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9/11: The Feds did it.

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posted on Apr, 8 2004 @ 01:09 PM
Let's just stop beating around the Bush. Bush and hsi crew did it, Bush 1 was probably complicit. All this dancing around--who did and didn't know. Let's just quit the pussy-footing around and just tell the truth: Bush & Co knew about it, hand a hand in making it happen, and didi it to move on Iraq for the oil. That's it in a nutshell. Here is more...

Thinking Unthinkable Thoughts
Theologian Charges White House
Complicity in 9/11 Attack

Is there a smoking gun that shows the Bush administration knew 9/11 was likely to happen and did nothing about it?

DAVID RAY GRIFFIN: I think there are four. One is the fact that standard operating procedures for dealing with possibly hijacked airplanes were not followed on 9/11. Those procedures call for fighter jets to be sent out immediately upon any sign that a plane may have been hijacked. These jets typically get to the plane within no later than 15 minutes anywhere in the United States. And on that day, there were four airplanes that went for a half-hour or more after they were hijacked without jets intercepting them.

And the other smoking guns?
The second strongest piece of evidence I would say is the crash at the Pentagon. The physical evidence contradicts so violently the official account, that the Pentagon was hit by a Boeing 757 � Flight 77, that is. The physical evidence, photographs, and eyewitness testimony say that the Pentagon was hit by something that caused a hole no larger than 18 feet in diameter. The story the Pentagon put out, and was published by the Washington Post, was that the hole in the Pentagon was five stories high and 200 feet wide. If you look at the photographs taken by Tom Horan of the Associated Press � that�s just not the size of the hole.
But if the hole was only 18 feet wide, it had to have been created by something other than a Boeing. Whatever went into the Pentagon pierced six reinforced walls. This was the west wing, the part of the Pentagon being refurbished and reinforced. These walls were extra strong, and yet whatever it was went through six walls creating a hole about seven feet in diameter in the sixth wall. This had to have been something with a very powerful head on it. A Boeing 757 has a very fragile nose, and would not have pierced through all those walls; it would have been crushed by hitting the Pentagon. And given that it only penetrated these three rings, the rest of the aircraft would have been sitting outside on the yard. And yet the photographs taken just as the fire trucks got there � very shortly after the crash � show no plane whatsoever.

There is no evil that is beyond these "people."

posted on Apr, 8 2004 @ 01:14 PM
I have a few questions for you Colonel. Are you saying that Bush and his cronies did 9\11 for the Iraqi oil? When are they supposed to start taking it? If we were stealing oil wouldn't our gas prices be lower than they are now? And finally, do you think the Arab world would just sit by and let this happen? I don't think they would, do you?

I mean the US would have one hell of a war on their hands if the Arab world banded together to defeat the US.

I could be wrong, but curious about these points. Thanks

posted on Apr, 8 2004 @ 01:18 PM
What happened to NORAD on 9/11? Why did Bush allow the Bin Laden family to leave unquestioned while every American had to be grounded on that day? Why did Bush do nothing and regiser no response when he eas told the attacks happened? Why are all the hijackers Saudi but we went after Afghanistan? Isn't Saudi Arabia tight with the Bush Cartel? Who is scooping up all the oil in Iraq now? (Haliburton--I think). C'mon, its time we finally admit the truth. This is the one ton elephant in the living room that no one wants to acknowledge.

[Edited on 8-4-2004 by Colonel]

posted on Apr, 8 2004 @ 01:31 PM
Colonel, if you were part of the administration and you knew this for certain then it would be the truth. But what you have is just an opinion.

Why would a government try to send mandataries from other countries away from the US when something like this happens?

It is possible that they were trying to avoid any problems. Normally there are groups of people that act in anger against others, when an act of terrorism happens, and this is what I think they were trying to avoid.

Is Bush an angel? no, he is a businessman and a politician. As an oil businessman he will worry more on making sure that "business" stays afloat, instead of worrying in the environment. (for example)

This is one of the points in which i disagree with Bush, the environment.

But to stay on topic, i think that what you stated in this thread is just your opinion and not the truth.

posted on Apr, 8 2004 @ 01:36 PM
When Payne Stewart's plane left its flight trajectory, military jets were quickly scrambled to find out what was going on.

Are we therefore supposed to believe that four passenger aircraft can do the same with no military presence whatsoever (except possibly flight 93).


posted on Apr, 8 2004 @ 01:37 PM
Of course, the truth is not going ot pop out at you but the questions I posed and the ones in the accompanying article can only lead one to come to the truth. I know its hard to beleive but, the man is guilty.

posted on Apr, 8 2004 @ 01:38 PM

Originally posted by Pisky
When Payne Stewart's plane left its flight trajectory, military jets were quickly scrambled to find out what was going on.

Are we therefore supposed to believe that four passenger aircraft can do the same with no military presence whatsoever (except possibly flight 93).


That's right,Pisky. Ya gotta ask these questions, particularly the NORAD questoin, and when you do, youcan only come to one conclusion....

Bush did it.

posted on Apr, 8 2004 @ 01:45 PM
Do you mean to say that Bush did it?

Or Bush allowed it? I am more inclined to say allowed than did

posted on Apr, 8 2004 @ 01:45 PM
There is opinion and speculation as to what happened that terrible day.

