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posted on Jul, 24 2003 @ 03:50 PM
Property taxes, federal taxes, state taxes, social security, sales tax, luxury tax, beer taxes, cigarette taxes, county taxes, oil and gas taxes, city taxes, airport taxes, latte taxes, yes you heard me latte taxes.

"It is the Latte Tax. The short story is this, there is a shortage of funds for early childcare, ages 3 to 5, in the area for low-income families. As a result, proponents of more funding for the program decided to target latte drinkers at the tune of 10 cents per cup to cover the shortfall"

Early estimates conclude that around 200,000 cups of latte are poured EVERY DAY. That comes to a cool $20,000.00 A DAY!

Another way the government takes money from me are tollways, living in Chicago, the largest toll agency in the country, collects on average 2,000,000.00 tolls per day. Thats roughly $700,000.00 daily and $255,000,000.00 yearly, WTF are they doing with my money!?!?!?!

How in the world can the Gov't be in debt. WE THE PEOPLE (TAXPAYERS) DESERVE BETTER LIVING CONDITIONS FOR ALL THE DAMN TAXES WE PAY. WE SHOULD HAVE THE CLEANEST WATER FILTRATIONS IN EVERY CITY, instead we get # water while private companies pump out millions of gallons of freshly purified water to make more money, ON WATER, what a joke.

I have a lot more to bitch about, but I want to see if you guys all feel the same way.

[Edited on 24-7-2003 by 29MV29]

[Edited on 24-7-2003 by 29MV29]

[Edited on 24-7-2003 by 29MV29]

posted on Jul, 24 2003 @ 03:59 PM
we're from the government, we're here to help.

1/3 of my income goes to the government.
I grow tired.

posted on Jul, 24 2003 @ 04:37 PM
Well 2 million of it went to the study of gay Indians......

The Revolutionary War was fought over freedom and taxes! Nearly 200 years later we have freedom,but we are being taxed to death. And in PA they the Dems and Governer Rendell want to tax beer of all things. We need fewer taxes

posted on Jul, 24 2003 @ 04:56 PM

Originally posted by JediMaster
Well 2 million of it went to the study of gay Indians......

The Revolutionary War was fought over freedom and taxes! Nearly 200 years later we have freedom,but we are being taxed to death. And in PA they the Dems and Governer Rendell want to tax beer of all things. We need fewer taxes

I also remember on the news a gov't study on young asian prostitutes and their effect on older men.

*looking for a link*

posted on Jul, 24 2003 @ 04:59 PM
Here it is!!!!

That's right, Bush has a keen interest in sexual research that will cost the taxpayers at least $1.5 million. The National Institutes of Health will soon begin studying four very vital sexual questions:

Why do some Americans take sexual risks?

Do older American men experience a decline in sex?

What are the habits of Asian prostitutes in San Francisco?

And what about homosexuality among Native Americans?
As a guy who pays a ton of taxes, I really don't see the need for any of the above studies unless you are programming a cable television station. And because I love my country, I will volunteer to complete this study right now. The following research is rock-solid:

Americans take sexual risks because they are a) dumb; b) bored; c) self-destructive, or d) all of the above.

Old guys still like sex, but naps intrude on performance.

Asian prostitutes in San Francisco charge money and wear sweaters over their hot pants.

Leave Tonto and the Lone Ranger alone!
Okay, there's your study. Please put the $1.5 million back in the Treasury.

posted on Jul, 24 2003 @ 05:02 PM
I would rather see a decent study on the health benifits of another of my native american family's practices...eating the heart of your enemy.

posted on Jul, 24 2003 @ 05:57 PM
The one about Asian prostitutes in SF is funny, since the only hookers in SF are usually white, black or men.

All the Asians chicks are taking Electrical Engineering or Biomechanics at Stanford. No time for nooky, to much homework!!!

