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23,000 Dead People Registered Within a Two Week Period In One State

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+21 more 
posted on Apr, 3 2024 @ 10:03 PM
So, it seems it has started. Massive registration mainly in states that are critical to go one way or the other. In many states that are hard one way or the other new registrations are low. The bigger issue is in these contested states there is mass registration for new voters with many having no ID, so they must use the last 4 of their SS. When this happens, the SS is sent to the DMV and then the ID is matched. With no ID at all it goes to SS for validation, and it is then only determined if the person is dead or not.

For example, in TX 2020 for Mar 11,000 new voter registrations, zero came back dead or with zero ID. Today in two weeks in TX 227,000 new voter registrations with a massive no ID on record so the SS is checked and 4,500 dead. That means people filled out a voter registration and then died within a week, OK... Not to mention the massive ZERO ID of any kind in the DMV, that is a lot of Amish.

Missouri within 2 weeks 78,000 new registered massive no ID so the SS numbers were sent to SS for verification and 23,000 came back dead... We are only talking 2 weeks...

Most times in the past we would see very low dead numbers or zero ID numbers in the very low 2-digit range off of tens of thousands of new registered voters. This is not purging to voter rolls either as it deals only with NEW registered voters.

One might think illegal aliens are registering and that might be the case in some of it, but what really looks like is happening is with today's databases people are submitting registrations for people who have not done it or really don't care to do it. So, a group runs 10,000s of these names just to get them on the voter roll to generate an official ballot. They would not know if they were dead or not, just that they are not yet on a voter roll, so a group(s) is submitting massive names in critical states, and we get large dead counts.

What do you think the end state of that might look like? I think massive ballot harvesting as you need to seed the field before you sow the grain, right?

If you want a more in-depth version listen to "Timcast 23,000 dead people" pod cast at the 11 to 20 minute mark as he goes into it much more deeply than my overview.

posted on Apr, 3 2024 @ 10:30 PM
In the lead up to the last election, a lot of work went on to clean up the voter roles. At the last minute the Dems went with the over bloated version of the voter role to maximize the fraud. Prepare for that play again.

+4 more 
posted on Apr, 3 2024 @ 11:51 PM
a reply to: Xtrozero

Way back in 2000 in Texas there were family members of my daughter that got on a bus, were given the the list of names they voted with for the county and voted in 5 different counties.

They were paid $200 for the trip and had Tacasita for lunch.

They were all illegal aliens.

So this doesn't surprise me.

Democrats are surprisingly sleazy people...

edit on 100000004America/Chicago4pmWed, 03 Apr 2024 23:55:20 -050055 by Lumenari because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 4 2024 @ 12:03 AM

originally posted by: Lumenari
a reply to: Xtrozero

Way back in 2000 in Texas there were family members of my daughter that got on a bus, were given the the list of names they voted with for the county and voted in 5 different counties.

They were paid $200 for the trip and had Tacasita for lunch.

They were all illegal aliens.

So this doesn't surprise me.

Democrats are surprisingly sleazy people...

I want to say that’s crazy but…….sounds about par for the democrats. They have zero integrity or credibility.

posted on Apr, 4 2024 @ 12:38 AM

originally posted by: Lumenari
a reply to: Xtrozero

Way back in 2000 in Texas there were family members of my daughter that got on a bus, were given the the list of names they voted with for the county and voted in 5 different counties.

They were paid $200 for the trip and had Tacasita for lunch.

They were all illegal aliens.

So this doesn't surprise me.

Democrats are surprisingly sleazy people...

What a great story of fully admitted GOP voter fraud and manipulation.
I hope you and you like are proud of your admission of guilt
And you call yourself an Amican gay.

posted on Apr, 4 2024 @ 12:56 AM

posted on Apr, 4 2024 @ 01:18 AM
a reply to: kwaka

None of this is surprising in any way. Once the communists entrench themselves, they're like a tick that's burrowed under your skin and need to be removed the same way. That said, the American version of communism is a soft version until they can figure out a way to get the damn firearms out of the picture.

posted on Apr, 4 2024 @ 01:29 AM
a reply to: Xtrozero

Pretty sure this is a day of visibility...for the dead!

It's national undead visibility day. They may be seeking asylum from Hell!!! How dare...anyone make fun of them. Their votes count too.

posted on Apr, 4 2024 @ 02:49 AM
Well, I guess the Republicans sitting at the tables in the polling places didn't do their job and check IDs and registrations of those people then.

Shame on them.

Because you do realize, there is a DEM and A Republican at every step of the voting process, don't you?

a reply to: Lumenari

posted on Apr, 4 2024 @ 04:34 AM
a reply to: Xtrozero

It was Resurrection Sunday just a few days ago.

Whadda ya xpect?

posted on Apr, 4 2024 @ 05:49 AM

originally posted by: Xtrozero
So, it seems it has started. Massive registration mainly in states that are critical to go one way or the other. In many states that are hard one way or the other new registrations are low. The bigger issue is in these contested states there is mass registration for new voters with many having no ID, so they must use the last 4 of their SS. When this happens, the SS is sent to the DMV and then the ID is matched. With no ID at all it goes to SS for validation, and it is then only determined if the person is dead or not.

For example, in TX 2020 for Mar 11,000 new voter registrations, zero came back dead or with zero ID. Today in two weeks in TX 227,000 new voter registrations with a massive no ID on record so the SS is checked and 4,500 dead. That means people filled out a voter registration and then died within a week, OK... Not to mention the massive ZERO ID of any kind in the DMV, that is a lot of Amish.