If they didn't have a hand in it why would Bush go against Rice testifying, and then change his mind, how could she not remember this or that, she is the National Security Advisor!!!

They are trying to dupe us, you guys can believe whatever you want as can we, but it is strange that four airplanes went off course which should of gotten the attention of air control which he/she then would of taken further measures to make sure those planes got landed ok.

And all the covering up? If this was such an honest administration why the back peddling, why the stuttering, and not remembering things, and not having proof to back up what they say but can only say "well I believe this to be true".

How could you go off of what they say when they have no factual information? Not to mention by the time papers to get leaked out things are going to be mysteriously gone and go unaccounted for...
Or they will use the classical white house excuses, in the name of....
It might be assanine to believe this side, but question your own opinion on why you believe them, other then just pointing out how absurd this perspective is.
I gave you links in my thread : you better watch this:

there were papers on there that were from 1993 where they were trying to pull of these shananigans.
Let me get the thread link, i'll be back.
Hope you got a couple hrs to spare, it's a lengthy one.

[Edited on 8-4-2004 by TrueLies]

[Edited on 8-4-2004 by TrueLies]

posted on Apr, 8 2004 @ 01:48 PM
Also, who's that man Condi told to not board the plane on Sept 11th?

She advised him before that day...... Colonel I saw in your other thread about this issue.

The man was from San Fransisco.

Also Razorbackhater says:

"take a look for yourself, if you look at melting points produced by carbon based fires they don't add up at the pentagon or the world trade center buildings. i guess you believe okc too"?

[Edited on 8-4-2004 by TrueLies]

posted on Apr, 8 2004 @ 01:56 PM

Originally posted by KrazyJethro
Do you mean to say that Bush did it?

Or Bush allowed it? I am more inclined to say allowed than did

Everybody had a part to play... They staged it, and fooled us. The great masses of the people... will more easily fall victims to a great lie than to a small one.-What luck for rulers that men do not think.-Adolf Hitler.

posted on Apr, 8 2004 @ 02:19 PM

Originally posted by TrueLies
Also, who's that man Condi told to not board the plane on Sept 11th?

She advised him before that day...... Colonel I saw in your other thread about this issue.

The man was from San Fransisco.

Also Razorbackhater says:

"take a look for yourself, if you look at melting points produced by carbon based fires they don't add up at the pentagon or the world trade center buildings. i guess you believe okc too"?

[Edited on 8-4-2004 by TrueLies]

San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown.

I'd just like to add that Condi should take a bow for today's performance.............................and go to jail.

posted on Apr, 8 2004 @ 03:16 PM
The Payne Stewart aircraft was in the air for 2 hours and 57 minutes, and out of contact with ATC (Air Traffic Control) for 2 hours and 40 minutes before it crashed, giving plenty of time for it to be intercepted by a USAF F-16 test pilot from the 40th Flight Test Squadron at Eglin Air Force Base (AFB), Florida, to be vectored to intercept him. Circumstances permitted it...aircraft in the air, already in the vicinity, copious time...not the case with 9/11. No military intercept aircraft in the air in the vicinity, and the NORAD insinuation, well, that just shows ignorance of what NORAD really does.

Originally posted by Colonel
Of course, the truth is not going ot pop out at you but the questions I posed and the ones in the accompanying article can only lead one to come to the truth. I know its hard to beleive but, the man is guilty.

I know it's easy to believe, but the Colonel is a crackpot.....

posted on Apr, 8 2004 @ 03:42 PM
Once again the Colonel tries to put his own opinion down as fact.

I already answered up on some of the whys that happened that day. There were so many reasons, that I am not going to re-list them. Feel free to check my past posts to see them for yourselves.

Now, before you jump to conclusions let me say that I am a current member of the military who was on duty on 9-11. I can speak with authority as to the reasons why certain things happened. I was there.

This thread has been beat to death on this board.

posted on Apr, 8 2004 @ 04:19 PM
As expected, the USUAL SUSPECTS come to carry Bush's water and defend him and instead of posting any kind of facts or answers to questions, they callme a crackpot, knowing FULL WELL that Bush's guilt is sitting in the back of their minds. The stronger the fight, the deeper the guilt and denial.

posted on Apr, 8 2004 @ 04:28 PM


posted on Apr, 8 2004 @ 04:35 PM
Maybe he sat in the room so long with the kids is because he would have to give the command for NORAD to be operational as soon as he left. So he waited. Waited for 20 minutes...then went into some situational room and THEN gave the command----after the damage was done.

posted on Apr, 8 2004 @ 04:37 PM

Originally posted by Colonel

He was reading for up to 45 mins after the planes hit. I so agree that Bush is behind it. I recently told my mother-in-law this.
you should have seen the look I got. I thought for real I was banned from the family.

posted on Apr, 8 2004 @ 04:45 PM
Sorry 'bout that S-Cobra. But, its so true.Well, after today, they better make something of this August 6th memo which clearly indicates that THEY KNEW.

posted on Apr, 8 2004 @ 04:47 PM

Originally posted by Colonel
Sorry 'bout that S-Cobra. But, its so true.Well, after today, they better make something of this August 6th memo which clearly indicates that THEY KNEW.

Im sure the memo will e changed or been misplaced by then. Bush is not going to let any thing get in the way of the election. Even if there has to be another terror attack.

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