral and silver.

I duplicated it and cured myself of not only cancer but arthritis and hair loss. The silver kills all known germs, pathogens and viruses.

I received a telephone call from one of the offices of a senator in Canberra, saying that 'they' would kill me. On October 25th 2003 my nephew, who was supplying the money for the business, was shot dead outside his home. The newspapers said he was a known drug dealer. As I was fully aware of him and how he made hs money, he was not invlved in any drug dealings. This is what they do, now all who hear of him and any outcry from the family, fall on deaf ears as they think he was a drug dealer.

Why was he shot, to stop the world from being dependant on manufactured drugs that are sold to the masses with the onslaught of flurinated waters force fed via your city water supply.

The sleeping masses are the enemy of the occult who dominate it, it�s the way it is.

posted on May, 1 2004 @ 11:50 PM
I assume that you are the same Brian that says he is Christ....

BTW, if your miracle water does kills "all germs" then it would kill every living thing, since there are benign germs that we need to exist.

posted on May, 2 2004 @ 12:21 AM

Originally posted by BrianLGM
with the onslaught of flurinated waters force fed via your city water supply.

"I can no longer sit back and allow Communist infiltration, Communist indoctrination, Communist subversion, and the international Communist conspiracy to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids!"

posted on May, 2 2004 @ 06:59 PM

[Edited on 5/6/2004 by Duke_Nukem]

posted on Jun, 6 2004 @ 04:34 PM

I stopped putting too much stock in expert opinions when experts kept showing up in court with 'expert testimony' for both sides.

Experts are good at telling you what they believe (or are paid to believe)not the truth.

posted on Jun, 6 2004 @ 05:33 PM
I met a guy in korea who was stationed there in virgina and did gate guard in areas around the pentagon. There was a bigger mess there than you think. He seen some nasty things there he said including many charred bodies. Trust me a jet hit the pentagon. A

As far as having intel that it was going to happen and it not being interpreted or put aside I am sure there was. Too many people say there was. But a conspiracy to get oil no.

The attack alone cost new york 95 billion dollars.
Now add the cost of upgrading security, the war, the training of soldiers, dead soldiers, the money the airlines, business's etc. lost due to the fear afterwards. It cost the u.s. economy way too much to gain so little just for some oil we could buy for a lot cheaper.

Strangely enough I belive the iraq war is a mix of revenge for the bush family and bush after some oil. But costing our country hundreds of billions of dollars by attacking ourselves, and costing our insurance companies and eveything else to struggle for years no.

If bush wanted to go to war with iraq all he had to do is say lets go to iraq. He is commander in chief after all. Only cause he would have to give is them breaking the u.n. resolutions they did break. Too easy. The way you say way too hard.

[edit on 6-6-2004 by Hoppinmad1]

posted on Jun, 5 2006 @ 07:12 PM
Intersting thread. There's a lot of inciteful comments here.

posted on Apr, 11 2024 @ 02:22 AM
Another classic for the newer ones to read.

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