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Biden’s DOJ Silences Immigration Judges Amid Criticism

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+2 more 
posted on Mar, 15 2024 @ 06:58 PM
Things getting nit-picky at The DOJ.

In an apparent first-time move, The DOJ has decided to force Immigration Judges to "check in" for permission before "speaking" to The Media and even The Public!!

What could possibly be the problem?

Maybe the backlogs?

Maybe these judges are getting specific (possibly illegal) instructions about dealing with Migrants seeking Asylum?

Something dirty for sure.

Oh, and these immigration judges are apparently in a Union !! 😃

Note also, Immigration Judges are NOT part of The Judicial Branch. They are DOJ employees and inside The Executive Branch. 💡

Biden’s DOJ Silences Immigration Judges Amid Criticism Over Meddling In 3 Million-Case Backlog

The Department of Justice has imposed a policy requiring immigration judges to seek department approval before speaking with the media or the general public. An organization representing the interests of immigration judges says the move effectively prevents them from voicing their opinions publicly amidst a surge of 3 million unresolved cases.

According to the orders given by Chief Immigration Judge Sheila McNulty, the judges, who are part of the National Association of Immigration Judges (NAIJ), must first receive authorization from the DOJ before expressing their views. The gag-order-like policy for immigration judges does not appear to have any precedent under prior presidential administrations.

The instruction comes at a point when immigration services are being inundated by an invasion of illegal immigrants at the US southern border. Before the new policy, the NAIJ — represented under the umbrella of the International Federation of Professional and Technical Engineers union — had been publicly raising the alarm regarding the overwhelmed immigration system. Federation president Matt Biggs criticized the DOJ order for curtailing the free speech of his union membership.

posted on Mar, 15 2024 @ 07:08 PM
a reply to: xuenchen

Corruption in politics.government, institutions and bureaucracies
have become the norm. If you aren't corrupt you have no place.
You don't belong.

+4 more 
posted on Mar, 15 2024 @ 07:08 PM
a reply to: xuenchen

No free speech for the Biden regime!


I voted for Trump, you anti-Americans can bite me.

posted on Mar, 15 2024 @ 07:13 PM
We're going to get pushed to Alaska at the rate these illigals are flooding in.

posted on Mar, 15 2024 @ 07:25 PM
a reply to: xuenchen

Nice "Fasci"! I actually learned about those from Jordan Maxwell. He's the 'oracle' of occult symbolism research, in my opinion.

You like how the Senate is framed by two of them? Once you know, you can't unknow it.

Spot on reference! DOJ is just another tentacle of an agenda to break apart the Republic. These 'people' all took an oath that was apparently just ceremonial.

It's quite something to see judges that swore to uphold the Constitution, allowing an agency to dictate their 1st Amendment rights! If they acquiesce to this policy, how can they possibly be considered impartial?

I'd be terrified to be in front of any one of them in court. I would just skip the appearance, frankly. My attitude wouldn't be anomalous either. As the fabric of our social contract(s) errodes, people are going to blow off more than court dates. From there, it all unravels into a free-for-all.

posted on Mar, 15 2024 @ 08:05 PM
a reply to: xuenchen

America is one step away from a full blown dictatorship.

That is what is going on.

DOJ needs to be rebuilt from the bottom up, no wonder democrats want to end the supreme court as we know it.

Biden and democrats has been bringing the dirt of foreign countries into America illegally in private yet, these individuals will never be approved to come to the US due to their shady backgrounds.

Democrats has been violating our laws that applies to Americans, but they are waiving them on illegals.

People still are blind and deaf to what is been going.

We has been invaded, by the scorn of other countries out cast.

Now they are abusing power forcing judges no to speak, only in third world country dictatorships this is done.

edit on 15-3-2024 by marg6043 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 15 2024 @ 08:07 PM
a reply to: VariedcodeSole

What is terrifying coming out of this, is the confidence of the DOJ and the democrats that they will still be in power long enough to keep abusing the law indefinitely.

The bodies are going to start piling up as usual under democrats they will blame it on gang activities.

posted on Mar, 15 2024 @ 08:34 PM
a reply to: xuenchen

Nothing says "fascism bad" like silencing everyone!

posted on Mar, 16 2024 @ 10:32 AM

edit on 3/16/2024 by elevatedone because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 16 2024 @ 10:44 AM

originally posted by: DBCowboy
a reply to: xuenchen

No free speech for the Biden regime!


I voted for Trump, you anti-Americans can bite me.

You must have forgotten about the time that guy you voted for issued gag orders to the employees of multiple federal agencies within the first few days after he took office:

"Federal agencies are clamping down on public information and social media in the early days of Donald Trump’s presidency, limiting employees’ ability to issue news releases, tweet, make policy pronouncements or otherwise communicate with the outside world, according to memos and sources from multiple agencies."

posted on Mar, 16 2024 @ 10:53 AM

originally posted by: Boomer1947

originally posted by: DBCowboy
a reply to: xuenchen

No free speech for the Biden regime!


I voted for Trump, you anti-Americans can bite me.

You must have forgotten about the time that guy you voted for issued gag orders to the employees of multiple federal agencies within the first few days after he took office:

"Federal agencies are clamping down on public information and social media in the early days of Donald Trump’s presidency, limiting employees’ ability to issue news releases, tweet, make policy pronouncements or otherwise communicate with the outside world, according to memos and sources from multiple agencies."

Ah yes that was one of the early attempts that Democrat implants tested a smear operation against Trump. It was planned during the transition. 😃

posted on Mar, 16 2024 @ 10:56 AM
a reply to: Boomer1947

And, with hindsight, we can see the leaks, the backstabbing that the leftists in federal agencies lied and tried to undermine the Trump administration.

posted on Mar, 16 2024 @ 04:31 PM
Has anybody seen the videos of NY, a democrat hell hole, the illegals selling food and clothing in the sidewalks and streets while the prostitutes sell their goods mostly in AOC district.

The food and clothing is the same that has been given to them pay by tax payers.

AOC district neighborhood labeled 'Third World' as migrants clog streets and prostitutes overrun every block

No wonder the piece of crab democrats in the biden administration wants judges to be quiet to what is going on, the crime, the prostitution, drug cartels are over running the democrats states and cities.

The democrat's agenda is to turn American into a third world country.

posted on Mar, 16 2024 @ 04:35 PM
a reply to: marg6043

Thats the "Democracy" they are trying to save.

posted on Mar, 16 2024 @ 08:56 PM
Yes is its no a pretty picture what is going to happen in our nation under democrats.
edit on 16-3-2024 by marg6043 because: (no reason given)

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