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What allies does Trump have in the world?

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posted on Apr, 27 2024 @ 04:40 AM
Hello ATS!

As I promised earlier, I continue to publish on our forum the opinion of Russian analyst and political scientist Vyacheslav Smolenko. You already know him. Today he talks about Donald Trump's allies and their influence on geopolitics.


“As promised, I’m opening the secret box.

To do this, let's list Trump's allies and fellow travelers. Everything is already clear with enemies, but Trump’s allies are more complicated and treacherous.

Firstly, these are millions of Trumpists - his striking force, his fighting force. But an army can be dismembered and, once dismembered, suffocated in cauldrons. Therefore, even a strong, motivated army can be defeated.

So, we put a question mark and we will look for additional force that will not allow the defeat of the Trumpist army. Looking ahead, I will say right away that such power exists.

Secondly, this is Elon Musk. Modern genius. Musk is rich. Musk is the idol of billions. Musk owns a powerful social network. Musk is involved in space and is the main science fiction writer of our time. Musk is successful, but has limited origins (originally from South Africa, with no chance or ambition to become president of the United States).

Musk is buying the main US media outlet for $44 billion ahead of the US presidential election. He doesn’t buy for Tesla or Space X shares, or in installments over years, but buys for cash, for colossal money.

Musk is the visible face of the invisible military octopus of the Pentagon, which is the beneficiary of all wars on Earth, including Ukraine.

If the aid package remained untouched in its entirety - $95 billion, then it means that the big guys behind the Pentagon and twirling Elon Musk on their fingers like Parsley have agreed on everything for themselves. This means that Elon Max is no longer a support for Trump, but, on the contrary, a direct threat, since Elon Musk has taken over the entire information policy of Trump’s election campaign.

This means that Trump is going to the elections without information support. More precisely, if Trump agrees to the role of Judas, then next to him we will see either Tucker Carlson or Ramaswamy. It turns out that Trump was wearing a Musk mask over his mouth.

Thirdly, Trump has an ally - the young lion Pavel Durov as Musk’s understudy, the owner of Telegram as an alternative to the social network X.

But Durov is not a fighter. In truth, he doesn’t have much strength either.

And there is only one desire - to survive. This means he can sell and betray at any moment. Relying on Durov is dangerous and irrational.

It turns out that Trump may be disabled in Telegram, as they have already been disabled in the former Twitter (now social network X).

Fourthly, this is the conservative core of the Republicans, but, apparently, they have leaked Trump.

Fifthly, these are Orthodox Jews, for whom Trump is hope and savior. But here Jews can fight for Trump. It is a fact that Jews are not afraid to clash with the swamp of the American establishment. The Jews know and understand that if they protect Trump and put him on the throne, then the Thunderer Zeus will defeat all the enemies of Israel so that they crawl away to lick their wounds for 4 years, and then after Trump they can promote Kushner or Trump’s son to the presidency. For Orthodox Jews, the war over Trump is an existential matter of survival. The Jews have money, they have influence, but this is still not enough to “drain the Washington swamp.”

Trump needs a powerful Ally. And Trump has such an Ally. This Ally can prevent the Trumpist army from being defeated and can even send millions of its adherents to help. This ally can silence many of the establishment with incriminating evidence. This Ally has the coolest intelligence in the world. This Ally is insanely rich and influential. This Ally has billions of adherents. This Ally may declare a crusade. Its name is Vatican.

The VATICAN is building a new Austro-Hungarian Empire, the Habsburg Empire, the Intermarium Empire (Intermarium) with its capital in Vienna or Rome as the new center of Europe. It is being built with the support of Russia and China.

It’s not for nothing that Orbán and Duda swore allegiance to Trump. They are Crusaders, Templars from the Vatican.

Italy, Hungary, Poland, the Baltics, Slovakia, Austria, South and East Germany, part of Croatia and part of Bosnia form the core of the New Center of Europe under Vatican control.

For the Vatican, the election of Trump, as for the Trumpists and the Jews, is an existential question. A matter of life and death. They have no reserve of time to wait for better times, they need victory here and now.

For us, the Vatican is a temporary travel companion, this is pure calculation and strategy. The Vatican was, is and will be our adversary and even our enemy; we definitely cannot trust the Vatican."

