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Gov Kristi Noem Shot and Killed "Less Than Worthless Dog" and a 'Smelly Goat

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posted on May, 3 2024 @ 02:28 PM

originally posted by: FlyersFan
... AND in the book she claims to have met with North Korea's Kim Jong Un.
But she never did. It's made up.

Kristi Noem Falsely Claims She Met King Jong Un

Put a fork in it. She's done.
She timed this book to come out when she was in the running for VP.
But it looks like it sank her.

Well, I did not want her to be VP. The point is moot now. I hope it's General Flynn, that would send a message! I am looking forward to watching his movie "Flynn"

posted on May, 5 2024 @ 11:57 AM

originally posted by: FlyersFan
... AND in the book she claims to have met with North Korea's Kim Jong Un.
But she never did. It's made up.

Kristi Noem Falsely Claims She Met King Jong Un

Put a fork in it. She's done.
She timed this book to come out when she was in the running for VP.
But it looks like it sank her.

Yeah, she's done. But not for killing her dog. She's done because of her Kim Jong Un claim. She knows that Donald Trump is a fan boy of Lil Kim. But still, such a bald-faced lie wouldn't sit well with Trump either. So, I believe her. She met Lil Kim, but it was a top-secret meeting, and she wasn't allowed to talk about. But she did, so now she, like Hillary Clinton and Brian William are relegated to the [LOL Liars Corner", never to be redeemed. But at least they weren't killed for talking!

posted on May, 5 2024 @ 12:18 PM

originally posted by: Sookiechacha
Yeah, she's done. But not for killing her dog.

A couple of headlines had news articles saying that this was the one topic that the country agrees on .... Kristi Noem sucks cuz' she killed her pet dog and a farm goat.

posted on May, 5 2024 @ 12:32 PM
a reply to: FlyersFan

If the replies here in this thread are any indication of America's feelings on her shooting her dog, then a lot of farmers and hunters' and people that know farmers and hunters, have got her back on that. And it might look like this is the story that killed her career, but in the long run, it's the revealing of details of a top-secret encounter in her book that's what did it!

It's why Hillary got James Comey-ed and Briam Williams lost his well-esteemed career.

edit on 2420242024k33America/Chicago2024-05-05T12:33:24-05:0012pm2024-05-05T12:33:24-05:00 by Sookiechacha because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 5 2024 @ 12:59 PM

originally posted by: Sookiechacha
If the replies here in this thread are any indication of America's feelings on her shooting her dog, then a lot of farmers and hunters' and people that know farmers and hunters, have got her back on that.

Really? The comments sections in all the news articles I read about this had farmers probably 70/30 against her.

it's the revealing of details of a top-secret encounter in her book that's what did it!

Why would she have met with him though? She was a nobody.

I'm going with she was stooooopid and claimed a meeting that didn't happen, thinking that nobody kept records.

At any rate .. whichever it was ... I think she's done.

posted on May, 5 2024 @ 01:13 PM
a reply to: FlyersFan

Apparently this animal saw its pack as munching material. She was apparently the second owner as the 1st had to give him away for attacking others.

This is typical dogs are given to farmers as a second chance when they show they can't handle suburban life. Well sometimes they can't handle farm life either. Farmers can't have all their chickens killed by a local dog. It gets the same treatment a wolf or coyote will get.

Nothing wrong with what she did however it shows very poor judgment including it in a book. This shows a severe lack of judgment meaning she's not ready to be in politics

posted on May, 5 2024 @ 01:28 PM

originally posted by: dragonridr
She was apparently the second owner as the 1st had to give him away for attacking others.

I googled around and couldn't find anything on that.
If you have a link, please post it. thanks.

The only attack that has been discussed is the one "attack" in the book and it's not much of an 'attack'. The dog came back from hunting and was still in hunting mode and went after some chickens. Kristi Noem stepped in and tried to grab the dog to stop it from attacking, and the dog turned to bite her on the hand.

That's it. Not much of an 'attack' on humans. Noem interfered with a dog that was doing what was natural and what it had just been taught to do .. hunt birds. She put her hand in the way. And in fact the quotes from the book don't say that she got bit but that the dog turned to bite. That's two different things.

I think we'll know more when the book comes out but it kind of sounds like she knows she got caught in a screw up so she's trying to talk up the dog attacking, when the book doesn't say the dog did ... but only that it turned to bite when interfered with.

posted on May, 5 2024 @ 01:32 PM
What the hell is wrong with this woman?

In her book she said that Bidens dog should 'say hello to Cricket'.
Meaning it should be put down for being aggressive.
Maybe it should be ... but you don't say it like that.
Cricket had a life and to be so flip about it is just wrong.

Daily Mail

posted on May, 5 2024 @ 06:49 PM
a reply to: FlyersFan

Why would she have met with him though? She was a nobody.

IDK, but my grandparents were nobodies too, and they met Nikita Khrushchev when JFK was President, I think. They worked for People to People, from when Eisenhower President until JFK was President. They were allowed to talk about it, though.

Trump was President, she was a member of Congress. representing SD. Who knows what lies "they" tell us and what secret military stuff is going on in South Dakota! Noem meeting Kim Jong Un is just too tall of a story to be a lie, in my opinion.

edit on 3620242024k11America/Chicago2024-05-05T19:11:36-05:0007pm2024-05-05T19:11:36-05:00 by Sookiechacha because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 5 2024 @ 07:57 PM

originally posted by: FlyersFan
What the hell is wrong with this woman?