Go Cardinal!!!

posted on Jul, 24 2003 @ 06:02 PM
FDR...just dig him up and b|tch slap him. This is all his fault. The federal income tax, social security, the resultant medicare...

dig the old fart up and slap him.

posted on Jul, 24 2003 @ 09:21 PM
you're preaching to the choir! Property taxes

My county just upped our sales tax a whole 1%.
The county I work in has a 'sin tax' which was originally used to build the Indians stadium, which is done, but we still have the tax. The state I live in, suffering from brain drain, has raised taxes on everything and begun taxing things like cable television and dry cleaning. It's nuts! I can think of a certain political party you might want to stop voting for if you're fed up with taxes

posted on Jul, 24 2003 @ 09:36 PM

Originally posted by Bob88
you're preaching to the choir! Property taxes

My county just upped our sales tax a whole 1%.
The county I work in has a 'sin tax' which was originally used to build the Indians stadium, which is done, but we still have the tax. The state I live in, suffering from brain drain, has raised taxes on everything and begun taxing things like cable television and dry cleaning. It's nuts! I can think of a certain political party you might want to stop voting for if you're fed up with taxes

Huh. I grew up where you work, Bob!
The sin tax is one of several reasons I left.
Look at it this way, though. You don't pay sales tax on food or non-carbonated bevs up there. Here in NC, everything is freakin' taxed. I'm still getting used to my lunch costing more than what it says on the menu!
Nor do you pay property tax on your vehicles. Once you get south of the Mason-Dixon, a lot of states apply a similar tax to your car as they do to your house.

Too damn much tax in general, though, no matter where anyone lives.
Maybe we should all crowd Delaware.


posted on Jul, 24 2003 @ 10:00 PM

well, work wise that is. goods are always taxed, no way around it. i refuse to let them take out $ from my income. they get enough from everything else they tax. believe me, their are ways around paying fed and state SS taxes.

posted on Jul, 24 2003 @ 10:17 PM
Welcome to the NWO. One of the tactics is to tax all your income and wages and make you dependent on the government for subsistence. If you are dependent on the government for everything, then you are less likely to revolt. The NWO is relying on the fact that most people cannot connect the right to property with other political rights (free speech, etc.). The fundamental right is the right to enjoy and use property; most people do not see this, but I can show you the relationship if you desire. By the way, for those who may be in the Tax Movement, BEWARE!!!! There are a lot of snake oil people in that business and some of them are big names. Be careful whom you trust.

posted on Jul, 24 2003 @ 11:50 PM
I find your statements very interesting concerning the NWO.

If these plans are true, then this must necessarily mean that the Democratic party is, in fact, the NWO.

I will keep an eye on I have been.

posted on Jul, 25 2003 @ 01:55 AM
No jagdflieger, that's need for world conspiracy to have a bunch of liberal pinkos trying to expand Federal power.

posted on Jul, 25 2003 @ 02:36 AM
I find it interesting how much Americans complain about
the amount of federal and state tax they have to pay( yes, there are ways around it but most people just pay up to avoid the hassle!)
The USA is probably the best bargain in the world as far as paying taxes_we laugh at you when you people complain about the rising cost of petrol, try paying $4.75 a Gallon! that is " normal" for us and complaining won't get you very far. The tax collected is used for alternative energy sources ( windmills etc)
Here it seems we get more for our tax paid. Our government is representative of what the people want/ It is based on reality and is proportionate.
We pay road tax and the roads are decent_not full of potholes like in Belgium. We pay a lot of federal tax_but have a health care system and never see doctor or prescription bills. If you need an operation or become ill, you won't lose your home here, which is a luxury many americans do not have.
They tax everything what_you don't miss what you don't see. And what we *get* is worth every cent.

posted on Jul, 25 2003 @ 02:44 AM
Zina Gas Mileage in Europe is much better.

As well as the driving distances, you can travel across Germany with just 300 miles of Driving....

You can't even cross Nevada with 400 miles of Driving, and in the desert, the nearest gas stations are over 80 miles apart.

I can drive easily over 200 miles in a matter of 2 days.

Imagine if I had a truck with just 18 miles to the gallon

posted on Jul, 25 2003 @ 02:47 AM
Oh, I should also mention...yeah you get a lot of services with your "hefty tax".

But the greatest service you don't even know you're getting, is the rimjob the Government gives you when they want to do what they want, because they pay for all your needs.

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