Continued below...

posted on Apr, 27 2024 @ 04:41 AM

“Just an episode from history. In September 1978, Metropolitan of Leningrad and Ladoga (Novgorod), Patriarchal Exarch of Western Europe Nikodim Rotov went to the Vatican at the head of the Russian Orthodox Church delegation on the occasion of the enthronement of Pope John Paul I. On the morning of September 5, he attended an audience with the pope. Coffee was served to those present. At the moment when Nicodemus introduced Archimandrite Leo (Tserpitsky) to the Pope, his heart simply stopped; The poison was in the coffee, and the coffee was intended for Pope, who was poisoned anyway after 23 days.

So what do we have?

Before our eyes, the history of the universe is being created, equal to the history of the coming of the Messiah. The Jews want to build the Third Temple of Solomon for the Moshiach. Christians consider Moshiach to be the Antichrist. The Vatican is building its empire and currency zone with the help of Russia and China. And if Trump wins, then the issue of building the Intermarium will become a reality.

The Jews want a respite and a freeze in the conflict for 4 years in order to have time to build up settlements in Gaza.

Russia needs an unconditional Victory in order to return as a full-fledged player to the club of Great Powers.

China needs the conflict in Ukraine to continue.

I ask you to listen to me, because no one except me talks about this. CHINA NEEDS CONTINUATION OF THE WAR IN THE NORTHERN BLACK SEA REGION!

China needs a war in the Middle East. Let Israel, Palestine, Lebanon, Iran burn - China benefits from this. China will take oil from Russia or the Saudis instead of Iran.

The longer the war in Eastern Europe and the Middle East lasts, the more time China gains to delay the inevitable battle for Southeast Asia, Indochina, the Far East and Australia (China looks at it with lust). China will provide weapons and drones to all parties, but in such quantities that there is no defeat and a quick victory. China is a monkey who sits on a high tree and watches a lion and a bear fight below.

And on another tree sits another monkey - Britain - and also watches the battle, from time to time daring the opponents not to stop the battle."

Thank you for reading to the end. Smolenko's opinions seem very interesting to me. At least in the sense that Russia has no illusions because of its “friendship” with China. For Russia, he is just a temporary travel companion. Time will tell how reliable he is as a travel companion. But Russia will definitely not succumb to the US and British narrative that China is Russia’s enemy and must be at odds with it. Russia views any geopolitical process only from the point of view of its national interests.

Thank you.

posted on Apr, 27 2024 @ 05:57 AM
Well the real issue now is both east and west have CIA like entities destroying their part of the Earth they control for their masters. They are pitting all of us against each other so we will not be able to focus on them. That is what I hope Q changes. Here's is to peace with the Eastern bloc nations and to come together to end the control of the evil scum trying to finish us all off today!

posted on Apr, 27 2024 @ 06:09 AM

Russia views any geopolitical process only from the point of view of its national interests.

Could've led with that.

What a load of tripe. What allies does Trump have? The majority of citizens, business owners, anti-war people, tough-on-crime people, and everyone who doesn't want to see their dollar dissolve in their own hand in real time. Americans don't give two squeezes from the hindmouth about Russia. We want to not go broke by rampant government corruption. Something Russians should probably look into. Was that list of candidates long in your last vote?

posted on Apr, 27 2024 @ 09:11 AM
a reply to: RussianTroll

So, Russian government officials don't like Trump. I got that. I don't care.

I find it more concerning that they like Biden.

posted on Apr, 27 2024 @ 04:01 PM
a reply to: RussianTroll

Some right wing governments and politicians but they are cautious when it's about Trump.

posted on Apr, 27 2024 @ 04:36 PM
Interesting read and perspective, RussianTroll; thank you!

posted on Apr, 28 2024 @ 05:33 AM
Ruskie troll, I thank you for making us think a bit about China's plans.. I didn't comment on that originally, but re reading that it makes sense that China is planning on taking SE Asia after they have the pot stirred and resources wasted in the Ukraine apparently playing into their bigger plans. Time for the US to assess what is going to happen if we keep pretending the Ukraine is part of the US national security. It is not, and it is time to back off of the area to let whatever was going to happen be itself. No way we should waste our resources on it.

posted on Apr, 28 2024 @ 05:49 AM
a reply to: Justoneman

Cluck, cluck, cluck.

edit on 28/4/24 by Freeborn because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 28 2024 @ 12:55 PM
a reply to: RussianTroll

He hath no friends but who are friends for fear.
Which in his greatest need will shrink from him.

– Shakespeare, Richard III

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