In her book she said that Bidens dog should 'say hello to Cricket'.
Meaning it should be put down for being aggressive.
Maybe it should be ... but you don't say it like that.
Cricket had a life and to be so flip about it is just wrong.

Daily Mail

Biden’s dog bit the secret service 24 times and those are the ones we know about. The dog should be put down or given to one person far away from anyone else. Either or. The dog has some serious issues probably due to poor training.

IDK what to say about Noem’s case. Dogs that went after and killed chickens got shot back in the day, just the way it was. I haven’t really read much about the situation but seems like she should’ve given the dog to someone else, same with the goat.

edit on 5-5-2024 by KrustyKrab because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 6 2024 @ 03:53 AM
a reply to: KrustyKrab

Sure, Bidens dog is out of control and dangerous and if someone says to put it down I'm fine with that. But the way she said it .. 'Bidens dog should say hello to cricket' .... that's just being flippant about a dog you killed and it really rubs me the wrong way.

I thought this woman did a good job as governor and would have made a good V.P. for Trump. I have completely changed my mind on that .... and yes it's based on what she did to the dog, the goat, and what she says about meeting the N. Korea dictator. Wonder what else is in that book of hers.

posted on May, 6 2024 @ 05:11 AM
Most Everyone loves furry animals, big mistake and bad move to even mention killing a dog. Does she not remember the Marines throwing puppies during the Iraq war, and how that was met with disaster for the reputations they were supposed to uphold?

She is hot for an older lady though.

posted on May, 6 2024 @ 05:25 AM
a reply to: FlyersFan

I have heard many different commentators on this, and they all seem to say the same thing. Why on Gods green Earth did she put this in her book? Well, we may never know the answer to that, but it's clear that kind of mindset is NOT what folks want as a VP, so we all dodged a bullet on this one. It's a net win as I see it.

posted on May, 6 2024 @ 03:39 PM
a reply to: network dude

Now if gov. noem had of shot those animals with Marjorie Taylor Greens "Jewish space Lasers" that would have been a worthy addition to her book.

posted on May, 9 2024 @ 04:43 PM
YEP .. it was bound to happen.
She's being mocked for Halloween.
Kristie Noem Puppy Killer Halloween Costumes for $80.
All proceeds go to PETA charity.

PETA Trolls Kristi Noem Halloween

South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem’s admission that she executed a badly behaved pet dog, has seen animal rights organisation PETA announce a mocking limited edition Halloween costume.

The costume features a mask of Ms Noem’s face with devil horns, a camo hat imprinted with “Noem: Puppy Killer,” and a fake gun.

Titled “Cricket’s Revenge” – a reference to the dead puppy – it will also feature a small stuffed dog to “bite” the neck of the wearer, adorned with a bandanna that reads, “Take a Bite out of Cruelty.”

The costumes are retailing at $79.99 each and are available for preorder at the PETA Shop online. All proceeds will go towards the charity’s work.

posted on May, 9 2024 @ 05:27 PM

originally posted by: network dude
a reply to: FlyersFan

I have heard many different commentators on this, and they all seem to say the same thing. Why on Gods green Earth did she put this in her book? Well, we may never know the answer to that, but it's clear that kind of mindset is NOT what folks want as a VP, so we all dodged a bullet on this one. It's a net win as I see it.

It's almost like she was trying to sink her career. And where was her consultants to say you know this might be a bad idea. I think that is what amazes me the most no one bothered to tell her that a politician shouldn't be shooting dogs or children. Covering the second just in case she makes another book.

Can't have Cruella Noem say she wasn't told.

posted on May, 9 2024 @ 07:06 PM

originally posted by: FlyersFan
YEP .. it was bound to happen.
She's being mocked for Halloween.
Kristie Noem Puppy Killer Halloween Costumes for $80.
All proceeds go to PETA charity.

PETA Trolls Kristi Noem Halloween

South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem’s admission that she executed a badly behaved pet dog, has seen animal rights organisation PETA announce a mocking limited edition Halloween costume.

The costume features a mask of Ms Noem’s face with devil horns, a camo hat imprinted with “Noem: Puppy Killer,” and a fake gun.

Titled “Cricket’s Revenge” – a reference to the dead puppy – it will also feature a small stuffed dog to “bite” the neck of the wearer, adorned with a bandanna that reads, “Take a Bite out of Cruelty.”

The costumes are retailing at $79.99 each and are available for preorder at the PETA Shop online. All proceeds will go towards the charity’s work.

Shouldn’t she get a cut for using her ‘likeness’?
…I bet all proceeds aren’t going to PETA either.

edit on 9-5-2024 by Kaiju666 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 9 2024 @ 07:20 PM

originally posted by: network dude
a reply to: FlyersFan

I have heard many different commentators on this, and they all seem to say the same thing. Why on Gods green Earth did she put this in her book? Well, we may never know the answer to that, but it's clear that kind of mindset is NOT what folks want as a VP, so we all dodged a bullet on this one. It's a net win as I see it.

That was also my take when I first heard the story break. Like..WTF where you thinking. Just because you can doesn’t always mean you should.

posted on May, 9 2024 @ 07:30 PM
I swear, the way people are carrying on about this, you'd think Noem shot John Wicks dog.

posted on May, 9 2024 @ 08:51 PM
Dogs get shot. Smelly goats get shot.

Stop the Disney world of animals spin.

Quit giving animals human emotions. They don’t have them no matter how much you want them to.

Don’t quote me the entire “how we treat animals is indicative of…..BS”

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