Missouri within 2 weeks 78,000 new registered massive no ID so the SS numbers were sent to SS for verification and 23,000 came back dead... We are only talking 2 weeks...

Most times in the past we would see very low dead numbers or zero ID numbers in the very low 2-digit range off of tens of thousands of new registered voters. This is not purging to voter rolls either as it deals only with NEW registered voters.

One might think illegal aliens are registering and that might be the case in some of it, but what really looks like is happening is with today's databases people are submitting registrations for people who have not done it or really don't care to do it. So, a group runs 10,000s of these names just to get them on the voter roll to generate an official ballot. They would not know if they were dead or not, just that they are not yet on a voter roll, so a group(s) is submitting massive names in critical states, and we get large dead counts.

What do you think the end state of that might look like? I think massive ballot harvesting as you need to seed the field before you sow the grain, right?

If you want a more in-depth version listen to "Timcast 23,000 dead people" pod cast at the 11 to 20 minute mark as he goes into it much more deeply than my overview.
Do you have a source for this ?

posted on Apr, 4 2024 @ 06:03 AM

originally posted by: Disgusted123
Well, I guess the Republicans sitting at the tables in the polling places didn't do their job and check IDs and registrations of those people then.

Shame on them.

Because you do realize, there is a DEM and A Republican at every step of the voting process, don't you?

a reply to: Lumenari

That's not really true. In some states there are dual observers for things like adjudication of filled in ballots and other steps of the process, but many do not have those rules. Also, as we know, voter id laws have been struck down in many states because of racism claims. Thirdly, who is to say someone is an R or D at heart when they are applying for those roles. Finally, we know in the last election that observers in several states were prevented from doing their job by local 'activist' election officials.

That said, it is interesting that you blame a Republican observer when according to your understandign, both parties are represented -- ie, they both failed to discover the fraud.

I think the bigger issue here is the OP and dead people being registered en masse. That should be condemned simply and quickly rather than blaming some theoretical id check that apparently was allowed through by both Dem and Republican observers.

posted on Apr, 4 2024 @ 06:21 AM

originally posted by: Disgusted123
Well, I guess the Republicans sitting at the tables in the polling places didn't do their job and check IDs and registrations of those people then.

Shame on them.

Because you do realize, there is a DEM and A Republican at every step of the voting process, don't you?

a reply to: Lumenari

My son works the polls in Alaska. When a voters ID is questionable, it's passed on to the supervisor who then decides whether to accept or reject. He saw first hand votes being accepted that were clarly beyond the law.

Everybody is watching this year; one group looking for proof there is no voter fraud, the other looking for proof there is. Either way, it seems to be beyond the scope of anyone's ability to change things.

The hanky-panky this election will be one for the records.

posted on Apr, 4 2024 @ 06:22 AM
a reply to: Xtrozero

Voter rolls Need To Be Purged, audited and kept up to date YEARLY.

Voter fraud and dead people voting, is a bigger threat to NatSec than the damn weather or climate any day.

Why not just go back to LAND OWNERS voting, and 99% of the fraud is resolved.

Why do I say this some may wonder, because that's the way it was originally.

One must have a stake in this Country to vote legitimately.

I not against the current alleged system, I am against ILLEGAL Aliens being given American rights.

posted on Apr, 4 2024 @ 06:30 AM
a reply to: Disgusted123

Because you do realize, there is a DEM and A Republican at every step of the voting process, don't you?

In many States it could be a DEM and an independent, or a REP and an independent.

In some States, and with some processes like signature verification, computer programs are being used with and without party oversight.

In some States computer programs are being used by 3rd parties to process or adjudicate ballots without party oversight.

Party oversight doesn't follow ballots around through every step of the election process, so it's important that chain-of-custody records are properly maintained. All other election records should also be properly maintained and preserved, including all digital records, ballot images, and timestamps.

Even when observers and election workers report instances and evidence of irregularities, malfeasance, and fraud, some States will certify their elections anyway, so it's important that government officials work with election experts to create and enforce sound election laws.

posted on Apr, 4 2024 @ 07:56 AM
a reply to: Xtrozero

No wonder Joe Biden wants to shake hands with dead people.

posted on Apr, 4 2024 @ 08:13 AM
Do you have a source for this ?

He states to go to Tim Poole's podcast, where it is explained more than just the OP's brief synopsis.

posted on Apr, 4 2024 @ 08:19 AM

originally posted by: CarlLaFong
a reply to: Xtrozero

No wonder Joe Biden wants to shake hands with dead people.

He just wants to thank his voters.

posted on Apr, 4 2024 @ 08:19 AM

originally posted by: TheSemiskepticII
Do you have a source for this ?

He states to go to Tim Poole's podcast, where it is explained more than just the OP's brief synopsis.Tim Poole is a nut case . Is there an AP source or someone credible as a source ?
Tim Poole is a conservative spin doctor

posted on Apr, 4 2024 @ 08:25 AM

originally posted by: ADVISOR
a reply to: Xtrozero

Voter rolls Need To Be Purged, audited and kept up to date YEARLY.

Voter fraud and dead people voting, is a bigger threat to NatSec than the damn weather or climate any day.

Why not just go back to LAND OWNERS voting, and 99% of the fraud is resolved.

Why do I say this some may wonder, because that's the way it was originally.

One must have a stake in this Country to vote legitimately.

I not against the current alleged system, I am against ILLEGAL Aliens being given American rights.

I agree that voter rolls need purging & audits yearly. Both democrats & republicans have goon squads that harvest ballots.

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